Understanding Sarina's confusion, Vahn attempted to give her a very brief summary of his past and abilities. In the midst of this, the girl sleeping at his side gradually stirred, her eyelids flickering for a moment before grabbing the cold compress on her head.
"Well now, look who decided to join us..."
Though she had already noticed someone sitting next to her, the auburn-haired girl startled when she heard Vahn's deep yet gentle voice. The only thing that prevented her from immediately trying to run away was the strange feeling of comfort that had spread through her body, suppressing the fear, pain, and hunger she had become accustomed to since her arrival in the Divine Realm...
Seeing the girl bolt to a seated position, a sad smile developed across Vahn's face as muttered, "It would seem you have suffered quite a bit. Don't worry-"
Rather than wait for Vahn to continue speaking, the auburn-haired girl interrupted, asking, "W-Who are you? What do you want with me...?" in a wary tone.
As cheesy as it might sound to the average listener, Vahn softly replied, "You can call me Vahn. Vahn Aldrnari Mason. As for what I want...well, it would make me happy if you were happy."
Borrowing a worn yet refreshing page out of Tiona's book, Vahn pushed up the sides of his mouth with his fingers, playfully contorting his face into an intentionally silly smile.
Though a concerned frown appeared on her face, the auburn-haired girl seemed to understand he wasn't a threat as she quickly relaxed, shoulders and head slumped as she meekly replied, "There is no happiness left for me in this world..."
Noticing the girl's aura diminish quite a bit as she was speaking, Vahn quickly sorted his thoughts before extending his hand and manifesting a golden apple out of thin air, saying, "Eat. It's hard to be optimistic on an empty stomach. You'll feel better once you fill your belly."
Though it wasn't actually necessary to eat in the Divine Realm, going long periods of time without food or water affected the mind and body. This was especially true for those who had only been in the Divine Realm for a short period of time. Thus, having confirmed the girl hadn't eaten anything in quite some time, Vahn figured he might as well address her empty stomach before moving on to anything more complicated.
Staring at her reflection in the remarkably shiny apple, the auburn-haired girl was surprised to find that she was actually salivating. This was an inherent property of the apple, and, while it was a little underhanded of him, Vahn didn't mind making use of his 'Gifts' if it was to help people...
[Golden Apple]
Rank: B
Function: An irresistible golden apple that captivates anyone who sets their sights upon it. Just a single bite is said to fill one's belly and bring happiness. Eating the entire thing, core included, is said to replenish stamina, removes abnormal status effects, and cleanse curses.
Before she even realized what she was doing, the auburn-haired girl had already taken several bites out of the apple. This caused a warm and fluffy feeling to spread from her stomach as memories of her past, specifically happy memories related to her mother and father, caused tears to swell at the corners of her eyes.
"There, there...it's okay...if you want to cry, go ahead and cry. Just remember. No matter how sad or painful things get, there is still happiness to be found in the world. If you're unable to find it in the present, you need only look to the past. It is memories like those that give us the strength to create happiness in the future..."
Though it earned him another pouty glower from Sarina, Vahn gently caressed the auburn-haired girl's head as she continued to eat the golden apple. Instead of engorging herself upon it, however, she was now taking progressively smaller bites. She seemed to equate eating the apple with being happy, so, fearing the moment would escape her once the apple was completed, she attempted to draw it out for as long as possible...
"Feeling better...?"
Staring up at the man who, even now, continued to caress her head, the auburn-haired girl slowly nodded before replying, "Thank you..." in a meek tone of voice.
"Don't mention it." replied Vahn. Then, with the best smile he could manage, he retracted his hand from the girl's head before asking, "So? Feel like introducing yourself? As I mentioned previously, my name is Vahn. As for this little one here-"
"Sarina. My name is Sarina."
Though it was a little awkward since they were seated on opposite sides of each other, Sarina made a show of grabbing Vahn's arm as she introduced herself in an audibly hostile tone. This caused the auburn-haired girl to appear afraid, so, before things could get further out of hand, Vahn adopted a stern tone, stating, "Sarina. That's enough. You followed me with the intention of helping people. Is this how you behave towards someone who just experienced a trauma...?"
Surprised by Vahn's tone, Sarina quickly released his arm, a nervous and apologetic look on her face as she exclaimed, "S-Sorry! Please forgive my rudeness...!" before promptly bowing her head.
With his arm freed, Vahn was able to caress both girls' heads, chuckling lightly as he said, "That's a good girl. Now, how about you introduce yourself, little missy? It would also help if you explain why those men were chasing you but I won't force you to disclose anything you're not comfortable with discussing."
Though she was still more than a little nervous, the auburn-haired girl sheepishly replied, "My name is Nono...Nono Nalnanananu..."
Blinking in mild surprise, Vahn's smile became somewhat wry as he asked, "Nalnanananu...?" just to confirm she hadn't added a few extra syllables. In response, the auburn-haired girl simply nodded, mild confusion visible in her eyes as she asked, "Is it...strange...?"
Laughing in the most good-natured way he could manage, Vahn retracted his hands from the two girls' heads before rising to his feet and answering, "Of course not!" in a spirited tone. Then, before either could make sense of his actions, he turned back, a luminous smile on his face as he extended his hands to the two girls and added, "It's a wonderful name."
Since they had been garnering too much attention at their previous location, Vahn escorted Sarina and Nono to another small Cafe, this one attached to a rather pleasant-looking Hostel. There, he let the two order whatever they wanted before handing arranging two rooms, one for himself and one for the girls.
Having secured a place to stay, Vahn returned to the table to find Sarina and Nono trapped in an awkward silence. The former was still feeling guilty about her earlier behavior. As for the latter, well, she was just confused by everything that was happening.
Pulling up a chair to the side, rather than sitting beside either girl, Vahn picked up a small cheese pastry, biting into it before explaining, "I went ahead and booked two rooms. The two of you can share one. Unless, of course, you someplace else to be...?"
Though he had already checked Nono's situation with the Law of Identity, Vahn wanted to give her the chance to explain things. It would also make things a lot easier if she directly asked for his help, as, after his most recent awakening, he was trying to avoid resolving everyone's problems. He was a little tired of trying to fix everything himself, so, unless she asked for help and showed a willingness to take control of her own life, there wasn't much he could do for her...
Turning melancholic in response to Vahn's words, Nono hung her head for several moments before finally mustering up the courage to mutter, "I don't want to go back...but...but I'm afraid something terrible might happen if I don't..."
"Is it your Community...?"
Despite knowing the answer, Vahn still tried to lead Nono along so that she wouldn't fall silent. In response, she nodded her head, explaining, "I was summoned seven months ago...in the beginning, everyone was very kind to me...they told me I had a powerful Gift and wanted me to become one of their fighters...but...but I don't like fighting..."
Tearing up, Nono began to sniffle as memories of the last seven months resurfaced in her mind. She could still remember how well her Community had treated her when she was first summoned. A few of the senior members had even taken to referring to her as their Little Princess. They showered her with all kinds of praise, and, even when she made mistakes, they were always quick to console and encourage her...all the way up until they weren't...
In the end, the only thing her Community had really cared about was her Gifts. Her future self was apparently an influential priestess back in her homeworld, one with the potential to even seal away the Gods. Unfortunately, they lacked the means to summon her more heroic iteration, so, with the intention of grooming her into a powerful weapon, they ended up calling upon her much younger self. What they failed to account for was the fact that she had only grown that powerful due to the hardships she had experienced and the other heroic figures at her side. Without going through all of those things, she was just a normal little girl. Someone who disliked fighting and only accepted their invitation out of naive curiosity...
Once her Community realized she was just a 'useless brat', their treatment became progressively worse. The only exception to this was her Leader, but, after everything that had happened, Nono didn't trust him. These feelings only grew when he attempted to convince her to give up her Gift and simply become a Maid. He promised she would always have a place within their Community, but, when she tried to get him to agree to a Geass, a contract that bound people to their word, he immediately got angry and accused her of being a selfish brat who didn't know what was good for her.
After that incident, Nono found herself isolated within the group of people who had promised to become her family. This ultimately led to the previous event, an incident that involved members of her own Community conspiring with a group of 'Gift Hunters' to try and steal her Gift. They wanted to force her into a Gift Game with extremely unfair conditions, warning that if she didn't play along they were going to lock her away until she either gave up or committed suicide.
Instead of abiding by these terms, Nono did the only thing she could think of at the time. She ran. It didn't matter how tired she was or how painful each successive step became. She kept running as if her life depended on it, because, in no uncertain terms, it did...
After listening to Nono's story and assuring her that everything was okay, Vahn allowed her to rest, 'forcing' Sarina to watch over her as he stepped out into the busy city streets.
In the end, Nono didn't actually ask for his help. Instead, she wanted him and Sarina to leave so that members of her Community wouldn't target them. She didn't want anything to happen to them, so, in turn, Vahn had decided he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Thus, after placing her into a very deep and peaceful slumber, he set out with the intention of settling her debts.
Fortunately, he didn't have to travel very far. Members of the same Community were able to track their other members using various artifacts. Such items were originally intended for Gift Games that involved searching large areas or entering Labyrinths, but, at times like this, they could also be used by malicious individuals to track those who wanted to escape. Thus, without even needing to travel more than two blocks, Vahn found himself promptly surrounded by a group of individuals lead by a man with silvery-white hair and golden eyes...
"Well, this is convenient..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Atalanta would like to know your location...','Kidnapping and grooming are evil...','Vahn could probably drown these asshats just by releasing his Gift Cards xD...')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
Emboldened by the fact that Vahn was both alone and without a flag badge to represent the Community he belonged to, the group immediately surrounded him as their presumed Leader stepped forward to ask, "Where is Nono? Why are you-"
Raising his hand, Vahn earned a cold glower from the white-haired man as he said, "This ends one of two ways. You apologize, let Nono go, and never appear in front of me again. Do that and I'll at least pretend today's incident never happened. Refuse and, well, let's just say the Little Garden will have a bit less trash by the end of the day..."
Vahn didn't like labeling people as trash. He liked being surrounded even less, however, so, with his opponents radiating auras of pure arrogance, he punctuated his words by popping his knuckles and rolling his neck. This made it clear what his intentions were, but, rather than exhibiting any fear, the group radiated unadulterated hostility as their Leader loosened the tie of his rather stylish black suit and replied, "You must be confident in your strength to interfere in another Community's affairs like this. Tell me. Which Community do you belong to? Perhaps we should make things more...official?"
Understanding that the man was insinuating starting a war, Vahn just rolled his eyes and said, "Even if my time is unlimited, I'd rather not waste it on rabble such as yourselves. Let's get this over with."
Punctuating his words, Vahn appeared in front of the silver-haired man before he could so much as widen his eyes in response. The Laws of the Little Garden prevented people from sustaining serious injuries outside Gift Games, but there were a number of ways to get around this. The most common among these was to have the opponent injure themselves, so, timing his attack just as the man was about to say something, Vahn ended up forcing him to bite off the tip of his tongue as he sent the man soaring more than twenty meters with a simple uppercut.
Seeing their Leader get sent flying with an attack they hadn't even been able to perceive, the nine other individuals immediately tensed up in disbelief. This afforded Vahn the opportunity to flick his wrist, a violet-purple card appearing between his index and middle fingers as he playfully declared, "You activated my Trap Card. Karmic Inversion!"
[Karmic Inversion]
Rank: B
Function: A unique ability that causes a target to experience all the pain and suffering they had inflicted onto others. Only works against those who have murderous intentions towards the user.
With the exception of the only woman in the group, everyone else immediately dropped to their knees, kicking and screaming as indescribable pain wracked their bodies. As for the woman, she ended up being spared because she didn't possess murderous intent towards him. Rather, due to his physical appearance, she had actually been thinking about methods to try and recruit him into their Community.
"Sorry, but I'm not particularly fond of women who turn a blind eye to the exploitation of children. I'm afraid you'll have to suffer a bit..."
Though she had fallen onto her butt out of fear, the purple-haired woman immediately attempted to flee the moment she heard Vahn's words, screaming, "I'm sorry! Please forgive me...!" as she used a green-colored card to drastically increase her speed.
Shaking his head, a wry and slightly apologetic smile appeared on Vahn's face as he mused, "Sorry, but I don't issue threats idly..."
Performing a simple sleight of hand technique, Vahn caused the violet-purple card to appear as though it had transformed into a deep crimson as he muttered, "Penance Curse..."
[Penance Curse]
Rank: C
Function: An ability that causes the target to experience pain based on how much they have relished in the suffering of others. Has no effect on light-based creatures.
Despite her drastically increased speed, a purple pattern appeared on the woman's back as she attempted to leap over a building. At a glance, it appeared to be a purple heart surrounded by thorns. This indicated she had quite a violent and sadistic personality as the skill generally ranged from pale pink to dark purple. The darker the color, the more she enjoyed the suffering of others, so, while he still felt guilty about punishing someone who had already given up, Vahn got over it pretty quickly.
"Hey! You there! What do you think you're doing in the middle of the street...!?"
Shifting his attention to the person who had called out to him, Vahn found another purple-haired woman rushing over with a judgmental glare on her face. Her clothes, consisting of a fashionable white blouse, frilled black skirt, white stockings, and a peculiar half-apron made her appear to be an Alchemist or a Sorceror. There were potion vials around her waist, and, though it appeared to be a form of scepter at a glance, the object in her hand resembled an inordinately large syringe, albeit without a needle.
Noticing that the woman had a different flag badge than the group writhing about on the ground, Vahn adopted a relaxed smile as he explained, "These people surrounded me with the intention of seeking trouble. I just happened to be a little more than they anticipated..."
Since it was one against nine, the woman had no reason not to believe Vahn's words. Despite this, she maintained a stubborn expression on her face as she approached to within a few meters of him and said, "If you're strong enough to defeat them without injury, you could have just as easily run away. At the very least, you should have settled things with a Gift Game. Fighting in the middle of the street is not only against the Law, it inconveniences everyone trying to go about their business in peace. You also overwrote the protections of the system with the express intent of causing harm so I'm afraid I'll need to take you in. Please come quietly."
Raising his brows, Vahn said, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. There are people waiting for me and I have no reason to recognize Laws that punish vigilantes but ignore the exploitation and suffering of children. The Gift I used causes people to experience the pain and suffering they have forced onto others. It also only triggers when the other party has murderous intentions towards me, so are you telling me I was simply supposed to ignore them? Ridiculous."
Manifesting the Gift Card in question, Vahn flicked it towards the befuddled woman so that she could read its description for herself. Gift Cards couldn't actually be stolen, and, even if they were somehow misplaced, they could be brought back with a simple thought.
Confirming the description on the card, the woman's expression immediately became troubled as she looked around at the people writhing on the ground. They had clearly caused great suffering based on their current appearance, so, even though she was duty-bound to arrest all of them, she couldn't exactly refute Vahn's words.
Furrowing her brows into a surprisingly adorable pout, the purple-haired woman eyed up Vahn with a scrutinizing gaze before asking, "Which Community do you belong to? You don't appear to have a flag badge..."
Realizing that the woman was considering letting him go, Vahn's smile became more friendly as he crossed his hand over his heart and performed a slight bow, saying, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vahn, Vahn Aldrnari Mason. To answer your question, I do not currently belong to any Community. I am, however, intending to create one in the very near future. Perhaps even as soon as the end of today."
Blinking in surprise, the woman immediately replied, "That's impossible. Without the backing of a Community, you shouldn't be able to use your Gifts outside of a Gift Game. If people could freely use their abilities, the Little Garden would never have peace..."
Though the woman's words caught him by surprise, it didn't take long for Vahn to find a solution. This involved drawing an obsidian-black card tinged with ornate golden embossing as he said, "I'm a bit of an exception to the rules..."
[Champion of Inanna]
Rank: A
Function: A Blessing bestowed upon those who have won the favor of Inanna, Goddess of Sex, Love, Justice, and Political Power. Allows the user to mete out justice against sinners. Twice as effective on women. Three times as effective against other Goddesses.
While the color of most Gift Cards didn't matter, that concept flew out the window when the color was black. This signified that the card possessed a Fragment of Divinity, and, more often than not, indicated that the person in question had the favor of a Patron God or Goddess.
Seeing the name Inanna attached to the card, the purple-haired girl promptly tossed it like a hot potato. Inanna was a relatively famous Goddess from a 2-Digit Community. She was known to be 'very' antagonistic towards other women, so, the moment she saw Inanna's name on the card, the purple-haired woman began floundering nervously as she stammered, "P-P-P-Please forgive me. I had n-n-no idea you were affiliated with the Garden of Venus."
Not expecting such an overreaction, a wry smile developed across Vahn's face as he made a mental note not to borrow the names of Gods and Goddesses he hadn't met. The [Champion of Inanna] he possessed was something he had received due to his relationship with Ishtar and Ereshkigal. It had nothing to do with any Goddess in the Divine Realm, but, just as Shiroyasha had been able to sense Rimuru's Innate, Vahn suspected the Gods near the pinnacle would be able to sense it the moment he invoked their names or made use of Gifts related to their myths.
Returning the cards to his body, Vahn adopted a disarming smile as he stated, "Relax. You haven't done anything wrong. Rather, I should commend you for being open-minded enough to consider letting me go. By the way, I never got your name...?"
Though she was more than a little perturbed by the idea of giving her name to someone affiliated with the Goddess Inanna, the purple-haired woman didn't hesitate to cross her hands over her lap, bowing as she said, "My name is Dorothea. Dorothea Abysswalker. It's a p-p-pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Mason."
As it had been quite some time since someone referred to him as Mister, Vahn couldn't help issuing a light chuckle as he resisted the urge to close the distance and caress Dorothea's head. There was actually a rather sizeable ahoge atop her head, and, though it didn't draw nearly as much attention as the glistening golden ornament fastened to her bangs, it filled people with the urge to reach out and grasp it.
Feeling a strange shift in the atmosphere exuding from Vahn's body, Dorothea's instincts told her to get as far away from his as possible. To this end, she manifested an object similar to a Rubix Cube in her left hand, saying, "I-I-If you don't mind, can you please deactivate your Gift? I'm going to collect these people and escort them back to my Community. I'm the Rank 5 member of Twice Twilight, the Community in charge of this particular Gate. We do our best to maintain peace and order within the Gate so your cooperation would be greatly appreciated..."
Since he had no reason to interfere with Dorothea's duties, Vahn just nodded his head, saying, "No problem. I'm currently staying at that Cafe over there. The one called La Papillon. I'll go ahead and extend my stay to a few days so feel free to stop by if you have any questions. I might not be willing to follow you back to your Community but I have no problems cooperating with authorities. Unless, of course, they have a problem with me..."
With that said, Vahn waved his hand in a casual gesture of farewell before promptly turning around and placing his hands into his pockets. This left Dorothea standing stationary for several seconds, a concerned glimmer in her bluish-purple eyes as she seriously considered not even mentioning him in her report...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Just imagine Vahn walking around with a duel disc and only making use of the Gifts he draws...','Inanna be like, "OwO...?"','Dorothea has good instincts...')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
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