After lying on the ground for the better part of a minute, the green-haired man promptly performed a kip-up, leaping from his back to his feet in a single deft motion. Then, no longer appearing drunk, he made his way over to where Vahn and co were seated, a lazy smile on his face as he asked, "So? Out with it. What brings a couple of Princesses and their Dragon escort into my abode?"
Though it had been pretty obvious from the start, the green-haired vagrant-like man was none other than the Great Spirit of Wind, Brave Enlil. He was the only Great Spirit that routinely took on the form of a human, and, unlike the rest of his kin, he enjoyed interacting with people. His fondness for people was so great that, several hundred years prior, he even took on a human lover, the one and only Crimson Scarlet.
In response to the Great Spirit's question, Vahn brought a chair out of his Inventory so the man could sit near the edge of their table. He then produced another pint of the same green liquor from before, a type of ale that was fermented from the sap of a World Tree, saying, "As I told Nyon previously, my primary reason for visiting is to meet and befriend the Great Spirits. I have decided to protect this world so I figured it would be prudent of me to meet those who came before."
Sensing no falsehoods in Vahn's words, Brave Enlil plopped onto the chair that had been set out for him, ignoring the pint of alcohol as he said, "I thought I smelled that fat cat's aroma in the air. You, Goldilocks, show me your forehead."
Though she didn't particularly enjoy being addressed by a nickname, Arika decided not to let it get to her. Instead, she just lifted her bangs, and, after a few seconds had passed, a tiny paw print began to illuminate. This caused Brave Enlil's brows to rise slightly before he shifted his attention back to Vahn, asking, "What is your relationship with this woman? Nyon wouldn't just entrust their Blessing to anyone. Are you her guarantor or something?"
Shaking his head, Vahn adopted an appreciative smile as he plainly said, "Arika doesn't need something like a guarantor. Though I do support her, she is perfectly capable of achieving her goals without my assistance. She managed to convince Nyon through her own words, and, if you give her a chance, I believe she will be able to win your trust as well."
Hearing Vahn's words, Brave Enlil adopted a thoughtful expression as he shifted his focus to the paw print on Arika's head. Nyon didn't just give out their Blessing arbitrarily, and, though there was no true leader among them, the chubby cat often acted as the voice of reason when they gathered together. Because of this, Brave was very indebted to them, so, after a moment of silence, he adopted a challenging smile as he said, "Sounds interesting. As fate would have it, I even have the perfect Quest for about it, you willing to accept, Princess?"
Though others might be prompted to ask about the conditions of the Quest, Arika's adopted a serious expression as she immediately replied, "So long as it does not go against my beliefs or require me to compromise my integrity, I will accept. My only concern is that I would not be able to complete it before official duties require my attention."
Understanding that Arika was talking about the coming war, Brave adopted an amused smile as he said, "Looks like Nyon's blessing really has affected your luck. You see, a good friend of mine has been stressed ever since the Confederacy began snooping around in their territory. I want you to go and lend a hand."
Even without Brave explaining in greater detail, Arika could guess who he was talking about, as, in the original timeline, one of the Great Spirits slain by Megalomesembria had been the Great Spirit of Water, Eulimene Ea. They had never forgotten the indignities they had suffered at the hands of Eulimene and Brave, so, during the early stages of the war, Megalomesembria made a concerted effort to kill all of the Great Spirits bordering their country.
Since the home of Eulimene Ea was relatively close to their next destination, Arika didn't have to consider her response for very long. Rather, ensuring the safety of Great Spirits was one of her primary objectives, so, even if Brave Enlil hadn't asked, she would have done her best to prevent Eulimene Ea's death. The sea may be exceptionally dangerous due to the rampaging of the Leviathan, but, without its plentiful bounty, millions would starve.
Eulimene Ea's territory, Al Jamira, was the only maritime nation in the entire world, so, while it was possible to fish elsewhere, they contributed to nearly 40% of Mundus Magicus' seafood market. This would have normally made them an exceptionally wealthy nation, but, as a result of their relatively unique culture, most Al Jamirans cared very little about stockpiling wealth. Instead, they exchanged their catch for raw materials and resources, refusing any long-term contracts and forbidding the establishment of corporate entities within their lands. As a result, they lived relatively simple lives, but, compared to almost every other nation in the world, they were, inarguably, one of the happiest groups of people in the entirety of Mundus Magicus...
Refusing to allow one of the few 'gems' of Mundus Magicus to be destroyed as a result of the Confederacy's greed, Arika's expression became especially serious as she stated, "I will carry out this task without fail."
Amused by Arika's response, a massive grin spread across Brave Enlil's face as he said, "I can see why my friend here is so taken with you. You're quite the passionate woman, ain'tcha?"
Not expecting Brave Enlil's remark, the tips of Arika's ears became slightly red as she found herself at a momentary loss for words. Vahn, however, didn't hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity, smiling as he said, "She certainly is..."
While the meeting with Brave Enlil was ongoing, Vahn, accompanied by Eva, decided to investigate the remains of Secundum's hideout. It had been completely destroyed during the man's flight, but, unless certain measures were taken, it was almost impossible to erase all traces. Everyone had their own magical signature, and, when powerful magic was used, it greatly affected the balance of mana and elemental energy within the air.
When powerful beings traded blows, it was possible that their energy would persist for thousands of years after the conflict, so, even if Secundum had glassed the entire hideout, it wasn't enough to erase his presence. Instead, it made him easier to track, as, unlike a normal High Spirit, his Demonic template had a corruptive influence on his surroundings. This created noticeable gaps in the density of elemental energy as the Nascent Elementals in the environment proactively avoided filling it back in.
With his [Eyes of Truth], Vahn could even see the infinitesimally small magical particles that existed within the interior Elementary Particles, so, unless they had an abnormally powerful Innate, escaping his notice once he had found your trail was virtually impossible. As a result, it only took around five minutes before he and Eva found themselves near the crater created by Secundum's crash landing.
Seeing the 130m long channel that had been carved in the land, Vahn couldn't help but frown. At nearly the exact same moment, Eva spoke the words that had crossed his mind, her voice ice-cold as she said, "The person who recovered the body...they have similar abilities to my own. They have access to the Black of Venus and seem to be able to move through the shadows. Do you want me to force it open...?"
Though it would be exceptionally difficult, there were few people as gifted in the manipulation of Darkness and Shadows as Eva. If she forced it, following after the shadow user through their own Shadow Dimension wasn't impossible. The only problem with this, other than an exceedingly high probability of traps, was that it might take them directly to the enemy hideout...
Charging straight into the enemy's base wasn't necessarily the worst course of action, but, from that moment onward, it would become impossible to predict their actions. There was even a chance that the shadow dimension simply didn't connect to the enemy base. This might result in them exposing their hand for no real benefit, but, rather than refuse, Vahn decided to leave it up to Eva, saying, "I'll follow your lead. This is your revenge so I will support your decision."
Hearing Vahn's remark, Eva released an exasperated sigh, but, despite her efforts, she was unable to prevent the corners of her mouth from curling up. Then, following a period of reflective silence, she shook her head before saying, "I have grown a lot stronger than I ever thought possible, but, even if I went all out, I'm not sure of my chances against that freakish monster. If our speculation regarding her origin proves true, it might not even be possible to kill her without relying on that chibi..."
Disheartened by her own words, Eva released another sight as she walked over to Vahn's side and rested her forehead against his chest. This resulted in the latter dutifully wrapping his arms around her body, greatly easing her tensions by replacing them with a gentle warmth. The opportunity to track down her most hated enemy was difficult to pass up, but, understanding the significance of gathering information and consolidating power, Eva fought back the urge to follow her instincts...
While holding Eva in his embrace, Vahn considered her remark regarding Asuna. He also suspected that the Mage of the Beginning wouldn't fall so easily without the so-called 'White of Mars', but, as it seemed to be little more than the power of Creation, he should be able to defeat her without any major issues. Even if that wasn't the case, Vahn was confident their Zanpakutos would be extremely effective, as, unlike normal weapons, they were specialized in damaging the Spiritual Body and Ego directly...
After taking a few minutes to 'recharge', Eva extricated herself from Vahn's embrace, her expression defaulting to her usual calm and confident mask as she said, "After parting ways with Arika, I want to get in contact with some of my former associates. I might not have anyone I can call a friend but there are a few people I believe we can trust. While you go around playing Hero, I want to focus on gathering information and building an organization to directly oppose our enemies."
Though he was unable to prevent a slight frown from developing across his face, Vahn didn't refute Eva's words. It was important to him that his women retained their independence, so, as long as she didn't take things too far, he wouldn't interfere with her actions. Instead, he decided to support her, saying, "When the time comes, I'll put you in contact with Fairy Xuan. It hasn't grown as quickly as I would have hoped but she was still able to establish herself in the Megalomesembrian underworld."
Hearing Vahn's supportive words, Eva felt a bit of warmth spread through her chest. She was a little worried that he would try and convince her against taking action on her own so it was a great relief to hear him support her in spite of his protective instincts. It showed just how much trust he placed in her, and, though she sometimes felt undeserving of his love, Eva had come to appreciate it more than she ever thought possible...
Feeling emboldened, Eva closed the distance between herself and Vahn, this time wrapping her arms around his neck as she pressed her breasts against his chest. A teasing smile naturally spread across her lips as she brought her face within a few centimeters of his before saying, "It occurs to me that I haven't been rewarding you properly as of late...shall we return and take advantage of our time together~?"
Though Vahn had been intending to ask about Eva's 'associates', as even her Memory Fragment had rarely talked about her relationships with other people, he decided to shelve it until later. Eva's switch often flipped at completely random times, and, if he missed the opportunity to share some intimacy with her, he was bound to regret it. Thus, around the same time she lightly nibbled on his bottom lip, he instinctually moved his hands to grab her plump posterior before teleporting them back to the Custos Rosea to take advantage of the empty Captain's quarters...
(A/N: Sorry for the late/short chapter. I'm getting ready to move between the 20th~25th so there are a few things requiring my attention. I'll try to get out two more before the reset, but I can't make any promises atm. Also, I'll be closing the poll early due to botting so you'll have until the end of the day to cast your vote. I'll be taking the top three and throwing them into a randomizer and announcing the winner tomorrow morning.) <-(p.atreon link)
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Two days after their arrival, Vahn's party departed Zephyria in relatively high spirits. The infamous City of Freedom wasn't lacking in charms, but, if they stayed there too long, Vahn knew he wouldn't be able to avoid causing a scene. He had decided to give Katarina a bit of face by informing her of the issues, but, as was often the case, he couldn't exactly ignore crimes in progress.
As could be expected of a nation that catered to Sky Pirates, Mercenaries, and Merchants, there was a fair amount of unpleasantness within Zephyria. The boarding of the Custos Rosea and the several attempts to try and kidnap Asuna were only the tip of the iceberg. Things got exponentially worse once you delved beneath the cloud sea and descended into the perpetual gloom that represented the city beneath the clouds.
Though the had tried to show some restraint, Vahn had helped more than seven-hundred people return to the cycle of reincarnation during his short stint through the slum-like city. This caused a bit of a headache for Katarina, but, instead of apologizing, Vahn promised to return at some point in the near future. He was quite fond of the idea of a 'City of Freedom', but, if it only promoted the freedom of those willing to exploit others, they had a long way to go before they could pretend to represent such an ideal...
Unlike the journey to Zephyria, where they were plagued by various Sky Pirates, their departure was relatively smooth sailing. This resulted in Arika feeling a little bored, but, as peace was always better than discourse, she didn't openly complain. Instead, she put the Custos Rosea on assisted piloting mode, allowing Asuna to man the helm while she joined Vahn up on the deck.
Though she could be rather honest in the bedroom, Arika still had trouble displaying her emotions in other settings. She simply didn't know what to do with herself, so, unless others initiated, she had a habit of remaining absolutely silent for several minutes at a time. This made her appear aloof and distant on the surface, but, if you were able to peer into her mind, you would discover she was a just an adorably awkward young woman...
Fortunately, even if she didn't know how to seize the initiative, Arika was actually a very docile and receptive woman. The only time she would refuse anything was if Vahn went out of his way to tease her. If he remained silent, however, he could even hold her from behind, his hands gently stroking her abdomen as they stared out of the horizon together. She enjoyed being held quite a bit, and, if they were alone together, she would sometimes look up at him, her heterochromatic eyes revealing her desire to be kissed...
Unaware of the benefits her kindred sister was receiving, Theo could be found laying listlessly with her feet pointed skyward. Her combat style emphasized flexibility quite a bit, so, even if she wasn't proactively training, it had become a habit for her to stretch and strain her body.
After more than four years of hard training and equally hard play, Theo, rather than feeling lonely, found herself profoundly bored following Vahn's departure. Fortunately, she received a message to return home almost immediately, and, after a little more than a day, she was able to lay in her own bed for the first time in years. It was a very nostalgic and comfortable feeling, but, compared to the warmth of her Master and his inordinately soft mattress, it left a lot to be desired...
While lost in her thoughts, Theo transitioned from pointing her toes toward the ceiling to spreading her legs and doing a flawless split. This was significantly more difficult than using your body weight to force a split, but, as flexibility was one of her strongest points, Theo could pull it off with extreme ease. She had eclipsed the level of most ballerinas and contortionists, and, though it was impossible for her to compete against people like Fenrir and Xiao Bai, Theo was confident she would be able to assume any positions her Master favored...
After idling about for several hours, Theo's ears perked up a few moments before a rhythmic knock sounded on her door. She quickly jumped up to her feet, and, after lightly caressing the amethyst embedded in her collar, her mesh-covered figure was adorned in proper clothing. Then, despite the distance being relatively short, she used [Shundo] to instantaneously close the distance, surprising the middle-aged woman and team of Maids waiting outside when she yanked the door open.
Though she was used to Theo's antics, the bespectacled woman restrained a sigh as she pushed up the ridge of her glasses and sternly said, "A Princess of the Hellas Empire should endeavor to carry themselves with dignity and decorum at all times. Please show more consideration for the title you bear, Princess Theodora..."
Without minding the woman's words in the slightest, Theo smiled wide enough to display both rows of pearly whites as she happily mused, "Szarlota, it's good to see you~!"
Hearing Theo's familiar address, the serious-looking Szarlota was unable to restrain herself further, a tired sigh escaping her lips before she adopted a slight smile and said, "It is good to see you in such high spirits, Theo. Did you enjoy your time outside of the Palace?"
Nodding her head exuberantly, Theo continued to smile widely as she answered, "It was great! I got to meet so many unique and interesting people! Princess Arika was very wise and the Sage Dragon Emperor was unbelievably powerful. I'm so much stronger now that even Jack might not be able to win against me, ehehehehe~."
Not expecting such 'bold' words, Szarlota and her entourage of Maids were at a loss as to how they should respond. Before they could, however, an inordinately tall man seemed to appear out of thin air, his figure towering over Szarlota as he stared down at Theo and mused, "Oho, it seems our little tomboy has grown quite a bit in her time away from home..."
Hearing a voice coming from right behind her, Szarlota's body tensed up quite a bit as the Maids in the surroundings glared at Jack, visibly flustered as they exclaimed, "How dare you regard Princess Theodora in such a rude manner!?"
Without minding the comments from the peanut gallery, Jack continued to look down at Theodora, his golden irises glimmering in the shadow of his headband. He could sense a phenomenal power slumbering within her body, and, though he was well-concealed, even Qinglong didn't completely evade his senses. His couldn't actually sense him but Jack's instincts told him there was 'something' very powerful looming around the Palace ever since Theo returned...
Undaunted by Jack's intimidating presence, Theo continued to smile as she crossed her arms and said, "I'm serious. I might not be able to win if you decided to go all out, but, if you fight like you normally do, I'm confident in my chances. You shouldn't underestimate how much effort I put into becoming stronger."
Unable to hold himself back, Jack released an uproarious laugh in response to Theo's words. Even without her drawing attention to the fact, he could tell she had become much stronger than before. In fact, it was almost unbelievable how stronger she had become. The only thing she seemed to be lacking was actual experience and killing intent. As for raw power, her petite body, against all rhyme and reason, seemed to radiate an incomprehensible amount of strength. It was enough to make his blood boil, and, if not for the fact he saw her as a mischievous younger sister, he might not be able to restrain his urge to battle her...
Suppressing his thirst for battle, Jack adopted an approving smile as he said, "Your father wanted to see you, brat. It seems those old sharks in the Megalomesembrian Senate have lost their patience. There have already been a few skirmishes along the eastern frontier so it won't be long until a war breaks out. You might not get a chance to fight on the frontlines, but you'll be expected to support the troops and perform some diplomatic duties. I hope you're prepared, kiddo...the political world ain't a pleasant place for the naive and faint of heart..."
Surprising even Szarlota, Theo adopted a serious expression in response to Jack's words. Her casual and friendly demeanor faded away in an instant. In its place, a calm and capable countenance that befitted a ruler. This was quite a surprise for everyone who knew Theo closely, and, though it was a positive development, it didn't feel right to see her show such a solemn expression. Despite this, all were silent as she eloquently stated, "Though I might be lacking compared to someone like Princess Arika, I am not the same young girl who departed the Empire many months ago. I still have much to learn, but, if they think they can take advantage of my naivete and inexperience, I have considerably more to teach my contemporaries..."
Showing a serious expression of his own, Jack nodded approvingly in response to Theo's words. She had clearly obtained more than just power during her time in Ariadne, and, though she was severely underestimating her enemies, her current mentality was a qualitative improvement. Though it was a little sad to see her grow up, Jack knew it would be necessary if she wanted to become a competent Empress in the future...
After refusing the assistance of her Governess and Maids, Theo changed into a flowing white robe before making her way over to meet with her father. She would normally wear casual clothes, as her father doted on her quite a bit, but, as it was her first official summons as Imperial Ambassador, she wanted to make a positive impression. Numerous members of the Imperial Court would be present, and, though there was some merit in pretending to remain childish, she wanted to start establishing herself sooner, rather than later.
Seeing his daughter wearing ceremonial garments, the Emperor, much like the rest of his Court, was more than a little surprised. He was used to his daughter disregarding court etiquette entirely, and, though he would lightly reprimand her, he didn't particularly mind her childish antics. Rather, when she was younger, he would even allow her to sit on his lap while listening to his Ministers report on the various affairs of the Empire...
Ignoring the incredulous gazes from her surroundings, Theo approached within ten meters of her father's throne before cupping her hands together and bowing low as she said, "Princess Theodora greets His Imperial Majesty."
Though it was the proper way to introduce herself, Michael couldn't help but feel slightly saddened by his daughter's formality. He hadn't expected her to have matured so much, as, according to the period reports he received, she was still the same vibrant and outgoing girl he knew and loved. This was likely an act of some sort, but, despite knowing this, he couldn't help but restrain a sigh before firmly stating, "You may rise. It is good to see you in good health, Theodora..."
With her hands cupped together, allowing her sleeves to overlap slightly, Theo continued showing the proper courtesies as she adopted a polite smile and answered, "I am gratified to hear such kind words. I see that Father is also in good health. It would seem I owe a debt of gratitude to the Gods and Spirits that watch over our beloved Hellas."
Ignoring the stuffy feeling in his chest, Michael adopted a smile in response to his daughter's words before turning his attention to Jack. The latter noticed his gaze and shrugged in response, earning a few hateful glares from the surroundings. Despite this, none had the gall to speak out of turn, as, in preparation for the coming war, Jack had been elevated to the status of 'Special Grand Marshal'. He didn't have any official authority over troops, but, during a state of emergency, he was even able to countermand the orders of the Commanding General. Though he would need a good reason to do so, this was an unprecedented amount of authority for a 'commoner', and, unless Jack lost the favor of the Emperor, few could speak out against him within the Court...
Seeing Jack's casual response, the Emperor felt a small amount of relief as he internally remarked, ("At least some things never change..."). Then, turning his attention back to his daughter, he buried his discomfort as he adopted a serious expression and said, "Report on your progress in Ariadne..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn is even more efficient than Truck-sama','This girl has fallen hard...','RIP Emperor Michael. Your daughter is already gone xD...')
(A/N: I already closed the poll. I'll leave two options in the comments section, so, if you want me to spoil you, feel free to upvote. If you want to be surprised, feel free to upvote the second option~!) <-(p.atreon link)
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