Following his proposal to Arika, Vahn had been convinced to spend, at the very least, one night in Ostia. Ana wanted to celebrate her daughter's engagement, and, considering it would have been a little awkward to leave immediately after his proposal, Vahn didn't have much ground to refuse. As a result, he once again shared a bath with the members of the Ostian Royal Family, and, though this was nothing new, things became admittedly more awkward when Ana attempted to 'educate' both Arika and Asuna in how to 'properly' wash a man's body.
Vahn was admittedly used to being used in 'educational' demonstrations, but, with the other party being his mother-in-law, his primary instinct was to refuse. Surprisingly, though she later explained the reason, Arika took her mother's side on the matter. She felt guilty about the fact she had been allowed to leave the palace and follow a different path than the one normally decided for members of the Ostian Royal Family. This was an opportunity that had been denied to her mother, so, while it caused her a considerable amount of shame and embarrassment, she supported Ana's mischief and went with the flow of events.
Though it put him in a rather compromising position, Vahn wasn't particularly unwilling to have his body washed by Ana. Thus, with Vesperina also contributing her consent, he ended up in one of the few situations where he found it legitimately difficult to hide his own embarrassment. Ana made up for the fact that she had no real experience by being 'exceptionally' bold, and, though this wouldn't normally be enough to embarrass him, the combined curiosity of the entire Ostian Royal Family was enough to color the ears of each of his avatars...
Preceding Vahn's objectively enviable situation by a few hours, another man was experiencing one of the worst days of his entire life. He was forced to stand in the middle of a private arena as more than a hundred of the most prestigious members of the Imperial Nobility watched on in uncovered curiosity. Across from him, casually performing a series of light stretches in a garment that left little to the imagination, his much younger sister had a lackadaisical smile on her face as she warmed up for their impending match.
Under normal circumstances, the man, Prince Kacper Bashireia Herasu De Vesuperisujimia, would have relished the thought of being able to teach his younger sister, Princess Theodora Bashireia Herasu De Vesuperisujimia, a lesson. His pride did not allow him to consider, even for a moment, that he would lose against someone barely a quarter of his age. It didn't matter that she was the future Empress who had received the Blessing of Vrixho, as, in his mind, her claim to the throne was illegitimate compared to his own...
Despite 'knowing' he was much stronger than his sister, Kacper had a blackened expression as he listened to the speculation from the surrounding Nobles. They didn't even try to censor themselves, and, much to his chagrin, the majority seemed to be in favor of his sister's victory. Some even went as far as to propose private wagers, but, with few willing to bet on his victory, these remarks quickly became more of a joke than anything else.
With even better senses than a normal Hellasian, Kacper could hear most of the crowd's remarks. He could even recognize most of their voices, so, after committing them to memory, he swore to make each and every one of them pay for insulting their future Emperor. It didn't matter if most of them were just joking around, as, after he rose to power, he intended to shape Hellas into an even more powerful nation, one which would gradually conquer the entire world in his name...
Assured of his own victory, Kacper glared back at the person he hated most in the entire world, his blue eyes blazing with an intense ferocity as he said, "You should surrender this farce. If you choose to go forward with this, I will not hold back. Though I will do my best not to injure you too seriously, accidents within the arena are as common as the clouds in the sky..."
Hearing her brother's warning, Theo just giggled mischievously before adopting a wide grin as she said, "I'll hold you to your words. If you held back, this would be over too quickly~."
Understanding the implication contained within his sister's words, Kacper's expression became even darker as he looked toward his father, asking, "It is not my place to question the Emperor's vast and immeasurable wisdom. However, I must advise against moving forward with this match. Theodora is still a child. I fear I cannot afford the repercussions of accidentally injuring the future Empress of the Hellas Empire..."
Though he noticed the murderous glimmer in his son's eyes, Michael repressed a sigh as he stated in a firm tone, "As per tradition, none shall be held accountable for any accidents that might occur during a Rite of Challenge. If it is determined that one side has an undeniable advantage over the other, the referee will intervene to prevent injury."
Almost immediately following the Emperor's statement, a senior member of the Aristocracy, Earl Stanisław Jaruzelski, issued a courteous bow as he stated in a deep voice, "If it pleases his Imperial Majesty, it would be my honor to preside over this match."
Though he was originally intending to have Jack referee the matches, Michael took a brief moment to consider the Earl's request. This wouldn't have been a consideration under normal circumstances, but, as Theo had noticed, the Earl was actually the father of the man she was 'fated' to be engaged to. This caused her nose to scrunch up slightly, but, as she wasn't in a position to protest, she chose to remain silent as her father made his position.
Unfortunately for Theo, her father decided to give the Earl a bit of face, opening his eyes to state in a commanding tone, "Very well. We have supreme confidence in the Earl's power and judgment."
Gratified by the Emperor's words, Earl Stanislaw leaped through the air before landing nimbly in the arena. He had previously been the ranking General of the Northern Fleet, so, while nowhere near his prime, mediating a battle between two junior members of the Imperial Family wasn't an issue.
Both Kacper and Theo wanted to protest having the Earl referee their match, but, as neither had a good reason to refute, they remained silent. Questioning the Earl's qualifications would be both an insult to the man in question and a repudiation of the Emperor's decree. This would be a grievous faux-pas, so, rather than complain, the brother and sister set their sights on each other, both eager for the battle to come.
Noticing the duo was more than ready to begin, Earl Stanislaw couldn't help but display an amused smile as he dutifully declared, "This is a sacred rite to determine whether or not the Third Princess possesses the strength to qualify as an adult under Imperial Law. Her opponent, the Second Prince, has graciously offered himself to test the mettle of his younger sister. If both contestants are ready to begin, you may salute the Emperor and take your stances."
As the Rite of Challenge had several customs that must be followed, both Theo and Kacper obeyed the Earl's direction. For Theo, this was more than just a battle to determine whether or not she was strong, as, even if they lost all three battles, a person could still be considered an adult based on their actions and behavior. Inversely, if they behaved childishly throughout the proceedings, there was a chance they could be denied recognition and placed under a probationary period. This was something she wanted to avoid at all costs, so, while it made her feel stiff and stuffy, Theo did her best to appeal to the audience by displaying her maturity. As for Kacper, his reputation had never been that great amongst members of the Aristocracy, so, if he misbehaved during one of their most sacred rites, he risked losing what little face he had left...
With their father giving them leniency to raise their heads, Theo adopted a low stance that was an exact copy of the Heavenly White Tiger form. She had sparred with Xiao Bai almost every day over a four year period, so, while she had developed her own hybrid form, the foundation of her style was directly inspired by the flexibility and power demonstrated by the admittedly adorable white tiger.
Seeing his sister squat low with her hands extended like claws, Kacper snorted disdainfully as he extended his hand to the side and manifested a massive black blade. Weapon Summoning and its derivative skills were the foundation embedded into every member of the Nobility, as, despite their vast reserves of magical power, very few had the capacity to become a true Mage. They had always been more adept at reinforcing their body to deal with enemies at close and mid-range, so, seeing his sister forgo the use of weapons, seemingly intent on conserving her magical power, Kacper was planning to teach her a harsh lesson...
The moment Earl Stanislaw called out for the match to begin, Kacper adopted a defensive stance as he shouted, "Melody of Battle, Double my Speed!" (A/N: I decided to go with simple translations of magic spells to make it easier to read.)
With a pale-green aura surrounding his body, a vicious smile spread across Kacper's face. Melodia Bellax was an Intermediate-Grade Reinforcement Magic, and, though many could use it, mastering it to the point of manifesting a stable aura was difficult, generally taking years of concerted effort. This was his greatest advantage against Theo, as, no matter how talented she was, there was a vast gulf in their experience due to the age gap...
Just as this thought crossed his mind, Kacper's mind dulled as he noticed the figure of his younger sister turning into a wispy haze. At the exact same moment, an awkward-sounding voice echoed from behind him, saying, "You are thinking too much. If you don't trust your instincts more and pay better attention to your surroundings, this is going to be over very quickly..."
Recognizing who the voice belonged to, Kacper spun on his heels, his oversized sword drawing a deadly arc towards the wryly smiling Theo's neck. To his surprise, she didn't even try to dodge, the blade cleaving through her so smoothly he didn't even feel any feedback. This caused a massive grin to spread across his face, but, before he could celebrate the death of his most hated person, a powerful force slammed into his left cheek. The next thing he knew, he was embedded into the far wall, while, in the center of the arena, Theo awkwardly scratched the back of her head. She had held back a lot to try and make the fight last longer, but, even without using any special techniques, her brother seemed incapable of even following her movements...
After fighting with 'monsters' nearly every day over a four year period, Theo had completely lost the ability to gauge her own strength. She was actually the weakest among those who trained inside of the Diorama, so, after continuously breaking through her limits to try and overcome people much stronger than herself, Theo had forgotten what it was like to fight against someone weaker. She did her best to hold back so they could enjoy a prolonged battle, but, much to her surprise, her brother was significantly weaker than she imagined...
Though he knew his daughter had gotten much stronger during her time in Ariadne, Michael was at a complete loss for words after seeing her display. He was watching the match from the outside, so, by all rights, he should have been able to see her movements without any difficulty. Instead, he saw Theo's body flicker, and, in the next moment, she had soundlessly appeared behind Kacper without the latter's notice.
The Emperor knew a lot more had happened in Ariadne than the reports mentioned. The 'choker' around his daughter's neck had drawn a considerable amount of attention, and, though she didn't seem to be aware of it, he had seen her absentmindedly caressing the band numerous times over the last few days. It was clear she had received more than just simple lessons from the Sage Dragon Emperor but nothing could have prepared him for her monstrous increase in strength. It was almost like she was a completely different person, and, though it seemed absurd, he got the impression his fate wouldn't be much different than his son's if they traded places.
With even the Emperor harboring such thoughts, it was easy to imagine what was going through the minds of the various Aristocrats in attendance. They were utterly gobsmacked by Theo's speed, and, though he had confidently declared himself capable of referring the match, even Earl Stanislaw was at a complete loss for words. He actually thought his senses were playing tricks on him when he saw two Theo's appear within the arena, and, for a brief moment, he even considered stepping in when the Prince swept his sword towards the Princess' throat.
Realizing that the young girl wryly smiling was even more powerful than himself, Earl Stanislaw was both mortified and excited. He had already been negotiating the marriage between his son and the future Empress, and, unless something drastic changed, there was no reason for the two not to be wed. His family was directly responsible for goods moving in and out of the country, so, while their wealth couldn't be compared to the Imperial Treasury, they were one of the primary reasons it had grown so extensively over the last couple of centuries.
Remembering his purpose for being inside of the arena, Earl Stanislaw returned to his senses, his voice much louder than before as he declared, "Princess Theodora has won her first match with an impeccable display of both speed and power! I dare say we have gathered together to witness the birth of a true prodigy! This is a tremendous omen of good fortune! Glory to the Hellas Empire!"
Awakened by the Earl's outburst, many of the loyalists within the crowd echoed his cry, shouting, "Glory to the Hellas Empire!" before following it up with a resounding, "Long live the Emperor! Long live the Third Princess...!!!"
Hearing everyone cheer for her, Theo began to feel even more embarrassed. She was grateful for their support, as it would make things much easier in the near future, but, seeing her brother still embedded in the wall, she began to feel guilty about using him as a stepping stone...just a little...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Ara Ara~ intensifies...','Saitama vs. King!','Just a teenie tiny amount...') <-(p.atreon link)
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With her first battle ending in such a decisive manner, a brief interlude was called in Theo's Rite of Challenge. The Second Prince was in dire need of medical treatment, and, though a Captain of the Imperial Guard was nothing to scoff at, it was clear to everyone that Theo had surpassed that level by a considerable amount.
Despite the presence of more than a hundred Aristocrats, including many of the strongest people in the entire Empire, less than ten were able to follow Theo's initial movement. To everyone else, it was like a second version of herself had teleported behind the Second Prince in an instant. She was even able to strike before Kacper had finished chanting his spell, but, demonstrating a masterful amount of control, she retracted it at the last moment.
Needless to say, Theo was much more than 'prodigious'. The speed and control she demonstrated put her on the level of a tactical weapon. She had already qualified for this classification due to her ability to summon Vrixho Nagasha, but, as that was a purely situational power, it had more meaning from a political perspective than a military one. Now, however, it was easy to imagine the youthful Princess sinking Superdreadnaughts with her own power. They hadn't even seen her go all out just yet, but, comparing her speed to others capable of similar feats, it was hard to say who was faster...
Within the Hellas Empire, there was a special rank of General that had existed since ancient times. It was a special designation given to war powers who could directly contend against enemy fleets and armies without the support of the Imperial Military. This was a level of power typically attributed to natural disasters, so, in recognition of that fact, the sobriquet bequeathed unto such individuals was known simply as: 'Storm General'.
In the present day, there were only five individuals in the entire Empire who qualified for the title of Storm General. These were the Emperor himself, the First Princess of the Hellas Empire, the Admiral of the Northern Fleet, Jack Rakan, and, as could be expected, Vrixho Nagasha. Due to their unique status, however, none had been given the legendary sobriquet, as, for social and political purposes, their other titles greatly exceeded the ancient honor. The only person who would have qualified was Jack, but, prior to his appointment as Special Grand Marshall, he was publically recognized as both a Hero and an official Guardian of the Empire.
Now that Theo had demonstrated an almost incomprehensible amount of speed and control, many among the Aristocracy were curious to see if she could actually take down a Superdreadnaught on her own. They even appealed to the Emperor to have one of have her challenges modified to allow her to quantifiably demonstrate her power, as, even if she did fight against Jack, there would be no practical means to assess her strength.
Michael was very interested in his daughter's strength, but, as such things were better kept private, he was against destroying military assets just to give others a clear understanding of her strengths and potential weaknesses. This would give some people reasonable justification to have her sent to the frontlines, and, after she completed her Rite of Challenge, refusing such calls would be difficult.
Since it was ultimately his decision to make, Michael refused such a demonstration, stating, "Theo's power is a blessing upon the entire Empire. Her growth, however, had little to do with anything we provided for her. She reached her current level through her own efforts and it is my desire that she continue growing and improving at her own pace. Once this challenge has come to an end, she will be free to choose between continuing her duties as Imperial Ambassador or advancing her strength through private training and tutelage. I will hear no arguments on the matter."
With the Emperor putting his foot down, there was no longer any leverage to openly discuss the matter. It had now become a private affair, and, though his decision could be modified, it would be through private dealings rather than political dialogue. This was a setback for those with thoughts of how best to use Theo's strength, but, as such things were par for the course when it involved the Imperial Family, they were used to it. They would just need to organize their case and approach the Emperor in confidence. He might care greatly about his own family, but, when it came to choosing between his children and the interest of the Empire, he was duty-bound to consider what was best for the entire nation...
After a prolonged discussion lasting nearly four hours, it was ultimately decided that Theo would be allowed to skip her second challenge. Her next bout would be against Jack, but instead of a private affair, their showdown would take place in the Coliseum. This was something that Theo, herself, had advocated for, as, not only did it allow her to demonstrate her power, it served the dual purpose of increasing her popularity while also improving citizen morale.
Generally speaking, it was improper for a member of the Imperial Family to participate in any public matches unless they were specifically being tried for a crime. This directly affected the image of the Imperial Family, as, even if it was meant to be a harmless exhibition, there would always be a faction willing to support anyone able to contend against the Aristocracy. They didn't care about the actual consequences of their actions, as, in the minds of many, things would simply be better if the people in power were replaced by someone else...
Fortunately, Jack was a sensible man who publically admonished anyone who tried to prop him up as the leader of a new faction. He was the type that always considered the repercussions, so, even if he had a number of grievances with various members of the Aristocracy, he generally handled them within the bounds of the existing system. He didn't want to see his country torn apart by a civil war that directly benefitted their enemies. Instead, he was determined to bring change by correcting the system from the inside. This would likely take more life than he had to give, but, by inspiring young minds to reach for ever-greater heights, he believed he would leave the world in a better state than how he found it...
With the details sorted out, the Imperial Guard took to the streets to announce the battle between their beloved Third Princess and the man who had risen up to become the Hero of the entire Hellas Empire. This wasn't a match-up that anyone had expected, so, at first, there was complete disbelief within the public forums. It wasn't until the Imperial Magistrate used the public broadcast system to verify the declaration that the city exploded into rumor and speculation.
Theo had always enjoyed a special place in the hearts of many citizens, as, ever since her debut as a child, her infectious personality and outgoing nature had distinguished her among other members of the Imperial Family. They might have given her the moniker of 'Tomboy Princess', but, rather than an insult, it was a term of endearment. She had become both their pride and their hope for a better future, and, though it would be many years before she was crowned Empress, much of the dissent within the Empire had been quieted by her actions.
Though they had misgivings about their most treasured Princess fighting against the undisputed Hero of the Empire, most people were still looking forward to the fight. Logic told them that there had to be a reason for the match, and, though it had already been mentioned that the battle was the result of Theo attempting the Rite of Challenge, the fact it had been publicized at all indicated there was a chance she could win. This seemed completely ridiculous in theory, but, as they would find out the answer the following day, people began swarming around the Coliseum to secure their seats a full day in advance...
While a tumultuous fervor was spreading throughout the capital, the two most-discussed people in the entire Empire were having a casual chat in one of the Palace's many gardens.
Since he felt too awkward to inquire directly, the Emperor had entrusted Jack with finding out more about Theo's actions in Ariadne. People didn't just become world-class powers overnight, and, even if the Sage Dragon Emperor did favor his daughter, her actions implied a deeper bond. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but, fearing his daughter might reveal some devastating truths, Michael had Jack act as a mediator. It would be a lot easier learning the truth in the form of a casual report than hearing it directly from his daughter, so, while part of him wanted to remain ignorant, his status as Emperor 'demanded' that he know the specifics...
Though he wasn't particularly fond of being asked to pry into the affairs of his 'little sis', Jack was equally as curious about Theo's time in Ariadne as her father. His blood still boiled every time he thought about his previous battle with Vahn, so, with a teasing smile on his face, he asked, "Tell me, rascal, is this Rite of Challenge meant to be retroactive or did you have something else in mind?"
As she had already been anticipating such a question from Jack, Theo adopted her characteristically mischievous smile as she answered, "You could say it's a bit of both. At the same time, however, it is probably a lot different than what you and father are thinking. Though 'something' might happen in the future, the only thing that really matters is that I've seized control of my own fate. Even without the support of the Sage Dragon Emperor, I will guide the Empire toward prosperity and help shape the future of the entire Magical World using my own power!"
Despite feeling surprised by the fervor of the young woman seated across from him, Jack didn't let it show on his face. Instead, he adopted an approving smile, musing, "You've really grown up in the time that I haven't seen you. I'm going to miss the brat that used to ride around on my shoulders every chance she got. It's a shame, really, I was looking forward to documenting your 'growth' with my neck and shoulders."
Having long grown used to Jack's casual pervertedness, Theo wasn't even remotely affected by his teasing remark. She could tell he was trying to measure her reaction in an attempt to obtain even more information, so, instead of displaying even a hint of timidity, she adopted a predatory smile as she mused, "Hmmm, be grateful you ever had the opportunity. Now, you should take the rest of the day to prepare yourself for tomorrow's match. If you underestimate me, you might not even know how you lost~?"
Though her words were lacking a certain 'oomph', Jack couldn't help but display a similar smile as the thought of fighting a powerful opponent always got him excited. He could tell that Theo was hiding a tremendous amount of power in her body, so, while it would be difficult for him to go all out against her, it was bound to be an incredible fight. This was what his instincts were telling him, so, after a brief staredown with the comparably petite princess, he began laughing boisterously as he turned around and departed for the exit.
Seeing Jack walk away, a fiery glimmer reflected in Theo's eyes as she followed his departure. It was surprisingly hard to restrain her urge to fight him then and there, as, for reasons she couldn't wholly understand, her instincts were screaming at her to defeat him in battle. She had previously only felt this way towards her Master, so, dismissing other factors, it was most likely the consequence of her draconic heritage acting up. Her Master had helped to purify her bloodline, and, though it was still inactive, their separation had seeded a powerful longing in the depths of her body.
Theo had always been very fond of Jack ever since she was a child. He was her hero and the person she looked up to more than anyone else. Even now, this view hadn't really changed, but, due to her recognition of Vahn as her Master, part of her vehemently resisted the idea of yielding to any other man. She knew her defeat wasn't the same as submitting, but, regardless of the reality, a tiny voice in the back of her mind simply refused to accept defeat.
Unbeknownst to the person in question, Theo's sapphire-blue eyes had developed a ring of silver around her slit-like pupils. Her usually vibrant and zest-filled eyes momentarily reflected an icy and resolute glimmer as a golden light appeared on the back of her hand. This caused her eyes to revert back to normal, but, even after raising her hand to take a better look, the golden light, shaped like a perfect triangle, continued to glow amongst two identical, albeit faded, icons.
Remembering her Master's explanation of the Artifact he had gifted her, an expectant smile spread across Theo's face. She was unable to use her Pactio without causing a fair amount of trouble for all of them, so, prior to their parting, her Master gifted her one of the three pieces of an Artifact known as the Tri-Force. The other two pieces had been given to Arika and Asuna, but, while Wisdom and Courage were both incredibly useful, Theo felt that Power was the most useful of the three...
Feeling a phenomenal amount of energy coursing through her body, Theo was completely unaware of the subtle changes occurring to her appearance. Her horns became slightly sharper than before, and, though it wasn't noticeable due to the skin-tone mesh she was wearing, the lines of her body became more refined as a tribal-like pattern of runes spread across her forearms, calves, abdomen, and lower back...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Conspiring Nobles? What a novel thought...','RIP Michael','Wasn't there some kind of saying about absolute power...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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