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50% Great Green Empire / Chapter 8: Last Day on Earth

Chapter 8: Last Day on Earth

"haha!! okay, okay! I agree, well, It's good to exercise my bones once in a while, ahahaha ^~^" Rance said without any emotion except for killing intent."Dad, relax. You know I hate it when someone looks down on me."

He walks out of the tent and followed Mong Go, The other leader also follows up. This group of people is well known on the camp for Dogremraf, Their outfit is eye-catching, their weapon is weird. (what are those? A club on top of the pipe? and ax with tip and length of spear!?)

Everyone on the camp becomes interested and wanted to see what is going to happen. The looks of Chinese Representative seems distorted and want to eat them anytime.

The group walks for minutes until they reach a circle where the group fighters fight each other.

"Stop!!! make way!! today we have the fourth faction!! They dare to look down on us!! They dare to take advantage of their situation, they only numbered 52 but dare to ask for a better environment! Because of this, we will have a match! This brat vs.our General Meng Go!!" He explained the situation like he is humiliated and try to get Rance faction looks bad on their eyes.

"You f*cking brat!! What Rights do you have?"

"Yeah, your just a late-comer and dare to take advantage of their generosity?"

"Go out of this land or else I'll ki-"

tud! The last man who try to speak stop and kneel on the ground, the white snow turn red, the circle gasped on the scene, the man dies suddenly.

" Ooops. haha! Sorry my hands slip, It is aimed in his tight. I just got shocked when I heard he want to kill me! my bad, but of course I have to explain my self, I'm Rance, the food that came this morning is from me, so I have the rights!" He smiled that doesn't look like a smile, and then continue " Actually I also can wipe you all if I want to! I set 2 atomic missiles on this location!! why do I don't have the rights!??? haaahh!?"

Everyone started to tremble, even Mong Go and Meng Go, they look at him as if they're looking on a monster.

"haha^^. Now the bees have been silence, can we please proceed to the battle?"Rance a wide smile that doesn't seems like a smile, while his tone has a tinge of sarcasm.

"A-ah, no please, why don't we just forget what happened here? sound great? I-i-we Chinese faction will accept your suggestion." he tries to step back but he can't. He then discovered that his knee had been trebled a lot. He even bit his tongue while he's talking!

"No, no.. Don't be nervous. I'm not trying to scare you, you see? I'm still smiling! How about, your commander and I won't use any weapon or armors, If you lose you will send us two families of your faction, but of course! we want those whose knowledgeable about herbs!!"

"B-but if we win? what do we get?"

"What? you can't tell? Haha xD then if you win I won't launch the missile!! Win-win right^^!!?"

"What!!! ahh n-no. sorry for shouting I agree on your conditions!" He smiled and though ( What the fvck who do you think believe that it's a win-win situation??!! It's better if we win.) He then looked at his general, his made nodded and glare at him as if saying 'I will slap your asre if you dare to lose'

"Y-yes!" then Meng Go remove his armor and dis-armed himself. He then breaths deep "I'm ready!"

"Okay, Mr. Johnson if you please." Rance then shows his stance. His left foot in front, he bent his right foot backward and then put his hands up guarding his chest and his chin.

"Yes! I count to 3 then start. 1!....."

Meng Go then started to practice his footwork.

On the other hand, Rance put his weight on his waist and put some tension on his legs.


Meng Go started to direct his attention to the terrain.

He look at the direction he was looking at, then his mouth twitched a little (he will approach me first, then stop two meters away. How stupid his so easy to read!!) He looked at him with a hint of disdain. ( This is your so-called general?!)


blag! Meng's heavy foot step forward and charge at him.

Rance then just slide his left foot forward. then advance right foot.

Meng, as expected stop two meters away from Rance original position, he did not care for his opponent movement, he kicked the snow to Rance face in hopes it will intercept his movements.

Looking at his strategy Rance make his move, he released the tension on his right foot, like a spring he charged forward then release a straight punch like a peacock mantis shrimp. Caught by surprise Meng can't evade, he defended his abdomen with his arm. Crack! He defended the punch but he can't defend the force charge momentum, he suddenly can't feel the ground.(Oh the sky, so bright.) thud. His sight becomes blurred the loses consciousness.

"haha, I won. Please treat your general, he might die^^."




"What?! what!? Stop staring look at his condition! don't let him die or I'll behead all of you myself!" Mong Go rush to his brother side and shout.

"He's not dead, he just loses his consciousness because of the impact. He will regain his consciousness a minute or maybe an hour." He walks toward Josei's location while talking continuously "I Only damage his right arm, he is left-handed. How about you prepare the 30 people you promise me? It's okay if only 5 of them have the knowledge of an herbalist as long as they're with they're with their family it's okay.

"Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kuk, please prepare your people, we will rest for today. But tomorrow we will enter the portal. Mr. Go, please forgive me. It's not my intentions to break his arm. After saying those words he walks away and approached his people.

He then smiles and walked with the group.

"Hey bro, what's that move? I don't remember you have that strength, how can you send him in the air!!? Hey! hey! I'm talking to you! are you Deaf?!" Cherry started to bother him interested in the technique he showed them.

"Hah?! you're annoying you know that? It's 'Peacock Mantis Shrimp Straight'. You need to put some tension on your right leg, when you are ready to charge, like a spring you will release the tension on your leg, the momentum you create will be unavoidable. You can choose your action, either you use body slam or release a punch with the same theory as the tension on your right leg, Releasing a more powerful shot. Unlike The 'Boxer Shrimp, I need to build a momentum." He explained the theory of his technique to everyone, they all become amazed because of his application.

"Sugoi! So you can apply animals way of fighting to martial arts?!"

"What? You don't know there is martial arts base on animals, Tiger Paw, Snake stance, and drunken master!!"

"Hey you mean uncle Kong is animal!!!? I don't remember Drunken Master as animal!!"

"pfff, hahaha."

"Now Cherry you understand the theory?" Rance asks him with a smile on his face.

"haha, just like I though grenade launcher is the best!!" Cherry laugh then avoid his eyes.

"You? nah, never mind. Anyway, It will be to hard find to find explosives in the whole new world, our terrain will be the forest, you should try to learn some self-defense once we enter the portal" Rance then continue to walk.

The group then set a camp next to the portal. The sun is already setting. Aunt Mercy, Anna, and her classmates started to cook. It's boiled jerky, the heck. I want some proper food.

After dinner, they all went to rest.


"Hmmm?? Bloom, what is it, do you want me to heat you up? ha ha" Rance smiles wide and run to her location.

"Nope haha, stop joking, I want a proper conversation sometimes you know?!" She pouted then cross her hand. waahhh! so cute.

"haha. okay okay, what is it? tell me."

"I-I miss dad..."

"I miss that old man too, I don't know where is he gone to. haist!"

"ahu! huuuuuhhh! huuuuhhhh! I-i w-want to see them. I-huuhhh! e-everyday, I miss them, Everyday they're face started to blurred, huhuhhhuuuh! My m-mom, My li-ttle brother, I miss them all!" Bloom hug Rance then buried his face on his chest.

"I know, I but before they left I said that I will take care of you, I will not make you cry." He caressed her hair, his hand trembles and don't know what to do.

Bloom get up and wipe her tears. " Tch! saying things again, I'm already crying you see!?? What an unromantic guy!!" She then pouted and pretended to be mad.

"Ha ha, I'm sorry baby, you know me I can only be romantic when we are in bed, ha ha." He is too embarrass of himself and throws a joke. " I hope they are okay. haist. Tomorrow we will be living our home." He then hugs her tightly," I hate humans, they only know how to destroy."

"hmmm, look at our world the only green is the vegetation. The south pole the books show's is full of the iceberg. How comes there's a shore?" Even though they can't have a proper conversation, when it comes to nature, they can maintain they're calm expression.

"Yeah, That's the reason I chose the forest, ha ha, I know you'll love it. Make a guess, how many moons does the new world have??"

"ha ha, as long as there is a moon, I am satisfied." she then smiles sweetly.

"Earth hah? I hope the new world won't turn out like this." After those words, they close their eyes and fall asleep.


"Hey, wake!..."?????

"Rance wake up! there's a problem!"?????

"huh! what happened?! where's bloom!?" Rance begone to panic just after he woke up.

"I'm here. We have a problem flesh can be seen 100 kilometers away, going straight to the shore." Bloom suddenly throw him a heavy news.

"What the, where are our people? Are they safe? Where are the people 'Go' promise us?"

"They're all okay, everyone is ready, the people they send are okay with us too. We need to hurry the Chinese and our faction is late."

"Okay! Get everyone ready!"


"okay! everyone's here, let's get started!!" Johnson.

"My people are ready" Mang Kuk

"Let's do this" Mong Go then glare at Rance.

"haha, please don't hold a grudge on me, and please live. Let the human race continue to live!" with his confirmation everyone put their hands on the sphere and pick the terrain they choose.

Wang! Wang! Wang! Wang! Four portals started to open.

""""everyone enter!!!!"''''


After an hour, only half of United states force entered, the Korean forces had 10 people left, they're standing as a guard, the Chinese forces had 2 thousand people left.

Rance is also outside looking at the situation." The flesh advance is fast they were being carried by the waves."

"R-rance?! why are still here?!" Johnson was shocked that his voice has pierced the ears who is near him, he looks around and apologized " Rance your faction already went inside, what are waiting for?"

"Love me like lo-lo-love like you do" Rance

"Pfff! shut up! It's not a joke, the situation is dangerous!" Johnson tried not to laugh, and make a smug face...

pfff! (What's with him throwing a lame a joke in a serious matter!)

"Are you mocking me? I might be Young, but I'm not coward!!! I'm here!! I won't let anyone die without my permission before you enter the portal!!" He stood up straight and face the shore waiting for the enemies, His back is not wide but the heroic aura is emitting on his body. (Earth, seems you really don't want us to leave huh? Well then, I'm going to watch your end.)

"It's your choice, well thanks, let's meet in the new world." Johnson was pleased by him. His first impression of Rance was gone, He is now great her-

"Please look for L*ffy in the new world." Rance


"ahaha, okay I will." Johnson then turned around and scratch his head (This guy, he really is hateful!!!)

After a while 1,200 and so forces are left, but the first wave of zombies are approaching.

"Johnson, Zombies are coming, plant some Sun Flowers!!!" While shouting Rance run straight to the shore but,

"Rance!!? It's you! You're alive! My daughter? Where is she? Where's my bloom!?" ????

"u-uncle bob, you're alive, but aren't you embarrass to shout those words?" Rance

"W-what do you mean?"

"Nothing I just don't know how to react, please run to the fourth, I'll be there after all of the forces are safe. Please live until you meet bloom. She misses you, a lot."

"o-okay! be careful, Roni rose, Russell, let's go!" they run as fast as possible, then stand on the front of the portal they are a bit uneasy. (Bloom I'm really sorry, please be safe.)

Minutes later the fight has begun, swings! swang! sweez! His ax continuously slash, he charged everywhere, he did not let them pass.

Everyone who is left behind who lost their chance to live, suddenly find a new light, they then run the portal trying to survive. 1000- 950-900... little by little the number begin to shrink. Mong Go look at Rance before living. (Hmp, A hero huh?! Good luck brother!)

Mang Kuk stare at him before retreating ( haha, young one, please survive.) he then entered his portal, the portal flash then vanished. only two portal left Rance started to get tired he the pulled out a small bottle of liquid and drink it. 'Adrenaline'.Rance was again full of energy and slash his ax killing those who got near.


"Rance we're done!"

After 10 minutes Rance wipes the first wave. He then throws a grenade on the ship. He runs as fast as he can, he runs 15 meters a second, 25- then 50 meters, clank! Booom!

He stops at the portal then operate it. They hurriedly leave while Rance looked back at the zombies, (I'm sorry dear victims and goodbye earth.) He throws in the grenade on the yacht. (Tsk, I won't let this event happen again.)

BurningDesire BurningDesire

(Reupload) I deleted my chapter 1 accidentally and I need to re-upload from beginning till now! Sorry!

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