Dear, ???
I hope you are doing well, it's been a while since I last wrote to you, about ten years now but it feels like you just left yesterday. I am ashamed to inform that I have failed the mission you gave me. But not to worries the events are still moving on the course you predicted.
This world we have settled in has improved massively since you last saw it, not in strength however but in technology. They are still light years away from what is needed to start influencing the universe but at this pace they won't be conquered easily. Its a miracle that these people once produced a legend but it is truth.
However I have grave news my friend, I am dying. I had been basking in the illusion of my power for so long that I didn't notice my body is dying at a fast rate. It was too late for me by the time I noticed. The seal is also losing power a little faster than predicted. It will be a stretch if these people can survive that length of time left after it wears out but all we can do is wait and see.
Furthermore that isn't the worst thing, somebody is trying to ascend and is playing with space and time. One wrong move and he will affectively kill all the chances, any species part of this solar system has to survival in the future. Oh, for once ignorance of what is out there might be these people's saviour. My friend we have sacrificed everything,
Long Live Zerø,
Yours truly,
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