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"Do you have an org already?"

A highly enthusiastic girl approached me as I was passing by the corridor just right after my Programming 101 class.

I had to force a smile so I won't seem such a stinker, "Uh, no, not yet."

The girl handed me a flyer in which reads "BE PART OF THE FAMILY", I scoffed. Family my ass. Apparently, this org is the "mother" organization of the whole college. No wonder why that girl seemed so familiar, as if I've seen her a hundred times already in the past week.

Just the thought of being surrounded by people who already know each other to the core made me nauseous. If I join this org, that means I have to be the one who sits at one corner until somebody approaches me. And if my answer is not smart enough, I might end up sitting in silent again, waiting for another person to approach. The dreading cycle continues.

Fuck it. I thought to myself. Being alone every free time is not doing any good. I know I like to think that I don't have friends, but I do have a few company whenever I'm in class. But I'm not getting a genuine vibe from them.

Well, if this org is mother shit then it might have some awesome people there, then.

Besides, how bad can it be?

Sentry Tech, Co.

The org's office was located at the end of the corridor of the 4th floor. I know I told myself that there's no way that joining this org could bring any harm, but the moment I went in, there was literal screaming.

It seems like the office is shared by two organizations. Its size is twice as big as a normal classroom, so there's just enough space, not too crowded.

However, as I enter, it seemed like there's a division of heaven and hell. I can legit feel the tension of the other org and their loud voices made the room feel smaller that it should be.

"For Sentry Tech?" a familiar voice said. I guess I was too distracted by the other organization that I forgot my purpose of visit.

I turn to the person, and it was another student who I might have also seen a few hundred times around the school. He has the same aura as the girl who handed me the flyer. Their space has a few tables, with the others, I'm guessing their other members, chatting. The guy who approached me is sitting on a monoblock chair, seemingly busy, but still attentive of my presence.

"Uhm. Yes, kind of. I want to inquire for the requirements." I replied as I walk towards him, while still glancing over the other side of the room.


The whole room was startled. A guy from the other organization shouted in full terror, as if he owned the other people, which again, I'm guessing members of his org.

I shook my head and turned again to the guy, who is now walking towards me with his hands clasped together, suggesting how eager he is that I'm here. "Are you interested in joining?" he asked.

I gave him an unsure smile. "Well, I was wondering available positions because the flyer doesn't indicate any."

A slight laughter was his reply after I showed him the flyer. "We're sorry about that, but currently we're looking for an assistant secretary and a few junior officers."

Just hearing the word officer almost gave me a panic attack. "No no," I almost copied his slight laughter, "Well, actually I was hoping there might be an opening for graphic artist, or a photographer, or videographer. Or maybe a video editor."

His eyes were calm as I talked. But it weirded me out when he didn't blink for 5 straight seconds. I realized, the whole room turned totally silent. I looked around and found everybody staring at our direction.

They were staring at me.

The guy I was talking to let out an obviously sarcastic laugh, "Well, Ax. I guess I'll let you have her." He said in loud volume. Then I realized he was talking to somebody across the room.

My eyes widen when it finally sink in that he was talking about me. At first, I was looking at the Sentry Tech guy, then my head turn aggressively to the ones across the room. The guy who shouted earlier looked like he just went into a boxing match. He was breathing heavily with a deadly glare. I traced his eyes and he was looking at the Sentry Tech guy.

"Oh, yeah." Sentry Tech guy said, "I'm Yvo. But I guess if you want to pursue the positions you want, —" Yvo was then interrupted by a voice so close behind me.

"Are you any good?" An impulse cause me to turn around. I found the guy, who Yvo called as Ax, standing behind me. And now in front of me.

Ok. All of this is too familiar for me. This feels a lot like my experience on finding a college where all I wanted to do is break down and cry, but time won't allow me.

"I guess I'm pretty confident of—"

"Good enough." He interrupted me and he is the one who has the guts to turn his back at me.

I was dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry about that." I turned to Yvo right after he apologized. "Their name's Avant-Garde." What a lazy name. "They are very short in members and they have this huge event coming up. I also really hope that you can help them out. I guess it's better if Ax would be the one to explain it to you. Don't worry. He's a cool guy."

I nodded and thanked Yvo. I felt like I shouldn't have mentioned my desired position. I felt like this is a beginning of a disaster. But my regrets meant nothing now. I couldn't possibly chicken out. The moment I entered the office, I am fully aware of the tension that the other half of the room has. And now, I am walking towards them, as if I am being suck into their dark energy.

None of the members dared to say a word, and just watched me as I stood in front of the desktop computer where Ax browses stuff. He finally got up after a solid minute and stood beside me with his arms crossed on his chest. I felt like his features would sink into me after I got out of this hell of an office. But right now, all he looked like to me is the one that would welcome me when I finally reach the gates of hell. The words he shouted earlier still echoes in my brain.

"Can you do that?" he pointed at the playing video in the desktop. It was an evident rip off of an online motion graphic tutorial that consists of a cracked plug in.

I had to clear my throat to brush off the thought that Ax is apparently challenging me by this unoriginal work, "Sure. I know a few tutorials that does that."

He nodded. "We'll give you the files and instructions. Deadline's tomorrow morning, 10am sharp. Don't be the cause of delay."

I had to retrace what just happened. I remembered reminding myself that joining an org wouldn't hurt.

Right now, all I can feel is like I'm being sorely chained from this room.

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