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62.5% Great Green Empire / Chapter 10: Manipulation

Chapter 10: Manipulation

In a place full of greens, a beautiful lady is observing the ax that is floating on her front.

"It's beautiful indeed. How did that kid be able to lift this ax? I can't even lift it without using my inner force!" She waves her hand to call her servant "Tell my husband that something interesting happened and I want to show him something. Also, go to my son's quarter and tell him to come, his parents need his presence."


Not long after Artheo has arrived and sat on her side. "Wifey what is it? want to play with me? Hmm?" He looks at the ax floating on his front. "pfff! What!? Where did you find it!? Uncle is still mad after Lord lost it!"

"Ehh?" Lord just arrived when he discovered the ax on his mother's hands. "M-mom!? Why ? why? is that ax is on your hands!?" he kneel on the grass and cry, "Mom, you know that Grand Uncle is so mad that until now every half-century he visit me for beating. All this time, his ax is only on your hands!"

"Shut up!! look that orb and watch!!" Goddess Althea pointed on the orb like screen.

Inside it a young man crying while muttering "Huhu, Damned goddess. My ax, I want my ax back!"



"Ei, Those people are the survivors of planet Earth, am I correct?" Artheo

"Yes, and that young man manage to lift this ax in one hand, he even able to swing it like it's weightless." Althea look at his son's eyes, " Dear son, what can you exchange for this ax? you see that kid is crying. "

"Ahh! I'll go tell Granduncle first!" He runs and approaches the ax, he grabs it on its handle. "Ahh! What happened? Why I can't lift it?"

"Cause you lose it!" ????

"G-granduncle, I did indeed, but look uncle that human can lift your ax you see."

"I see. Let me see, oh I have this replica!" he took out an ax that is longer and wider than what lord is holding. "You can give it to him, tell him that this ax is double the weight of the original."

"Kuhokh it's heavy!"



The ax slips in lords hand and directly fall in the orb. The orb was like a water, the ax sunk and fell in the atmosphere of the planet.


At the planet Aurelian, Rance was murmuring to himself when he saw a meteor flying towards his direction. His eye wide opened it's an ax. He stares at the ax seriously and panic can be seen in his face.

"PFF! I'm sorry! please goddess I won't curse you again!" He started to run around but the meteor followed him, it landed on the ground near him and make a huge crater. Rance flew forward and hit a giant tree. "Ouch! ouch! My head!" He looks at the middle of the crater which is full of smoke.

"Honey, How are you? Did it catch you?" Bloom cover her lips and chuckle.

"Oi! I almost die here!" he stands up and straightened his clothes. "You already know how to make fun of me huh? I will punish you tonight hehe."

"Hehe, but you've survived right? Oh! Look what's there, is that an ax?!"

"Oh? wooooh! It's my ax!" he jumps inside the crater. He touches the handle if it's still hot. "Hey! It's cold as steel! Hmm? It's not my ax, it's better than the previous one!"

He jumped out of joy and hug his ax, he looks at the sky with a teary eye. "Goddess I promise that when we meet again, this handsome me will be stripped in your front!"

"Hey! can you thank her properly? Did you hear that she was married?" Phina looks at his son trying to scold him. "What if they decided to kill you?"

"Oh, but they're God's, Gods can have as many wives or husbands as they want right? This handsome me can compete with Gods!"

After his word, the sky turns bright for the second time. "Kkuuuooooo! I'm just joking!"

Craacckkk! booommm!

"Rance are you okay!" everyone becomes worried this time, they approach the crater and find Rance in the crater. The scene astonished them, his ax had parried the meteor!

"What's going on?! The gravity! The burden in my body is lessened!" Rance jumps to prove his hypothesis. " It certainly makes it easier to move around. Oh hey look at this, the goddess really is mad! She throws her tea table, haha.. I won't joke again about gods."

He walked out of the crater and look at the large tree in front of him. "Guys, check this out!" He looks at them and waves his hand. He swings his ax and hit the tree.


"Its roots are 20 times thicker than me! awesome! Everyone I have decided! This will be the center of the camp!"

"For real? Your serious? how about let's find a grassland?" cold sweat started to drip on Bloom's body " You see, we know that you love nature but, isn't it too much? how can we grow our food in this forest!? The mother star of this planet can't reach the ground."

"Haha, that's simple! Let's cut all those trees around it!"

"No! What if yo-"

"Don't argue with me baby, look around, this forest only has this gigantic trees and this funny looking fungus, do you know what it means?" He swings the ax and jumps to the top of the table using it as a stage. "The forest is already overgrown! The land is wet all year long or for a few months, it is all because the tree leaves are preventing the sun from entering! This might lead to landslides!

" Look, there is no new tree growing in this forest! Only those creepy fungus and vines! Think about it, we don't have to cut them all we just need enough space for our crops to grow!! And those overgrown trees will be used as our shelter! "

He then looks at his ring and sigh (There is no book about nature magic. haist brain, brain think properly!) He smiled and sprints towards the front of the big tree and murmur "Oh tree my friend, please" he put his head on the tree and think of it has a big cave-like space and 'swish!' light notes were surrounding him, the tree started to deform and cave-like room was produce. He smiles and looked at them, "Look *oweeeggh!!!" He pukes and felt his world is spinning then and finally collapsed.


Early in the morning.

"as arghh!!" Rance rubs his eyes and look at the ceiling, it's wood, he smiled and gets up. "Yosh!! Let's begin our day!"

"Master, you finally woke up." The girl turns around and puts a bowl of soup in front of him. "Please have your breakfast. Madam Bloom and the group is outside, want me to inform that your okay now?"

"haha No need, oh yeah, make everyone form a line in front of this cave. I will give them the orbs I obtained."

"Yes, master." She bows her head and walks out of the cave.

"Ehh? What's with her? So respectful, is all Chinese are like this?"

Rance shook his head continue eating.

"Oh I forgot!" He lifted his left arm whisper "Show me my status."


----------------------------------------1st page

[ Name: Rance Dogremraf]

Age: 17

Job: Fighter Sub Job: Magician, Mutant, Tamer

Level 20/XXX (exp: 210/1500)[Gain exp through killing the beast, Farming, Crafting etc.]

HP: 200(Vit x 20)

MP: 50(Int x 5)

Stamina: 3,500 (Str x Vit x 10)

Str: 35 Int: 10

Vit: 10 Dex: 22

Lck: 10-Condition needed

Charm: 30 -not upgradable-

Spi: 20

Mana Recovery: 0.3/sec ( Spi x Int ) ÷ 1000)

SP: 80

-------------------------------------next page

"Oh! check this out! my charm is 30, this really is an honest bracelet! okay, next page!"

Previous page---------------------------2nd page


>Tree manipulation(lv1-10/15)-50mp/minute

>Peacock Mantis Shrimp Straight 2 sta

>Spinning slash 5 sta

>wood cutting (ax) 1sta/min

>Sprint 1sta/min



>Ax mastery: Max

>Spear mastery: Max

>Hand to hand combat mastery: Max

Survival Skills


---------------------------------------next page

" So stamina is for those skills. Okay next"

Prev. Page-----------------------last page

Tame beast


Gene Merge



"Pretty good! now let's add 50 points in Intelligent, 20 points in the Spirit and 10 points for Vitality. It's much better. Haist, New world huh? let me see what you got."

[Ding! Into reach 50 points. You got an additional 1000 mana]

"Ehhh? Oh! So it's like that, reaching certain number will grant additional points. Now that I already have 1,300 mana, I will last for 26 minutes next time before I collapse and oh! 2.4 mana per second. So, if I have 1,300 mana? hmmm... I can recover completely after 10 minutes!? Then why I collapse? Oh maybe because I exhaust every drop of man." While talking to himself a little girl walk in front of him and bow.

"Mister, they are already waiting."

"Yes, I'll be there." He walks out of the 'cave entrance' he looks around and smiled with filled with satisfaction.


After a few minutes, Rance walks out of the cave, he stands on the top of the Tea table and took out the mirror of the status bracelet.

"Cherry put your hand inside."

"Okay, hmm, Rance. Do you have any coins? It says we need to pay?"

"No only paper bills, I have 100$ here."

"Let me try it then... Whoa cool! Rance, when I put the bill inside it, it asks if we will withdraw everything, but since I did put my hand inside, they also have to experience it, Oh and there are still 99 bracelets inside!"

"It needs 1 dollar for one bracelet? Nice bargain. Every one of you who have any kind of money in your possession please listen."

He took out his wallet and throw all of his money inside the mirror, the mirror shines bright and 4 digit number appeared in its surface.


"Hey dad? do you any bill?"

Josei look at his son and took something on his pocket "My dear son, I still have 2 menthol candy left, you want some? You see, I was shocked to think that you still have that much money even though we don't need them."

"Aha ha, Sorry for asking you dad, I remember you only stay at your dojo all the time, Mom can I have 2dollars?"

"Ha ha don't tease your dad, Right I still have 200 $ on my pocket take them all."

"No, I only need 2 to check if it has a limit." Rance took him took his mother's purse and took 2 paper bill, he then throws it inside the mirror.

The mirror glows a little. Cling! [x9999]

" My Hypothesis is correct, 9999 is its limits." He touches his chin and thinks for a second "Everything has a limit ha? It really is a game, is Goddess Nine Lives Feline likes gaming?" He put his hands on the ground and motes of light started to gather, the soil rise begin to form a big clay pot.

Ding! [Soil Manipulation Created successful: Earn 2000 Experience for creating non-existing magic in the world of Aurelian.]

Ding! [Level Up!! 20-21 (710/2000)]

"....? Oh, alright. Listen up! Every one of you will put every kind of penny you have after you got your own SB( Status Bracelet) please follow what I say " He send some mana on his Spacial ring and took out medium grade orb, Low-grade orb and book of knowledge and put it top of the table." Group yourself into four! The first group can be consists of herbalist and those who want to manipulate the greens! the Chinese herbalist is going to be in this group!

"The second group will be those who want to cultivate the ground and those who know martial arts! The next group is those who want to breed animals of the wild. You are going to catch a few Boars or Rabbits if there is!

" The last group will be those who are fearless or those who want to fight for the safety of the group! They are the people who will explore the forest to look if danger is near!! Before I forgot each group can only have 25 members each!"

Everyone become excited, they know that it will be time to get their own ability.


After 10 minutes everyone has finally had their own SB and already group their self together.

The first group has 15 people from the Chinese group, Ecchi Ryouma, and four from Japanese group, Bloom, Mercy, Reen, Anna, and Niqa join the group.

In the second one 15 people left from Chinese group joined. Russell, Roni Rose, Bob, Josei, Rasp, Edrick and four of his classmates join in too.

The third group Has 11 members from Japanese group including Ricka. Bloom, Ellen, Cherry, Phina, Zeke and 3 of Rance classmate also join in.

And the last group have 14 members from the Japanese group, Gelo, Ashley, Briant, Kong will join.

"Since everyone has already had their own choice let's proceed." He lifts 25 medium orbs of Nature Magic."The first group will receive this orbs and learn how to use nature magic, you need to create your own magic, you also need to add more points to your Into to have more mana. You know what happened to me yesterday, It's because I don't have enough mana. Please take this book of knowledge about Plants and herbs. Little miss from this morning. What is your name? Do you know herbs?" Rance looks at the girl who tends him before.

"This servant is Erica Chua. I know how to make some herbal tea for recovering your energy, because of the lack of resources back on our planet I don't have any knowledge about herbs for healing disease and likes."

"It's okay, take this Book, You will be the one who will lead the group. You will first read this book and teach your members of what you learn.

" The second group, receive this orbs, it's earth magic, you will cultivate the soil to have our plant grow better. It can also use in martial arts, 'Parrying attack, absorb the force and release it to the ground' like this, the burden will lessen!"

"Third group! hmm, this is the orb of Taming Magic. After this, you will gain a higher chance of taming wild animals.

" The last group shall receive this orb of Gene Merging, When we explore the forest tomorrow, I will take some beast. I don't know how to use this Gene Merging, but am sure it's good.

"Also receive this book of knowledge about Gene Merging. This book of Body Cultivating will be learned by everyone."

He picks up a few small orbs of fire and gives to the group of Reen, and her classmates, "Please take this, it will help you when you are cooking for everyone. for now, we need to help each other cause were still weak. Because I have enough mana, I will create rooms enough for everyone to stay, Reen and Anna please prepare for lunch, everyone please read those book."

After his words everyone started to form a circle, while Reen and Anna prepare for lunch.

Rance, on the other hand, enters the cave-like room, he put his hand on the wall of the room and started to imagine.

[ tree, please build spiral stairs. After every 720° revolution build on the north side, west side, south side, and east side, at the end of each room a big hole on the wall will be its window.]

The tree height is almost 100 meters tall, and every 720° revolution will cover Four Meters. The tree body has a radius of 10 meters and each room is only 1/4 of its body.

The building process took 10 minutes per room, and he can only make 4 rooms per hour. after 4 hours he went out of the tree, he was exhausted.

"Is the food prepared? I'm hungry, awah!! I wanna sleep. What is the progress of the students?" He lay cross served on the ground and look at Reen.

"The food is done, it took us 2 hours on how to use fire, you see it's hard to imagine how to produce fire>..<, also Anna call them back already."

"Okay, okay let's wait for them. I'm starving already!"

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