"Follow, don't lose him!"
The General give a signal and two black clothed man running to the spy direction. They go after bowing their head to their master and ran as if their life on the line.
Meanwhile the Young Master that was called your majesty by the spy stunned not because how the spy recognize him because almost all the General close retainers knew his real identity. He rooted still in his place because he is afraid that if after he stepped closer to the little girl, she would, she...
The General saw that the young prince was in a trance and he strode to the bulge in a swift way.
Thunder ran amok in the dark sky, it illuminate the earth that lose the moonlight as it hidden behind the thick black clouds. And rain start to pouring down. It as if the sky cry.
The rain cooling down the heated atmosphere and if not because the destruction of the tent they would never think a fight between two master of martial arts just happened. It also soaked the little girl and wash away the blood in her mouth and chest. Only the short sword remain in her body as it embedded deeper until her back.
The young General take Ning Rui in his hand and carried her in a princess style. He avoid the short sword so that her wound wouldn't get more severe.
He placed her in his tent and summoned a doctor. The problem was they did not have woman doctor here. The only woman that he knew and stayed in the barrack was his dark guard. So he left Ning Rui in her hand and the doctor that come after being called by the General.
As the treatment starts the dark guard took of Ning Rui upper clothes by ripping them apart. When she saw the wound she could not help but inhale a deep breath.
"What a deep wound. How come she is still alive?"
The doctor face burning when he saw everything that happened. Ning Rui back full of scar and the deep new wound make people fuzzy inside their heart and head.
"If the short sword was pulled out, she would be long dead."
The doctor give a comment. After he observed her condition the doctor could only sighing. What a unlucky kid. A body of little girl that full bruise and additional one big wound. If she could hold on until the end it would be a miracle.
The doctor report everything he knew after do a medical check up on Ning Rui.
"General, even if we treat her wound the probability she survived would not more that 30%. Now, she has a high fever. And added her small and frail body from before I am afraid..."
The young prince that got dragged to the front tent by the General furious after heard the doctor report. He punched the General and roared with a shrieking voice.
"Now, are you happy? You're happy right? She didn't know anything and you? You used her like that? She is not your slave, you didn't have any right! Cursed you! That's why no one will ever love you whole hearty. You didn't deserve any love."
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