1. What is the sad result of the lack of proper discipleship?
Believers are largely indistinguishable from non believers in how they think and live.
2. What are 4 realities and 3 results needed to finish the Great Commission?
a. Critical Mass: An effective, disciple making church of 💯 ( or two disciple making churches of 50) for every 1000 persons.
b. Proximity: An effective, disciple making church within easy travel distance of every person in an area, say within five kilometers. This proximity is necessary to reach every person.
c. Magnetism: An effective, disciple making church in which every kind of person can feel welcome including city dwellers, tribals, and even foreign born citizens. This allows us to finish with every kind of person.
d. Steady Growth: The total impact of the effective, disciple making churches in that region is conversion growth several times faster than the population. This allows us to not only finish the job but also maintain in the face of population growth after reaching vthe above goals.
1. Every neighborhood is saturated with disciple making churches.
2. Every person has been personally invited to receive Christ.
3. Every willing convert is nurtured in an ongoing disciple making process.
3. What are the five characteristics of a first century disciple of Jesus?
a. A disciple submits to a leader who teaches him to follow Jesus.
b. A disciple learns Jesus words.
c. A disciple learns Jesus ways of doing ministry.
d. A disciple imitates Jesus ' life and character.
e. A disciple finds and teaches disciples to follow Jesus.
4. What are 4 phases of spiritual growth used by Jesus to make His disciples?
a. come and see
b. follow me
c. Be with me
d. Remain in me.
5. What are 5 marks of an effective disciple making church?
a. A written plan for making a disciple.
b. An effective conversion rate, far above the biologic growth rate if their area (5%-50%),
c. Has 60%-75% of church attendees also attend an intentional disciple making small group or have a one on one relationship with a disciple maker each week.
d. Has 20%-45% of their attendees "graduates" to the next maturity level each year.
e. Consistently makes other disciple making churches, by planting them or revitalizing existing churches.
6. In a few sentences, describe a 5-step strategy you can use to finish the Great Commission in your region it country.
1. Graduate from my current Training Center
2. Start my 2G (Second Generation) Training Center
3. Adopt a state, province or region in which to finish the Great Commission.
4. Recruit pastors from that region and train them to train all other pastors in their region in their training centers.
5. Assign city and rural neighborhood to T- Net Pastors who will saturate their neighborhoods with disciple making churches and finish the Great Commission in Every Neighborhood.