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15% 〈The decision〉 / Chapter 6: Will the dog be cured? (2)

Chapter 6: Will the dog be cured? (2)

It was yet another day of work before Saturday. Rui Ning woke up, surprisingly, earlier than Rui Xing. By the time Rui Xing changed into her work uniform, Cookie was already eating her breakfast. Rui Xing was about to leave the house when Cookie pulled her leg, not wanting her to leave. Cookie pleaded to go with us to work. She was probably feeling bored at home with her toys and from drinking water.

Rui Ning looked at Rui Xing and shook his head, disapproving of Cookie coming with them. "Cookie might fall ill because of the other infected or sick animals in the Vet." Rui Ning convinced her not to bring Cookie along.

"Alright then." "I'm sorry, Cookie. We can't bring you along. I'll play with you tomorrow, ok?" Rui Xing said to Cookie though she probably couldn't understand what she was saying.

Then, Rui Ning locked the door and went into the car with Rui Xing. They sat in silence, only able to hear the music in the car playing. Rui Xing was reading a book through her phone. She still had no free time to read the books she borrowed from the library. Luckily, the books aren't due till next month.

They reached the Veterinarian and got out of the car as soon as Rui Ning parked it. She walked into the Veterinarian with Rui Ning but went separate ways inside the Veterinarian. Rui Xing went to check on Hana while Rui Ning went to check on the cat with a broken leg that was still in recovery. Rui Xing saw Hana's gleeful face when she saw Rui Xing walk towards her. She went towards the kitchen near where Hana was at and prepared her breakfast.

She handed the food over to Hana, placing it in front of her. Hana gobbled up her food again. After she finished eating, Rui Xing carried her to the same enclosed room to check on her wound. Looking at the wound, it was getting better than before. It healed slightly. She took out the plaster on the wound and changed it. Then, Rui Xing carried Hana back to her cage to rest.

Rui Xing then took in another dog that needed to be seen. The owner brought in his dog, it's name is Kino, and it's a Australian Shepherd mixed with Pomeranian. It looked so cute! However, Kino had maggots in its ears and small scratches on its body. The owner informed Rui Xing that the scratches were from wild cats on the streets and that she had no idea how the maggots had formed on Kino.

Kino was taken into another enclosed room to be treated. Rui Xing held Kino in her arms and let him down on the table. Rui Xing removed the maggots using a blunt tweezer. She washed the infected areas with Betadine solution and dried Kino in a towel. Kino growled when she was removing the maggots, as it irritated him. Rui Xing gave him a warm bath which then relaxed him and he didn't feel as tense as before. The scratched parts on Kino's body was washed thoroughly before the bath. Plasters were placed on the scratched parts of Kino's body.

Kino was ready to go home! Rui Xing gave Kino a pat on his head before giving him back to his owner. "Thank you so much! Can I get your name? I'll be sure to give you a lunch treat." The owner wanted to repay Rui Xing with lunch but Rui Xing said, "I'm Rui Xing. You don't have to treat me to lunch. Just take good care of Kino" After hearing Rui Xing's words, he nodded his head and walked out the door with Kino in his arms.

It was around 6.45pm and Rui Xing went back to Hana's cage. Hana barked loudly and spun around in circles many times when Rui Xing was back to see her. It was also time for Hana to have dinner. Rui Xing added an extra ingredient, which was chicken, for Hana's dinner. Hana again finished her food really fast, she finished it under 1 minute! Rui Xing looked at Hana's wound and it was healing. The wound should be healed in 3 days time and Hana would be ready to have a new owner! Originally, Hana was supposed to be returned to its previous owner. Rui Xing called the previous owner through the microchip Hana has and the owner told her he didn't want Hana anymore. How irresponsible! Hence, Hana will be up for adoption once she recovers from her injury.

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