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98.5% Lord Of Lust / Chapter 65: 65

Chapter 65: 65

Sam rolled his eyes, staring at the layer before him. Who quite Franky looked like they wanted a drink than sitting before him." it's not that bad." the layer looked at him before face planting into the table." not only are you actually four hundred years old, which is a problem with all your paperwork.

"which is easily fixed, and I can't be charged with it because that is how old I believed I was. which is what I put on paper; I guessed my age. So at most of an annoyance."

"yeah, nothing compares to the hundreds of books you stole and don't remember what you did with them!" they groaned, banging their head against the table." they are still planning to charge you unless you can get them back." Sam shrugged. He could deal with prison, a worst-case scenario.

"giving some time, I could probably drag up some memory of what cave or hole that I stashed them in," he didn't believe that he destroyed them. he just didn't think that way, and he didn't think that he'd changed too much. Hopefully, he hadn't changed too much.

"assuming the books are still in some kind of usable state. There is still the fact you still stole them." Sam shrugged, "while assaulting people!" again, Sam shrugged," You do not pay me enough."

The man groaned when Sam offered to increase his paycheck, "You not taking this seriously enough."

"I am, I'm threatened with prison time. I've been in several prisons, either because I have been captured or because I broke in." the lawyer choked," and it's not as bad to me. To me, the worst part of prison is how mind-numbing bored I'll be. I'll probably mediate my sentence away."

"and if it is years long?"

"I'm four hundred and something; I can kill a bit of time." the layer sighed. He really wasn't going to get Sam to take this any more seriously. " he rubbed his face and considered what drinks he had at home.

'my lord, I understand your thought process; paying for the crimes you did commit isn't a bad thing, but if you do go to jail, you have to figure out how to deal with the beast's attempt to kill you & break out.' Sam immediately thought back to his time in prison and how frustrated some people were. 

He is probably full of lust, so he probably is dealing with some of the beast's shit if he went to prison. Then dealing with the shit outside of the prison.' well, the statutes could help a bit; I could definitely hire some people for a stopgap measure.' but it would be best for him to deal with it himself. 

In theory, this was possible without adding more time to his sentence, but Sam was aware this was something he had to argue in court. Which would not be fun! Grumbling, he continued his meeting with the layer before leaving immediately, grabbing something sweet to calm his nerves a bit. 

'can beat my way out of this problem,' his fallback method in his feral years. 'I can only rely on the wits I've been granted. The next course of action was to look for a trip to the continent. Honestly, he could probably tear a hole in space or something.

But it would be better in serval ways, mostly dealing with people and law, if he took a plane or something. "still, he tried to figure out where he left the books; he had a vague idea on a map where that might be. But the actual location was a different matter. 

"oh, I don't think I did anything beyond this area. I was like, what, 15, 20, maybe? I've got to get my age in order." but still, he hadn't physical age, so they were a limit to his physical ability at the time. Which meant Sam couldn't travel too far with the books.

"at the time, I wasn't too big a fan of people, so the heavily populated areas are out, but I wasn't so self-sufficient. so isolated but close enough he could get resources. he tried to think about the state of his body. 

The memories were too fleeting to be of real help; he didn't feel partly hungry or thirsty. But that kind of didn't mean anything, "curse you, my past self, damage my memory so much that I can't follow them.' as much as he was gripping about it, he still didn't want the memories back all that much. 

One thing he could clearly sense was the incredibly deep loneliness, the bottomless pit of despair. 'why did I live at that time? There was nothing for me?' his nails grew black and shaper, "things have changed. Things have changed!" he repeated to himself as he squatted on the ground, trying to calm himself away from the panic attack. 

It took ten minutes before he calmed down. A bit drained, he tried to think of more cheerful things, like the life he had now. 'sure, there are a few problems, but nothing I can't fix; after all, I fought a god. Few things are harder than that, but of course, there were things that were more complicated.

Like dealing with the law and the first of what was probably a lot of crimes, 'I don't think they're going to accept I was raised in a place with a very different concept of law,' honestly it was shameful how long it took for him to understand that. 'worse is how little I cared?" the funny thing is that it hadn't changed he didn't care for the law but kept it in mind more.

While it was simple to break the law, what came after was rather painful, especially if he got caught." That is why he made a great effort to make sure no one knew he was breaking into a house and attacking people to absorb their flowing lust.

Sam grumbled as he thought back to that time again, this time not thinking too much about his emotions, at least until he got home, where he could have a breakdown and panic attack in peace before wrapping himself in a comfy spot.

"Are you doing fine?" His mother asked, seeing him curled up on the couch, the TV playing." I have a lot of bad memories coming back to me," the woman nodded before patting Sam's head. She left to change out of her work clothes, and then she returned downstairs to read a book on the couch.

Sam was more than capable of asking for comfort, but she would be close by if he decided to ask for it. Sam spent a long while, making sure he wasn't going to do anything reckless, like whipping his own memory or whipping someone else's. Some memories were going around pretty hard, but he didn't let them overwhelm him too much.

He just had to last second after second and then minute after minute. Until it changed, 'take it breath by breath until the battle is over.' He reminded himself of one of his oldest beliefs. 'Where did I hear that?' he might actually remember it one day. For the moment, he asked his mother about her day, then the book she was reading, cause he didn't know that one.

"oh, you're definitely stalling, but it's an action novel." she went into explaining the story, and Sam's interest pinged a bit. Even though from what she explained, the action scenes could use a bit of work." A stab wound doesn't hurt like that! Not with that kind of blade."

"how many times have you been stabbed?"

"no comment." his mother gave him a flat look before asking if he even knew," no comment." he got a very late look before she pulled up a notepad from her device and made a not for.." doctor appointment?"

"well yeah a lot of your information is probably needs change," Sam opening his mouth before closing it and thinking, he knew vaugle that living over a certain amount of time changed the body. It explained several types of longevity and regeneration. 

His regeneration/self-healing technique was recorded, but it wouldn't have anything to do with his lack of aging. Honestly, he wasn't too sure about it himself. from the returning memories, he's had it for a long time, probably even when he washed up in Africa.

'but where could it have come from? Not much happened in the water, and before that-' he cut that train of thought off right there. He was not ready to think about that. Nor did he want to,' grumbling Sam thought about what kind of test they might run.

'Yeah, I know nothing about that kind of medicine,' but in general, his medical knowledge was patchy. Most of it was witch herbalism. The rest were bits and pieces he had gained over the years. "So, what date should I head over? I still have to work with the lawyer." 

"I feel like I should doubt you robbed a library hundreds of years ago, but that really fit your wild stories," Sam commented. They weren't wild, only for her to directly quote some of the batshit stuff he said. She didn't even touch on fighting a god.

"All right, I have wild stories," Sam started, not really sure why he tried to argue. Maybe it was pride or denial about how strange he was. Though he accepted this, he wouldn't have lived this long if he hadn't.

"as for the doctor, they need some time to prepare some special equipment, so there is no rush for that. "What did the lawyer say?" she changed the topic. Sam gave a brief overview of the meeting where not a lot really happened. "oh, we definitely should pay the man more," she agreed with this thought.

Not only because of the hundreds of years old case, but what other questionable shit that Sam didn't remember doing. Who knew how much crime the boy committed? Not that she cared; Sam was taking care of himself, and he particularly didn't like killing. Even from the story of the library fights, she could tell he went out of his way to not hurt anyone.

She wasn't sure where this characteristic came from, definitely not the demon or any of the questionable shit he went through in his youth. 'maybe it was because of the ghost; she remembered the stories about the dead he's met, the regret and the Pain they carried.

"yeah, he thinks the court cases are going to be a problem; I'm not really scared of going to prison. It would still be a pain, but running from the law again would be a bigger pain.' unless he was willing to use a lot of power to scare them off. But that would make him feared; Sam didn't like being feared. He had a taste of that vial feeling.

"Well, I guess we can try to get something different than prison time, like community service. You could do that," Sam hummed, not really sure how he felt doing that. He's doing things like community service, but it was only when the feeling hit him that he saw the opportunity. He wasn't too sure how he would react to being forced to do it. He didn't like being forced to do things that much, 'of course, might have more to do with the arrogance of others. 

they continued talking about possible law options they could take until his father came home and then they made dinner before talking more about the law before changing the topic to Sam picking up the stuff he left around the world. "how much stuff did you have?" Sam honestly didn't have an answer for his mother." I know I can just pick up a few things."

He started listing a few things he had in the house, then things he remembered leaving certain places," there was a box of bullets and something very bad in the house, and you didn't say anything?"

"ah," Only then did it occur to Sam that he could get in trouble for that. he pulled at the ribbon wrapped around his forearm. "it's not that bad; I just need some kind of divine fire. Might knock out one of the great gods to get it," as he said that thunder rang through the clear night sky. 

"you don't scare me, Zeus!" the lighting rang again, a bolt striking the front yard. Sam sensed the change in mana and whipped his arm out, hair growing a bit as he lashed out with his witch magic to blast the curse before it could take root.

Flipping the sky off again, Sam turned back to his parent," Please don't beef with the gods. We don't have insurance for that." When Sam asks why not, they show him the general equalization for any kind of good insurance. Sam blinked," Okay, that is a lot of money. Which makes sense as they are on a completely different scale." 

"I can buy our insurance," the adult immediately cut that idea off. "you're not picking a fight with a god." Sam tried to argue it wouldn't be a problem. He got shut down on multiple points. Clearly, he was going to court; he didn't need to be charged with more things.

'I doubt it will make a difference at this point,' Sam thought to himself as he dug through his closet. Pulling out the bucket filled with dense lust energy, he carried it outside, handing it off to the invaluable machine that belonged to the lord of greed." tell her to have fun," he snickered before turning around back inside. 

Inside, he sorted out the marbles he ordered. They were all in good shape, giving them a spark of energy so they could be active at any time. "Alright, that's been taken care of for the moment," sitting down, he did some meditation, looking into the prison of the beast. It didn't look active until it felt his presence.

"Come to visit before heading off to a prison of your own?" the beast mocked, and Sam promptly flipped it off. A deep growl filled the air, and Sam responded in kind before leaving. Then, leaving his room through the window.

Into the city, he equipped his enhanced suit and started going about attacking those with high lust. Doing so in a high number he knew would attract the police's attention, but he knew it had to be done; if he went to prison, he needed to buy himself some time. 

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