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33.33% Godless
Godless Godless original


Author: MarcusMongoose

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Fictional World?

It was a typical august in England with its cold, wet weather and at this moment Ben Archall was sat in his room playing videos games. It was currently the half term holidays for Bens college yet for the past week it has been raining nonstop.

Ben liked to think of himself as a bit of lone wolf so being stuck at home with the weather didn't really bother him but if we're being honest he just didn't have many friends.

Ben lived alone in a cheap Manchester apartment because he lost both of his parents at a very young age. Normally he would be under the custody of his other family members but as soon as he could get a part time job he began saving up to get a place of his own although it wasn't anything special and he needed to live pretty frugally in order to afford it.

*Rumble Crash Rumble*

All of a sudden Ben felt a substantial earthquake and heard a number of crashes he was immediately shocked and unable to react appropriately.

"Foolish humans it is I who created you yet instead of acknowledging me you create your own gods to worship, I give you free will yet you chose to wage war on each other, I give you intelligence yet all you do is create weapons of mass destruction!"

Ben was knocked out of his stupor by a domineering voice and listening to what it said he couldn't help but be confused.

"With all the heresy in this world I have decided to move on, this world will henceforth be Godless and the spawn of hell shall descend. Worry not you have not been completely abandoned, I have altered the laws of this world, the sky is now the limit, that is if you can survive ..."

"Okay what the f**k." Ben had know idea what was going on but the first thing that came to mind was that he was being pranked.

Walking over to his window to see what just happened Ben became as pale as a ghost. The street had opened up... as in there was an enormous hole in the middle of the road. Ben estimated the hole was around 10 meters in diameter and who knows how deep. Looking at the hole Ben broke out into a cold sweat thanking his lucky stars the hole opened up on the road and not a few more meters north otherwise he and his flat would be long gone.

As Ben was looking at this hole he noticed others I the neighbourhood hand begun to take a closer look against better judgement because curiosity got the better of them. As they were about to reach the edge something flew out, taking a long hard look Ben thought it resembled a creature He had only seen in a game.

"Is that and imp?" Ben said. Now he had completely no idea what was going on but then he thought back to the voice he originally believed to be someone in the neighbourhood messing around

" 'hell shall descend' it said, don't tell me the apocalypse has come!"


Hearing that scream Ben looked out of the window only to see that now there was no longer one imp but dozens and they were still coming out of the hole which now seemed like a gateway to Hell or rather it most likely is a gateway to Hell.

In a panic Ben ran to his kitchen and picked up a knife entirely on instinct, this however turned out to be the correct decision as at that moment he heard something crash through his window.

Ben hid behind the kitchen door completely terrified trying to steady his hurried breath hoping that whatever crashed through his window would soon pass, unfortunately fate had other ideas.

Looking through the crack in the door he could see the 'imp'. It was currently in the living room sniffing around like a dog, Ben could only hope its sense of smell wasn't as good otherwise his life would be in danger if the on going screams of pain and terror from outs side were anything to go by. The 'imp' was getting closer and closer to the kitchen as Ben held his breath steadying his shaky hand but it was all for nought as the caught onto his scent and let out a screech as it rushed towards him.

In a life threatening situation like this one with adrenaline pumping through your veins everyone would go through fight or flight unfortunately for Ben flight was not an option as the kitchen only had one exit but luckily for him although he wasn't a trained fighter he did have strong survival instincts and at the moment his instincts were telling him to trap this creature in between the door.

Ben slammed the door shut and heard a help. Looking down he saw the 'imp' with half of its upper body through the door with one of its arms flailing about trying to grab his legs. One hand holding the door tightly shut trapping the creature the other tightly grasping the knife he quickly brought up the knife and stabbed if through the eye socket of the imp.


The 'imp' began squealing and thrashing in pain but Ben just kept stabbing and staging. With all the adrenaline pumping through his veins he felt numb to the whole situation and eventually the squealing stopped leaving behind a corpse and a 17 – 18 year old teen covered in blood.

"Huff... Huff... this... can't... be real..."

As Ben was catching his breath all of the colour was once again drained from his face as the effects of the adrenaline were wearing off and his mind was still going over the life or death experience he just had.

"I can't take it anymore... BLEEEGH!!!"

Unable to cope with the fact that he just killed for the first time Ben emptied the contents of his stomach all over the floor however he did not fail to notice the changes which happened to himself after he killed that creature.

[Requirements met...]

[Connecting to the Fictional World...]

[Calculating potential... Individual <Ben Archall> 10%... 30%... 70%... 100%]

[Host scan complete, assigning compatible starting abilities]

[Gained skills:

- Iron stomach (passive), the stomach is able to take a lot more punishment now make the user less likely to vomit.

- Kame school martial art (apprentice) the user is able to use this martial at moderate capability but should be extra careful in combat as it still needs some work.

- Hollowfication LVL 1, pulling a hollow mask over the users face he is able to experience an explosive increase in strength. (X1.5 at LVL 1)

- Warrior stone (passive), user is able to progress faster in warrior based skills/ professions as less exp is needed.]

"Holy shit, did I just gain access to a system and look at these skills, they'll sure be a huge help if the whole world is only going to get worse from this point on".

" I suppose I should take a better look at this system then"

In the top left corner of Bens vision he could see 4 options; status, inventory, quests and store.

Ben immediately said "status" In order to have a better understanding of his attributes.

<Ben Archall>

Health – 100/100

Mana – 100/100 (sealed)

Stamina – 100/100

Strength – 10

Agility – 10

Intelligence – 10

Charisma – 5

EXP – 1

Store points (sp) – 0

Remarks: Other than your terrible social skills you're down right average!

"Okay now that's disappointing, I thought I would be above average in at least one attribute and what's up with that charisma. I'm a lone wolf by choice, there's nothing wrong with my social skills!"

Looking at his pitiful charisma Ben was in denial because he didn't realise how much he stuck out like a sore thumb whenever he tried to interact with others like a normal person.

"Fictional World can you explain the system"

[Certainly host; status provides a numerical value as a way of explaining you physical and mental capabilities with 10 being the average value in each attribute before earth became a godless world.

Inventory is a separate space capable of storing hosts items. The current space is 5 cubic metres and the aforementioned space shall increase in size as hosts strength increases.

Quests is an ability of the fictional world system to give host tasks for rewards on completion.

Store provides host the ability to by anything within any form of fiction be it bloodline, skills or legendary items however these all come at a price. Sp can be earned through quests.]

"Okay this almost seems to good to be true.. either way i need to sought out my thoughts before I carry on." "if what that voice was saying is anything to go by, he was the God of our world but he's had enough and moved on which would also explain the swarm of impish creatures coming from that hole."

'Has Hell really descended on earth?' Ben thought to himself.

"At least I'm not a lost cause, with this Fictional World system the sky really is the limit just like God said."

Ben tried to calm himself down as he began to plan his next actions.

"It's a mess outside right now, if I want to survive and get stronger safely it is probably best for me to hide here until this 'invasion' dies down" Ben said to him self as he took shelter in his kitchen after moving the body of the previous imp.

MarcusMongoose MarcusMongoose

This is the first time I've every tried writing a novel so I would appreciate it if I could get some feedback in the comments.

What do like/dislike about the novel so far.

How you think I could do better.

All feedback is appreciated and thank you for reading my novel :)

Depending on whether people like it or not will decide the fate of this novel but if it is liked it will not be dropped.

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