Located lightyears from any habitable worlds, an incomprehensibly vast crystalline palace, larger than some planets, could be seen slowly revolving through Space. There weren't any nearby light sources, with the closest star being twenty-two lightyears away, but, seemingly cast by the crystal itself, the entire thing glowed with a mysterious rainbow hue. It was quite the sight to behold, but, more than the palace itself, the expansive nebula surrounding it created a truly wondrous sight. It would constantly shift to create various different shapes at the whimsy of its creator, sometimes taking the form of beautiful women, other times appearing as a variety of adorable creatures...
Near the very center of the palace, a massive crystal lotus that was more than 30km in diameter stood out among the vast structure. At the very center of this lotus, which was open to the vast expanse of space above, several figures could be seen lying in a circular bed that was more than 100m in diameter. Several resplendent orbs of light could be found constantly rotating around this bed like miniature suns, but, compared to the beauty of the figures they lazily encircled, they appeared plain and unextraordinary...
Lying amongst the veritable ocean of beauties, Vahn could be seen absentmindedly waving his hand toward the distant nebula, a contented smile on his face as he shaped it into the figure of a naked Artoria. This earned him a light pinch from the girl to his right, and, though she wasn't even remotely mad, Artoria huskily asked, "You would rather stare at a distant and ephemeral version of me than the real thing curled up at your side~?"
Hearing Artoria's teasing remark, several same-sounding laughs could be heard in the surroundings as Vahn issued a light chuckle. He was currently using five bodies to contend against the seventeen beauties that shared the massive bed with him, and, as a result of his contented bliss, all five of him emulated the actions of his 'main' body. Fortunately, there were women on every side, so, when he turned to kiss Artoria, the other versions of him turned to kiss Gaia, Lakshmibai, Atalanta, and, Mash respectively. This nearly restarted the orgy that had ended only twenty minutes prior, but, as it had already been going on for nearly fifteen hours, only those at Tier 4, and higher, had the stamina to keep going.
Following a long session of kissing and cuddling, Vahn felt it was nearing time for him to return, so, while one version of him was politely refusing Medea's attempts to 'service' him, his main body was seated between Artoria and Gray, explaining, "I've already been here for twenty-seven days. If I stay too long, I might not have the willpower to return~."
Though Vahn had primarily been speaking to Artoria, everyone present heard his words, causing an immediate shift in the atmosphere. They had all been enjoying themselves quite a bit during Vahn's stay within the Realm, but, hearing him mention departing, they knew better than to try and entice him to stay. Every resident of the Inner Sanctum, and many who lived outside of it, had come to a mutual understanding with each other after their 'Awakening'. Vahn had explained the truth of The Path, and, by proxy, revealed the true nature of his existence. As a result, a massive shift occurred in the Inner Sanctum, and, more than ever before, those closest to Vahn wanted to support him in his journey towards the absolute pinnacle of existence...
Feeling the spontaneous shift in the atmosphere, Vahn issued another light chuckle before settling into an affectionate smile as he said, "Try not to use the Crystal Palace too much while I'm away. I'll only be away for seven days in the real world, so don't push yourselves too much. Remember, Tier is more a measure of potential than anything else, so, even if you become exceptionally powerful in the Realm, you'll have to train from the ground up in other Records. Even then, don't push yourself trying to reach the pinnacle just so you can help me. Now that I have the Realm, just knowing you are safe is enough to keep me going for thousands of years..."
Since his intent was unrivaled within his Realm, everyone was able to 'feel' the sincerity contained in Vahn's words, but, ever the teasing cynic, Nobunaga mused, "We're supposed to believe you when you need seventeen of us just to deal with the stress caused by a few brats~?"
Rather than show any offense at all, Vahn laughed in response to Nobunaga's words, as, in a way, she was right. Though their most recent orgy was more to 'spread' his love than anything else, the main reason he entered the Realm this time around was to release stress. Fenrir and Medusa were able to ease most of his tensions, but, perhaps as a result of his past experiences and compounding power, it was impossible for him to be completely satisfied with just two people. He was constantly afraid of 'breaking' them, as, even if he used a potent Sub-Space Orb, they would be worn out long before his tensions were completely released. The scariest part was that both girls were 'willing' to be broken in order to satisfy him, especially Fenrir...
After laughing his heart out, Vahn returned to his affectionately smiling state as he mused, "Can you really blame me? You all become more beautiful each time I see you. Even if you didn't try to tempt me, I can't help but want to spend time with everyone...I'm serious...there are times when I just want to whisk each of you away just to spend hundreds of years together. It would take at least that long to properly display how much I love each one of you..."
Though it might have been a small exaggeration, Vahn was very serious when he spoke. He still felt a small amount of guilt knowing he had so many amazing women and not enough of himself to go around. There were even times when he thought about creating isolated Time Axes just so he could spend a lifetime together with each of the girls. He knew that, in the vast flow of eternity, it was all but guaranteed that his path would diverge with most of them. They might stay at his side for tens of billions of years, but, at some point, they would still diverge. Thus, rather than force them to live forever as part of an expansive harem, Vahn often thought it would be 'fairer' to them if he devoted himself to just one girl for a few thousand years...
Hearing Vahn's words, it was Amaterasu, in her adult form, who said, "Save your sentiments, boya. I would dare to speak for everyone here when I say we are more than satisfied with how things have developed. Even if you did whisk us away at your leisure, you would end up breaking us unless you placed heavy restrictions on yourself. Since none of us want to see you hold back on our account, it is better to keep pushing forward. We're all big girls, so, even if you can't give us your attention all the time, we have plenty of ways to keep ourselves occupied~."
Toward the end of her words, Amaterasu began to entangle her dexterous tails with Tamamo's and Suzuka's, causing their faces to flush slightly. Amaterasu had been 'dutifully' taking care of her two descendants ever since she and Vahn first had sex. She was basically punishing the two for keeping him to themselves for so many years, blaming the duo for not trying harder to help her out...
Since he knew Amaterasu was 'mostly' just teasing the two girls, Vahn just smiled wryly, shaking his head as he said, "Yeah, I know. You're all amazing women in that regard. It's one of the reasons I'm so smitten with each of you. Still, I can't help but want to do more...hahahaha~"
As if they were mentally linked, nearly everyone present nodded concurrently in response to Vahn's words, but it was Artoria who hugged him tightly as she said, "It's things like that which compel us to work harder as well. We all want to do more for each other, so don't stress yourself out worrying whether or not we're pushing ourselves too hard. Rather, it would make us happier if you didn't let yourself get stressed out so easily...it would break my heart if our purpose became little more than helping you to relieve stress...one day, I will stand at your side again. Never forget our promise, no matter how much time passes...okay?"
Without saying anything, Vahn just nodded his head while allowing Artoria to hug his face against her impeccably soft bosom. He knew she was speaking for all of them when she said her words, as, from the moment he revealed the 'truth', they had been working even harder just to 'reach' him. Da Vinci had even tried to convince him to create a Space where time flowed hundreds of times faster than normal, just so she could find a solution to reconcile the differences between the Records even sooner. Their support was his greatest strength, so, even if he wanted to just keep them locked up for their own safety, Vahn was also proactively searching for a method to allow them to manifest in the 'outside'...
After enjoying the sensation of Artoria's breasts and body heat, Vahn lifted his head, a loving smile on his face as he said, "I will never forget my promises..."
Peeling open his eyes back in reality, Vahn was unsurprised to find his surroundings unchanged from the time of his submersion into the Realm. Asuna and Fenrir were curled up on his left side, the latter hugging the former from behind. On his right, Arika could be seen wearing nothing but black lace panties and a blouse with all of its buttons unfastened. She wasn't the one laying next to him, however, as they were separated by none other than Theo, who, after a 'healthy' amount of pestering, now shared a bed with them whenever they slept inside the diorama.
Though it was somewhat shameful to admit, Theo was one of the main reasons Vahn had visited the Realm. She was even worse than Arika at times, as, seemingly due to her trust that he wouldn't do anything, she had absolutely no inhibitions toward him. She would often pounce on him during their baths, and, though it was never with lascivious or lustful intentions, she was a little too curious about his body. Now, making even Arika seem demure and sheepish, Theo was tightly clinging to him in her sleep while wearing nothing but a pair of side-tie panties that, due to her poor sleeping habits, had come undone long ago...
Turning his head to the side, Vahn could see Theo happily drooling on him, using his shoulder as a pillow as she nestled flush against his body. She was, admittedly, a very adorable girl, and, despite her still-developing figure, she would be over twenty back on Earth.
This was one of the problems that Vahn had been dealing with lately, as, due to the sensibilities he had cultivated, a person could be considered an adult as early as fourteen in the Empire. Girls like Arika, Theo, and even Asuna all matured at a rate that was inconsistent with his sensibilities, causing a great deal of conflict in his heart and mind whenever they behaved in certain ways. This was only further exacerbated by the fact that, in some areas of Mundus Magicus, humans were considered adults by the time they reached the age of eight, making them fifteen back on earth. If they waited until they were fifteen by Mundus Magicus standards, their 'actual' age would be close to thirty, half the average lifespan of a normal human. Because of things like this, Vahn was having trouble trying to reconcile what was considered 'appropriate', especially with Theo becoming more promiscuous and Arika growing increasingly bold...
If he were being honest with himself, Vahn knew he didn't actually have any 'real' problems, rather, he was just overthinking things. This was one of the downsides to having a Realm, as, despite only ten weeks passing since his arrival in Mundus Magicus, six years had passed from his perspective. It felt like he had already been searching for Eva for a long time, and, with so much time to think, the problems with Arika, Theo, and even Asuna, had only been exacerbated. Once, when he was helping treat a bruise on Arika's inner thigh, the expectant look in her eyes and the slight blush of her face was nearly enough for him to push her down then and there...
Tearing his gaze away from Theo's sleeping face, Vahn just stared blankly at the ceiling for several moments as he discussed 'solutions' with Sis. His nature made it very difficult for him to 'not' meet the expectations of the people around him, and, due to the fact he lacked a fate, he was like a void that sucked in and influenced the fate of others.
Prior to his entry into the Record, 'everything' had a fixed fate, so, even if he did 'nothing', his very breaths irreversibly changed the flow of fate for the entire Record. As a result, those with powerful fate would eventually be drawn to him, and, unless he went out of his way to avoid and deter them, problems like this would repeat in every Record he visits in the future.
The only solution seemed to be subsuming the fate of another, but, as that would place all kinds of restrictions on him, it wasn't a 'real' solution. He would rather be a magnet that attracts fate based on his actions than base his actions on a predetermined flow of fate. It might sound a little contrary, but it was the path that allowed him the greatest amount of freedom. Yes, it might cause him a fair amount of stress during moments like this, but, objectively, he didn't really have any problems. His stress was entirely the result of his own inhibitions and the fact he cared about trying to maintain some semblance of self-control. Were this not the case, he very well might have accepted all of the offers he had received at the Imperial Academy, as, for reasons like related to the Record's creator, almost every woman in Mundus Magicus was inordinately beautiful.
Even compared to Danmachi and the Nasuverse, the Akamatsuverse was filled with enough unique and exotic beauties that Vahn's heart was always itching out of curiosity. Even amongst the various Cat People, there were more than twenty different sub-species, some infinitely more 'bestial' than others. He had even seen a woman with bronzed skin and rabbit-like ears who was so beautiful that he was nearly the one to solicit her. She had been wearing nothing but white shorts and a blue top, and, though not as potent as someone like Da Vinci, Vahn felt drawn to her aroma. Though it was a natural and somewhat 'earthy' smell, something most people wouldn't even take notice of, it tickled his heart enough that he even went out of his way to look into her identity after the fact...
With his perfect memory, Vahn could easily recall the exotic woman with crystal clarity, causing him to shake his head in self-admonishment. He had literally just returned from his Realm and his mind was already beginning to wander. This was one of the downsides to having a different external form than his internal one, as, despite feeling extremely content within his Realm, Vahn felt as though the tensions of his 'real' body hadn't been addressed in the slightest. He didn't understand why, but he had been feeling anxious the entire day, even after spending hours with Fenrir and Medusa. He had thought entering his Realm would help remove the feeling, but, now that he had returned, Vahn felt it return with a vengeance...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's, literal, Crystal Palace','Everyone is doing their best (^ _ ^)','Seems like Vahn wants to learn how to multiply from a bunny girl)
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
Despite an 'earnest' effort from Fenrir the following morning, Vahn still found himself feeling tense as he sat in the office Seras had prepared for him in the Imperial Academy. He had decided to take a break from his duties as an Advisor, but, not wanting Asuna to miss out on an opportunity to play with her friends, he kept a version of himself nearby at all times. Watching her wow both her friends and the teacher always brought a smile to his face, and, even though he was still feeling anxious, it didn't prevent him from finding enjoyment in everyday life.
With the exception of Fenrir, Medusa, and Laev-tan, everyone else was completely oblivious to his current state. Asuna seemed to have sensed something, but, after some light coaxing, she returned to her normal, smiling, self. She was slowly transitioning from a taciturn, doll-like, girl to one with a very outgoing personality. Theo and her classmates had, largely, been a positive influence on her, and, though becoming an Advisor had caused him a few problems, Vahn didn't regret it. Just seeing Asuna smile was enough to brighten his day, and, though it didn't get rid of the anxiety in his heart, it made things a lot more tolerable...
While his main body was watching over Asuna, another version of Vahn could be found seated on the edge of a partially destroyed bed. He was currently staring at nothing in particular as he used an oil rag to mechanically, yet skillfully, polish Laev-tan. Behind him, sprawled out on the bed with one arm covering her eyes, Fenrir could be heard breathing rather raggedly, her body tinged with a ruddy hue as she did her best to recover. Her sweat-covered body was unbelievably tantalizing, but, after going at it for nearly seven hours, Vahn, despite her protests, had to give her a break...
Hearing Fenrir's breathing gradually calm, Vahn turned his attention toward her, an affectionate yet apologetic smile on his face as he watched her chest rise and fall. The brief interlude had apparently allowed her mental fatigue to catch up to her, so, despite not requiring sleep to recuperate physical exhaustion, Fenrir had passed out. This wasn't unexpected, however, as Vahn had been proactively infusing calming energy into his domain specifically for that purpose. It pained him to see her trying so hard to ease his tensions, so, after realizing the anxiety in his heart wasn't going anywhere, Vahn decided to remove the burden from her, at least for a few hours...
After watching his hard-working companion sleep for nearly half an hour, confirming she wouldn't be waking any time soon, Vahn rose to his feet and began to stretch his body. He was still as limber and flexible as usual, but, no matter how hard he tried, the tension simply wouldn't fade away. Even Sis didn't understand why he was having such a reaction, reporting what he already knew; there was absolutely nothing wrong with his body. His heart was pumping regularly, there weren't any kind of chemicals pumping through his system to make him feel anxious, and, from what they could tell, it didn't seem like he was being influenced by anything externally. Vahn had even pushed his [Will of the Emperor] to its limit, fracturing Space-Time just from the pressure his aura exerted on the void...
Exhaling an uncharacteristically heated sigh, Vahn shook his head before openly asking himself, "What the hell is wrong with me? Is this the interference of an unawakened Innate...no...maybe it's an indicator that I'm nearing the peak of Tier 4...?"
Resisting the urge to tear at his own hair, Vahn created another version of himself to keep Fenrir company before departing the [Sub-Space Orb]. He didn't really need something like 'fresh air', but, feeling a strong desire to get out and do something, Vahn decided to trust his instincts. If he didn't find out what was wrong with him pretty soon, he was afraid he might actually lose it...
Though he would generally walk around without concealing himself, amicably interacting with the residents of Ariadne, Vahn made an exception this time. He felt like the attention he would normally receive was toxic to his current mentality, his mind to wandering the moment an attractive woman so much as smiled at him. The itchy feeling in his heart 'demanded' attention, so, from the moment he sensed the opposite party's interest, Vahn was seized by an urge to just give in to his instincts...
Before he realized it, the disguised Vahn, appearing as a plain young man with dark brown hair and no noteworthy features, was standing outside a poorly maintained gate. When he noticed where his 'instincts' had taken him, Vahn's released an exasperated sigh that earned him even more attention from the Guard monitoring entry into the lesser-known Academy. He didn't seem all that enthused by the fact some random passerby was standing outside the gate, so, after hearing Vahn sigh, the pug-like man asked, "Do you have business here, kid? If not, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave..."
Rather than respond immediately, the image of a woman with a toned body, short golden hair, and two rabbit ears danced across Vahn's mind. He could vividly recall the seductive smile she had sent his way, and, though it was imperceptible to others, he could smell her aroma lingering around the gate. Fortunately, or perhaps not, he could sense her in the middle of a lesson, her slim and athletic figure now covered by a set of robes as she, unaware of his presence, earnestly tried to teach the less-fortunate children who attended the underfunded Academy...
Shaking his head, Vahn looked toward the progressively more disgruntled guard, saying, "I came to make a donation to the school. Give this package to the Principal once he returns. Inform him that the Sage Dragon Emperor will be keeping an eye on how the funds are used..."
Breaking his transformation, Vahn returned to his default appearance as he pulled out a small box filled with Drachma. Both of these things were enough to completely cow the dog-faced man, the folds of his brow multiplying as he stepped against the back wall of his security booth and tried to stammer out an apology. To this, Vahn just shook his head, passing over the box before teleporting away in the blink of an eye...
Appearing several kilometers outside Ariadne's borders, Vahn consolidated a phenomenal amount of energy in both of his palms before blasting it towards the sky. His first instinct was to destroy the surrounding landscape, but, feeling this wouldn't be fair to the environment and the Elementals, he directed his frustrations toward the sky. He hadn't felt this way since the time Tiona had first kissed him more than two-hundred years ago. Back then, he had destroyed an entire forest despite being infinitely weaker than his current self, so, using what little self-control remained, Vahn directed his frustrations skyward, tearing a massive hole in the cloud coverage above...
After completely emptying his reserves, Vahn allowed himself to fall backward onto the ground, a light layer of sweat covering his brow. His breathing was also ragged, but, after a few seconds, it gradually returned to normal. At the same time, a tiny Wood Elemental emerged from the ground a few centimeters away from his face. It seemed to sense his frustration, as, after staring at him for a few seconds, it waddled over and began to lightly pat his head...
Understanding the adorable creature was trying to comfort him, Vahn's offered a wry smile as he gently picked up the Elemental, allowing it to sit on his chest as he muttered, "I'm okay...I'm just a little frustrated..."
Since nascent Elementals couldn't really understand and communicate with people, Vahn wasn't surprised when the Wood Elemental just tilted its head to the side. Instead, he lightly rubbed the tiny Spirit's head, causing it to release gleeful squeaking sounds. This drew the attention of other Elementals in the area, and, after a few minutes had passed, Vahn had more than a dozen of the tiny creatures either trying to comfort, or being comforted by, him...
Seeing so many Elementals gather for him, a natural yet apologetic smile had spread across Vahn's face as he came to a seated position and said, "Sorry, little ones, but I can't stay here for too long. I doubt the Mage Knights will just ignore someone releasing an ultimate-grade attack spell so close to the city. Return to your homes and be well."
Even if they couldn't communicate properly, Elementals were sensitive to intent, so, after hearing Vahn's words, they quickly dispersed. Some vanished into the ground while others, quite literally, faded into thin air. The last to vanish was the first Wood Elemental to show up, but, after giving him another light pat, it, too, jumped into the ground. Its departure caused a tiny flower to sprout from the earth, seemingly as a departing gift to try and cheer him up...
Chuckling lightly to himself, Vahn picked up the tiny white lily, admiring it for a few seconds before muttering, "Eva...I wish you were here right now..."
As the words left his lips, Vahn seriously considered using the pieces of the Tri-Force to find Eva's location, but, before he could make up his mind, a layer of frost spread for hundreds of meters as an icy cold voice, emanating from the void, asked, "Oh? And what would you do if she was...?"
For a variety of reasons, Vahn's body seized up, his heartbeat accelerating to hundreds of beats per minute as his body began to visibly shake. This seemed to amuse the voice's owner, a girlish giggle echoing through the surroundings as his shadow expanded to several times its natural length. Then, from within the darkness, a shadowy figure with ruby-red pupils slowly formed into an unbelievably beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure. His shadow seemed to cling to her body, becoming a black leather dress that barely contained her bosom while leaving her leather panties completely exposed...
With what could only be described as an 'evil' smile on her face, the mature, golden-haired, beauty traced her pointed nail, covered in blood-red polish, along her bottom lip. She seemed amused by his reaction, her icy voice taking on a sultry undertone as she mused, "How adorable...to think you could have such an innocent reaction despite playing around with so many women..."
Unable to find any words to express his current emotions, Vahn found himself burying his face into his hands in a vain effort to calm down. His breathing had become even more ragged than when he exhausted all of his energy, and, despite his best efforts, his body continued to tremble as he used every last bit of self-control in his being to restrain himself. His first instinct was to tightly embrace the woman, but, fearing she would vanish into thin air, likely after thrashing him, he forced himself to remain calm...
Though she was beginning to think his reaction was a little extreme, the woman, Eva, felt slightly vindicated. She had been watching Vahn for a few days at this point, and, after seeing him go at it with Fenrir and Medusa-like animals, she had been growing increasingly annoyed. The only reason she hadn't left was due to the fact that he possessed one of her dioramas so she was interested in whether or not he would use her scroll. He was already very powerful, so, depending on whether or not he could control the Magia Erebea, she would have to kill him before he could wreak too much havoc...
As this thought crossed her mind, Eva recalled how Vahn had addressed her, his voice containing a palpable longing. His reaction had caused her to momentarily forget why she had revealed herself, but, now that she remembered, her expression turned icy as she asked, "Tell me, boy...who allowed you to call my name so affectionately? I don't sense my imprint on you, so you couldn't have used my scroll..."
Hearing Eva's question, Vahn slowly raised his head, surprising her by the volume of tears that were flowing down his face as he answered, "There is so much I want to tell you..."
Seeing Vahn's expression, Eva felt slightly taken aback as a pang of guilt spread through her heart, causing her expression to become severe as she stated, "Well, out with it...I'm listening...don't test my patience...boy..."
Though she didn't understand the reason, Eva began to feel extremely nervous after seeing Vahn's tear-stricken face. Her mind began to race as she attempted to recall whether or not they had met in the past, but, considering most of the people she encountered were either dead or had no idea who she was, this was unlikely. Vahn clearly knew who she was, but, rather than fear, he seemed to emanate a combination of pain and relief...
Feeling his time was limited, as Eva would likely run away the moment the Mage Knights showed up, Vahn's panicky feeling compounded as he hastily explained, "There isn't enough time for me to tell you all the things I have bottled up. Just know that I have mastered the Magia Erebea, and, even if it might seem impossible, I came to this world at the behest of your memory fragment. I'll let you beat me up or even kill me as many times as you want, but, please, Eva, let me save you..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Eva showed an incredulous expression before immediately transitioning into an icy look as she venomously stated, "I don't need saving...what, do you think I'm some weak brat that can't take of her own problems!? Do you even know-"
Before Eva could continue lambasting him, Vahn created a small projection using his source energy, displaying Eva's 'true form'. This brought an immediate cessation to her words, as, even if Vahn had been able to obtain one of her scrolls, he shouldn't have been able to deduce her true form. There was no way one of her Memory Fragments would reveal the truth, not without something extreme occurring...
Taking advantage of the silence, Vahn slowly awakened his Magia Erebia constitution, causing Eva's expression to transition from suspicion to shock as she asked, "How...?"
Understanding what Eva was truly asking, as there was simply no way someone should be able to conceal her own technique from her, Vahn smiled wryly as he repeated, "There is so much I want to tell you...please give me the chance..."
Though her instincts were telling her to get as far away from Vahn as possible, there were simply too many questions that Eva wanted answers to. Thus, after an oppressive silence, she glared back at him, venomously stating, "If I find your explanation lacking, I will show you despair beyond your wildest imagination..."
Without waiting for Vahn's response, Eva 'blinked' behind him in an instant, grabbing the collar of his tunic before blasting off with enough force to create massive cracks in the ground. Then, like a rocket ascending to space, she dragged Vahn away at a blinding speed, far faster than the group of Mage Knights would be able to follow...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fenrir is working hard...','Vahn wants to smash them bun's buns...','This...I...')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
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