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100% Pastel Pirates / Chapter 1: Notorious
Pastel Pirates Pastel Pirates original

Pastel Pirates

Author: NekoSammy

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Notorious

Water drips from the tiled roof onto the ground as the cries of the city disrupt the once gentle and solum atmosphere. Someone gently touches the small of my back a seemingly comforting gesture if it weren't for the sorrowful words said next by my beloved, "Please understand I did it all for you" her soft voice only drives the knife of betrayal deeper into my heart.

I wake up my eyes as heavy as my heart, the chains on my wrists remind me of the situation and I drag myself out of my makeshift bed of straw and ripped fabric pieces and pull on the rough fabric 'clothes' it was really nothing more than a potato sack dress. My stomach complains at the lack of food until the clatter on the floor alerts me to breakfast. The man gives me a once over of disgust "the cap'n wants ta see ya today little missy, don' try ta run again" he waits impatiently for me to finish which I do in a matter of minutes my chains unlocked only to be replaced with handcuffs.

Stepping into the elaborately decorated room I take time to admire it all from the strange beast skulls to the colourful silken fabrics draping from the roof and bed posts the wooden desk had a pair of bright red boots showing off the pirate captains slender legs as she lounges in her chair a large scaled egg in her lap, another of her precious treasures it is supposedly a dragon egg but it has yet to hatch.

She looks up at me for the first time in months and assesses my state "you look filthy, did you not bathe before comin to me?" She sneers and I assess how bad I look for the first time in a long time my once soft caramel brown hair now black with filth and matted, my fair white skin smeared with filth, my once neat nails chipped and long enough to be claws. I say nothing though I want to remind her this was her doing, this wasn't even a shadow of I used to be I was beautiful I didn't realise that until I had to endure this, I can be cleaned but my heart will never be as pure as it once was.

Fed up with the sight of my filth she commanded me to be bathed rubbing her eyes as if seeing this was a pain for her, and so I was dragged into the bathroom of the ship and locked in there to deal with my own hygiene, I shrugged off the bag and filled the tub with cold water getting as much of the layers of dirt off as I could. I cut off the majority of my hair to get rid of the matting making it a rough pixie cut, finally creating a warm bath for myself I get the last of it off and warm my cold body after ensuring a tidy appearance I put my sack back on and knock on the door letting myself be dragged back to the captain.

NekoSammy NekoSammy

So short first chapter I’m sorry but they will get longer

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