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38.32% Liberum Mundi / Chapter 85: Leaving the Magnificent City. (Part 1)

Chapter 85: Leaving the Magnificent City. (Part 1)

"I'm surprised you decided to leave than take your vacation through that city."

Saya asks while she sits beside me, enjoying the meal she ordered which leaves a nice smell drifting through this private room. I nod sipping this new drink recommended called brown sugar shake with herb bubbles. Just like the name implies it's ridiculously sweet and it has the same black bubbles like back at that pink drink back at the jaguar sector. It brings a smile after such a bloodied time... Calming down, I put the transparent cup down replying:

"That's because I realize I need to train and learn more. If I'm finally going to leave this city, this country, then I better not disappoint them and make sure I can take care of myself... Even if it's just a day, the more time I spend in that city, the less time I get to know or prepare for my next problems."

Saya stops chewing and points her fork at me asking:

"Sorry, but who are you?"

"Is that a joke?"

"No, seriously what happened to you?"

Confused, I can only tilt my head replying:

"Um, I want to grow up?"


Saya freezes and soon swallows her food. She puts her fork and stands on the chair to pat my head saying:

"Well, it seems you ARE growing up. Placing duty before yourself, I can respect that."

My smile grows wider with her praise and pats, I nod replying:

"I don't know what that means but thanks."

With a wide smile, seeing her bucktooth and joy in her eyes, she messes my hair before saying:

"Been a while since I pat you. Your hair is nice to touch with your headband being the lines to stop... But still, why don't you go order something more? I think you deserve it."


Saya stops patting me and sits down replying:

"Sure, I mean it's free after all."

"Oh! Then I want more of this brown sugar drink thing. I think this might be my favourite drink now."

She continues to eat before shouting:

"Well order it up."

Pressing the bell on the wall, I start to remember my time visiting Chenlin's house and met her family... I find it bizarre and baffling hearing them being proud and happy for me to personally visit them and joyful after hearing her dying for a stranger like me. After that weird experience, I went to say my goodbyes early to everyone I know before finally getting on this train and meeting Juja again to lead me here.

*psssh* *step* *step*

The train moves on with the view outside becoming ever more blur. As I wonder why I'm being sent to the Turtle Sector again, I take another sip of my drink when I feel someone patting my head again,


I feel glad, I guess it's true that it's been a while since Saya pats my head... It feels nice! When I look at Saya who's still eating, my heart jumps.

(Wait, who's patting my head?)

Realizing it's coming from behind me. I turn around to see a beast-kin the same age as Saya. With his most unique trait being the tiny cute horns poking out his platinum hair...

(Oh? What kind of beast-kin is he?)


Before I could call him out, her mother who sits across the chair we're in wakes up and sees what her child is doing, she hastily grabs him away shouting:

"I'm so sorry! I'll make sure to teach him better!"

She places her kid down and continuously bows down for forgiveness. I shake my head replying:

"It's okay, he's still a kid after all."

The mother stands straight and soon I realize she's standing over 2 meters, wearing thick white layers of robes and with platinum hair reaching past her knees as her horns would've pierced the ceiling if it weren't curving.

(Seriously, where do all these huge people come from? Or am I just that short?)

"Thank you! Well, what do you say when you made a mistake, Xiao-Ri?"

The kid who's height barely reaches her belt bows down saying:


I can't but smile seeing how adorable he is and pat his head saying:

"Just be careful next time okay?"

He looks at me for a while before his face reddened and nods quickly replying:

"Umu! Thanks pretty sis!"

(Get used to it, Sova... Make this a lesson to train more!)

It seems when we arrive in this private class train, there is only one room and two passengers within with most of the seats being empty.

(And I suppose I better relax for now and push those thoughts aside when I have some privacy).

Not wanting to cause any more tension, I extend my hand to the seat before me asking:

"Say, since it's just us here why don't we sit together?"

"Oh? Then I accept your generosity, thank you. And you wouldn't mind my kid sitting beside you right?"

"Ah, sure, you don't mind sitting beside me, right Xiao-Ri was it?"

Ri shakes his head enthusiastically and eagerly charge inside to sit between me and Saya when I make way. His mother quietly slides in to sit across us saying:

"Thank you again, and if you wouldn't mind. May I know your name? My name's Arsya Boniu. And my son's name is Rijin Boniu. It is truly a pleasure to meet you."

Since we're speaking in runician, I nod replying:

"My name's Suowa Anmao and my companion here is Shala Anmao. It's a pleasure to meet you."

She rests her arms on the table and tilts her head asking:

"Suowa you said?"

"Hmm? Yea, is something wrong?"

She smiles back quickly answering:

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all! It must be nice travelling with siblings."

"Yes, it is pretty nice."

As we introduced ourselves and have a simple chat, Saya finished her meal and cleans her mouth before looking at Rijin asking:

"Hey, so how does it feel patting her head?"

(What are you asking?)

I quickly glare at Saya but she doesn't seem to faze. Rijin on the other hand is flustered by her question and looks down with reddened face replying:

"Um... Very nice..."

(And what's with that reaction!?)

Saya places her elbow on the table and rests her head on her hand before pointing at herself with her thumb and wearing a huge smug on her face saying:

"Tell you what, I get to pat her head. Every. Single. Day."

Rijin suddenly looks up to her with his arms clench and combine, eyes sparkling and shining, he shouts:


"That's right! So call me, big sis! And maybe you'll get a chance to pat her head again."

"Big sis! Big sis!"

"Humu Humu~!"

(More like shouldn't he ask me?)

Rijin raises his arms high and wide to cheer Saya up. And maybe it's just me but I feel like Saya's nose just got longer with each cheer. Arsya, looking at their interaction giggles saying:

"Well kids, ain't they cute?"

I look back at her and hesitantly answering:

"I suppose."


The door opens and a waitress arrives with a gem in her hand asking:

"Greetings again, may I take your order?"

Looking at her and grab my drink to point at it saying:

"I want another- no, give me..."

(Since it's free I guess it's fine if I share them with others I know. Let's see, there's one for me, Sis Fei, Sis Yuwei- wait, will she be there? Probably not... So I guess that's Yuria, Kanami, kokkan- oh wait, he's on a mission so... Ptelophy, Libing, Yimu, Abe, Yui, and... I think that's it so...)

"9 cups of this, please! Make them all for the package too!"

"Prff! What?"

Saya gasp in shock by the amount and I remember now, I look back asking:

"Hey Saya, you want it too?"

"Huh? No thanks."

"Okay then, 9 glass it is."

The waitress nods and the gems start to shine and asking:

"Anything else?"


I ponder and then look at Arsya and Rijin asking:

"What about you two? Do you want something?"

"Huh? Oh please, we wouldn't wish to-"

"No, it's fine. Apparently whatever I order is free so please help yourselves."

Arsya hides her mouth in shock replying:

"Really!? (Even I'm not given such privileges...)"

Her whispers escape as I catch on to it before she looks at my clothes and continues saying:

"Well, if you so insist, then... I am intrigued by this Kansa Jiroufan I read in the menu."

"I see, then please add one Kansa Jiroufan please-"

"Make it extra-large portion please."

(Ah right, I doubt the normal portion would satisfy her).

I nod repeating her words saying:

"Make it extra-large portion please."

The waitress nods at my orders and the gem shines again before asking:

"Anything else?"

I look at Rijin asking:

"What about you? What do you want?"

Rijin's face reddened when I look at him closely. He looks down twirling his thumb replying:

"Um, I would love to have what you're having, Big Sis..."

(I wonder if I should just correct him... Sigh, I better not cause any more confusion).

"Ah, I see," I look back at the waitress and continue saying, "Make it 10 of this sugar milk drink please, but one of them is not packaged."

She nods and her gem shines again before replying:

"I see, anything else?"

"Hmm, what about you Saya? Wanna order something?"

I look back at Saya and she rests her head replying:

"Well, I would love some cold water."

"I see, then one more cold water and that's it."

The waitress nods and her gem shines once again but this time answering:

"Very well, before I take my leave, may I suggest you package all the items. It seems it won't be long before we arrive at the royal district."

"Oh! I see, package all things, please. And give them what they want when it's ready, don't need to wait for me."

"Very well, please kindly wait and thank you."

She bows and leaves the room. As the door closes, Arsya leans forward, maybe it is her immense size but she manages to lean past the table before asking:

"Thank you again for this very kind hospitality, Suowa."

"No problem!"

Arsya backs away to lean on her chair asking:

"So, tell me, since you're taking this train. Are you perhaps heading to the Royal District?"

"Eh? How did you know?"

"You got on this train without knowing?"

"Well, sad to admit but yea, I followed my senior's instruction since I'm still not accustomed to this modern stuff."

"I see, I see, with how complex technology is right now I suppose it's appropriate to learn more but..."


*clang* *clang* *clang* *clang* *clang*

Curiosity tilts my head while I ask and the train bells ring loudly. Arsya with a face full of regrets she sighs replying:

"I'll say sorry in advance but let me give you a warning, there's a high chance Owlian invention will soon fall into darkness and obscurity, you better do your best to preserve it or try to find another alternative soon, Owlian girl."

"Huh? What is that suppose to mean?"

(I mean I don't use Owlian tech that much but...)

She slowly gets up replying:

"I'm just saying the truth. I will be taking my leave, Suowa. It was nice meeting you, may we meet again and may the spirit bless you. Xiao-Ri, say come and say goodbye."

I look at Rijin and back away, when he gets off the chair I smile and pat him again saying:

"See you next time, may the spirit bless you and your mother."

He nods with the brightest smile replying:

"Umu! I hope I can see you again, Big Sis! Goodbye! May the spirit bless you too!"

He waves at me and runs to his mother. She bows again one last time before leaving through the door...

(What is that all about?)

When I look at Saya, she leans back on the chair saying:

"Well let's just accept what she said for now. The truth huh? I guess that sums it up."

"Wait, what?"

"Say, I'm sure you heard someone saying the Aologi Empire is no more right?"

I nod to her question to say yes, and Saya in return answers:

"Let's me ask you this, currently, what makes your body function? Or what makes you alive?"

"Um, I learned this in Biology and I think it's the Heart, blood and brains...?"

(Hold on, I don't have a heartbeat right? Does that mean I'm dead!? Then what state am I in?)

"Right, imagine the Aologi Empire being the heart of the world's economy and the brain for the development of the world, I mean the fact that the common currency the Riaz currency belonging to the Aologi Empire and they being the world's head of security and representative just say a lot isn't it? So with it gone what will happen to the world?"

"It will... Die?"

(Wait what? No way!)

Saya stands and pats my head replying:

"Well if it was as simple as that. But sadly the world is not a human body so don't worry as something else will take its place. What she meant is that with the Aologi Empire, the pioneer of scientific engineering, the heart of the economy that distributes such technology and ideas are vanishing, Owlian Tech or Science will soon fall out of style. So it's better to invest in something else."

"A-Ah, I-I see... Sheesh, she doesn't need to be so ambiguous like that!"

"Pfffff hahaha! Well I mean you are an Owlian no? Still, you need to understand that she said high chance so there's probably a low chance science can still grow."


"After all, even though the Aologi Empire fell, the Grand Ancient Lunor Academy, the head lab and birthplace of science still exist so there's still hope."

"Oh yeah, and wait, science is born there!? Nobody ever told me that! I thought it was a school!?"

"And a laboratory, institute, academy, university and all those academics and scientific words you can think about."


(May is going into that kind of place? Hmm... Heh, if it's her I'm sure she'll pass with flying colours).

"And Sova, remember that one-word thing to describe each country thing."

"Ah yea, what about it?"

"Well, you wanna know what's the perfect word to describe the Confederation?"

"What is it?"

Saya grabs my cheeks and forcefully make me look up to her before saying:

"AR-RO-GANT, after all, who in the world is sane enough to call themselves, Gods and Deities of all things. It must have hurt their pride a hell of a lot being the world's number 3 for more than 2 millennia Hahaha! And even if the Aologi Empire is gone, they're still rank 2 since the Theocracy is in their way. C'mon, let's leave so move first."

(Arrogant huh? I guess that's true... Wait, he never really tell what's so bad about the Phoenix Sector, I wonder what's the best word to describe it?)

"Sure, hold on..."

I brush away those question to the corner of my mind along with Saya's hands before backing away and let her past. Seeing her jump down and walking to the door, I was reminded once again that I pretty much carry nothing since my armour and bag got destroyed.

(I wonder will this be my new norm? No! I'm doing my best to make sure it doesn't happen).

With Saya now singlehandedly carrying all of them with a magic bag that doesn't get heavy no matter how many items you put. It kinda makes me feel bad that I'm just... Well, here.

"Dear Lords, here are your orders. We have also followed your orders as well. Please enjoy them, and I hope you would come to use our services again."

"Of course! If they let us. Thank you."

I grab the bags and see 5 and 4 cups each while Saya takes a bottle of water. Exiting the door, I soon realize...

"Where the heck are we?"

Unlike the modern station we arrive back then or the old station we use to get off or the abandoned one from underground this place is... So lavish yet so empty... Like a ghost station? Is that the right word?

*pssh* *clang* *clang* *clang* *clang*

The train door closes and with the sound of bells, the train drives away and moves out of sight. Moving forward I could see the care this place got with how the floors are shining, the walls are clean and the lights and utilities are still functional. Saya takes a drink before she walks ahead and I follow suit. Finishing her bottle, she throws it to the trash bin and starts saying:

"Aaaah! Finally back at our district!"

"District... District... District..."

Her voice echoes clearly past the empty station and I wonder,

(Where is everyone? Or those two who got here ahead of us?)

We walk past the scanning gate and there's still no one in sight. While I was panicking a bit, Saya just strolls happily the empty corridor with no open store in sight but the occasional news hanger where she picks one and opens it saying:

"Woah, we spend 2 days there? Days sure went past when you're busy."

(I have to agree, time sure flies... Wait if that newspaper has the latest news doesn't that mean someone's filling those hangers up? And hold on...)

"2 days? I feel like I'm forgetting something..."

I try to remember what when Saya just dumps the newspaper back to the hanger replying:

"Well take your time to think then, we still got a long time before we arrived."

"Hmm, 2 days... 2 days... Turtle Sector... I feel like it's in the tip of my tongue but I just can't spit it out."


Saya snickered at my comment and just went ahead. I lift one of the bags and look back inside the cups. Seeing how they didn't even make the bag bloat too much since it's placed on top of each other and you can see it from outside since the bags are also transparent. Counting the cups and reciting their names...

"Sis Fei... 2 days... Turtle sector... Ah!"

"Oh? You got an idea already?"

"Mhm, it seems the party Sis Qiyue promised is... Today. What time is it now?"

(Wow, I almost forgot... I guess some things do occupy your mind).

Saya shook her head replying:

"I don't know but it was morning when we enter the train. So... Add an hour of travel I guess it's already noon."

"Noon? I wonder if I'm already late to the party? Well, I guess since I have a mission now I suppose I'll finish that first."

"Heh, say who's hosting the party? Some important people perhaps?"

"I think? I mean those guards are bowing their heads."

"Ah, then you need not worry since you're heading there and they're always hosting it at midnight and party till morning as long as I live there.

"Really? But then again, the invitation is for Sis Fei so I don't have any reason to go anyway."


Saya frowns from my words and I can only wonder if I said anything weird...


"Well, we'll separate here. I'll go do some other stuff, and here are your broken items."

Saya places the magic bag in the drink bag and waves her hand while turning her back at me. I nod and try opening the door with pressing the knob with my elbows before raising my bags shouting:

"I'm back! And I brought souvenirs!"


The room I entered was empty, without any lights on, or anyone to greet me back here I can't help but feel something break inside... I roam around the building for once trying to search for someone. Since there's only one floor, I manage to memorize the place and still find no one.

(Should I leave the drinks here? But what if they don't return? The drinks would go bad by then).

I leave with my bags still full and head straight to the palace. Now it seems soldiers are guarding the palace gate now and when they saw me, they quickly open the doors and let me in as I wonder,

(What's the occasion? I'm pretty sure the place is not this heavily defended before).

I could see soldiers guarding on the sides of each room, and even captain-looking soldiers with feathers on their head patrolling alongside heavy soldiers. The skies are clear but it seems the ground is not. Tension fills the air while soldiers are busy wandering around the palace as if they're looking for something. And I could do is watch while doing my own thing.

I quietly went to the chancellor's office to find Ptelophy first to give my items away and gift her while I'm at it. Seeing that even her office is guarded heavily, I proceed and they let me through with no problem. Wondering if she's inside I ask the soldiers in the door,

"Um, excuse me is the Chancellor inside?"

The soldier nods saying:

"Yes, and... Brrgh! The chancellor has asked you to come in."

They help me open the door. And when I walk in, I could hear the soldiers outside whispering something about,

"How brave"


"How is he going there with a smile?"

When the door closes, there is only darkness, candles soon lit up and I could finally see Ptelophy. Ever so busy working by moving multiple pens at once, I approach her shouting:

"Ptelophy, I'm back!"

"Hmph, welcome back, Sova. And congratulations on completing your mission."

"Thanks! Oh, here's the armour... I'm sorry it broke again. I'll make sure to not break it next time."

Ptelophy stops moving her pen and looks at me replying:

"Like I told you before, you don't need to feel sorry."

"Right! And here..."

I place a cup and straw I brought to a place far from any papers. Seeing this Ptelophy looks at what I placed and tilts her head asking:

"What is that?"

I back away and smile widely replying:

"A souvenir, I hope you liked it!"

"Hahaha, how amusing. Thank you..."

"You're welcome!"

Maybe it was her eyes, but it seems she smiled there when she said that.

(Could it be she likes that drink? Our taste might not be different... I wonder what is she working at? Didn't she told me that she finished a month of work?)

As I grab the bags and is about to leave, Ptelophy stands up saying:

"Hold on, Sova."


"When you're free come to this office again."

"Oh? Is it for the samples thing?"

"Yes that too, but also for the mission tomorrow."

"Oh, okay! I'll see you later then. May the spirit bless you."

"May the spirit bless you as well."

Seeing her walk to the edge of her long table and grab the cup, I walk outside and felt happy seeing someone liking my gifts...

(Now that I wonder, why do I want to grow closer to her? I mean, we just met but I have this quick hunch that I need to...)

Feeling a bit weird how so many complicated things keeps popping up, I shove them away again before arriving in front of my door. Quietly I walk to my room and,


Opening the door, I see Yuria still changing as I see her trying to wear her servant's robe. Realizing my mistakes I close the door saying:


(Hold on!)



"What are you doing in my room!?"

(I mean, I've kept finding her in my room. Maybe she's in standing by in my room?)

I open my door again and ask back making Yuria who still haven't wear her robe to fall in surprise.

"S-Sova? More like you're back?"

"Well yea, what's wrong? The way you said it sound like you're not expecting me back."

"Of course not! I mean... Well, I thought you would still be in your mission if Mistress Fei says is true..."

Yuria jumps and hugs me close while still in her undergarments shouting:

"But still, welcome back!"

I return her gesture and hug her back, maybe because she's not wearing a lot but she's a lot warmer and softer than usual. I stop hugging her and back away to place the bags down saying:

"I'm back, and..."

I grab one of the cups and straws inside saying:

"This is for you."

"Eh? R-Really? T-Thank you so much!"

Yuria grabs the cup and tears well-up from her orange eyes. It was then she looks down at her own body and,

"Kyaa! I almost forgot! I'm still changing!"

She tries to hide her body with her arms and I look at her replying:

"Um, kinda late don't you think? And I saw you naked before haven't I?"

(And wait, you forgot!?)

Her face reddened and she tries to back away to a place to hide replying:

"Well, I'm still a girl and can feel embarrassment, so can you please wait outside for a while?"

"Sure I guess..."

I scratch my head and walk outside before closing the door...

(A girl in her undergarments?)

The sight of Yuria in her thin undergarments and then the memory of her naked back at the bathroom resurface among the mist. As I feel my face becoming hot I shake my head and try to push those perverted thoughts away saying:

"No! Keep yourself in check!"


The door opens and I look back seeing Yuria fully clothed now saying:

"Um, sorry, you can come in now."


(Feels kinda weird that I need permission to enter my room).

I slowly walk in and sit on the bed, Yuria finally finished wearing her clothes takes the drink I gave her saying:

"Hehe, this is the first time someone gave me a souvenir. Thank you, Sova."

(No one ever did? Maybe I should gift her something better next time).

"No problem, say, what's with all the guards?"

"Hmm? Oh, we're having guests you see. They decided to call in the wall guards to make sure nothing happens."

"I see... Guests huh? Must be important- Wait, does that means Sis Yuwei will be here?"

"Well yes, she will meet them in the throne room. It seems from the grapevines, it's someone from another Sector."

"I see..."

(Wait, I didn't buy any for Sis Yuwei! Wait, I can still give her mine. I just hope she doesn't immediately leave after it's done).

I grab the bags asking:

"Mind helping me find someone? I'm planning to give them the things I brought back."

"Of course! Follow me!"

Yuria answers back with high energy and went out with the drink on her hand. Seeing her happy and cheerful calms me down among the serious vibe this place has.

"So who are we looking for?"

As we exit the room I look at the bags I carry saying:

"How about Kanami for the first one?"

"Oh, then follow me, she should be in her usual spot."


Unlike other places, this place doesn't have any guards at all. Maybe because it has no doors but windows, but no one's guarding this place at all. Seeing Yuria just drinking the souvenir I gave her with joy, I can't help but smile as well.

When we walk past more windows I can count, dark winds blow my way and soon something drops from above like last time. The sight of a lady wearing the garments of someone specialized in sneaking appear before me. That's when the darkness fade and Kanami appears with her usual Servant garbs and hug me saying:

"Welcome back! Didn't think you would return so quickly. So why are you looking for me? Could it be I charm you at one point? Though that would be a problem since you have my lil bro's eyes already."

Kanami draws a circle on my chest with her fingers and I proceed to just hand her a glass and straw saying:

"Well no, and I may not get you any solid souvenirs but here, I hope you liked it."

Kanami takes the glass and backs away a bit asking:

"What's this? It sure is not coffee or chocolate."

"Hehe, it's called brown sugar milk something. Anyways, you gotta try it, even Yuria like it!"

"Yeah! It's super sweet and has this delicious black balls inside."

"Oh? So it's like those recently popular boba drinks huh? Interesting..."

Kanami pops the seal and starts to drink. She seems to take in the taste as she licks her lips before replying:

"I gotta admit this is premium quality but I suppose this is not my taste. Still thank you so much, I thought I wouldn't get to enjoy moments like this anymore."

"No problem! Time to find somebody else. See you later Kanami! May the spirit bless you."

"I see, see you later then. May the spirit bless you as well. Don't hesitate to ask me for assistance next time."

We wave goodbye to Kanami and she vanishes inside the floor with the cup still in her hand.

Yuria continues to drink sip by sip before asking:

"Who's next?"

"Well, I was planning to find Shifu, Abe and the rest."

"Oh? Do you mean the foreign division? Just like you, each of them got a mission to handle but... I think the kid Lord Abe left is still here."


(Wait, then who will tell me about what it means being the Silencer- you know what... I don't think I care that much anymore. With the fact that I keep being denied any answer like this. Let's just try made something up with what I know than worry about this. He must be really busy, I'll get it when I get it. Or maybe there's a book somewhere or someone else that can tell me).

I nod to my conclusion before replying:

"Then let's find her then."

Yuria listening to my orders puts her drink down and bows saying:

"Sorry, Sova... I don't know where to find her. They always seem to disappear without any mention."

"You don't huh? Wait I think I know where."


"Mhm, lead me to the garden's shed house."

"Ah! No wonder we couldn't find her. Leave it to me!"


With Yuria passing through the grass walls and helping me guide through the bush maze, we end up in the shed and just as I suspected I see Yui reading a book alone in one of the steel chairs near the shed. When she saw us she bails out and in so much panic, she left her slippers and thrown her book away. While she tries to go inside the shed, I slowly drop the bags and dash ahead to stop her.

"Eek! U-Um... I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

With haste I appear before halt her steps, with her face full of horror I lift her and she braces for the worst. Seeing the situation calming, I put her down and kneel to look at her eye to eye before patting her head saying:

"Don't be afraid, it's just that I want to give Abe and you some gifts."

"G-Gifts? For me and mashter? W-Why?"

Her face is full of confusion and looking closely at her, I then realize how much different she looks between when she arrived and now.

"Since we're like family now, please don't be afraid."


Seeing her still afraid with tears swelling on her ruby red eyes, I caress her soft black hair and look at Yuria saying:

"Yuria, can you bring two cups and straws?"


I let her go and she doesn't seem she wants to escape. Yuria arrives shortly after and I take the cups, kneeling before handing it to her saying:

"Here, one is for you and Abe."

She slowly takes the cup on both her hand and look at them confused with what to do with them.

(Did she not know how?)

"Here, let me show you how. Hold this one with both your hands and don't move."

Yui starts to shake in fear again and when I raise the straw, she closes her eyes and looks away gritting her teeth as if she's expecting something harsh.



Yui looked at the cup surprised before she moves it around to look around wondering what happened.

(This is the first time O see someone clueless... Am I like this as well?)

"You put the straw in your mouth then suck it. Try it."

Yui who listened, hesitantly put it in her mouth then close her eyes before sucking it... Her eyes opened wide and she continues to slurp so fast I could see the content disappearing quickly.

"Is it good?"

She doesn't look so scared anymore as she smiles with the straw in her mouth nodding excitingly saying:


"Don't forget to give this one to Abe okay?"

She nods excitingly replying:

"Yush! Thack sho mush, Shish!"

"You're welcome. May the spirit bless you."

"Blesh you!"

I pat her head one more time before I stand and look back at Yuria saying:

"Let's go find Sis Fei now."


(Wait, if I leave her with the extra one won't it go bad if she had to wait for more than 1 day?)

Seeing Yui still outside looking up as she is still wondering what's going on, I approach her again and she jolts and jumps up choking her drink.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just want to ask do you know when Abe will return? Because that drink can only last for a day, so tomorrow it must be finished."

I pat her back to help her and when she gets better, she coughs a bit more before answering:

"Cough! Cough! Mashter? She said she will return tomorrow but at worst in a week. Ah, but not a worrish! She lens me a magic box to preshev food! So I won't go hungry and I can keep it der!"

"I see... Well, take care now okay? May the spirit bless you."

"May she spirit blesh you!"

I pat her one last time before turning around and leave wondering,

(There's a magic tool that can preserve food? It is like those very expensive cold boxes at the convenient stores? Or is it something different? Can I leave the food there? Wait, does the kitchen have that?)


To my surprise, Yuria brings me underground. From the same stairs, Lin and I descended a few weeks ago, the sight of darkness and concrete returns. With barely any light to guide us, Yuria summons a small ember to help us through. Walking past the giant room where they once gather and wandering beyond the place I ever knew.

(I wonder if this underground is the same as the underground that place Jaya is in?)

Not wanting to continue this silence I decided to walk beside Yuria asking:

"Say, where is this place?"

"Oh? Mmm, well, this is where the servant's quarters are. But well, with most of them being sent somewhere else this place has been pretty much abandoned or left empty."

"I see... But then why are we heading deeper? Is Sis Fei there?"

Yuria nods replying:

"Yeah, this underground level is as huge as three palaces combined! That's how we travel from one wing to the other, so of course, we have more than the sleeping quarters here. One of them is a huge open area that Mistress Fei has used as her training ground."

"Oh, I see..."

(Hmm, I wonder if Sis Fei also keeps her items here?)



"Oww! That hwurts!"


As I wonder about that, I could hear familiar voices coming from beyond. A glimmering light shines from the darkness and I soon realize, there's an open door ahead.

"Ugh! She's sho swong!"

"Please do hold back, Mistress Fei, they're still kids."

"Hmph! Even I wasn't spared when I was her age, what makes you think our enemies would show any mercy?"

"At least let them dream a little, be the bigger person."


Hearing two familiar voice arguing, I soon arrive at the door. With Saya helping me open the door, I enter and raise the bags saying:

"Sis, I'm back!"

"Eh? S-Sova?"


" "Huh?" "

With my vision being blocked by the bags, I lower my hands and continue saying:

"I'm home and I brought souvenirs!"

" "Souvenirs!" "

The twin Lin and Lan who heard me scream in excitement as they rush to me. The one with a blue phoenix tattoo on her right side, Lan hugs the right bag saying:

"Yay! Oooh! Cold!"

And the one with the tattoo on the left, Lin hugs the other bag saying:

"I don't know who you are but thank you, Big Shis!"

(Ah right! There the twins! I didn't buy for any of them! Wait, they don't remember? Well I guess that's understandable since I never cleared up I'm the same guy- wait do they still remember?)

"Will we get to drink all of vit! Yippee!"

"Sho many drinks!"

(Ah what do I say!? Wait... Forgive me Libing and Yimu, I suppose I have to give your portion to them...)

" "Ah!" "

I pull the bags up replying:

"Only one for each of you okay?"

" "Eh!? Not fair!" "

"Well, you either get one or none at all. This drink is shared for everyone!"

"This is the worst day!"

"Big Shis, big meanie!"

They both fold their arms and look away with dissatisfied faces. Sis walks close to us folding her arms with a frown saying:

"So are you saying you're going to take Sis Yuwei's drinks as well?"

" "Eh?" "


"Both of you have grown quite bold."

Even I was a bit surprised by what she said. Like what does she even mean? Hearing her words they froze for a moment before looking at each other replying:

"W-We're good kids, of course, we'll share!"

"Yeah! Time to show Sis Yuwei that wiv grown!"

They show their resolve loudly. Seeing their shenanigans, I put the bags down and took out two cups. Seeing the drinks, both of their eyes sparkle and shine with smiles brighter than the stars. As I hand it to them, they drop their practice sticks to reach their hands out and I pull it back as they try grasp it.

" "Huh?" "

"Say, do both of you know who I am?"

" "Hmm?" "

They both tilt their heads, making it look like looking at each other's reflection.

"Why don't you guess? I'll keep the drinks until then."

" "Eh!?" "

I declare with a smile and back away, Lan stomp on her feet shouting back,

"Dash not fair! You're provably just some wandom noble foam God knows where!"

Lin does the same and points at me shouting:

"Yeah! You big Jerk! We have many things to remember, why should we remember you!"

(I guess that's a fair point...)

"Heh~ didn't know you're the type to pull stuff like this, Sova."

Sis nudge at me and I nod to their explanations replying:

"I guess, that's true. I never really introduce my name either, I'm sorry... I guess a proper introduction is needed."

I bow my head down and hand the two cups along with the straws to them saying:

"I'm Sova Anmao, the sworn brother of Sis Yuwei."

Their hands stop reaching for the drinks when the term brother comes up.

"Sworn bwother? What's that?"

"Wait, Sis Yuwei have a bwother! Sis Fei is dis true!?"

Sis Fei wraps her hand around me and cuddles me close replying:

"Darn right! That makes him my brother too. Though not related by blood."

" "Eeeeh!? " "

While still in shock I raise my head and continue saying:

"We met back at that hallways twice, you know the one with the milk on hand and the servant attire. Pleased to meet you."



They both ponder for a while before finally gasping together. Pointing at me at the same time shouting:

"You're that Sissy in armour!"

"And you're that servant who found us sneaking away!"

"So you are sneaking away huh?"


"Lin you dummy!"

Both of them seem to dig their own grave as Nanny Litan sharpen her gaze. I push the cups to them and let it go when they both hold the cold cups.

"Sigh, well, why don't you take a break then."

" "Yay!" "

Nanny Litan urge them and they run away to one of the long chairs I just realize were there. As I try to take out a drink for Sis Fei, she clenches her grip saying:

"So, what are doing here? I thought after resting up a day there you'll head up to the Turtle Sector?"

Seeing even Sis asking the same question, I pull out the souvenir and hand it to her saying:

"Here, this is for you."

"Oh? Thanks."

She lets me go and takes the drink. Without using a straw she cuts the top with qi on her thumb before gulping it down.

"Pwaah! Chew, chew... Feels weird drinking something like this in home."

She sits on the ground and I start to wonder something important that crossed my mind...

(What's the mission? He just told me to go there. And which part of the Sector too?)

"So, Sova, you haven't answered me yet."

Sis pursue her answer and I nod sitting beside her replying:

"Well, I'm going on a mission tomorrow so I was planning and preparing but then I just realize that I don't even know what my mission is..."

Sis's eyes widened hearing this, seeing the same reaction Saya had Sis holds my forehead asking:

"Are you sick?"

"I'm serious! If I'm gonna leave the city, then I better be prepared."

"Ah... I see..."

Sis answers back with a stare as well, looking at me with worry in her eyes before she continues saying:

"You're going to leave huh?"

"Yes, after I finish the mission for tomorrow... I think I'm going to go find Ptelophy now, she said she said she's looking for me."

"Hey, Sova. Meet me in my room after you're done."

"Huh? Okay?"

(Woah, this is the first time I ever get to visit so many people).

I stand up and continue saying:

"Well, I'll be going now. See you soon. May the spirit bless you."

" "May the spirit bless you!" "

"May the spirit bless you."

The twins and Nanny Litan greets farewell before we finally leave. As I wonder why Ptelophy is calling me, I start to think,

(Maybe she's going to tell me what my mission is? I mean from my time with her, she doesn't seem to particularly like me so... I can only guess).


While Yuria waits outside with the bags, the soldiers open the gate once more to let me enter. When the door closes only darkness remains until candles lit up from the sides as to highlight a road. At the end of the way, stands Ptelophy with my armour fixed beside her.

(Oh? It's fixed? That's quick).

Walking close enough, Ptelophy looks at me with her mismatch eyes of red and blue shining bright in the gloom.

"Welcome back, now please get in the armour."

"Huh? Am I going to do something?"

Confused, I tried asking and Ptelophy nods replying:

"Yes, I'll explain soon after you wear it."

Not knowing what is planned, I trust her words and get inside. Feeling my spine tingle and my vision darkens and retuning brighter, I look at Ptelophy asking:

"So, mind explaining now?"

"Yes, since this is the first time we have an actual abiding core I wish to test how loyal it is."

"Loyal? Core? Of what? Like what are we talking about?"

"Eat this."


She hands me a familiar candy and remembering the sweetness of the previous one I take it saying:


I open my visor a bit before I put it in my mouth, the same taste spread over my mouth. I shut my eyes shouting:

"Yum! You really should make candies for part time."

"Sure, if it's for this, rest well."

"Huh? What are you-"


Before I could finish my question, my body fell and all just went click.


*poke* *poke*


Feeling someone poke my cheeks, I swat their hand away saying:

"Not now, still need more... Time."

"Alright, he's awake, you can take him now."

"Sheesh, didn't know Sova was the one to take afternoon naps."

"I just put him through intense training so it's reasonable."

(Training? I don't remember that... Did I?)

Hearing a familiar voice, I felt my body being lifted and carry away. Opening my eyes, what greeted me was a mix of purple green and orange.

"I see, well then, may the spirit bless you."

"May the spirit bless you as well."

My view soon turns around and I could see Ptelophy waving goodbye as I was carried away, I could see small tears on her long sleeves and thin cuts on her black helm but I don't know what to make of such information... Hearing Sis Fei's voice I struggle a bit saying:

"Sis, you can put me down or like where are we going?"

"Following Qiyue's invitation."

"Huh? Hold on, what? And there's still time?"

Caught in mind by many things happening, I struggle more and continue saying:

"Wait, but I need to prepare for the next mission. I also need to ask what it is and I also need to train more too-"

"Don't worry!"

Sis cuts me off and tightens her grip before she continue saying:

"I'm here doing you a favour... Though I guess this is the first time I ever see you refuse one. Just listen ok, I already ask Sis about it and prepare it for you. In the end, don't you want to go to the party?"

"Yes but..."

"Then just follow me okay? To be honest I already know you wouldn't be able to go so I never really say anything. So I ask her if she could give you something else."

Hearing her explain I can only ask,

"Sis, why are you doing this?"

"I... I just don't want to..."

Sis speaks a questionable sentence but stopping there, I can't see her face but she her voice is filled with pain.


"Just know that your next mission doesn't need you to actually do any fighting. Now shut up and move!"

"But I can't move, you're carrying me and-"

"It's an expression, Sova!"

"Ah... Say, am I that light people can carry me around like this?"

"No, I'm just that strong."


(Why do I feel a bit mad from that answer?)

Beltways Beltways

Here's a new beginning of a chapter... Thank you so much for reading so far!

But if I have tbh, I'm really running low on time and motivation as of late so don't expect any constant releases.

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