Seeing Seraphina lounging atop her amorphous golden Prinny, an exasperated sigh escaped from Chronoa's lips. Vahn had informed them about the existence of his harem outside the Actualized World, but, even with foreknowledge regarding how he came to be associated with each woman, Chronoa couldn't comprehend how certain girls had managed to weasel their way into his life.
"He's simply too kind..."
Nodding in affirmation of her own statement, Chronoa crossed her arms under her rather large breasts before shifting her attention to the innumerable humanoids and beasts scouring both the surface of the moon-sized satellite and its interior. Seraphina may have a preference for Prinnies but they weren't the only beings she had summoned to carry out her mission. In fact, there were more than fifty different types of creatures roaming about.
"What a terrifying ability..."
Though the creatures she had summoned would dissipate once Seraphina ran out of energy, the versatility of her ability was beyond compare. If she had an adequate amount of spirit energy, she could theoretically spread her influence throughout entire Realms. She was basically a Creator God whose only real weaknesses were her laziness, vanity, and dependence on Vahn...
Were it not for Vahn's overwhelming power and seemingly infinite capacity for empathy, Chronoa may have felt compelled to deal with Seraphina before she could master her ability.
Fortunately, no matter how powerful Seraphina became, the chances of her surpassing Vahn were very near zero. Vahn had survived the erasure ability of the Omni King, and, though it looked to be a close fight, he had even managed to defeat the Grand Priest in a battle of pure martial prowess. The latter possessed the combined power of every being in existence. The notion that he could be defeated had never once crossed the minds of the Angels or the Kai.
By proving himself against the two most powerful beings in creation, Vahn had effectively installed himself as the de facto ruler of every Universe. As a result, Chronoa couldn't even imagine what it would take to actually defeat him. It was for this reason that she decided to accompany him outside of the Actualized World. She wanted to see what kinds of beings could give him trouble, and, more importantly, help him fulfill his objective of reuniting with his family.
After everything Vahn had done for her, Chronoa felt obligated to accompany him to the very end...
Sensing a distortion in the surrounding space-time, Chronoa muttered, "Kai Kai." before vanishing into thin air and reappearing on the opposite side of the defensive satellite. Kai Kai was a technique similar to teleportation, but, instead of requiring an anchor point, the only prerequisite was that the user knows where they wanted to go. So long as you satisfied that very simple requirement, it could transport you to any person, place, or thing within a given realm of influence. In this case, it allowed Chronoa to teleport anywhere Vahn's domain extended.
Finding a trio of ashen-skinned individuals emerging from the center of a complex magical circle, a slight smile developed across Chronoa's face as she looked forward to the opportunity to do battle. This was her chance to begin paying Vahn back, so, while she wasn't particularly fond of Seraphina, Chronoa was determined to keep the frustratingly rambunctious Succubi safe.
With this in mind, Chronoa sent a telepathic message to Seraphina before teleporting all the nearby 'minions' away. At the same time, she descended before the trio, a serious expression on her face as she cautioned, "This satellite has been claimed by the Sage Dragon's Hearth. Depart for the nearest teleportation nexus or prepare to suffer the consequences."
Undaunted by Chronoa's warning, the largest of the ashen-skinned individuals, a mountain of a man with six arms and a height of 364cm, raised a 340cm long sword to his right shoulder as he said, "I'm afraid that isn't how this works. When the Rakshasa Tribe makes an appearance, there are only two options to our opponents. Capitulate or prove your worth."
Having never heard of the Rakshasa Tribe, Chronoa responded to the white-haired man's words by manifesting a cog-like halo behind her back as she said, "Very well then. My name is Chronoa, the Supreme Kai and Goddess of Time. State your names, brave warriors."
Rather than introducing himself, the inordinately tall man shifted his attention to the smallest member of their group, an ashen-skinned woman with six arms, ashen-white hair, grey, fox-like ears, and a ghostly tail. Despite her small stature, a mere 195cm tall, she was the leader and the most powerful member of their group.
Adopting a cutesy pose, two of her six hands pointed towards the dimples in her cheeks, the vaguely vulpine woman answered, "My name is Prurmubhi, daughter of Attutyaptish. Nice to meet'cha~!"
Following his leader's example, the massive, bare-chested man went on to thump his chest with one of his free hands, stating, "My name is Uvashu, son Attutyaptish. It is a great honor to battle against a member of the Sage Dragon's Hearth."
Nodding her head in response to the man's words, Chronoa shifted her attention to the remaining member of their group, an androgynous figure with the same ashen skin as their companions. She half-expected them to introduce themselves as the son or daughter of Attutyaptish. Instead, they opened their mouth to reveal two rows of razor-sharp teeth as they said, "Avhu...daughter of Kili..." before following it up by asking, "Do you bleed...?"
Scrutinizing the exceptionally spikey and heavily belted outfit of the peculiar woman, Chronoa promptly decided against answering Avhu's question. Instead, she directed her attention to the leader of the group, Prurmubhi, asking, "Will the three of you fight as one, or would you prefer to take turns?"
Placing one of her index fingers on her chin, Prurmubhi appeared to be seriously considering Chronoa's question. This gave the latter ample time to better examine her would-be opponents. Prurmubhi wasn't the only one with animalistic features among the three. Two of Uvashu's hands resembled paws, and, rather than humanoid feet, he possessed three-toed, lion-like paws covered in white fur. He lacked the rows of razor-sharp teeth that Avhu possessed but his bottom jaw was affixed with two, large, tusk-like teeth that gave him a rather prominent underbite.
Standing out even amongst the other ashen-skinned individuals, Avhu possessed four, antennae-like horns that vaguely resembled the horns of a nudibranch, a type of sea slug. There were also tiny gills on the side of her neck, but, due to the black leather choker biting into her skin, Chronoa wasn't sure if she actually used them to breathe. Her razor-sharp teeth gave off a rather dangerous vibe, and, unlike her two counterparts, she hadn't blinked once since appearing. Judging by the size and structure of her eyes, there was a very real chance she couldn't...
Seemingly incapable of coming up with an answer, Prurmubhi tilted her head adorably to the side before asking, "Are you strong~?" in a sing-song tone.
With a power level exceeding ten-quintillion, Chronoa was relatively confident in her strength. Thus, even though her instincts were warning her that the trio in front of her was exceptionally powerful, she didn't hesitate to nod her head, answering, "Of course." with a confident smile on her face.
Instead of acknowledging Chronoa's response, Prurmubhi shifted her gaze to the unblinking Avhu. In response, the 222cm tall woman promptly launched herself forward with terrifying momentum, kunai-like knives appearing in her hands as she attempted to simultaneously stab, slice, and skewer Chronoa's vitals. The latter's pupils immediately shrunk to the size of pinholes, but, long before the attack could connect, pointers reminiscent of the hands of a clock appeared on Chronoa's golden halo.
With Avhu's daggers mere centimeters away from her neck, chest, and ribs, Time for all but a few participants of the Gift Game promptly ceased. At the same time, a mildly offended look developed across Chronoa's face as one of the things she hated most were surprise attacks. She had given the trio a chance to flee and even discussed terms with them. Sneak attacking after she had shown such consideration was simply rude.
Intending to teach the trio a lesson, Chronoa balled her right hand into a fist before teleporting to the side of Avhu and striking forward with all her might. She didn't particularly excel in terms of raw physical strength, but, when your attacks exceeded time itself, the amount of force contained within was very near infinite. The only reason it wasn't was because she would destroy her own body if she attempted to strike someone while time was stopped. Instead, she unpaused it the moment her fist was about to make contact.
Though Avhu was more than a little surprised by Chronoa's counter, the look of stupefaction on the latter's face when her first barely deformed the monochromatic girl's cheek made it pretty obvious who was most shaken by the incident. As nonsensical as it sounded, Chronoa felt as though she had just punched a cotton ball the size of a planet. There was virtually no feedback.
Recovering before the befuddled Supreme Kai, Avhu opened her mouth wide, her jaw stretching to a terrifying degree as she attempted to bite Chronoa's hand. Instead, a golden sphere erupted from the latter's fist, blasting the seemingly indestructible slug girl several hundred meters as Prurmubhi and Uvashu watched on with a mixture of intrigue and excitement.
Seeing that presumed brother and sister had no intention of interfering, a golden aura surrounded Chronoa's body as she charged towards the downed Avhu. She wanted to confirm her suspicion, so, at the exact moment the expressionless girl pushed herself to her feet, Chronoa landed a lightspeed dropkick on her opponent's face. A massive shockwave erupted from the point of contact as a smell reminiscent of ozone spread through the area. In spite of this, Avhu neither blinked nor recoiled as she attempted to grab Chronoa's ankles and stab her legs...
Having confirmed her suspicions, the minute hand on Chronoa's halo began to move in a counter-clockwise fashion. She didn't want her opponents having any information on her abilities, so, rather than stopping time, she reversed it to the point when Prurmubhi was still in the midst of making her decision. Against a normal opponent, this was an absolute advantage.
What Chronoa never could have expected, even though Vahn had cautioned her against it, was for Prurmubhi to promptly raise her brows, a teasing smile developing across the vulpine woman's face as she remarked, "You really are a Goddess of Time. Interesting."
Before Chronoa could respond to the woman's words, Avhu revealed that she was also aware of what had transpired, a faint snort emanating from her nose as she remarked, "Annoying..." in her strangely soft and delicate tone. This left Uvashu as the only person seemingly unaware of what had transpired, a look of confusion marring his relatively simple-looking face as he used one of his free hands to scratch his head.
Though she was tempted to ask for confirmation, Chronoa's immediate response was to stop Time. She still needed to confirm whether or not Prurmubhi and Uvashu were also impervious to physical attacks. If that was the case, her only means of dealing with the trio would be blasting them with Ki or freezing them in Time. The latter would severely weaken her for the remainder of the Gift Game, so, unless it was absolutely necessary, she wanted to avoid it.
With this in mind, Chronoa teleported next to Prurmubhi, her right hand clasping one of the ashen-skinned woman's wrists before unfreezing time and flinging her into Uvashu. To absolutely no one's surprise, the vulpine woman was able to effortlessly react to the assault, seamlessly righting herself before using Uvashu's unmoving figure as a foothold to launch herself towards Chronoa. This was a little annoying, but, considering the force in which Prurmubhi was sent flying into Uvashu, Chronoa could all but confirm one of her suspicions regarding the trio.
For all intents and purposes, members of the Rakshasa Tribe were impervious to physical damage. If not, their bodies were so adept at dispersing shockwaves that they may as well be...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Seems to me that someone is jealous...','Never underestimate people that travel alone or in small groups...','The solution is simple. You just need to go PLUSU ULTRAAA...!') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
To the chagrin of billions across the Little Garden, the unfastening of Musashi's top did not result in her ostensibly perfect breasts being exposed for all to see. Instead, two tiny, cartoon-like caricatures of a man with dark brown hair and vibrant, aquamarine eyes appeared to cover her nipples. Adding to the crowd's indignation, the caricatures were waggling their fingers in a chiding gesture.
While countless people were cursing Vahn, Musashi completely ignored her wardrobe malfunction as she charged towards the befuddled Kojiro. The Law of Modesty only affected the view of people outside the Game Board. As a result, while others thought she was baring it all, he was privy to the fact Musashi had used star-shaped stickers to preemptively cover her nipples...
"Tsu-Tsubame Gaeshi...!"
Half-fumbling his own words, Kojiro's body appeared to split into countless iterations of himself, each cleaving towards Musashi. From the perspective of the spectators, the paths of the countless blade seemed to block every possible angle. In the eyes of Musashi, otherwise imperceptible flaws appeared in the technique, her Empyrean Eyes glistening like indescribably beautiful paintings as the lesser, more flawed versions of Kojiro simply disappeared.
Faster than even the most diminutive measurement of time, Musashi and Kojiro appeared to pass through each other in an instant. Immediately thereafter, the crowd was stunned to see Musashi standing with a distant look on her face, countless red lines covering every exposed section of her body. The scene gave off the impression that even a slight breeze would cause her body to fall to pieces. Instead, she, very slowly, almost mechanically adopted a relaxed posture before turning her head to stare at Kojiro.
Unlike Musashi, Kojiro had a single, glowing blue line bisecting him from crown to crotch. He was currently stuck in the position of a downward strike, eyes wide open as he willed even the blood in his veins to temporarily stop their flow. He knew that any movement, even the beating of his own heart, would lead to his body being split in two.
Unfortunately for Kojiro, Musashi had bigger fish to fry at the moment. Thus, after silently observing the youth's rather heroic figure for several seconds, a wakizashi with a pink, sakura-patterned tsuba appeared in her left hand as she said, "See ya around, Koji."
Adopting a smile of his own, the blue line dividing Kojiro's body vanished as a single, vibrant pink sakura petal fell onto his shoulder...
Ducking under a blade whose edge was nearly as thick as her wrist, Chronoa stepped closer to her attacker before releasing a solidified sphere of ki into his stomach. At the exact same moment, her form appeared to flicker as a series of abyssal-black daggers sliced through her neck and body.
With her attack against Prurmubhi serving as the catalyst, Chronoa soon found herself facing off against all three of the ashen-skinned Rakshasa. In spite of this, a smile had developed across her face, as, even three-against-one, she was supremely confident in her chances of victory.
Demonstrating one of the reasons for this, Chronoa simply ignored the massive black beam fired at her by Prurmubhi. The vulpine woman appeared to be the group's spellcaster/mage. Unfortunately, at least for the trio, her specialties appeared to be Death and Time Magic, two forces Chronoa had absolute immunity against.
Seeing Chronoa, once again, ignoring her attack, the smile adorning Prurmubhi's face no longer reached her somewhat eerie, red, and gold eyes. She wasn't going to stop trying, but, after seeing Chronoa shrug off a series of curses that were specifically designed to debilitate Gods and Asuras, she couldn't help thinking something was amiss.
What Prurmubhi didn't know was that Vahn had outfitted everyone in the Sage Dragon's Hearth, even the immortal and timeless Angels, with artifacts and accessories that counteracted the vast majority of negative status effects. This included the majority of curses and abilities that inflicted instant death, so, even if Chronoa hadn't possessed a natural resistance against Time and Death, most of Prurmubhi's spells wouldn't have affected her.
The greatest threats to Chronoa at the present moment were Uvashu's seemingly limitless strength and Avhu's apparent ability to siphon the speed of her opponent. At first, Chronoa had thought the slug-like woman was simply becoming faster and more ruthless. It was only when Uvashu's slow yet monstrously powerful attacks became harder to dodge that she realized the truth of the matter.
As far as Chronoa could tell, Prurmubhi possessed little to no physical strength. Instead, she was capable of producing a functionally infinite amount of magical energy to devastate the majority of opponents. Inversely, Uvashu appeared to possess absolutely no affinity with magic. He relied on raw, unadulterated strength to overwhelm his foes, and, based on the steam that would rise from his body whenever he sustained even a mild injury, he possessed a potent form of regeneration.
Though the brother and sister duo would have been troublesome enough on their own, it was the ability of Avhu that was giving Chronoa the most difficulty. Avhu didn't even need to land a blow in order to siphon her opponent's speed. Based on what Chronoa had been able to deduce, the effect was achieved by simply staring in the direction of her foe.
To make matters worse, Chronoa's speed wouldn't recuperate even when she reversed the flow of Time. In other words, the longer the battle dragged on, the slower she would become.
Fortunately, as troublesome as Avhu's ability was, Chronoa could generate a field to accelerate her personal flow of time. She had also confirmed that the trio wasn't vulnerable to magic, so, as one of the greatest Mages in her verse, the only thing preventing Chronoa from ending the battle was her desire to learn more about the characteristics of the Rakshasa Tribe.
As a Kai that had lived well over one-hundred-million years, most of which was spent observing the lives of people in the lower realms, Chronoa's curiosity could even give Da Vinci and Vahn a run for their money.
Annoyed by the casual expression on Chronoa's face, Avhu bared her muted-white, razor-sharp teeth towards the pink-skinned Kai. The black spikes protruding from the sleeves and back of her thick white hoodie began to wriggle and elongate, but, before she could do anything, the various belts enveloping her body promptly contracting, tightening around her comparably petite frame. This included the choker around her neck, so, instead of charging forward, Avhu fell face-first into the ground as Prurmubhi stated, "That's enough. We're going to withdraw."
While others might have protested such ignominious treatment, Avhu continued to stare directly at Chronoa even as Uvashu picked up her tightly bound, audibly creaking body and tucked her under his arm. This caused a frown to develop across Chronoa's face, but, as the dynamic between the trio had nothing to do with her, she elected to remain silent as the trio regrouped and cautiously made their way towards the nearest teleportation nexus. Her mission was to protect Seraphina and ensure the procurement of the defensive satellite, so, while she was more than a little interested in learning more about the ashen-skinned species, Chronoa made no attempt to inhibit the trio's departure...
"And just when I starting to get annoying..."
Though Chronoa believed the trio's departure was related to the realization they couldn't defeat her, the truth of the matter was quite a bit different from expectations.
By diverting forces to nearly every destination listed within the teleportation nexus, the Rakshasa Tribe, the de facto foot soldiers of the Trāyastriṃśa Community, quickly located their target. As a result, the Queen of the Rakshasa Tribe, Ahirani, sent a telepathic message commanding her sons and daughters to assemble.
One of the reasons the Rakshasa Tribe introduced themselves along with the name of their fathers was because they each shared the same mother. They were similar to ants in that regard, so, ever since her sisters were wiped out during the Great War, Ahirani had endured the burden of her entire species on her own. Other Rakshasa were capable of siring and giving birth to children of their own, but, instead of Rakshasa, the end result were red and blue-skinned demons known as Tieflings.
As 'compensation' for her species' sacrifice, Ahirani had been granted an incommutable Divinity that ensured she would be reborn even if her mind, body, and spirit were destroyed. She wasn't a True God, but, so long as a single member of her species remained, the Rakshasa would be reborn time, and time again...
Standing precisely 108m tall in her true form, Ahirani resembled a frightful yet uncannily beautiful woman with ashen skin, numerous, branch-like horns, six arms, and white hair that flowed gracefully past her ankles. At a glance, she appeared to be completely naked, but, while she possessed all the contours of a shapely and attractive woman, her mons and breasts were as smooth and baren as a porcelain doll.
Orbiting around Ahirani's body were two amorphous, ghost-like creatures with six atrophied limbs and a trio of eerie, black, and red eyes. Said eyes would move around the bodies of the creature as if it didn't possess a single bone in its body. It was a rather unnerving sight to behold, as, much like a Mangekyou Sharingan, the creatures possessed strange, revolving patterns that constantly shifted within their crimson-red eyes.
Using their Queen as a waypoint, dozens, soon to become hundreds of Rakshasa began to appear on the surface of the planet they were preparing to attack. Most of these new arrivals immediately prostrated themselves upon reaching the area beneath their Queen and Mother. The only people daring enough to approach her in the sky were a handful of extremely diverse-looking individuals, the Eight Great Kings who ruled over their species.
As the first eight of Ahirani's children, the Eight Great Kings were the sons of various heroes and Hindu Gods. Among the Eight, the eldest, also known as the Great King of Wisdom, Attutyaptish, was the only one to approach Ahirani directly. The ghost-like creatures orbiting her body would attack anyone else, so, while he was actually the smallest and weakest of the Eight Great Kings, his form resembling a vaguely humanoid cat with six arms and three tails, Attutyaptish's authority was second only to Ahirani's herself.
At a meager 110cm in height, Attutyaptish wasn't even the size of Ahirani's toe in her true form. In spite of this, he fearlessly approached the giantess's mouth, hands cupped in a respectful manner as he lowered his head and stated, "We eagerly await your orders, oh Great Mother..."
Though she was typically expressionless, a faint smile developed across Ahirani's face as her large, crimson-red eyes focused on Attutyaptish. The truth of the matter was that she only allowed the petite cat-man to approach her because she thought he was cute. He was also the first child she had sired in the wake of the Great War, so, while the other Great Kings weren't particularly fond of their eldest brother, Ahirani cherished him dearly.
Resisting the urge to shrink down to a form that would have allowed her to embrace and caress the comparably petite feline, Ahirani telepathically replied, ("Lord Indra has stated that the Sage Dragon is not to be underestimated. Once the remainder of my children have gathered, we will demolish all but a single teleportation nexus. After that, I will lead those specializing in magic to prepare a ritual magic circle while our warriors invade the planet's inner sanctum. Vamashir, Agnosh, and Kili will be leading the charge.")
Nodding his head in affirmation, Attutyaptish darted towards his much larger brothers to pass on his mother's words. This earned him the stink eye from all but one of them, but, as he was already quite used to being resented by his siblings, Attutyaptish adopted an unapologetically cheeky smile as he ordered them to make preparations for the coming battle...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Omae wa...','Chronoa got clam-jammed...','Great King of Wisdom? Seems like an opportunistic troll to me...') <-(p.atreon link)
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