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General 1 Chapters 69.3K Views
Author: HERshy

1.57 (14 ratings)

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You have stolen this book. Take it down NOW! Also, you wouldn't happen to be a Wattpad user named @PatieEtiaka, who posted "I think u need to start updating very fast because it is somehow not get interesting" would you? Because I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was you. If this is, are you telling Lovely to update faster so you can steal more of their work?

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This work is copyrighted. You plagiarized this whole book, which is disgusting and illegal. You should, and I'm sure are legally required to, take this down. This is not your work, not your idea, not your book, and you have no right to pose as the author. You're a despicable, disgusting thief and you should be ashamed of yourself. Either come up with original ideas and an original story or stop trying to pose as an author. If you really have no imagination, as I'm inclined to believe from your blatant disregard for morals, decency, and legality, then maybe you should stick to reading. You should start with copyright infringement laws, regulations, and consequences.

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LV 10 Badge

You should have asked for permission from the author before posting it here. ....Jail You should have asked for permission from the author before posting it here. ...Jail You should have asked for permission from the author before posting it here. ...Jail

Reveal Spoiler
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This book is COPYRIGHTED. take this down now. PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY LAW! How dare you! I wish the author will sue you in court!

Reveal Spoiler
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THIS BOOK IS STOLEN. Hey, you said that the chapters are hard to copy. Which kind of proves that it’s not yours. Do you seriously sit there and re-write and copy this down? You have NO shame. Please stop doing this, it’s disrespectful and shameful. Your are belittling the real author (MyLovelyWriter) and putting her hard work aside. You then have the shame to keep doing this and posting.

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LV 11 Badge

You have copied a copyrighted work. This book has already been published. Just take it down. This is not right. You haven’t taken the author’s consent.

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You need to take this down! The author put a lot of effort, time and dedication for this story. Stop stealing it for your own gain! Don't you have any shame? You even posted it as original. For those who's read a chapter from here, support the original author. You can search mylovelywriter to read her stories

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how shameless...you even published the story here as your original and didn't even asked for mylovelywriter's approval, you even have the guts to use the original book cover and let it show that you aren't the real author, disgusting

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You have STOLEN this book. REMOVE IT NOW. The REAL write plus thousands of her followers, readersvand writers know this and are taken action. Legal action is in the works as well. If you don't know how to write. Don't steal someone else's work you worthless piece of dirt!

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I do not take kindly to you plagiarizing another person's work. Especially when that person always works so hard to create her own, original work. Please take this down immediately.

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LV 13 Badge

You shameless jerk, take this novel down, you copycat... it's not your work..... you youuu.. I curse you shameless author poser..... you should've not done this despicable thing...

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LV 5 Badge

See her message on Wattpad.ls take down this book as this story is copyrighted. The author asked you to take this down. Thank you. See her message on Wattpad. Pls take down this book as this story is copyrighted. The author asked you to take this down. Thank you. See her message on Wattpad. See her message on Wattpad.

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LV 10 Badge

It's not your story, why are you posting this. Do you have ni shame? I would rather read story that is not well written than reading this story that you stole.

Reveal Spoiler
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Damn can’t even come up with your own ideas. Taking credit for some one else work Damn can’t even come up with your own ideas. Taking credit for some one else work Damn can’t even come up with your own ideas. Taking credit for some one else work Damn can’t even come up with your own ideas. Taking credit for some one else work

Reveal Spoiler
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Author HERshy