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88% Reborn [Being Rewritten] / Chapter 44: Chapter 13 - Reunion

Chapter 44: Chapter 13 - Reunion

Yomi read another letter from Yahiko, the latest in their continuous correspondence over the last eighteen months. This one, sent a month ago, carried thrilling news—he was coming to Chikagakure. 
She was giddy with excitement, eager for him to see what she had accomplished in the short span of a year. She wanted him to be proud of her, to see that she was also achieving something significant in this world like he was. He had formed a group called the Akatsuki with the sole aim of protecting people, and she was incredibly proud of him.
His letters, she kept safe in her bedroom, often going over them, rereading them over and over. Today was no different. She found these letters precious, for who knew how long his feelings for her would last? 
The pieces of paper were scattered all over her giant bed, and she was at the edge, her back hanging off the bed as she read the letters upside down. She was facing the door of her bedroom, so she knew when Kakuzu walked in. Seeing the state of her bed, he sighed.
"You guys are still together?"
"Right? He's so cute! I need to enjoy this before he gets tired of me."
"What?" Kakuzu's eyebrow twitched, his patience wearing thin.
Yomi's body slid onto the cold stone floor, her room having large windows from ceiling to floor to allow as much natural light as possible. She didn't suit the darkness of Chika, so the first thing she did as Kage was to blow a hole through the ceiling and expand the village around the hole, with some families on the surface and others deeper in.
"What are you doing here? It's my day off today."
"A day off for you means a day of work for me. I brought good news, if you don't want to hear it, fine." He turned to leave.
"Wait. Stop right there!" She scrambled to her feet. Her hair had grown a lot over the year, and she hadn't decided whether she should cut it or not. She didn't have healthy hair in her past life, so she was unwilling to part with it. But because of that, she slipped and fell back to the stone floor, looking like a pathetic sight in front of Kakuzu.
"What kind of Kage are you? Not an ounce of grace."
"Just tell me the good news." She had gotten used to him seeing her in embarrassing situations; she had grown very thick skin.
"Before that, I got the family crest ready for you as you required. I've distributed it to the ANBU."
She was thrown a beautiful black cloak with a yin-yang symbol. She ran her fingers through the cloak in excitement. This was it, this was hers. Something she was making that would be remembered for centuries—the Sozo clan.
And under the sign, 'Memento Mori.'
"No need to thank me or anything," he said sarcastically.
"Thank you so much, Kakuzu!" She ran to hug him. He acted grumpy, but he let her hug him.
"Also, I should probably tell you a group visited today—"
"So? Why is that good news?"
"If you interrupt me, you'll never find out, brat."
She shut up immediately.
"...It's the Akatsuki."
"The Akatsuki...?... !!!"
Her eyes widened. "Yahiko is here!?"
The sound of gears whirling drifted through the port as three young shinobi climbed into the metal box used to take people down into Chika. Their IDs were checked, and they soon descended into the gigantic hole in the ground.
Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato made their way into Chikagakure, the underground village, a stark contrast to the open skies they were used to.
"Holy shit," Nagato whispered in awe.
A large village sprawled out beneath them, illuminated by countless glowing crystals embedded in the rocky walls and the sunlight from above. Their eyes were immediately drawn to the central feature of the village—a grand glass dome, strong pillars standing next to it with banners cascading down, adorned with strong gold calligraphy.
"Excuse me, sir, what do those words say? They don't look usual," Yahiko asked another passenger.
"You must be new to Chika? Welcome, young lad. Those banners were erected by the Kamikage, representing the four pillars of the village," the man began to explain. "The first one is 'Ad astra per aspera'—to the stars through difficulties. The Kamikage dedicated it to the Shinobi academy."
He then pointed at the next. "The second—'Aut vincere aut mori'—to conquer or to die. She dedicated it to the great ninja clans of Chika. The third—'Fortes fortuna adiuvat'—fortune favors the bold, she dedicated to the civilian faction. And finally; 'Memento Mori.'"
"Remember you must die," Yahiko said. That was one he recognized.
"Yes! She dedicates this to the Sozo clan."
Yahiko looked at the banners, his heart filled with pure, unadulterated pride.
Once they arrived, they thanked the elderly man and faced the bustling village.
The architecture of Chikagakure was a blend of natural rock formations and elegant structures. Buildings were carved into the walls of the cavern, adorned with intricate carvings and lush greenery. Wooden bridges and walkways, draped with flowering vines, spanned across the open spaces, creating a network of pathways that crisscrossed the village.
Waterfalls cascaded from the heights of the cavern, their soothing sounds echoing through the air and adding to the serene ambiance.
The village was alive with activity. Children laughed and played along the paths, while vendors sold their goods at bustling market stalls.
"She really did it, huh?" Yahiko said.
Konan wore a strained smile, her blue hair catching the dim light. "Of course she did. Yomi has always been... different." The last word was a struggle for her.
Nagato nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surroundings with curiosity. "Chika was barely on the map, but in the span of a few months, it's become a tourist attraction of such magnitude. That's hard to pull off."
"I'm 100% sure Kakuzu-san was the one doing all the work," Yahiko said, laughing. "Should we get something to eat?"
"You don't want to find Yomi?" Nagato asked, confused. He expected him to rush to the Kage building immediately.
"Well, she might be busy... She probably knows we're here, so if we wait, someone will come get us."
He was right. Within the hour, a shinobi was there to get them. He wore a vest with a yin and yang sign with the words 'Memento Mori' underneath. He had a sword attached to his back and seemed younger than them.
"You must be the visitors Sozo-sama mentioned. Please, follow me."
The three nodded and finished their food quickly before leaving with the shinobi.
The Kage building was grander than expected, the architecture not like something they had ever seen before. Large paintings hung on the walls—realistic, lifelike paintings of humans.
"This is amazing. It's so big. How did they make this?" Yahiko asked, looking at the large canvas.
"Sozo-sama invests a lot in the civilians. We have some of the most talented civilians on the continent," the ANBU escort said proudly. Despite the mask and headwear, he was obviously very proud.
"How did she manage that? The money needed."
"The trade route through Chika is run by Madam Ikue. The civilian faction also generates a lot of money considering our art is sought after by daimyo everywhere."
"How did she manage that?" Nagato asked, genuinely impressed.
The ANBU guard took on the role of a tour guide, showing them the busy building. Shinobi from various clans walked around casually.
But finally, they came to their last stop.
"Is this where she is?" Yahiko asked nervously. The more the tour went on, the more he realised how out of her league he felt—what kind of 17-year-old was this accomplished? Yahiko was a normal person. He was not by any means a genius, and now he began to realise how much he was lacking.
Nagato felt his anxiety and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"She chose you, right?" he asked.
Yahiko's beating heart settled. That's right.
She chose him.
The ANBU member opened the doors, and light filtered from the room, and he saw her.
His heart very nearly stopped.
She was beautiful.
Yomi stood by the windows, bathed in the soft glow of the village. Her pale skin and red eyes stood out strikingly against the rich fabrics of her 'Memento Mori' cloak, draped elegantly over her shimmering outfit adorned with intricate pearls and golden ornaments. Her long, flowing white hair cascaded down her back, adding an ethereal quality to her appearance.
She shot off from her spot by the windows, and like a bullet, her cloak falling off her shoulders, she found herself in Yahiko's arms. If he was any weaker, he would be thrown to the floor, but he held her like she was a precious item that had returned to him.
"I missed you so much, Yahiko!" Her words were music to his ears, he grinned and a faint blush brushed his features. Feeling her warm body in his arms made him feel like his heart was on fire.
"I missed you too, Yomi."
"It seems like you didn't miss us at all," Nagato said with a fake scowl.
Yomi pushed off Yahiko and hugged Nagato immediately, then turned to Konan, pulling her into a tight embrace. Konan stiffened slightly, her discomfort clear, but she hugged Yomi back.
"I missed you all so much! It's been terribly boring without you! We have so much to catch up on! Kisame, do you mind asking for some tea?" Yomi said to the ANBU member, who nodded and left.
"It's been so long, guys!" Yomi began chattering excitedly. Yahiko was stunned the entire time, his eyes away from her. He didn't know where to look; everything was everywhere, and she was so jumpy and excited that he didn't know what to do.
Nagato leaned back with a smirk on his face. "You really went all out, huh? This place is incredible."
Yahiko nodded, his hand never leaving Yomi's arm or shoulder. "Yeah, it's amazing. You've done so much, Yomi."
Yomi beamed at them. "Thank you! Thank you ! I'm amazing, I know ~ How about you all? Tell me everything!"
Konan looked away, "We've been busy with the Akatsuki. There's always something that needs our attention."
Yomi nodded, her excitement dimming slightly as she noticed Konan's cold reaction. "I see. It must be hard work. I'm really happy for all of you."
Nagato chuckled. "It's nothing compared to what you've done here, Yomi. This place is a masterpiece."
Yahiko squeezed Yomi's hand, his excitement bubbling over. "Yeah! I mean, look at this place! It's so... beautiful."
Kisame returned with the tea, serving each of them. "Sozo-sama, there's been an unexpected guest—Suna shinobi."
Yomi's expression shifted to one of seriousness. "Thank you, Kisame. I'll go deal with the situation. Make sure our guests are comfortable."
Yahiko frowned, concern in his eyes. "Do you need help?"
Yomi shook her head, giving him a reassuring smile. "No, I can handle it. You three catch up and relax. I'll be back soon."
As Yomi left, the room fell into a comfortable silence. Yahiko couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as she walked away.
Nagato broke the silence, his voice calm and teasing. "If you stare too long your eyes will fall out."
Yahiko blushed fiercely, immediately looking away.
Konan looked down at her tea, not saying anything.
"Ah, you're Kisame right?" Yahiko asked, recognizing the name from Yomi's letters.
Kisame wasn't expecting to be addressed directly. "Yes, Yahiko-san, did Sozo-sama tell you about me?"
"Every other letter was 'Kisame this, Kisame that.' Yahiko was jealous of you until he realized you were just a child," Nagato said, exposing his friend who did not appreciate it at all.
"Don't listen to him, Kisame! That's not true!" Yahiko interjected, flustered.
Kisame responded coldly, "I'll be honest, Yahiko-san, you don't deserve to stand by Sozo-sama's side."
"Huh?" Yahiko felt a bit shocked by the change in demeanour.
"I had heard of you from Sozo-sama, but she never mentioned you were her lover. I do not think you are good enough for her."
"Hey, watch your mouth. What do you know about Yomi and Yahiko? You're just a kid she picked up on the side of the street," Nagato snapped.
"I have been with Sozo-sama since my graduation. I have been by her side and helped her to the best of my abilities. What have you done?" Kisame retorted.
"This brat—"
"You're right," Yahiko's words broke up the fight.
"Yahiko..." Nagato didn't know how to respond to that.
"He's right, I haven't been of any use to Yomi. I was only focused on getting stronger... Even now, she is dealing with other shinobi and is definitely out of my league..."
"Exactly, you don't deserve her. When she mothers the Sozo clan's heir, it cannot be you who stands by her side. You are nobody."
"That's it—I've had enough of this!" Nagato was about to lunge, and Kisame drew his sword, ready to fight, but Yahiko stepped in between them.
"Look, Kisame, you are right, I don't deserve her. But I know I don't deserve her, so I will always try my best to protect her. To me, she is a goddess, and some days I have to wonder what she saw in me." His voice was low but determined. He wasn't foolish enough to think he deserved her, but he wasn't going to let her belong to others either. "That's why, till my last breath, I will protect her. As long as she has not given up on me, I will stand by her side."
His words were moving, and Konan's cup cracked in her hands, but she remained silent.
Kisame sheathed his sword. "Fine, as long as you understand your place. Sozo-sama is not someone just anyone can love. The moment you decide to take her grace for granted, I will kill you myself to save her hands from spilling blood.... You have not seen Sozo-sama since you were away. If you ever betray her, she will kill you." His words were dark, but Nagato remained unphased. Yahiko, however, realised a new feeling in him he hadn't felt in a long time, but now this feeling grew towards a woman he cherished above all - fear.
Meanwhile, Yomi made her way to the meeting room where the Suna shinobi waited. She straightened her cloak, preparing herself for whatever news they brought. She knew that her duties as Kamikage were never-ending, even now that Yahiko was here.
Pushing open the door, she came upon a group of Suna shinobi unconscious on the floor, tied up.
Sitting at the end of the council table, she asked Kakuzu, who was the only other conscious person there, "What happened?"
"They tried to spy. They got caught," Kakuzu replied tersely.
She laughed, "How audacious. Does Suna think of us as a joke?"
Kakuzu didn't reply. Suna hadn't batted an eye at the rise of Chika. He had expected this sooner or later, but today Yomi was in a bad mood since her reunion was interrupted for something so trivial.
"I guess I will have to find out myself where the Kazekage gets his confidence from." Her eyes were dark, and Kakuzu could only sigh. Bad timing was a sin—angering someone you aren't meant to was another sin—and the third sin was being unlucky.

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