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Getting a grip on things

Considering the situation Ben felt it was a bit to unsafe at the moment to get some rest with creatures of he'll currently swarming the earth so instead he began preparing for his journey as although he would be happy to stay where he is it just wasn't the safest of areas, Ben thought he would be safest with others at the moment.

The first thing Ben grabbed was his backpack as although he had an inventory he wouldn't want a secret like that to be shared with the world because as far as he was aware it was only him with the fictional world system, the question was however, what should he put in the backpack?

The obvious things where some canned food and bottled water but other than that what where the essentials that he should have in his bag to make him look less suspicious.

"Wait a minute can I just put a couple of things in my bag and everything else in my inventory and if in need something just take it out with my hand in the bag and anyone that sees it should be non the wiser"

After Ben gathered everything he thought would be useful a few hours had passed and he was beginning to hear less screaming from outside. "It seems like the first wave of demons is over, let's just hope that before the next army of he'll descend only once we have gotten used to this situation and strengthened ourselves."

"Oh I almost forgot, system do I have any quests at the moment?"

[Host has beginner quests to help acclimate yourself to this new environment]

[Would host like to view quest]


[Beginner quest 1 – Getting started

Kill one servant of Hell 1/1 – Status Complete

Reward 20 EXP, 100 SP, Cloak of invisibility (Downgraded)

Accept rewards Y/N]

[BEGINNER quest 2 – Getting a grip on things

Kill ten servants of Hell 00/10 – Status Incomplete

Reward 100 EXP, 500 SP, Wado Ichimonji (Asauchi), Mana unsealed]

"System accept the rewards for the first quest, also explain the cloak of invisibility please"

[Rewards accepted... The cloak of invisibility is from the Harry Potter fictional world however it is not the original created by Death and so it is not as powerful and will not last forever, it is however powerful enough to escape the perception of the low level beings of Hell]

It was only a beginner mission but the rewards are this good, plus I can use it to cover myself and get a good, safe sleep as Well, this is amazing"

"Alright system I also didn't see any levels on my stats other than on skills so can you explain how i get stronger"

[Host can add EXP to each stat to increase them however the EXP needed will increase by one each time for example 1 EXP will increase you strength by 1 bringing it to 11 however it will need 2 for 12 and 3 for 13, the same applies for each stat]

"Okay so does that mean it will be harder for charisma because 1 EXP will bring it to 6, 2 for 7 and so on"

[Host is correct]

"One more question if I increased strength by 1 for 1 EXP would it take 2 EXP to increase intelligence by 1 as Well"

[No, each stat is separated and increased individually]

"Thank God for that otherwise it would be incredibly hard to increase my stats... though I guess I shouldn't thank God now considering he's abandoned our world"

"I have 21 EXP now so system add 5 points to charisma and 3 to strength then show me my stats, although I want to be stronger increasing my charisma could be useful in this situation to join or create my own group"

[Health – 130/130

Mana – 100/100 (sealed)

Stamina – 100/100

Strength – 13

Agility – 10

Intelligence – 10

Charisma – 10


SP 100]

"System can you suggest anything to buy with 100 SP"

[Host is recommended to but life style magic fir 100 SP as this magic will be usable after completing the second beginner quest and has a variety of uses for example host can access to drinkable water as long as host has the required Mana host will also be able to keep yourself clean with life style magic which is essential as this will help with keeping host healthy]

"Very well buy it immediately and after that I'll get some rest"

Ben felt a wave of knowledge enter his mind, unfortunately he couldn't put it to use at the moment so he just covered himself with the cloak of invisibility and went to sleep"


Waking up at the crack of dawn Ben aloud himself to get used to the light coming through the window before grabbing his things to move on.

"I think I should complete the next quest first and get as strong as possible before trying to meet other people because I don't know what gifts other people have awakened and what state of mind they'll be in, I've already killed one of the things with my life on the line and that freaked me out for a good few hours so I can only imagine what the people in the thick of last night could be going though"

After coving himself with the cloak of invisibility with a knife in hand Ben snuck out the house with what seemed like practiced steps, it seemed to Ben as if the Kame style martial arts footwork was already ingrained into him despite only being at the beginner level.

Ben noticed that the servants of Hell had set up around the large hole in the middle of his street but he figured even with hollowfication giving him a boost in stats and his cloak of invisibility it seemed far to dangerous, just the smallest mistake could mean the end of his life and so Ben resided to move further out being careful not to bump into and of the imps. After moving a few streets away from the hole the number of imps in the area decided to decrease however Ben had still now seen any other humans, not even any bodies which made a chill go down his spine as multiple questions began roaming around his mind.

'where is everyone?'

'why haven't I seen any bodies?'

'I haven't even seen any blood either what could have happened?'

[Emergency quest activated]

[Find fellow survivors

Rewards – 5,000 EXP, 50,000 SP]

Putting those thoughts to the back of his mind Ben asked "System what are emergency quests"

[Emergency quests are quests that activate randomly depending on Hosts situation rather than the pre-set quests that are there for hosts progression]

'I hope I find a survivors soon because that EXP will be incredibly useful'

Looking around Ben quickly found a lone imp and so he picked up a stone throwing it into an alley attracting the imps attention, 'better safe than sorry' Ben thought.

After attracting the imps into the alley, Ben still covered in the cloak of invisibility activated hollowfication giving his stats a X 1.5 boost he snuck up behind the imp striking the imp in the neck with the knife while holding it stopping it from struggling as it bled out.

"Purposefully killing sure is different the killing with your life on the line so I'm glad I now have the iron stomach skill otherwise I would have vomited again"

Ben once again covered himself with the cloak of invisibility and using this method he made quick work of these so called servants of Hell which Ben assumed to be the weakest of the Hell spawn that will invade Earth and like this Ben spent around 2 hours killing the imps safely. After around an hour Ben ran out of stamina and other than just being tired he could no longer use hollowfication until he regained some stamina again after a bit of rest.

" *sigh* I've finally completed the second quest, it was far more stressful than I expected it to be. System accept the rewards for the second quest"

[Beginner quest 2 – getting a grip on things

Kill 10 servants of Hell 10/10 – Status Complete

Reward 100 EXP, 500 SP, Wado Ichimonji (Asauchi), Mana unsealed]

MarcusMongoose MarcusMongoose

I'm planning on having 5 beginner quests, 5 intermediate, advanced and so on.

also if you have any fictional abilities you would like to see or any ideas on progressive quests let me know

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