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Ascension of the Dragons Crown Ascension of the Dragons Crown original

Ascension of the Dragons Crown

Author: SnowFire13

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

In the early light of dawn as Dark Ember was just about to leave the popular MMO "Dragons Crown" he received a message from a player named Time Breaker. The message read "Dark Ember I have a plan for you all I need is for you to accept the challenge". Dark Ember looked at the message for a moment and thought about what idiot would message something so stupid to him, he then replied with "Sure I'll accept this so called challenge", typing it jokingly. Suddenly he passed out in his gaming cabin before he even knew what was happening.

The next morning John woke up in his bed and he remembered the night before. he jumped out of bed to login to Dragons Crown but noticed his cabin was gone so was everything that he kept in his special room for his complete setup. He then looked around and noticed where he was, he was in his house form when he was only 16 and Dragons Crown was just being released in 4 days. He started to panicking and asked "What the hell is going on why am I in my old room," he then looked into his mirror and almost fainted from shock he then said "Why do I look like I did when I was 16."

Realization suddenly hit him as he remembered the mysterious message from the player named Time Wanderer and his special plan and challenge that he had messaged him. John suddenly turned a deathly pale as he realized he had been sent back 14 years in his life. He then smiled realizing his journey to becoming the most amazing Dragons Crown player had just begun. Like many other games Dragons crown was a popular MMO RPG that had guilds and all the things a regular MMO would have; however, the currency in the game could be traded in the virtual market for credits which had become the whole worlds currency. Dragons Crown was an MMO that stood above all the rest in terms of difficulty in leveling and was also the most unique full dive game to come out in the last 3 decades it was truly a world changing game.

John realized he already had 11 years of experience into the game and that, even though he started late in the game before, he had an 11 year advantage on everyone else. This was his chance to make it big and to truly become a god among players. He knew that he was going to change the world that he knew so well that it was like looking at the back of his hand. He also knew that he could conquer Dragons Crown and become the first player to ever reach the status of Dragon King. Even in all 14 years of Dragons Crown being released not a single person had even come close to becoming the Dragon King. The story line and quest that you had to follow were almost endless and even if you did reach the point where you could become the Dragon King it was near impossible to beat the NPC. Being able to become the Dragon King required you to kill the NPC that was the current King. Not only was he already incredibly powerful but he technically was a cheat in the actual game system. The NPC was technically an A.I. that almost never used the same attack twice and was above the highest tier you could become at tier 11. It also had unbelievably strong A.O.E attacks that could decimate armies in a blink of on eye. Not only were its A.O.E attacks unbelievable but its regular skills could still kill multiple people if they weren't careful.Tier 10 players where almost never seen in his old life and the ones that where known numbered only a measly 4 and they where called the Godly 4. They where no ordinary players and even with 10 or even 20 tier 9 players taking down even one of the Godly 4 was almost impossible. Their actual names in the game where the Priest Light Bringer, the Necromancer Death Walker, the Berserker Dragons Wrath, and the greatest of the 4 the Swordsman Angels fire who was capable of taking on all three of the other Godly 4 at once. John then thought "this time it will be the godly 5," then rushed downstairs and grabbed all of the money he remembered he had to go buy a full dive helmet for 5,000 credits.

As he was heading out he remembered that since he had been reincarnated as a younger self his mother was alive. In his original life she had died in a freak airplane accident that killed everyone on the plane over the Caribbean. His eyes started tearing up as he realized he could see her again and ran back into the house calling for his mother. When he found her he gave her a hug full of emotion, he looked into her eyes and said,"I love you mom." He started back on his original plans and started heading to the game store to buy his helmet. He got there and decided he would buy the more advanced full dive equipment. As he was purchasing his Advanced full dive gear he had started to fill anxious. He knew he could already be considered a top tier expert from the game he remembered, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't good enough to take on this challenge. Even though he was feeling anxious and was doubting his own capabilities, he was brimming with anticipation and joy. The next three days of his new life passed by in the blink of an eye as he was waiting for Dragons Crown to be officially released. Finally Dragons Crown was released on December, 11 2027, and this day would later be known as the biggest change in human life to ever happen in human history. As soon as John awoke from his deep sleep he jumped up to eat and then laid back in bed to start his life in the full dive virtual world again. When he put on his helmet and started up the game he got a notification saying,"please choose class from given choices," he read it smiling uncontrollably and chose swordsman. He then received another notification saying,"Class chose now logging into Dragons Crown please stand by," as he was teleported into the game he got a final notification that asked,"Please chose form given Kingdoms and Empires as to which city you would like to start your journey in. He instantly chose to go to a city in the Star Fallen Kingdom named "The Dark Moon City." He choose to start here as this was where he had started in his previous life and he knew a lot about the surrounding areas and the secret treasures that they held.

As he was only just starting out he didn't have anything interesting actually as he was wearing all common armor. The armor in Dragons Crown was divided into 9 groups ranging from worst to best they where common, uncommon, bronze, silver, silver-gold, gold, abyss gold, epic, and then legendary. He also started off with 100 bronze coins and there where 4 different types of coins that where available in the game. It started out as Bronze, then it went to Silver which was 1000 Bronze pieces, then it went to Gold which was 2000 Silver pieces, and finally there was Mythril which was worth 10000 gold pieces and where seen every know and than mainly in super guilds and other top notch guilds that where financially supported. This meant that 1 Mythril piece was worth 200,000 silver pieces or 200,000,000 copper pieces which could buy you almost anything in the second world. As he was looking over his inventory he smiled and said,"I'm back and this time the crown will be mine." As Dark Flame finished he blasted off towards a level 5-10 zone called "The Wondering Woods," filled with Water Sprites, slimes, and silver crocks that where the main monsters that where here. There where also elites that where mixed in as well as epic ranked monsters that would respawn every 4 to 5 hours. In the inner most part of "The Wondering Woods" was a lord ranked monster named "The Masked Viper."

SnowFire13 SnowFire13

If you are interested in the story and like where it is going then great. If you have any ideas for the story to progress then leave it in the comments or message me thanks for your time.

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