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31.25% Great Green Empire / Chapter 5: Pirates!??

Chapter 5: Pirates!??

"Hey! hey! baby Bloom how's your first night?!" with teasing smile Ellen ask Bloom in a loud voice. "you know what? It's good that the flesh Is not very active in the sea! You should try not to shout next time!"

"Sis Bloom is not shouting! Actually, I hear a creepy howl in the middle of the night!! Is it possible for wolves to get into the sea!? wuwuwuw, I'm nervous!" With an innocent look of cherry make it even worse, the way she tells the story triggered Bloom embarrassment.

"You two! how can you be like this, I hope you become an old virgin for the rest your life!!" with the tinge of red on her face she tries to rebut, glaring with the girls, she pulls her gun guns out.

"Hey! No violence please, and what do you mean by virgin for life? you mean someone takes yours already?!!" Cherry kneel on the floor seems can't believe what happened."It can't be! who did it?! Did that ugly flesh take it?? Let's hurry we have to take it back!!." with an innocent and worried face she shouted and she runs inside the cabin and started to prepare.

"Pff ahahaha xD I really like Cherry!? she already knows the situation!!" Ellen laugh out loud, making those who are listening laugh too.


"Okay, okay, let's get serious, go back to your work! Baby Bloom, let's meet the prisoners! they should already have a proper rest." He said seriously. "We need their help! Because of God, everyone already knows the location ofon3 pi3ce!"

"Yes, we need to find it, as soon as possible!!" Bloom pout and try to run away. (fucking chuni! why do I have to say those embarrassing lines!?)

"Okay, no flirting around! Do your work properly!^~^" teasing the two of them, Ellen to Josei. "Dad, where's mom?"

"hmm.? oh Phina is still sleeping. She remains on the deck, guarding us, while we're sleeping" With a dark circle on his eyes Josei tell her the reason she's not up until now.

"Oh, dad should also need to rest we will guard until dawn," She said affectionately " We might encounter an accident if you and Uncle Kong is overworking yourself!!"

"haha! okay! okay! please hold yourself together until tonight, don't let Rance shoulder everything." With that said, He went to Kong and tell him the situation. Kong nodded to Ellen then walk inside the cabin.


Inside of a separated cabin, Rasp, Reen, and others woke up after they hear a footstep outside the room.

cling! eeeeeeehhhh! The door open, a young man and gorgeous late came in.

Bloom with her violet vest and black leather boots, a knife on her shoulder, and a pistol on her waist, an aura of a lady captain radiating within her, Rance with his model-like psyche, tall and wide, with a bug ax on his back.

(who's this Girl? so young yet so fierce) Reen asks herself and look at the guy on her side. Her face distorted and shout. "Rance!! what the, where have you gone after our graduation?!"

"hmm, wow guys, you manage to survive! but you can't shout on me like that!" He said the pose like a General he looks down and said with a deep tone. "You are currently being detained in this ship by us. You are our prisoners! We are the well-known Pirates in this sea! We are.. we... We are the Black Ax Pirates!" After thinking of a name, with a red neck, he proudly announces their group.

"Arhh, I forgot that you're a chuni, haist!" Reen said while holding his forehead, feeling frustrated.

"You! I'm not a chuni! You see?! Everything is real! That flesh! and God, and now believe it or not I'm the captain of Black Ax Pirate!!" Rance rebutted and held his Ax.

"Hahaha! Don't embarrass yourself dude, you just make up that name!" Edrick said with a mocking tone. "If I ever hear those words, I will f*cking kill you--"

Zwing! a big ax stop on Edrick's neck, making him stop. His eyes were wide, his mouth opens wide, and he started to sweat coldly.

"Say another world and you will be beheaded! You don't have the qualification to speak or to say you will kill me!!" Rance glare at him.

Bloom makes Rance step back and said:" we're no pirates but, you should not let mouth run wildly!" She glares at them and said "We live outside, slaying those flesh, even a four-legged and winged flesh can't deal with us! In what way an arrogant person like who always stay on the wing of others to keep on living do with us!!!" Bloom is naturally angered when she heard that this arrogant guy say those words.

The atmosphere inside the room started to become heavy, they all sweated and look at the floor out of shame.

"nahh! let's forget it already! We need you people to maintain everything in this ship!" he looks at them and started to give orders. " five girls will be staying in the kitchen! They will be the one providing food on the fighters, You guys, the eight of you will hold a long pipe, you will guard the deck!" he observes them and said. "When a gill type or a swimming type flesh try to climb the ship, use your pipe to push them down. Inform the others to stay alert! We still don't know their capabilities!!!"

Rasp raised his hand and said " Sir, I'm a doctor, I study how to cure those flesh" He said hoping that he doesn't have to fight those zombies.

"Stop searching for a cure! Start writing books on how to cure poison, on how to deal with that disease take some time to find a solution, like white death disease!" Rance said emotionless.

"B-but why?" Rasp ask puzzled.

"We just need to think of the future! The ancient disease might be simple, but they're the hardest kind of disease to cure. That flesh has no hope, they can't be rescued," Rance said as if he already knows the future.

Everyone Gasp, future, single word but it's enough for them to tremble. Edrick who is feeling down after being scolded and threatened brighten up. "We- we will follow you to the end!!"

"Shut up you chuni! What with those words? I only accept eunuch as my follower!" Rance rebutted and cracked a joke.

"pff ha ha! hey, I'm a doctor I know how to castrate xD ahahaha" Rasp Added and said.

"W-why do we need to be castrated!?"

"Shut it! what if you guys stole the king's harem!?" Edrick shout and kneel " I'm willing to be a eunuch!!"

"pfft! Go away! I'm not gay!" Rance shout and look at him with disdain.


With that conversation, the atmosphere lightens and everyone laughs except Bloom who is pouting on the side when she hears the word Harem.


Time passed by, after lunch and rest, everyone gets into his or her position. When Phina steps out of the cabin, she looks around and went to the control center."The forces seem to become tighter." she looks at the screen, she squinted her eyes and went outside.

"Josei!!" her voice vibrated on the air, and get everyone's attention.

Josei went out of the cabin only wearing boxers while holding the pipe's tip which is full of thorns, he begone to panic and shouted, "Where! where! Honey are you okay!!"

Everyone looks at him, the boys look puzzled, while the girls look down, face reddened, embarrassed to look at Josei appearance.

"Shut your trap! go inside wake Kong up and prepare! the radar detects a something approaching us 50km per hour!" She looked at everyone then nodded.

Everyone started to tense up, he or she tighten his or her grip on his or her weapons.

"Briant, you and Edrick get on the speedboat!!" Rance commanded without stop. make sure you keep distance on the ship! If they are hostile towards us, launch Grenades on them!! Sister and law, take Zeke inside the cabin with the other non-combatant!!" He runs in the cabin and wears his Bulletproof vest, a gun's on his waste, he also wears his neck brace.

"Hey!? what is that neck brace?! how about dog tag instead?" Cherry tease him once she discovers him wearing the metal braces.

"....." Rance stares at her for seconds and decides to ignore her. (what the actual fuck!? why this dumb girl becomes so smart when teasing me!?) Irritated, he pulls his has and swing it. -swoosh ooooohhhhh~~ (fvck you all! Oooooh your ugly face) embarrass being center of attention he went out of the cabin went to the front line. "Mom, what is the situation?"

Phina look at his son, "Why do you wear those dog tags? don't tell me you use that thing to played 'S and M' last night?" She stared at him, confuse. (What with my son? what kind of miracle those things can do?!)

"///////////" Rance is too embarrassed to speak and focus his view on his front command. Everyone guard every side of the ship!" he looks on the sea to find out a metal pipe like telescope attract his attention. there a flesh hangs on the pipe, looking on his direction. He suddenly pulls his pistol and shot its head. Bang! the pipe speed slows down until it's only 20 meters away from the ship.

"Where's the megaphone?" Rance took them and said in serious tone. "We are the Black Ax Pirate!!! don't try to get near or you will become a pile of trash in this wide ocean!!!"



His composition of word shaken everyone on the deck, they want to laugh but they and shouted in unison "We are the Black Ax Gang!!"

BurningDesire BurningDesire

(Reupload) I deleted my chapter 1 accidentally and I need to re-upload from beginning till now! Sorry!

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