Giselle and Lia approached the school to find out that they'd arrived early than usual. Only a few kids were roaming around the building. Giselle checked the time to make a suggestion. Even after Lia had forgiven her, Giselle continued to feel guilty for her behavior this morning.
"Do you want to hang out together? We can wait until your friends arrive," Giselle suggested.
Lia rejoiced at once, and the two had found a nice little spot for themselves. Just as they sat down to spend some quality time together, Giselle heard her phone ringing. Her face immediately sulked from knowing who it was.
That person was in charge of disrupting her mood lately. Giselle didn't like the growing distance between them or that silence filling their daily conversations. She did not expect this to be her reality, especially after witnessing Lillian through her whole confession. Giselle dreamed about being happily in love. Not that she thought she could go back to being teenagers in love, but at the very least, she was looking forward to spending time together without being holding back their own feelings. To realize that the aftermath was so cruel, Giselle was slowly losing her forbearance. She didn't want to spoil her mood in front of Lia again.
Having found enough reasons to persuade herself, Giselle didn't wish to spare any attention to her phone right now. She wanted to redeem herself with her daughter and chose to ignore the call. Nevertheless, to her regret, Lia was there to remind her mother. Giselle favored protesting. However, realizing how she had no chance fighting against her daughter, she answered her phone reluctantly.
"You're rather calling so early today!" Giselle sounded sarcastic deliberately.
Lillian heard the satire in her tone and continued to ignore it. She requested Giselle to pass the phone to Lia. Startled, Giselle didn't ask any questions and handed the phone to the little girl sitting by her side.
Lia looked just as confused as her mother.
"It's Lillian," Giselle signaled.
Lia's face brightened again. Somehow it aggravated Giselle to wonder how these two are fond of each other even though they have not met that often. Lia received the phone to greet Lillian heartily.
Giselle sat by her side with all ears. Lillian wanted to call so she could wish Lia for her quiz today. Just as she had hoped, Lia was still with Giselle. As soon as Lillian heard the little girl's voice, her heart melted.
"I wanted to wish you for your quiz today!" Lillian told.
"Who told you?" Lia questioned.
"An angel!" Lillian replied haughtily.
"An angel?" Lia repeated in awe while Giselle rolled off her eyes in absolute disregard. She looked away to sigh heavily but had her ears sharpened for the rest of their conversation.
It took Lia a moment to realize that the angel was none other than her mother. She giggled at once from the comparison and agreed actively. While the two shared a brief laugh, Giselle was fuming all alone. She wasn't impressed by Lillian calling her an angel.
Moving on, Lillian asked if Lia had prepared well for her quiz today. Frankly, she had called her for the very purpose. Lillian did try her best to impress the ladies while at it. Guessing from the response, she had successfully achieved it with Lia while having no clue about Giselle.
"I did," Lia answered.
"Woah- feels like you will get every question right!"
"I will."
"You sound very confidant!"
"I am."
"Alright. When I call later, I want to hear the same energy from you, okay?"
"Okay, Ms. Lillian."
It still amazed Lillian from hearing how festive Lia sounded despite the company she had with her. Unlike the awkward uncertainty she had with Giselle in every phone conversation, Lillian was pleased to have spoken with the little girl.
"You sound very happy for a school-going girl, Lia!" Lillian remarked.
"That's because I am excited. We are visiting my grandparents tomorrow."
"Again?" Lillian asked, finding herself startled from asking.
"I'm sorry!"
"Nothing, baby! So are you excited to meet your grandparents?"
"Yes, Aunt Gigi told me she's taking me out to the park."
"That sounds fun."
"Yes, it is!"
"Okay, you have fun at school today. And all the best for your quiz. Now, can you pass the phone to your mother?" Lillian requested.
"Yes, I can! You too, have fun at work, Ms. Lillian. Bye," Lia politely returned to obey. She handed over the phone back to her mother.
Giselle received but no longer wished to continue the conversation. While waiting as Lia chatted, she got reminded of how she couldn't have a proper talk with Lillian Grey. Lately, their conversation became so distant and formal that she felt talking to a stranger rather than her lover. Seeing that Lillian had fulfilled the purpose of calling early to wish Lia, Giselle found no subject to discuss with her. Thus, she informed Lillian about sending Lia off to school.
"Wait, Giselle," Lillian called out in panic.
"What is it?"
"I didn't know you were going to meet your parents again!"
"Are you that shocked to hear about it?"
"No- definitely not- you can visit them anytime. They are your family," Lillian polished her reply.
"You're my family too, but you are not here- though," Giselle noted bitterly.
It took a while, but instead of replying, Lillian apologized. Giselle took that as the signal.
"We can talk later!" she strictly said and hung up the call.
Giselle was hardly able to remain composed. She knew if she'd give in to her feelings, tears would be pouring already. She didn't want Lia to witness her acting pathetic. Meanwhile, her rushed farewell had shocked the little girl.
"Mom, you didn't even talk to her properly!" Lia blamed.
"I will later, sweetie!"
Lia studied her mother's face again, and there it was, the return of that grumpiness. She could grasp somehow and connect the dots.
"So, dad was right!" Lia uttered abruptly to her wonder.
"About what?"
"Ah? Nothing-"
"What are you hiding from me now?" Giselle asked, almost channeling the anger she held at Lillian towards the little girl.
"Ah- Dad said that maybe you and Ms. Lillian are fighting. That's why you are getting angry recently!" Lia informed.
Scared, the little girl admitted how her father had surmised the possibility of Giselle and Lillian fighting. Giselle was surprised to hear that Ethan and Lia were also talking behind her back. She got angrier but exhausted herself from expressing or fighting it back. She had finally given up and sighed heavily, fretting at her own misery.
Giselle acknowledged but warned Lia to confess and not save secrets from her. Also, she blamed the whole fight to be Lillian's fault and that Lia mustn't take her side.
Lia's friends finally showed up to her rescue. Giselle noticed to stop preaching to her daughter.
"Now, go on. Your friends are here."
Giselle paused to finally throw in a smile, wishing Lia to ace the quiz.
"I will!" Lia vowed cheerfully to kiss her mother before joining her friends.
However, before leaving, she did request her mother not to stay angry at Ms. Lillian. She asked her to forgive her and not fight anymore. Giselle had a tough time vowing to her daughter, but her words were the consolation she needed to regard sincerely.
Giselle nodded. She was at a state where she was even willing to forgive Lillian if only she could openly talk to her.
I shared on my Instagram that today's upload would be little delayed. Honestly, I didn't expect it to delay this much. Well, a writer can have distractions.
And to those who don't know, our family is planning to move houses, so I'm bound to do some scouting for a new place. That's why today got delayed this much.
Now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
See you on Thursday. Until then, take care and stay safe guys.
With much love,
Ljack Ace