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Anything You Wish For, I'll Grant It For You

It was close to 5 PM when Ren finally arrived from the company. He rubbed the center of his brows as he felt tired. He was supposed to meet his wife earlier but who knew a short meeting could last a long time? In the end, he told Matsuzaki to clear the rest of his schedule and left without having mercy for his poor assistant.

"Master, you're here," Hibiki greeted his Master's arrival at the lobby.

"Where's my wife?"

Ren adjusted his cufflinks while walking to the elevator. His arrival attracted attention from the crowd who knew him. They stared at him in awe, didn't feel brave enough to get close to him. Hibiki followed him by his side while two bodyguards stood guard around them.

"Madam is in the suite. Ms. Noman has done a simple alteration for the dress. All in all, the dress suits Madam, Master."

Ren turned his head slightly and looked at Hibiki in clear displeasure. He furrowed his brows as he asked, "So, you've seen her in the new dress?"

Hibiki's smile stiffened. His brain quickly worked to find a safe answer. "I left all the ladies in the suite and stepped outside. I wouldn't dare to see Madam before you, Master."

"Good," replied Ren shortly. "At least you know."

Hibiki inwardly rolled his eyes. He was so tempted to sigh in front of this cold man.

Master has been quite difficult to handle as he got himself a wife, what should I do?

The elevator rose to the 30th floor. Even when Ren was in a hurry, his steps remained calm and steady. The bodyguards who were guarding the suite heard him approaching and quickly greeted him. Ren nonchalantly greeted them back. It was quite lively once he stepped inside the suite.

"Oh, my! Mr. Fuse!" Ms. Noman saw the gentleman coming from the door and swiftly left her work to her subordinates. "It took you quite a time but I think you came at the right time. Mrs. Fuse is changing into the altered dress."

"Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Noman," Ren smiled slightly. "I reckon there's no problem with the dress?"

"I just need to alter the dress for a bit, it's not a major work," answered Ms. Noman happily. "Mrs. Fuse really suits the dress! It's like the dress is made for her and only her!"

Ren was clearly pleased with her praises. He took a seat at the lone couch and waited for her wife to be brought outside. No one could break the smile on his face now. He was waiting with much anticipation.

"Ms. Noman," a young woman appeared from the room. "Mrs. Fuse is ready to go outside."

"Yes! Yes! Bring her outside!" Ms. Noman eagerly called for her subordinates.

There was the sound of fabric rustling coming from the room. Ren smiled as he knew it was her. He slowly stood up, walking over to the room and stood a few feet away. Two young women stepped outside, their faces were facing the room as they helped Tsubaki to passed the door.

"Mrs. Fuse, please come outside. Mr. Fuse is already here."

"You said it's a dress for a birthday celebration..." Tsubaki's sweet voice could be heard from the room, she sounded flustered. "But why does this one seems... like a wedding dress?"

She finally emerged from the room.

Ren's eyes brightened at the sight of her. There she was, standing in front of him in a long white dress. The dress was made from high-quality fabric. From the sweetheart neckline, white lace forming sleeves around her slender arms. The long skirt of the dress trailed behind her. Nothing could stop the adoration flowing from his eyes.

"Ren..." Tsubaki blushed when she realized the way he looked at her. She immediately raised her hands to cover her face, mumbling weakly, "This is not a dinner dress..."

Ren chuckled. He walked over and gently held her hands. He lowered them and brought them to his side. "You look beautiful in this, why do you want to hide?"


Tsubaki was speechless. She really couldn't understand what this man was thinking. This was so random!

Ms. Noman smiled sweetly as she saw how the couple interacted with each other. She silently waved at her subordinates to leave the suite for just the two of them. Even Hibiki followed them from behind, refused to be tortured by their display of affections.

Ren glanced at the closed doors of the suite, feeling happy with their consideration. While Tsubaki was still fretting over the dress, he pulled her towards him and they fall on the long couch in the lounge. Tsubaki yelped and wanted to sit up but Ren swiftly held her waist.

"My wife is so beautiful right now, why are you feeling shy?" asked Ren with a fond smile on his face while caressing her cheeks.

"This is not a dress for dinner..." Tsubaki mumbled, repeating her question, "Don't you think this one looks like a wedding dress?"

"Is it that bad for me to see you in a wedding dress?" Ren asked, raising his brows animatedly.


Ren laughed out loud, he sat up and placed her on his lap. He hummed happily while looking at his pretty wife in the white dress. Ms. Noman had even applied light make up on her face. He instinctively leaned down and brushed her lips with his.

"Do you remember our wedding plan? Ms. Noman would design your wedding dress, so I asked her to come early to prepare your dress for Grandma's celebration too. In the meantime, she would see if there's anything unique that could only be related to you only. You could say this dress is just a prototype."

Tsubaki was startled. They had just mentioned it once, so she hadn't even thought of their wedding plans yet. She didn't expect he had already started planning their wedding.

Ren smiled, pleased with her reaction just now. He held the hand where he slipped the wedding ring into and kissed her fingers.

"After Grandma's birthday celebration, we will plan our wedding. Anything you wish for, I'll grant if for you. So, please rest easy and wait for it."

Tsubaki couldn't hold back her feelings anymore. She quickly hugged her husband's waist. She nodded slowly, agreeing with him. There were no words changed between them but they enjoyed the quietness.

Ren stroked her head, his eyes darkened as a thought flashed past his mind.

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