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89.47% Epoch of New Gods / Chapter 16: Hunt

Chapter 16: Hunt

After Stephen found solution for the BOSS, he started to hunt. As Nero said, after killing 10 rabbits and reaching 1st level, other animals started to appear. First whom Stephen ran into was a little fox.

It looked sleek, fine-boned and highly intelligent. It had rich reddish-brown fur with white neck, belly and tip of the tail.

Stephen tried to kill this little fox, but failed to do it. He didn't even had a chance to shoot, as little fox noticed him and ran away. Stephen tried to shoot it while in motion, but failed because of its small size and fast, agile movements.

Therefore, his first fox hunt was unsuccessful. Of course Stephen wasn't discouraged. He just didn't have enough experience. He was sure it will get better with time.

His next opponent was a wild hog. He was very large-sized with tusks and with a lighter brown underbelly and darker face. It seems he was busy looking for food, because he didn't even pay any attention to Stephen.

Of course, Stephen didn't miss such opportunity. Thanks to the fact that he was totally ignored, Stephen took a good position, properly aimed at the shoulder blade of the hog and released an arrow.

Arrow successfully hit the target. When hog understood a situation he was in, it was already too late. He tried to run away, but it was only futile struggle with such wound.

After hog ran about 100m, he dropped on the ground. Stephen shoot another arrow to finish it off.

As he was a little tired from the rabbit's meat, Stephen decided to cook this hog for today's meal.

In this way he continued to hunt next few days. During this time he killed a lot of rabbits, he even stopped counting them.

Furthermore, he managed to kill 5 hogs, 2 foxes and 1 deer.

There were a lot more opportunities, but not all of them were successful. There were many times when the pray ran away before Stephen could do something. Sometimes he missed the mark, sometimes even after being hit, his pray managed to escape.

Of course it was a little frustrating, but Stephen never gave up.

He continued to hunt no matter what.

First really dangerous situation happened on the 5th day.

Early in the morning, when Stephen went out of the camp, he ran into the pack of the wolves. He was scared shitless back then.

Luckily he was still near the camp, so he was able to save his ass. If he were to meet them far away from the camp, Stephen was sure that he won't be able to escape alive.

As soon as he noticed them, Stephen ran back into the camp. Then he climbed onto the tree using the rope that he prepared beforehand.

From the tree, Stephen managed to kill 1 wolf, after which other wolves ran away.

Of course, they didn't gave up. They only retreated for some time.

After his encounter with the pack, Stephen didn't have a lot of courage to hunt freely in the forest.

So he decided to hunt only near the camp.

Later he realized how correct his decision was.

As soon as he moved around 60m away from the camp, the pack of the wolves attacked him again.

Stephen was glad that he put all of his free attribute points into the agility. Thanks to that he was able to ran back to the camp in time.

Such catch up game lasted a whole day.

In the evening, when only 2 wolves left, Stephen decided to hunt them on his own initiative.

Even if it was little bit dangerous, he had no other choice, as the remaining wolves didn't go near the camp anymore.

When Stephen found the remnants of the pack, he successfully shoot one of them without being noticed. As soon as the last wolf reacted, he went straight toward Stephen.

Stephen tried to hastily shoot down the wolf using a bow, but he only managed to hit the right-front leg. Even if it slowed down the wolf, it was not enough to kill him.

That's how last wolf managed to come close enough to Stephen. Stephen threw away his bow and took a knife from his waist.

When the wolf jumped up toward him, Stephen used his left arm as shield and allowed the wolf to bite it. Then he used a knife in his right hand to stab the neck of the wolf with all his strength as fast as he could do.

After dozen or so stabs, Stephen noticed that the grip on his left hand loosened.

When he looked, he saw that the wolf was already dead and there was a notification about his death in front of the Stephen's eyes.

Finally he relaxed. He understood that he was very reckless. There should be a better way to finish them off.

Stephen released his left hand from the jaws of the wolf and bandaged a wound with a cloth from his shirt.

Then he picked up his bow and went back to the camp. He was too tired to do anything else that day.

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