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68.75% Great Green Empire / Chapter 11: What's Waiting in the Forest?

Chapter 11: What's Waiting in the Forest?

When they woke up the second day, Rance asked Bloom to take a list of members and fills it with their information about their levels and mana points.

The first group have the average of level 3 to level 5, with MP that range from 65-120. Erica is currently the highest level. After she practiced a bit of mana control she created plant manipulation. Plant manipulation is much easier than tree manipulation since it only consume 5 mana per minute.

After she discovered 'Plant manipulation' she receive a bit of experience points and shot up to level 3. She helped the other members of the group to control their mana and what do they need to imagine in order to grow them. The 14 of the group are all from the Chinese group and since they focuses on herbs, they leveled faster than others.

The second group had an average level of 4 up to level 7, with a mana that range from 70-140. Currently Josei, Edrick and his classmates, are taking the lead after all they can use the magic in martial arts and it motivated the group to train.

The third group had nothing to do since they are only tamer. So their level did not rise a bit.

The fourth group are the same. This reason told him to give them another type of orb for them to gain some level. He took the fire innate orb and distribute it to all of them. This way it will be much easier for the group if they have the fire to defend their selves and survive if they are lost in the wild.

He also distribute wind innate orb to the third group and the fourth group. Light innate orb was decided to have all of the members to received them. He also decided to distribute lightning orb to the members of the first group.

Having obtained new powers, their level shot up, having an average level 5 with the highest being 10.

All of them practices one kind of spell, the skill ignite. But it's not the reason they gained their enough experience to level up. Rance created a new type of magic of the light attribute, the 'Purification'. The earth magic user dug a big hole on the land and started to take some water. To make the water edible, everyone needs to purify it. 'Purify is one of the skill that is in the line of everyday skills. This makes it possible for them to level up.

The third day, Rance decided to take the third (except Zeke) and fourth group with him to explore the woods.

After 1 hour of walking they spotted a group of Bird Beast on a tall tree. They have big claws and beak. The color of their feathers are brown or white. "I will catch them, beast tamers. You have read the book right? Then let's proceed. 'Tree Manipulation'!"

He put his hands on the tree where the group of beast is currently resting. The branch behind them stealthily stretch and bind them. The branches was separated from the tree and the entangled birds fall down from the height of 62 meters. The tree begins to grow twigs in its roots. The twigs form a big net and catch the bird beast and prevents them to hit the ground directly.

Audrey and Allona— his classmates— was the first to move. They stride forward and put their hands forward. "" Tame!""

The first two birds was bind with light. Mote of light begin to gather to their feet and form a bracelet like tattoo.


Then Sylvia — his classmate — and the other tamer run when all of them are totally bind.

"We only need 25 of them. It will be hard to control if they tame two at this level. Uncle Kong and those who are in the gene Merging group. Slay them all and see if something happen." He took out his ax and charge.

Gelo rush in like a bull and stab the bird on it's chest. The bird die after a second. " Bro! Check this out. When they die they will release a red like orb." He look at the orb and swallowed it.

"H-hey brother!! What are you doing!? haist. How does it feel? Are you hurt somewhere?" Rance begin to emit a light on his arms ready to take an action.

"Haha. No worries. You see we read the book properly. We can only mutate when we reach certain level in our body cultivation!" He bent down and suddenly his shirt was reap. His arms grow fur his eyes turn into red like blood. his wing bone mutate into a white and black wing. His legs grows scale and become a claw. "Haha! Look I'm a bird! Oh! So this is an E class bird the Bloody Owl?"

"Looks good but, did you find it weird bro!?" He lightly swing his ax on the wood that bind the bird. " See, if they are an rank E beast. How can they be this weak."

"Yeah.. I find it weird too." Kong from the sideline took an alive bird and show them its body. " look, there's a lot of cuts on this one!"

"Hurry up and make things done. Clean the bloodstains and purify yourself!" he put his ax on his Spacial Ring. He touch the carcass of the bird and was pull inside the ring. " Unbind and support your tamed bird! There might be something more dangerous in this forest."

Ashley decided mutate into a bird and open her wings. "I'll be going first. The kid's might be in danger."

"Alright those who can mutate already go straight to the camp!!" Rance tap the ground and earth spear went out of the ground. "Take this sis!"

The group of mutant turn into a bird and flapped their wings straight into the base.

"Everyone be more alert! We are not safe in this woods." He run to the side of her mother.

Then Ellen who is hugging her tame beast suddenly get up. "Bro where are we going to put little guys when we're back to the camp?"

"Cherry, don't say little, look at his size. How about you carry it on the top of the tree. I guess it's not that heavy since it's'Little'??"

Ellen pouted her mouth and hug her beast. "Hmp! Your just jealous because my I have tamed my own pet!"

"Haha, Even here your still like this ha? Hmm I suddenly become hungry and I want to eat some bird meat!" Swoong on his hand a bigger version of ignite was produce. It's fire is so hot that you can feel it even you are 3 meters away from it!

"Hhiiikk!!!" Ellen hug her beast and run to her aunt side hide. " Look auntie! Your son wants to cook my friend!!"

Phina who was in the middle knitted his brows and lift his hand to stop them. " Okay stop! It's not time to make some jokes!! Let's go home!!"

"" Yes aunt/Mom""


After an hour the group reach the base. There is a lot of bloods on the ground! In the root of the tree, the earth spear he gave Ashley was stab into a on ogre. On the entrance of the cave is a group ogre trying to break the small entrance.

"Fvck! just what happened!?" Ranze took his ax and rush at them.

Swing! Swang! With surprise attack, he beheaded two of the ogre's head.

The Ogres discover him and took their stone club and smash it on his position.


Rance side step to avoid the club hack the wrist of the ogre.

The ogre's hand was cut and can't lift his club with one hand. The club on the other hand was buried to the hard ground.

There are still 4 ogres left, the one of them have it's wrist cut.

"Uncle Kong! Can you hold 1 of them for a minute!?"

Crack!!!! Just after he spoke another club broke the surface of the entrance.

"I and Briant can hold him down with fire magic!"

"Good! Mom , Big sis, and Ellen!! Took care of the noncombatants!! Ricka take the group on the first window of the tree!!!

" Guurraarrggg!!! " The ogres are enraged and charge aimlessly.

"F*ckkk 'Earth Wall!"


A 1 meter thick earth wall rise and close the entrance.

" Uncle Kong, Briant!! Follow them!! and search for every room on the tree and find the others!!" He step back and run on the tea table. He use earth manipulation and made the land sink. He made the pit full of earth spike and cover it with thin soil. " Uncle faster!!"

The wall he made was crashed and the ogres look left and right tom find him.

Rance trow his ax to the group and shout. " Come at me!!!"


The ax hit the head of the injured ogre and kill it.

The ogre's anger shot up charge into him with the fastest speed they have. While running 2 of them fall in the trap. While the other one discover it early and leap.

Rance side step and roll to the ground. His speed can't match the ogre's. He run straight to were he trow his ax.


The Ogre eyes turn red and started to charge at him, the ogre put his hand on the ground and lift a 1 meter wide rock.

He trow the rock and continue to charge.

(What!?) After Rance pick his a he saw the rock flying straight to him! "Parry!!!!!"

clang!!! bllaaaaggghh!!

He manage to Parry the rock but was sent flying on the stairs of the first room..


His spat some blood on the ground and stand up while swaying. He touch the ground and dense mote of light started to gather.

The Ogre charge on his four limbs.

" Tree manipulation!! "


Before the ogre reach him the stairs on his back extended into a two pointed stick and using the speed of the ogre, it stab and kill him.

"Hah!! Hah, Hah...."

Rance breathe heavily and finally lose his consciousness.


"haaahh.. where am I?" Rance woke up and look at the ceiling. "Oh it is still the wooden ceiling."

He try to move his hands but he can't. "Ergh!? Bloom!!"

"Urggghh....." Bloom woke up and rub her red eyes. " Y-you! Uhuhuhu!!!" She jump on him and hug him tight, her tears was coming on her cheeks non stop, she burry her face on his chest and cry nonstop.

"Ha ha... Okay okay, we can stay like this for a while." He hug her back and kiss her forehead.

After a while Bloom seize crying wipe her face.

" What happened? where are the others?" Rance look at her eyes.

"You see, everyone was safe except for Brother Gelo. He hurt his arms when he safe Zeke from the ogre. He is currently resting to room bellow. His recovery is fast. Must be because of our immortality." She look at him and hit his chest. "You! You are idiot! you can run too you know? Why did you face them at the same time!"

Rance smiled bitterly while a blood was leaking from his lips.

"Haha, Baby bloom. I'm sorry I'm the idiot. Please don't hit me again."

"Hmmp." Bloom stood and went down the stair.

After a while Bloom came back with a big bowl of soup on her.

"Eat, You were out for two days. You exhausted your mana and lose consciousness."

He took the soup and smile bitterly. Jerky soup with mushroom!!

He have no choice since he's also hungry.

After a while he stood up and stretch.

"Good! Let's go meet brother!"


" Ashley, did you see Bloom? She has a huge bowl with her, looks like Rance finally regain his consciousness. "

Ashley who was playing with Zeke look at him. "Maybe, he is an immortal. It's good that he's safe now." She look on the window and knitted her brows. "The entrance was destroy because of the fight, the Nature Magic user can't fix it. We are walking in and out through that 4 meter high window for two days."

Then suddenly a voice came from the entrance. "Ha ha! sorry sis^~^ I'll fix it later!!"

" Yeah, you should fix'em! We are suffering because we are being use as elevator!"

"Of course! of course! But first let me fix Big brother's hands."

He walk into the bed and extend his hands.

This time the motes of light that is color blue turned into bright green.

" 'Heal'! "


The green motes of light went straight the the broken arm.

After 10 seconds, Gelo finally able to move his arms.

"Alright, I will fix the entrance first and make it smaller so those ogre won't be able to enter again." He took out a pile of meat on rings and give it to bloom. "Bloom ask Reen and Anna to purify this first, then put it on top of the tea table. I will make something out of it later. Also ask them to stay inside after cleaning in."


At the bottom of the tree.

The stairs use to go down the entrance was blocked.

He went out of the window and walk in front of the entrance.

"woohh! so smelly" He cover his nose and mouth with his hands. The smell that is leaking out of the entrance was because of the rotting corpse of the ogre.

"What the hell! How should I fix this."

BurningDesire BurningDesire


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