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11.11% Reincarnated: The First Of My Kind / Chapter 2: Just My Name Will Do

Chapter 2: Just My Name Will Do

Chapter 2 | Just My Name Will Do |

Feelings of happiness, sadness, love and loss filled my heart, unfortunately that heart was no longer beating and I could no longer see anything. The empty space that I'm residing in must be purgatory, there is nothing here except for complete nothingness and me.

"Haa, I guess my life is over now. I-I hope that... that Akira is okay..." 

Tears began rolling down my face as the memories of the time I spent together with Akria came flooding in. All of the times we would play in the streets as children (Me fighting off the boys mostly), browsing swimsuits to wear to the school excursion with her and patiently waiting for her to get changed (Fighting off the sickening peeping toms trying to sneak a peek while she was changing) and performing an entertaining street act for her (beating up the leader of a small upcoming gang that tried to make me his by force).

"I-I hope that I don't see her in heaven anytime soon..."

"You don't have to worry about that."

A-A female? No, a young guy? I can't tell you exactly if it's a Male or a Female voice, but the way they speak is really gentle and calming, much like Akira's voice when she is happy or in a good mood.

"Well, I'm not to sure about my gender myself, although most classify me as God."

The voice that's resonating throughout this empty nothingness was extremely soothing for my anxious soul.

"So what's going to happen now? You may be asking yourself... Well you're not so I'll just tell you anyway."

This person is pretty funny, even though I can't see them I still don't think they're such a bad person.

"Aww, stop it." They said, sounding all flattered, like it was their first compliment in years. "I know you've been stressing out about your sister for the past five and a half minutes but it's okay, she's survived and is currently mourning your death."

In front of me, in this void of vast emptiness, what looks to be a video of Akira rocking my body in her arms is being shown. The tears in her eyes and the blood on her clothes and the bodies around her showed that she had killed everyone in the dojo besides Dad and Erin who stood behind her, silently mourning.

"D-Did I cause that?"

"You sure did, but your death has sparked an entirely new event in history. And so far, myself and the Seven Archangels can't get this snowball affect under control. This is all due to Akira's feelings constantly changing right as we speak, if she becomes angry she will go forth and destroy all of the gangs in Japan and become massive influence in the world. If she remains saddened at your death she will inevitably sink deep into the depths of depression and commit suicide, causing your father to dissolve the Yakuza and ultimately letting the Mafia take over."

Shit, my death could make Akira do any of those things? Although I wouldn't mind if she went and crushed all of the other gangs and ruled over Japan for herself, but it could prove to be a pain in the ass for her to successfully take over and manage it herself...

"Hey, umm... Tomoe?"

"Uh, sorry."

"No, no. It's quiet alright, it's just I need to ask for your opinion."

"Ask away, I guess..."

It's quiet confusing when God says that he wants your opinion on something, I've always thought that God would always know what's best.

"Does being sent to heaven sound good, or does getting reborn again sound better?"





Reborn again? Like in those manga I used to read as a kid? I mean it doesn't sound to bad but... most of the time the person being reincarnated was a guy and in the end they'd usually end up with a massive posse of women...

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. The world you would be sent to is a completely decked out fantasy world of one of my friends, another gods, design. So in short, I would be sending you to my friends domain and you would be in their care from then on."

"Interesting... And if I chose to go to heaven?"


God sounded really surprised, just from the way he sounded formed an image in my mind of the someone looking at me disgustedly as if to say 'Why?'

"That's exactly right my good friend, why? Why would you want to go to the most boring place in the universe? The only exciting thing happening now is that massive snowball affect that is spiraling out of control, and even that can only be dealt with by the Archangels and myself."

"Well... if you put it that way..."

"You'll choose being Reborn?"

I can't say for sure, but I bet Gods face is lit up with a smile and emitting a plethora of sparkles.

"I guess... On one condition."

I steeled my heart and mind, setting my one condition in stone.

"Let Akira live a long, fulfilling life, and let her find someone that can take my place by her side for as long as she lives."

"I've got it, I've got it. Fine, so that means you're going to be reborn?"

"Yeah, it does. Isn't that what I agreed to?"

"Yes, yes! Well, let's get started. But I'm going to have to tell you, this is the first time we have ever been able to do this, ever."

"It is?"

"Mhm, and you are the only exception. I don't believe we are going to allow any others to be able to experience rebirth."

"Why's that?"

There's no doubt about it, there has to be a reason for this. Why only let me be reborn and nobody else?

"That's because, as I said before, you have had a massive impact on the world, possibly the biggest ever. Because of this, my friends world needs you. It is severely underdeveloped and plagued by the corrupted, right now it just needs a little nudge in the right direction to get it started."

"And that's why you're sending me over and no one else?"

'Exactly right my quick thinking friend. Now, if you don't mind I am going to begin the exciting process of sending you to my friend and having him deal with the complicated stuff such as your race and that. But before that, is there anything else you would like in this other world? Extreme power to destroy your enemies? High intelligence to be able to think your way out of any situation?"

"Another wish? Are you sure?"

"Go right ahead."

"Hmm... Well, if I could keep my name then that would be enough for my new life."

It's true, if I could keep my name then I will never be able to forget about Akira or Dad, maybe even Erin, no matter where in the universe I am. There's no way.

"Well, with that reasoning then I don't see why not..."

"Thanks God."

"No problem, I hope I won't be seeing you anytime soon."

"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, he."

"I'll be seeing you my reincarnated friend."

And with that, the dark plane of the void began turning to light and I could feel myself being swallowed up by warmth as I was drawn closer and closer to the light.


"Well, I hope that Gaea has a fun time with her new Heroine. But for now, let's just focus on the problem at hand back on Earth."

God said to himself as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a vibrating phone.

"Michael again? What's up?"

"God! It's urgent! Akira has gone down the path of destruction!"

"I see... Make sure you plan everything out before hand, I've also been requested to let her live a long life with someone to replace her sister. Make sure that happens."

"You've got it boss!"

Michael hung up, leaving God in his empty white room by himself.

"It looks like things are going to be getting even more interesting on Earth as well."

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