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82% Reborn [Being Rewritten] / Chapter 41: Chapter 10 - King of Nothing

Chapter 41: Chapter 10 - King of Nothing

"vivamus moriendum est"
'Dear Yomi,
Sorry it took so long to write to you. Things have been pretty hectic here, but I've finally found a quiet moment to sit down and write. I hope you're doing ok? I haven't heard anything about you so I assume you're doing well.
We've been training really hard, and it seems like Jiraiya-sensei will have to leave soon. I think he's got some important business to attend to. The good news is, once he leaves, I'll be able to come visit you. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again. It's been too long.
Konan misses you a lot. She talks about you all the time and says she will visit you as soon as she can. I think she really misses spending money with you. I guess I should start saving up huh.
I can't wait to see you; should I take you on a date? That felt embarrassing to write… but I mean it. What kind of date should we go on? I want it to be special. Nagato suggested we visit the other villages. What village do you want to visit? I don't wanna go to konoha though, it's always unsettled there.
Also, I sent a chakra ring with this letter. It'll tell me when you're in danger. I want to make sure you're safe, even when I'm not there. Just wear it, and I'll be able to know if something's wrong.
Write back soon. I'm counting the days until I can see you again.
Take care, Yomi.'
Yomi read Yahiko's letter with a faint blush on her cheeks. It had been a month since the meeting with Yuma; Kakuzu had shortly left on a mission to Chikagakure, leaving Yomi with not much to do but train and raise Kisame meticulously. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like she was doing a good job.
"Sorry to bother you, Lady Sozo, but the academy sent word for you to go get Lord Kisame."
Yomi groaned, this was the third time this month. Kisame had a stubborn personality, but he was a good kid, and yet he kept getting into fights. He always won, obviously, but she couldn't congratulate him for it. The academy normally didn't interfere with student fights unless it led to significant bodily harm. However, this time the significant bodily harm was done to Kisame.
"Wow, they really did a number on you, huh?" Her words made the kid wince. He knew she didn't like his fights, but this time it was unavoidable. Yomi checked Kisame's vitals; she wasn't alerted when he fought, so she figured he wasn't gravely injured in any way. She felt more comfortable mocking him, maybe now he'd focus on school rather than picking fights.
"I'm so sorry, Lady Sozo! My daughter didn't mean those words!" The offender who had beat up Kisame was a Kanetsugu girl. She had an equally stubborn look in her blue eyes, and her silver hair was messy with bits of dirt and twigs stuck in her locks. She had no intention of apologizing, but her mother had forced her head down in an apologetic bow.
"I don't hold it against her, Kisame was at fault too. Please forgive him." Yomi bowed briefly. Whatever the girl said didn't bother her; she was just a child. Yomi took Kisame home. He was mostly healed by the time they got back. The ride back was silent as Yomi didn't want him to think she was lenient. Kisame's bloodlust was understandable considering his upbringing and goals, but it should be redirected to something better than petty fights.
Yomi remained silent till she got to her favourite spot overlooking the garden.
"Kneel down." Kisame knelt, clenching his shorts in his fists. He looked at the floor, unwilling to look up.
"You think I'm being harsh, right?" Seeing his stubbornness pissed her off. "Alright, explain yourself. If you don't explain yourself, don't blame me for jumping to my own conclusion!"
Kisame hesitated, then took a deep breath. "They insulted you, Sozo-sama".
Her anger cooled down. "What did they say?"
"They said you were weak, only relying on the Kage's grace. I- I couldn't let them talk about you like that." His words began to tremble.
Yomi's expression softened slightly, but she kept her tone firm. "And you think fighting them will change their minds? That proving your strength with violence will make them respect me?"
Kisame's head dropped lower. "No, but I couldn't just stand there and let them say those things. I had to defend your honour."
"Do you really believe I need you to defend my honour Kisame?"
He didn't reply, seeing him stubbornly hold on to his beliefs was endearing.
'If I had a son, he'd be a bit like you wouldn't he?'
Yomi sighed, her frustration giving way to endearment. "Kisame, strength isn't just about fighting. It's about knowing when to fight and when to walk away. Your strength should be used to protect and build, not to give in to every provocation."
"But they need to know that they can't just say whatever they want!" Kisame argued, his voice betraying his inner turmoil.
"And they will," Yomi replied, her voice softening further. "But through your actions and your character. Kisame, I want you to become a genin next year, can you do it? "
Kisame finally looked up, Yomi continued "I don't know how long I'll be able to take care of you for; so I want you to be a genin, stand on your own two feet."
Kisame nodded, "I will, Sozo-sama."
"Also, you know you can call me elder sister?"
"But Sozo-sama! That's disrespectful!"
"Fine, fine."
She stood up, signalling the end of the conversation. "Now, go wash up and rest. Continue your training tomorrow."
Kisame stood and bowed deeply. "Thank you, Sozo-sama."
As he walked away, Yomi turned back to the garden, her thoughts drifting back to Yahiko's letter.
"One year."
Yuma Arakawa inhaled deeply, his feet moving gracefully across the training ground. His stance was relaxed, yet his eyes were sharp and focused. The Mizukage stood topless, wearing only wide trousers and a belt. His body was a canvas of scars, each one telling a story of battles fought and survived.
Yomi faced him, her white hair flowing freely as she moved. She wore a sleek, white wrap top with crimson accents. The fabric hugged her figure, but its design provided ample room for her swift movements. Her red eyes gleamed with determination, reflecting the resolve to hold her own against Yuma.
With a swift motion, Yuma began weaving hand signs, the air around him growing heavy with moisture. "Hidden Mist Jutsu!" he called out, and a thick fog enveloped the training ground. The mist was disorienting, designed to obscure vision and mask his movements.
Yomi closed her eyes for a brief moment, her senses sharpening. She could feel the blood coursing through her veins. With a quick flick of her wrist, she cut her wrists to draw blood. The thick liquid seemed to come alive, swirling around her like a protective aura.
"Blood Art.." Yomi whispered. The blood formed a barrier around her, pulsating with energy. She could sense Yuma's movements within the mist, each step causing a ripple in the air.
Yuma moved swiftly, his figure a blur within the fog. He launched a series of shuriken towards Yomi, the weapons cutting through the mist with deadly precision. Yomi's blood shield deflected the shuriken, each impact sending a shockwave through the protective barrier.
"Impressive," Yuma's voice echoed through the mist, "but let's see how you handle this."
The Mizukage's hands moved again, faster this time. "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" A massive dragon made of water surged from the mist, its eyes gleaming as it charged towards Yomi.
Yomi's eyes narrowed, her concentration unbroken. She manipulated her blood, forming tendrils that lashed out at the water dragon. The crimson and blue forces clashed violently, the impact sending shockwaves through the mist. Despite the ferocity of the water dragon, Yomi's control over her blood art held firm, the tendrils pushing back against the attack.
"You've got skill," Yuma acknowledged, his voice calm. "But is it exhaustive?"
He disappeared into the mist, his movements silent and deadly. Yomi remained still, her senses on high alert. She felt a sudden shift in the air behind her and spun around, her blood forming a blade in her hand just in time to parry Yuma's sword strike.
The clash of their weapons echoed through the mist, sparks flying from the impact. Yuma's strength was immense, but Yomi's agility and precision matched his power. They moved in tandem, each strike countered with equal force.
"Blood Art." Her voice remained steady. Her blood blade elongated, pushing Yuma back. She followed up with a swift kick, aiming for his ribs, but he blocked it with his arm, the impact reverberating through his scarred body.
Yuma smirked, admiration in his eyes. "Not bad."
With a swift motion, he summoned a torrent of water, aiming to engulf Yomi. She responded instantly, her blood formed a barrier, splitting the water, redirecting its flow.
Yomi's eyes flashed with determination. Manipulating the blood around her, she created a series of whips that lashed out at Yuma. He dodged each one, his movements fluid and precise.
As the mist began to dissipate, the intensity of their battle became clear. The ground was soaked with water and blood, the air thick with the energy of their clashing jutsus. Both fighters were breathing heavily, yet their eyes remained locked, neither willing to concede.
"Enough," Yuma finally said, raising a hand. The mist cleared completely, revealing the both of them standing in the aftermath of their clash. "You've proven your point, Yomi."
Yomi lowered her blood blades, her blood returning to her body. She bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. "Thank you, Yuma. You're not half bad yourself."
Yuma scoffed, he was holding back and she knew it, after all who would actually try to kill a kid. As he picked up his robes to wear he felt her eyes follow him. "The scars bother you don't they? They're quite scary." He knew all too well how civilians reacted to his scars.
"Scary? Really? I think they're pretty cool. At least I know you won't the single for long."
Yuma sighed, "what would you know about relationships?"
She wanted to say that she had a boyfriend, but she didn't ? He never asked her. Seeing her dark expression he patted her head sympathetically. "Don't worry we're still young"
"Don't compare us! We're different! I could have a boyfriend by tomorrow! She insisted."
"Hah.. it's ok, there there."
She shook his hands off her hair. So what if he didn't believe her, why would she care?
"I'll be going on a trip soon, take care of Kisame when I'm gone."
"Naturally. When will you be back?" He asked.
"In a few months."
"Alright, stay safe."
Yomi headed back, meeting Kisame briefly before she got ready to leave. And once she was done she set off.
Yomi soared through the treetops, her white hair streaming behind her as she moved effortlessly. The dense canopy of the forest below looked like an endless green carpet that stretched as far as the eye could see. Her wings beat rhythmically, propelling her forward at a steady pace.
Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over her—a tingling feeling, like an electric current running through her body. Before she could react, an invisible force struck her, disrupting her flight and sending her tumbling through the air. Her wings folded instinctively, and she crashed into the trees, branches snapping and leaves scattering in her wake.
Yomi hit the ground hard, the force of impact driving the breath from her lungs. She tried to stand, but the invisible force pressed her down, dragging her across the forest floor. Dirt and debris flew up around her as she was pulled along, unable to resist the powerful pull.
"What the...?" she managed to gasp, her voice muffled by the soil being pushed into her face.
The force continued to drag her, deeper and deeper into the earth. She felt herself being buried, the weight of the soil pressing down on her from all sides. Panic began to set in as darkness enveloped her, but she fought to stay calm, focusing on her breathing and trying to assess the situation.
Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the movement stopped. The weight lifted, and Yomi found herself lying on a cold, hard surface. She pushed herself up, blinking in the dim light. She was in an underground cave surrounded by nothing but darkness.
"What kind of bird are you?"
A deep feeble voice called out from within the cave. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she could finally see. Dark grey spikey hair, a hunched sitting position attached to large tendrils running on the floor. An old man on an abandoned throne.
Madara Uchiha.

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