After decompressing for a bit and returning to her duties, Sandora had largely returned to normal. Work had always been her go-to method of escaping the negativity that frequently tormented her when she was alone. Thus, with several hours until the scheduled banquet, Sandora did her best to distract herself with preparations for the upcoming festival.
Unfortunately, just as Sandora was getting into the groove of things, her brother and several of the higher-ranking members of Salamandra showed up. She could guess the reason for their visit even without asking. Even so, she summarily dismissed the people she was speaking with before donning her usual mask and saying, "Dear Brother, I am pleased to see you in good health. Tell me, is there a matter I can assist you with...?"
Before responding to his sister's words, Mandra cast a threatening glower to the group of middle-aged men accompanying him. Reluctant expressions appeared on several of their faces before the entire group begrudgingly bent the knee, heads lowered as a sign of 'respect' towards their future Queen.
Snorting in contempt, Mandra shifted his deep blue eyes away from the group of obstinant old men before nodding towards Sandora and explaining, "I came to ask how your meeting with the Sage Dragon Emperor went. From what I heard, the meeting was rather brief."
Though it was pretty well known that Vahn could manipulate time, doing so within the territory of another Community was exceptionally difficult outside of a Gift Game. Thus, even though Sandora had spent a startling 13 hours within the suite prepared for Vahn, only thirteen minutes had passed from the perspective of the Stewards, Maids, and Guards keeping an eye on the room.
Inhaling through her nose, Sandora steeled her resolve before raising her left hand to highlight the gently pulsing ring Vahn had given her. Upon seeing it, a hint of conflict appeared in Mandra's deep blue eyes before he closed them and said, "I see..."
Nodding his head in approval, Mandra opened his eyes before looking towards the group kneeling at the side and saying, "The future of Salamandra is now secured. With an ally like the Sage Dragon Emperor on our side, it is only a matter of time before our reputation and honor are restored. I trust none of you have any problems with this?"
In response to Mandra's question, the most senior member of the group exclaimed, "Of course not! The name of the Sage Dragon Emperor resounds throughout the entirety of the Little Garden. With the exception of our Lord, there are none better suited to becoming Her Highness's husband. Glory to Salamandra!"
Though there was a distinct lack of vigor from some of the men, none hesitated to exclaim, "Glory to Salamandra!!!". It didn't take a political genius to understand this was a power play by Mandra to test their loyalty. If they showed any signs of dissension now that a player like Vahn had entered the game, they were bound to experience some grief...
Turning back to his sister, the briefest hint of a smile graced Mandra's otherwise rugged and serious countenance as he said, "You've done well, Sandora. If Father and Mother had been here, I'm certain they would agree with me."
Feeling a knot forming in her throat, Sandora didn't immediately respond to her brother's unusually supportive words. He wasn't exactly known for being kind and supportive. Rather, even before their father had declared her the next Leader of Salamandra, Mandra had rarely spoken with her outside their official duties. He was one of the few people Sandora 'trusted', but, ever since she was a very young girl, she couldn't shake the feeling Mandra blamed her for their mother's death.
Noticing his sister's difficulties, Mandra promptly placed himself in a position to obscure her from the crowd kneeling behind him. He was quite tall at 195cm, and, thanks to his robe, he could easily conceal Sandora's comparably small, 142cm frame.
Seeing through her brother's actions, the knot in Sandora's throat became a painful tightness as she stared up at him in absolute silence. She never shed any tears, but, for a very brief moment, a dense layer of moisture covered her eyes as she seriously questioned whether or not the man in front of her was the same brother she had grown up seeing from a distance.
Recalling that Vahn had removed the tumors from her brother's lungs, Sandora briefly shifted her gaze to Mandra's chest. In response, he immediately shook his head, a far more serious expression on his face as he whispered, "You have already shouldered the burdens of Salamandra for four and a half years. There are none more suited than you to sit on the throne..."
Since the glaze had already faded from Sandora's eyes, Mandra emphasized his point by kneeling as respectfully as possible. The men that had been sneaking glances from behind him immediately lowered their heads in a similar manner. Few of them genuinely supported Sandora, but, now that the person they had been backing was demonstrating his loyalty, they no longer had a choice. The era of Sandora, the Fire Dragon of the Northern Plains had begun...
Located approximately 980,000km away from the Northern Capital of Kouen City, a handsome man with untamed blond hair and a pair of headphones could be seen gazing up at one of three moons. A remarkably attractive young woman with dark brown hair was leaning against his shoulder, yet, rather than appearing even remotely excited, both had incredibly bored looks on their faces as the woman asked, "How much longer are we going to keep idling about? As much as I relish these little moments of peace and quiet, I didn't come to the Divine Realm to gaze at stars..."
Without missing a beat, the blond-haired youth adopted a wolfish grin as he remarked, "If you're that bored, we would always trade peace and quiet for passion and fervor. I'm not sure what it was like immediately following the war, but people from my time aren't exactly known for waiting until marriage to have a bit of fun..."
Snoring through her nose, the young woman, Asuka, adopted a harsh tone as she criticized, "It's better to have at least some principles when it concerns matters of love and romance. If you're that desperate to get in my pants, you could always propose..."
Though a blush colored her cheeks, Asuka was able to conceal it by lowering her head slightly and leaning into the young man's, Izayoi's shoulder.
Rolling his eyes, Izayoi strengthened his hold on Asuka's hand as he returned his gaze to the moons above and complained, "I'm not sure my heart can take you rejecting me a fourth time..."
Snorting a second time, the ruddy coloration of Asuka's cheeks darkened as she grumbled, "If you were sincere about it, I would have said yes the first time..."
With neither really knowing what else to say, Izayoi and Asuka sat in silence for the better part of an hour before the latter muttered, "I'm bored..."
Nodding his head in affirmation, Izayoi replied, "No kidding..." before leaping to his feet, extending his hand to Asuka, and adding, "Let's go have some fun." with a mischievous grin on his face.
Though she was a little annoyed by the fact that Izayoi had basically shrugged her off his shoulder, Asuka only glared at him for a brief moment before adopting a smile of her own, grasping his hand, and asking, "What did you have in mind?"
Without any hesitation whatsoever, Izayoi answered, "No clue. All I know is there's a massive world out there waiting for us. I'm sure we can find something if we just go out and explore it."
Furrowing her brows, Asuka asked, "You're not suggesting we just up and abandon the No Names, are you? What about working together to raise them from one of the weakest Communities to the strongest?"
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Izayoi surprised Asuka by picking her up in a princess carry and saying, "We're not going to accomplish anything by just sitting around and gathering our strength. If it were up to Jin, the No Names would remain isolated from the rest of the Little Garden for the next hundred years. No way am I going to just sit around twiddling my thumbs while Vahn and his Community get to have all the fun."
Without waiting for Asuka's response, Izayoi leaped high into the night sky. Asuka closed her eyes and clung to him in response, but, upon realizing there was no wind pressure whipping against her hair or face, she gradually relaxed enough to ask, "Where are you taking me?"
Adopting his characteristically wolfish grin, Izayoi continued to kick and bound off of empty air as he teased, "Well, since my bedroom is apparently off the table I figured we may as well consult a professional. Just try not to get riled up like last time, okay? I'm more than willing to throw down, but I'd rather not have my ass handed to me just because you're jealous..."
"Huh? Jealous? Me? Did you hit your head somewhere? Who could I possibly be jealous of...?"
Meeting Asuka's incredulous glower, Izayoi's expression morphed into a deadpan as he answered, "Me, Jin, Lily, Yo, Black Rabbit, Usalia, everyone in the Sage Dragon's Hearth, people who are even mildly better than you at something, and Vahn."
Ignoring the piercing chill in Asuka's gaze, the corners of Izayoi's smile curled upward as he asked, "What? I didn't say it was a bad thing. If anything, I think it's kind of cute. Your drive to be the best is one of the things I love most about you. It would be one thing if you were jealous of people and didn't even try, but, whenever you encounter an obstacle, you continuously push yourself and try to overcome it. It's honestly kind of hot..."
Though she snorted through her nose, a healthy shade of crimson spread through Asuka's cheeks and ears as she looked away from Izaoi. She was honestly still a little miffed, but, like many young maidens in love, her anger subsided greatly when she heard Izayoi say he loved her. Sure, he may not have said it directly, but that was beside the point...
Sensing someone entering one of his consultation offices, a version of Vahn immediately appeared as Izayoi and Asuka stepped inside.
Raising his hand, Izayoi immediately greeted, "How's it goin', old man? We decided to drop in and ask you for a bit of advice."
As this was the first time Izayoi and Asuka had visited the consultation office by themselves, Vahn was genuinely confused regarding the reason for their visit. The only thing that came to mind was relationship advice, but, if that was the case, Asuka wouldn't have been present.
Shifting his gaze to the pouty, faintly blushing brunette, a teasing smile developed across Vahn's face as he asked, "What's this? Did the two of you enter the path of adulthood and have a happy little accident...?"
Understanding the meaning behind Vahn's words, Asuka's cheeks practically glowed as she balled her hands into fists and hissed, " scoundrel...!"
Blinking in surprise, Vahn shifted his gaze to Izayoi, mild incredulity in his expression as he asked, "Did I do something wrong?"
Much to Asuka's chagrin, Izayoi shrugged in response to Vahn's question before asking, "Are there any interesting events going on in the Little Garden right now? We're bored out of our minds and are looking to get out and have a bit of fun."
Watching in amusement as Asuka attempted to 'discreetly' step on Izayoi's foot, Vahn asked, "Just the two of you or the No Names as a whole?"
Seemingly oblivious to the fact Asuka was driving her heel into his foot, Izayoi looked down at her and asked, "You heard the man. We eloping or do you want to entangle everyone else in our thrill-seeking?"
Realizing that trying to crush Izayoi's foot was like trying to crush diamonds, Asuka forced herself to regain her composure before answering, "I know for a fact that Yo would want to tag along. We can also use this as an opportunity to drag Jin out of his comfort zone. Who knows, if he builds up a bit of confidence, he might stop stressing out so much..."
Noticing Asuka directing an accusatory gaze his way, Vahn furrowed his brows and asked, "What's that look for? My relationship with Lily is strictly platonic. If it wasn't, you would literally be one of the first to know about it."
Unable to refute Vahn's words, Asuka just crossed her arms and looked away. She knew full well that Lily and Yo would have told her if something happened between them and Vahn. They may have developed a game to send Vahn secret messages, but, based on what they had told her, he would usually just chuckle before ruffling their hair and gently chastising them...
Taking advantage of Asuka's silence, Izayoi half-stepped between her and Vahn before asking, "So? Anything interesting going on? Something an entire Community could get in on...?"
Though he was mildly amused by Izayoi's protective demeanor, Vahn didn't comment on it. Instead, he pulled out a flier with the words Rise of the Fire Dragon emblazoned them in shimmering, bright red ink, asking, "Have you not heard about the festival in the North...?"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Glory to Airyglyph...!','Not sure if wholesome or annoying...','Fate reveals its hand...') <-(p.atreon link)
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*tok* *tok* *tok*
Hearing the rapping sound, Vahn's figure briefly flickered out of existence before appearing next to the door in an instant. His movement was so swift the third knock was still reverberating around the room, so, as could be expected, the person standing on the opposite side was quite surprised when he suddenly opened it and said, "We meet again." with a smile.
Not expecting Vahn to answer the door, much less so quickly, Sandora momentarily froze in place before adopting a smile of her own and asking, "Are you always this mischievous?"
Nodding his head in affirmation, Vahn surprised Sandora a second time by looking past, or, more specifically, over her head and observing, "I see you've been getting along with my daughters."
Confused by Vahn's words, Sandora turned her head to confirm the only people standing behind her were her Ebony and Raven, her personal Handmaidens.
Though they were surprised by their father's sudden disclosure, Ebony and Raven simply giggled in response to Sandora's confusion before moving around her, grabbing Vahn's arms, and sonorously chorusing, "We told you before, didn't we? Our Papa is the most amazing person in the entire Little Garden."
Seeing Ebony and Raven happily snuggling up to Vahn as he affectionately caressed their heads, Sandora was at a complete and utter loss for words. Countless questions surfaced in her mind, but, before she organize her thoughts, Vahn left her reeling as he explained, "I asked them to look after you a few months ago. This may come as something of a surprise, but I took an interest in you long before you penned that letter. I just never thought our relationship would start out as spouses-to-be..."
Tapping Ebony and Raven's shoulders, Vahn gently coaxed them to release him before taking a step forward and kneeling in front of the understandably shaken Sandora. Due to their rather substantial size difference, this brought them to around eye level as he reached out, grabbed her left hand, and said, "I know you've been wondering why I agreed to marry you. Since we're about to announce our engagement to the senior members of your Community, allow me to put your concerns to rest..."
Staring into Sandora's quivering gaze, Vahn adopted a sincere but slightly serious look as he said, "I agreed to your proposal because you're an amazing person. You're kind, caring, and, above all, one of the most selfless individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You have your faults, sure, but there are people ten times your age that have accomplished less across multiple decades than you have in the past four-and-a-half years..."
Shaking his head, a hint of exasperation and loneliness could be seen in Vahn's gaze as he looked into the petite dragoness's now widened eyes and whispered, "The world desperately needs people like you, Sandora. And, if I'm being perfectly, so do I. As powerful as I may seem, I could never have made it this far without a plethora of amazing people supporting and pushing me forward. In that regard, you've got me beaten through and through...had I been in your situation, I'm honestly not sure I could have withstood it..."
Thoroughly shaken by Vahn's words, Sandora opened her mouth to speak but found herself unable to. She felt compelled to refute him but the words simply wouldn't come out of her mouth. Instead, a sour feeling spread through her nose, moisture glazing her eyes as she shakily complained, "You could have mentioned this earlier..."
Adopting a self-deprecating smile, Vahn softly replied, "As I said before...we all have our faults. I'm not perfect, and, truth be told, I never want to be. Without flaws, we have nothing to improve upon. Without weakness, there is-"
Before Vahn could ramble any further, Ebony kicked him in the foot as Raven threatened, "Just hug her already..."
Shaking his head, Vahn's expression softened in a sincere and affectionate simper as he said, "Case and point..." before gently pulling Sandora towards him. Her body briefly tensed, but, the moment his arms wrapped around her, Sandora quickly returned the favor. What Vahn didn't expect was for her to suddenly whispered, "You're really unfair, you know that? This was supposed to be a political weren't supposed to make me fall in love with you..."
As incongruous as it was to hear such a young girl whisper such heartfelt words, Vahn managed to maintain a smile as he held Sandora close and remarked, "Blame yourself...who told you to be such an amazing and hard-working young lady...?"
Trembling in response to Vahn's praise, Sandora put a lot more strength into her arms. A part of her vehemently resisted the idea she deserved praise, yet, hearing Vahn whisper in her ear, she couldn't help wanting more.
("If this is a dream, please don't let me wake up...")
Recalling how strangely her brother had behaved, Sandora was genuinely afraid that everything she had experienced throughout the day was all part of some hyper-realistic dream She was afraid that, at any given moment, she would wake up to find herself, once again, alone. Thus, even though she could feel the strength in Vahn's arms and his warmth flowing into her body, Sandora clung to him as if she were afraid he would suddenly disappear.
Now that she had finally found someone who 'needed' her, Sandora wasn't going to let him go no matter what...
Though it was originally supposed to be a relatively small and private affair, the banquet ordered by Sandora quickly turned into an impromptu gala as Mandra assembled more than six hundred of the most senior officials of Salamandra. Kouen City was divided into several districts and had well over ten thousand Communities living within the city limits. If not for ongoing festival preparations, the ongoing disappearance cases, and the unexpected nature of Vahn's visit, Mandra could have easily gathered six thousand, much less six hundred guests.
Among the people that had gathered for the celebration was a middle-aged man with dark skin, rugged features, faded red hair, dark blue eyes, pointed ears, and curved horns that followed the contours of his head before branching out like scythes near the end. He was currently bound to a wheelchair, but, even whilst seated with medical equipment hooked up to his body, he gave off an oppressive and overbearing aura that commanded respect.
Standing behind the man, or, more accurately, pushing his wheelchair was a remarkably beautiful young woman with a shapely figure, maroon-red hair, and matching eyes. Her most notable traits, however, were the curved horns growing from the sides of her head, the diminutive, scale-covered wings protruding from her back, and the inordinately thick tail protruding from beneath her pleated skirt. Her appearance was incredibly eye-catching, but, despite drawing a considerable amount of attention, none were brave enough to strike up a conversation with for fear they might offend the man she was charged with caring for.
None except for Mandra.
"I'm glad you could make it, father. It's good to see you as well, Frey..."
Though the young woman offered a polite bow, the man seated in the wheelchair, none other than King Salamandra himself, snorted through his nose before asking, "For what reason have you called me here, Mandra? You said it was a matter of grave importance to all of Salamandra..."
Nodding his head in affirmation, Mandra pulled out a small conch that had the effect of converting all sound beyond a certain point into the distant echo of crashing waves. It wasn't exactly the best tool for preventing eavesdropping but it was suitable considering most people didn't dare listen in on the private conversations of a Floor Master. Salamandra may be deathly ill but he was still one of the most powerful and influential figures in the North.
Shifting his attention from the conch back to his son's face, Salamandra's expression became even more severe as he growled, "You better start explaining, boy..."
Suppressing the frustration he felt whenever his father addressed him as 'boy', Mandra maintained a serious expression of his own as he explained, "The Sage Dragon Emperor, Vahn Aldrnari Mason, has agreed to Sandora's proposal. When I saw her previously, she was already wearing a ring-"
"Do you take me for a fool? I am well aware of the reason for this party. My question was why you asked me, specifically, to be here. Every minute I spend outside the Chamber of Flame, my lifespan shortens that much further. Stop wasting what little time I have left."
Inhaling a deep breath, Mandra did his best to remain calm even as the woman behind his father squinted her eyes and prepared to attack the moment he showed any signs of hostility.
"The healing power of the Sage Dragon Emperor is far beyond what the rumors purport. I believe he may be able to cure your illness..."
Squinting his eyes, Salamandra gripped the armrests of his wheelchair with more than enough force to warp the nearly indestructible material it was comprised of. He was well aware of the kind of man his son was, so, after a moment of seething deliberation, he asked, "Mandra...what sort of game are you playing? Even if your words were true, how do you benefit from my good health? Among all my children, you have always been the one who hated and resented me the most..."
Meeting his father's gaze head-on, Mandra's expression hardened more than usual as he said, "I'm not doing this for you. Now that Sandora has someone like the Sage Dragon Emperor on her side, I no longer have to worry about you laying your hands on her. I just want to make sure you live long enough to see Salamandra restored without your help..."
Though he smiled viciously in response to his son's words, Salamandra wasn't particularly upset by them. If anything, he was glad his son had finally grown a pair.
"I guess even a short-horned little shit like you can become a man if you put your back into it..."
Ignoring the indignant fury contained in his son's gaze, Salamandra glanced back at the woman standing behind him, saying, "Frey, take this little pup somewhere and confirm whether or not his balls have dropped. The Sage Dragon Emperor has clearly treated him so you'll be his broodmare from today onward. Produce a few healthy whelps and you can consider the debt your family owes paid in full."
Though she tensed in response to her Master's words, Frey ultimately closed her eyes and offered a polite bow before answering, "As Your Majesty commands, it shall be done..."
Opening her eyes and raising her head, Frey was prepared to drag Mandra off somewhere private when the latter stated, "I am more than capable of finding my own partner. However, as you have already offered her to me, Lady Frey is no longer yours to command. As for the debts owed by her family, consider them paid in full. With Sandora at the helm and the Sage Dragon Emperor backing her, the Community you nearly ruined will prosper even without such shady methods..."
Snorting two puffs of flame from his nostrils, Salamandra was seriously tempted to give his son a beating. Contrary to what Mandra seemed to believe, however, he had always cared deeply about the Salamandra Community. Everything he did was to ensure their survival, so, even if every single one of his children hated him, Salamandra didn't care. Sure, one of his daughters had run off as a result of a mistake he made at the absolute lowest point of his life, but, seeing how far Mandra and Sandora had come, Salamandra sincerely believed he had done the right thing. He may have been a shitty father and an even worse King but he would willingly accept such labels so long as the legacy he left behind, his children, were able to prosper.
"You cheeky little shit..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Happy Sadge...','Salamandra looks like old Natsu while Freya resembles Grea from Manaria Friends','Someone punch this asshole...') <-(p.atreon link)
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