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78% Reborn [Being Rewritten] / Chapter 39: Chapter 8 - Fortune Favours the Brave

Chapter 39: Chapter 8 - Fortune Favours the Brave

"Fortes fortuna adiuvat"
Tsukiyomi stood in the grand hall, watching the official coronation of the third Mizukage, Yuma Arakawa.

The scent of fresh flowers permeated the air, blending with the incense that burned in honour of the Mizukage's ancestors.

At the centre of the hall stood a raised platform, draped in deep blue silk, where Yuma Arakawa was to be crowned. The elders of the village, clad in their ceremonial robes, stood on either side, ready to bestow the mantle of leadership upon the new Mizukage.

Yomi was dressed in an exquisite kimono, white and lavender embroidered with delicate. Her long, white hair was tastefully styled, and her striking red eyes captivating whoever caught her glance. She held a fan in her hand, its delicate movements adding to her ambience.

As the ceremony began, a hush fell over the hall. The eldest among the council stepped forward, holding the Mizukage's hat. Yuma Arakawa, dressed in resplendent robes of deep blue and silver, knelt before the elders.
"Today, we witness the ascension of Yuma Arakawa to the esteemed position of Mizukage," the elder intoned, his voice resonating through the hall. "May he lead Kirigakure with wisdom and strength."
With great solemnity, the hat was placed upon Yuma's head. He rose, turning to face the assembled crowd. Applause erupted, filling the hall with a sound of hope and renewal.

Yomi's gaze met Yuma's for a fleeting moment, and she gave a small, approving nod.

After the ascension, Yomi was invited to have some tea with the Mizukage. They sat in a gazebo surrounded by flowers and an extensive pond. Yomi watched koi fish swim freely beneath her, the gazebo connected via a network of bridges adorned with overgrown climbing leaves.
The tranquility of being surrounded by water was inexplicable, a stark contrast to the events that had led them here.

Yuma poured her a cup of tea, his movements deliberate and calm.

"About your request for the position in the academy," he began, placing the teapot down, "I received news last week that he should be able to start next week."
Yomi placed down her fan and picked up her cup, using her sleeves to block her face as she drank. The tea was warm and soothing, a perfect complement to the serene environment. She appreciated the traditional gesture, understanding it was a means to smooth over any lingering tensions.
"I assume you are here because of what happened that night..." Yuma referred to the ANBU assassination attempt that had taken place not long ago.

Yomi's expression remained serene, though her eyes gleamed with a hint of amusement.

"My dear Kage, I do not hold any grudges. If I could not handle something that easily, I wouldn't be suited to be the family head," she spoke calmly, her tone unwavering. She sensed his nervousness, but she had no intention of making an enemy out of the Mizukage, even though he had tried to silence them after the death of the last Mizukage.
Yuma sipped his tea, gathering his thoughts. "I heard from Ikue. I have a job for you personally."
Yomi smirked, her interest piqued. "Naturally, Mizukage-sama."

Every leader needed their less-than-legal enforcer, someone who could handle tasks no one else would support, with no strings attached. It seemed Yuma was already settling into his role, understanding the darker necessities of leadership.

The week rolled on quickly, and Yomi found herself packing a bag for an excited Kisame, who was going to start at the academy. The young shark was almost bouncing with anticipation, his fierce demeanour softened by the thrill of new opportunities. Kakuzu had laid back leisurely on the floor his book close to his face while Yomi fuss over the kid.
"You've got everything you need?" Yomi asked, double-checking the contents of the bag. "Kunai, shuriken, scrolls..."

Kisame nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes, Sozo-sama. I'm ready."

Yomi smiled, her heart warmed by his eagerness.

"Remember, Kisame, you're representing me, don't be afraid to be a menace."
"I will!" Kisame promised, his eyes burning with determination.

It was weird; sending a child to school made her realise she wouldn't mind having her own children. She watched the child leave absentmindedly.

"Kakuzu, if I had a kid what should I name it?"
Kakuzu who had his head buried in a bingo book looked up concerned. "I do not support teen pregnancy, wait until you're 18 at the very least."
Yomi glared at him, "get your mind out of the gutter, what do you take me for? I'm talking hypothetical! Hypothetical"
"Hmm.. I mean your name is Tuki Yomi, what kind of name is that anyway?"
"I picked It out myself."
"That makes sense, a kid picking out her own name. You'd probably name your kid Amaterasu." He grumbled.
"I hate how I actually like that name? What if I have a boy?" She asked imagining. "Hm.. Susanoo? I think that would be an ok name for a boy."

Yomi nodded pleased with herself, Kakuzu just watched her and wondered if she was right in the head.

"Have you heard from Yahiko yet?" He asked.
"Not yet." She muttered, being reminded of him caused her mood to shift.
"I need to go back to the Inn and check if he sent any letters."
"If you can fly why can't you teleport? It'll be so much easier for you."
"You think I don't want to? I asked Shi and they said I can't use abilities to change the world around me, I can only change and control myself."
Kakuzu recognised that name again, Shi. Whenever he pointed it out she deflected, it seemed like even the most naïve had their own secrets.
"Are you going to start the Mizukage's mission?" Kakuzu asked, since the week after she hadn't budged, he wondered if she had forgotten that she was meant to be a crime boss.
"Oh you of so little faith, I was just hoping to get Kisame ready for school first."
"Should I ask?"
"I love Kiri, this place is completely surrounded by water."
Kakuzu paused, he didn't know if he should be amazed or creeped out. "You tagged the water didn't you?"
She confirmed his suspicions; no one was safe. Her abilities were drastically limited based on how much of her blood had been diluted. But it was enough to find one person. When Kakuzu went on mission she always gave him a cup of blood to make sure she could communicate with him at all times. That did way more than just tracking.
It did occur to Kakuzu that if he ever betrayed her he would probably die.

The scariest part of her ability was no one knew about it. If they did an antidote could be easily created.

"You should practice your abilities more, it could be way more useful than tracking." He said before focusing back on his book. "You can take care of the mission alone right?"
"Yes! Don't worry~"
Her cheerful attitude worried him, did she really understand that assassination wasn't as easy as it seemed? Kakuzu groaned feeling a headache starting. She was definitely gonna get herself in trouble. He wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

Yomi stood up humming to herself.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kakuzu asked pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I'm going to complete the mission?" She said rolling her eyes like he was stupid.
"In broad daylight?"
"…" He was speechless, she didn't give him time to process her words and just left the room.
"She's fucking crazy." Kakuzu said to himself as he quickly stood up and rushed out of the room to catch up to her.
Yomi didn't bother to change into more practical clothes, her usual Kimono was good enough, she didn't know shit about Jutsu or combat so why pretend.
"Are you really doing this?" Kakuzu joined her putting on his oni mask.
Yomi raised her brow looking at him curiously, "you want to join me Kakuzu?"
"Not like I have a choice." He said with a growl. She merely shrugged and reached up hugging his neck. He carried her up and jumped up to the roof and followed her directions.
In a secluded clearing deep within the forest of Amegakure, Yahiko, Nagato, Konan, and Jiraiya trained rigorously despite the pouring rain. The dense canopy overhead provided some shelter, but the raindrops still managed to filter through, creating a steady rhythm against the leaves and ground.

"Yahiko, your form is getting better, but don't forget to maintain your guard," Jiraiya called out, his voice firm but encouraging, carrying over the sound of the rain.

Yahiko, drenched not only in sweat but also in rainwater, nodded. The clearing was filled with the sounds of their exertion, punctuated by the steady patter of rain.
During a break, the group gathered under a large tree for some respite from the downpour. Jiraiya handed out water bottles, his gaze lingering on Yahiko, who seemed lost in thought.

"Yahiko," Jiraiya began, breaking the silence, "have you sent a message to Yomi yet?"

Yahiko's face twisted in confusion, as if he were trying to recall a distant memory. "Yomi?" he repeated, his brow furrowing. "Who is Yomi?"
Nagato and Konan exchanged puzzled glances, but Jiraiya's expression grew serious.
"You don't remember Yomi? The girl who joined us during our training in Kusa? The one you..." he trailed off, searching for the right words.
Suddenly, recognition dawned on Yahiko's face. "Oh, Yomi! How could I forget?" He looked horrified at his lapse. "I haven't written to her yet. I'll do it right now!" He scrambled to his feet.
Jiraiya watched him with a concerned frown. As Yahiko rushed to write his letter, Jiraiya turned to his other two students.
"Konan, Nagato, do you remember Yomi clearly?" he asked, his tone probing.
Konan nodded slowly. "Yes, sensei. But now that you mention it, it feels like her memory was... fading."
Nagato added, "I remember her, but it's strange. It's like trying to grasp smoke. I didn't realize it until now."
Jiraiya's unease grew. "Stay here for a moment," he said, leaving the clearing. He made his way back to their temporary camp, where he rummaged through his belongings until he found the photograph they had taken on Yomi's birthday. The picture showed them all smiling, with Yomi in the centre, holding Yahiko's hand.
He studied the photograph, a strange chill running down his spine. He made copies of the picture, one for each of his students.
Returning to the clearing, he handed each student a copy of the photograph. "Keep these with you," he instructed. "I don't know what's happening, we can't forget her." The world seemed to reject the idea of her existing, but hard evidence proved otherwise.
Yomi appeared in broad daylight at the entrance of the Kanetsugu Clan's compound, her presence causing quite a stir among the guards. It was unconventional for an assassin to show up so openly, but Yomi was not a conventional assassin, much less an actual assasin. No one would actually suspect she was hear to kill the clan leader.
Her white hair and red eyes were striking against the backdrop of Kirigakure's misty streets, and she walked with an air of confidence.

Kakuzu followed close behind, his oni mask concealing his apprehension. The guards, though wary, were too stunned to react immediately. They had heard of Yomi and the rumours that she was the Mizukage's mistress had spread like fire after he invited her to his courtyard, but to see her here, in broad daylight, was something entirely different.

"We need to speak to the clan head," Yomi announced, her voice calm but authoritative.
The guards exchanged uneasy glances before one of them nodded and led them to the main hall. The compound was large, with traditional architecture that spoke of the clan's long history and significance within Kirigakure. They were promptly escorted to the main hall, where they were greeted by Kanetsugu Raiden, the clan leader. Raiden was a tall man with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, dressed in robes that indicated his status. He welcomed them with a cautious smile, unsure of the reason for their visit.
"Lady Sozo, it is an unexpected honour to have you here. To what do I owe this visit?" Raiden asked, his voice steady, unphased by her sudden intrusion.
Yomi looked at him directly, her expression unreadable. "I have been asked to kill you," she said bluntly.

Kakuzu's eyes widened behind his mask. He had not expected her to be so straightforward. Raiden, however, did not react with the disbelief she had anticipated. Instead, he nodded solemnly.

"I understand." he said. "
Yomi tilted her head, intrigued. "You understand?"
Raiden sighed, gesturing for them to sit. Servants brought tea, but the atmosphere remained tense.
"Kirigakure has always been averse to clans with Kekkei Genkai. The Kanetsugu Clan possesses such abilities, and our existence has always been precarious. It is only natural that the Mizukage would want us eradicated."

Yomi frowned, her ignorance showing.

"What is a Kekkei Genkai?
Raiden looked surprised, then explained patiently. "Kekkei Genkai are unique bloodline abilities passed down within certain clans. They grant us powers that others do not possess. My clan's ability is the manipulation of magnetism, which makes us both valuable and feared."
Yomi listened intently, "that's so cool!" It had never occurred to her people would have eye powers.
"I'm glad you think so Lady Sozo." He said with a small smile. Seeing a child hold his life in her hands made him feel conflicted. Power didn't rely on age, but someone this clueless?
"Are you willing to die then?" Yomi asked, this is the first time she had seem someone so calm in the face of generational extermination.
Raiden shook his head, a sad smile on his face. "No, I do not want to die. But if the Kage wishes it, I have no choice but to hand over my head. Resistance would only lead to more suffering for my clan."
His words affected Yomi deeply. If you wanted to live, you should fight to live. She would never hand over her life so easily. "Why don't you fight? You can choose to live."
Raiden's eyes hardened. "Why are you on your high horse, Lady Sozo? Even if I fight, I will die. Sometimes, choosing how you die is the only choice you have left."
Yomi sat in silence, pondering his words. He was right , she had always wanted to die, and now with her new life she couldn't understand perfectly able people wanting to die too. The idea that some didn't have a choice wasn't new to her after all she has killed before, but it was the first time seeing someone so resigned. She glanced at Kakuzu, who remained silent but observant. Finally, she spoke, "Then, I will decide your fate."
Kakuzu interjected with a warning, "Yomi, it is not in your place to choose who lives or dies." This was a mission by the mizukage, he was destined to die.
Yomi turned to him, her eyes menacing. "I am the death god. I alone have the qualification to do so."
Kakuzu paused, his growing smile hidden by his mask. Right, he had forgotten. She wasn't bound to such an ideology like his, after all she hadn't been brought up and indoctrinated in the hidden village. She was free.
She produced a small vial of her blood and poured it into her cup, handing it to Raiden. "If you dare to live, drink this."
Raiden took the cup without hesitation and drank the contents. Yomi watched intently, monitoring his body as the blood took effect. She could feel his heartbeat, the truth in his words resonating through the connection.
"I will ask you three questions. Answer truthfully, or you will die." she said.

Raiden nodded.

"I am prepared Lady Sozo."
"Do you truly wish to die?" Yomi asked, her voice steady.
Raiden shook his head. "No. I wish to live."
"Do you believe that your clan deserves to be eradicated?" she continued, her eyes locked on his.
Raiden's voice was firm. "No. We have done nothing to deserve this."
She couldn't help but pause, he had done something, but that something wasn't enough in his eyes for death.
"Will you fight for your clan if given the chance?" Yomi's final question hung in the air, the most crucial of all.
Raiden took a deep breath. "Yes. I will fight for my clan with all my strength."


Raiden looked at her determined for mercy, or death. Yomi wondered how much hate a clan needed to recive to deserve extermination. Raiden had a good head on his head, it would be a shame to end his life this quickly.
After a long pause, she spoke. Her words were quiet, almost silent, with the only people hearing her being Kakuzu and Raiden.
As they left the compound, the rain began to fall. Yomi looked up at the sky, feeling the cool drops on her face, and her smile twisted into something unbelievably beautiful.
Kakuzu, still processing the day's events, spoke up. "Do you realize the weight of what you've done today? You've essentially challenged the Mizukage's orders."
He struggled to hide his amusement, if he didn't have his mask on she would see his smile.
Yomi nodded, closing her eyes, the rain against her cool skin giving her life. "I know, But if I am to be a death god, then I must be able to do this much? No?"
Kakuzu sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "You're playing a dangerous game, Yomi."
She smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "When have we ever played it safe?"

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