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I Can't Sleep Without My Wife

The lights inside the house were already switched off when Ren finally arrived home. He quietly changed his leather shoes to home slippers, afraid of making any noise. He had just wanted to walk upstairs when the corner of his eyes caught a source of light coming from the kitchen.

Ren turned around and headed to the kitchen. It was as he had guessed. His wife was still in the kitchen, stirring a pot of soup on the stove.

"Love, why did you still awake?" Ren smiled as he approached her.

"Oh! You're home already!" Tsubaki turned her head, meeting her husband's eyes. "Welcome home!"

"I'm home." Ren placed his briefcase on the floor and hugged her from behind. "You haven't answered me. It's already midnight. What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"A certain birdie told me that you refused dinner and only ate a slice of sandwiches in between your schedule. Now, do you understand why does your wife is still in the kitchen at midnight?"

Tsubaki peered at Ren who laughed nervously. He had been caught. And it was obviously Matsuzaki who reported it to his wife.

"Okay, okay. I'll listen to you and eat before going to bed." Ren admitted his fault. He smiled sheepishly as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I prepared soup since I know you don't want anything heavy at this time. Drink a bowl and then go to bed, okay?" Tsubaki took a bowl from her side and scooped the soup into the bowl. The delicious smell of the soup filled the kitchen. "I know you're going to be busy again tomorrow. Please rest early."

Ren took a seat at the kitchen island while Tsubaki poured him a glass of water. She pulled out the chair beside him, accompanying him to eat. Ren took a few mouthfuls of the chicken soup before he scooped a piece of the chicken and brought it to Tsubaki's mouth. Tsubaki obediently ate it.

"How's Grandma? Did she nag because I asked you to come home tonight?" Ren munched a piece of potato. His bowl was still half full.

"Grandma just asked us to come back soon. She understood that you have works to focus on."

Tsubaki casually took the spoon from her husband. She scooped some soup with a chicken piece and fed him. Ren smiled as he enjoyed his wife's treatment.

"Certain things have been concluded. Right now I'm focusing on Summer City Hotel. Maybe I need to go and visit the site after we're done with Grandma's birthday celebration. Why don't you follow me there? I think you'd love the place," Ren suggested. "The beach is pretty and even though summer has yet to come, it's still sunny."

"Okay," Tsubaki readily agreed. She scooped the last bit of the soup and fed him. "I'll go with you."

Ren went upstairs to wash up while Tsubaki tidied the kitchen. His suggestion of going to Summer City Hotel flashed in her mind. She was still uneasy over the matter a few days ago but since she didn't want to make a fuss, she agreed to his suggestion.

It would do her no good if she kept being a coward.

When Tsubaki finally done with her chores, Ren had just stepped out from the bathroom. He dressed in his black pajamas and was now scrolling his phone screen while resting against the headboard. She quickly washed her face and applied her skincare before getting into bed.

"I told you to sleep," Tsubaki sighed. Even in the dark she could see the exhaustion lined on his face.

"I'm waiting for my wife to sleep beside me," replied Ren as he switched off his phone and placed it on the bedside table. "I can't sleep without my wife."

"Okay, okay, I'll accept your excuse," Tsubaki giggled at his attempt to humor her.

She had just laid down when he swiftly pulled her to his side. Ren sighed in contentment as he adjusted his position. His hand went searching for hers, looking for the ring on her finger. He smiled as the diamond sparkled.


Tsubaki smiled. She turned around and placed her hands around his waist. As minutes passed, both of them fell asleep.

As Ren had said, he was indeed busy since his return from their short getaway. Tsubaki was busy too since she needed to finalize her sweets for Grandma's birthday celebration. She had sent the samples to the old house and got Grandma's approval. She could finally breathe in relief as the celebration got nearer.


Tsubaki paused what she was doing when Hibiki suddenly turned up at the bakery. She gave some instructions to Chiyo before she turned to the special assistant.

"Yes, Hibiki? It's still early to get Ren's lunch." Tsubaki glanced at the wall clock. It was only 11.45 AM. She had packed the lunch box for Ren but usually Hibiki would arrive when it was close to 12.30 PM.

"Master wants me to pick you up. The designer from Paris has arrived for your fitting session. They are waiting for you at the Spring City Hotel."

"Fitting session?" asked Tsubaki in confusion. "Ren didn't say anything to me about it."

"It's for your dress for Old Madam Fuse's birthday celebration. Master has commissioned a dress from the designer. Now you just need to attend a fitting session to make sure the dress requires no alterations."

Tsubaki nodded as she understood Hibiki's explanation. She went to get her bag before leaving some instructions for them. They waved her goodbye and assured her to not worry about the shop as they could handle it well.

Once they arrived at the hotel, Tsubaki and Kaede got off the car as Hibiki went to park it. They waited in the lobby. The lobby was full of patrons of the hotel. All of them dressed immaculately.

"Mr. Matsuzaki didn't answer my call," Kaede said from her side. "I'll ask the receptionist if she knows anything. Please wait here, Madam."

"Okay." Tsubaki nodded.

She was sitting at one of the comfy chairs provided in the lobby. She wanted to call Ren herself but her phone was out of the battery and Matsuzaki didn't answer Kaede's calls either. Hibiki hadn't shown up from the basement car park.

"Excuse me?"

While she was casually reading a magazine, a gentle tap on the shoulder caught Tsubaki's attention. As she turned her head, she caught a whiff of sweet perfume from her side.

A young lady in a royal blue dress greeted her sight.

hansora hansora

Enjoy! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

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