Far more so than the Imperial Palace of the Hellas Empire, the palaces designed to protect the Ostian Royal Family were surrounded by a comprehensive set of barriers. With a cursory scan, Vahn was able to sense a total of thirty-nine, but, trusting his instincts, he spent the better part of an hour probing a total of 108 barriers. There was even one that sent out an invisible pulse of nigh-undetectable magical energy several times every second, scanning and mapping the interior for any sign of change.
Vahn was confident in his stealth capabilities, but, seeing how ridiculous the defenses of the main Palace were, he had to consider his options properly unless he wanted to earn the ire of the Royal Family. This didn't particularly matter, but, with artifacts like Theo's cloak, which had the ability to even fool his conventional scans, Vahn couldn't underestimate the capabilities of the Akamatsuverse. There were even entire schools of martial arts that revolved around killing Immortals, so, even compared to the Nasuverse it had a few concepts that could setbacks his plan quite a bit...
After thinking for the better part of half an hour, Vahn decided it might be best to simply go forward with his actual identity. He was intending to make a name for himself, and, though it would probably become troublesome in the future, having connections to the Ostian Royal Family wasn't necessarily bad. He already intended to save the doomed nation, so, even if he wanted to try and play the part of a mysterious stranger, there were no merits. Rather, he was planning to draw out Cosmo Entelecheia by becoming a thorn in their side, a plan benefited from a more 'direct' approach.
With his mind made up, Vahn adorned the casual attire he often wore while fulfilling his duties as an Emperor. He had become quite fond of the outfit, and, though it made him seem like an anime protagonist that never changed their style of dress, this was actually very normal within the Records. Though things like fashion existed, a surprising number of people, including the residents of the Inner Sanctum, gravitated towards the same type of outfit. (A/N: Vahn's casual attire is literally what he wears on the cover.)
As if a switch had been flipped, a regal and mildly suppressive aura immediately radiated out from Vahn the moment he donned his usual attire. It wasn't as impressive as it had been in the Nasuverse, but, with hundreds of Elementals happily gathering around him, Vahn felt it would suffice for his intentions.
By the time he had finished his preparations, Vahn noticed a total of thirty-five Magic-Knights converging on his position. He found their Valkyrian-like armor rather intriguing, as, in a way, it was similar to the exoskeletons that had been produced by Da Vinci. They were significantly less advanced, making them somewhat bulky and hard to move around in, but they were still quite remarkable to observe due to the skilled piloting of the Ostian Royal Militia...
Seeing their quarry standing stationary, the Captain of the Squadron descended with a rather unnecessary 'hero-style' landing before rising to their feet and saying, "State your identity and purpose! This is a forbidden area and you are not a registered citizen of Ostia! If you refuse to cooperate, we are authorized to use deadly force...!"
With his hands casually folded behind his back, Vahn turned toward the man before calmly stating, "Inform your Queen that the Sage Dragon Emperor has arrived. I will give you three hours to pass my message and return to me. After that, I will enter the Palace directly. Know that I do not seek conflict with your people, but, if you attempt to bar my passage, I will have little choice but to act."
Finished with his words, Vahn closed his eyes and pretended to ignore the encirclement that was meant to cut off his escape. This was enough to trigger a few alarm bells in the Captain's mind, so, rather than immediately ordering Vahn's arrest, he pulled out a device that looked like a large pocket watch, but, instead of a clock face, it had an emerald green liquid inside of it. This was a device used to make an approximation of a person's strength and determine if they were hostile, but, much to the Captain's surprise, it didn't seem capable of detecting the energy of the man silently standing before them.
Suddenly feeling as though this was a matter above his paygrade, the Captain signaled for the encirclement to widen. He decided it was best to simply cordon off the area, report the situation to his superior officer, and request backup from other squadrons. There was even a chance the target was familiar with a member of the Royal Family, so, until more information could be obtained, treating him as a dangerous yet 'safe' entity was the best way to mitigate casualties and collateral damage...
Vahn was somewhat surprised by the level-headedness of the Captain, but, considering how peaceful and orderly Ostia was, it wasn't too surprising. It was a testament to how disciplined the Ostian Royal Militia was, a stark contrast to the rather disorderly Imperial Guards that had been present in the Hellas Empire. He couldn't even sense one with a blackened aura, giving the entire squadron a very 'righteous' vibe...
After a surprisingly short period of time, roughly seven minutes, Vahn was surprised to sense more than two-hundred people surrounding him. This wasn't particularly noteworthy, but, as if they were a singular entity, all 219 members spontaneously adopted a position of attention. At the same time, a peculiar Airfish, shaped and styled much like a goldfish, approached from the direction of the Palace. It was accompanied by a small squadron of shark-like Airfish that were basically the fighter jets of the Magical World, each capable of hypersonic speeds and equipped with twin-mounted magic cannons and a host of barrier-breaking missiles.
Though the entire scene was quite something, Vahn took special note of the fact that there was a barrier around the goldfish-like ship that made it difficult to detect. It seemed to have a function that looped back the magical energy output of its engineers, recycling it to be used in the forward mana battery, a massive cannon that could even blow off the top of a mountain when fully charged.
Even without having the situation explained, the actions of the Royal Knights and the emblem painted on the side of the goldfish were obvious indicators that a member of the Royal Family was on board. This was a rather curious development, as, even after introducing himself by his title, Vahn hadn't expected them to come out and greet him. This improved his opinion of the Ostian Royal Family quite a bit, as it was indicative of humility rarely found in Aristocratic lines.
Without landing, the goldfish-like Airfish stopped around two-hundred meters from Vahn's position, just outside the encirclement. Then, from the aft section of the ship, a young woman of around 14-15 years old leaped out, the hem of her pink dress fluttering gracefully as she descended silently to the ground. She had neatly trimmed golden hair that extended past the small of her back, and, despite her relatively small frame, there was a phenomenal amount of power swirling about inside of her.
Sensing the presence of Divine Energy within the woman's body, Vahn now understood why Royal Magic was so much more powerful than normal Magic. Higher forms of energy had the inherent ability to suppress others, and, especially when it was derived from higher Laws. He could tell that the pseudo-divinity contained in the woman's body was the power of Creation itself, so, unless someone used the Laws of Destruction against her, she had a nigh-absolute advantage against most people...
Waiting until the woman was only a few meters away, Vahn opened his eyes, a casual smile spreading across his face as he said, "You do me a great honor, Princess, personally coming to receive me. It is no wonder the Ostian Royal Family is held in such high regard. Now, I am even more certain about my decision to lend you my aid..."
Showing absolutely no change in her expression, giving her the appearance of an ice queen, the Princess stated, "I am Arika Anarukia Enteofyushia, Queen-Incumbent of the Kingdom of Vespertatia. Pray tell, Sage Dragon Emperor, why have you come here?"
Towards the end of her introduction and questioning, Vahn noticed Arika's heterochromatic eyes flicker towards the Elementals in his surroundings. It seemed that there was more to her peculiar green and blue eyes than their beauty, causing Vahn to smile as he grabbed one of the Elementals from his shoulder and presented it to her.
After staring at what most believed to be an empty hand, Arika attempted to grasp the tiny Wood Elemental, but, unlike Vahn, her fingers passed through it as if it didn't exist. The fact she had actively tried to grab it, however, was enough to confirm that she could actually see them. This showed she had a relatively pure heart, as, according to most studies, the only people able to see Nascent Elementals, besides those with the innate talent, were children and exceptionally pure-hearted individuals.
With his impression of the Princess improving by the moment, Vahn lightly chuckled before saying, "Don't let it bother you. The fact you can even see them speaks volumes about your character, Princess. As for the reason behind my visit, it is as I stated previously: I have come to provide aid. I only hope your status as Queen-incumbent is a precautionary measure, as it would be truly regretful if my arrival was too late..."
Understanding the meaning behind Vahn's words, Arika showed an almost imperceptible amount of surprise, asking, "You have come to help my Mother? Do you truly possess such capabilities?"
Noticing the skepticism visible in Arika's eyes, Vahn resisted the urge to roll his eyes, smiling as he stated, "Though my primary title is Sage Dragon Emperor, those privy to the truth of my identity also know me as another name: Godhand. It does not matter the severity of the injury, the potency of the poison, or the power of the curse. So long as even a sliver of life remains, I can prolong it indefinitely."
Though she would normally take such claims with a grain of salt, the rather ridiculous number of Elementals around Vahn lent some credibility to his claim. When she first heard the reports of someone referring to themselves with three prestigious titles, Arika's first thought was that he was just some conman that wanted to win the favor of the Royal Family. She had originally come with the intention of driving him away, but, now that she saw him up close, hope began to return to her weary heart...
After several seconds of silence, Arika surprised the surrounding Knights by saying, "There is no need for further caution. For the time being, the Sage Dragon Emperor is a personal guest of the Ostian Royal Family. Return to your duties."
As the orders of their 'Queen' were absolute, every member of the Royal Knights answered with a perfectly timed salute. Vahn even suspected the Commander and Captains had some kind of device that automated the reaction with the activation of an unnamed spell...
Understanding that Arika was making a gesture of good faith, Vahn gave an appreciative nod before following behind her as she led the way towards her rather unique Airfish. Then, using seamless flight magic, she ascended towards the aft entrance of the ship without looking over her shoulder to see if he could do the same. This was rather amusing, so, giving in to his bad habit, Vahn used a nigh-instantaneous [Koku Shundo] to appear on the ship's deck, his arms crossed behind him as he waited for her arrival.
Seeing the strange man waiting for her, Arika fought hard to resist the urge to look over her shoulder. She had the distinct impression she was being messed with, so, after softly landing on the deck, she combed through her long bangs, common in the Akamatsuverse, and asked, "Does the Sage Dragon Emperor enjoy showing off his skills?"
Not expecting such a composed response, Vahn's brows raised slightly as he stated, "When you are faced with a life of perpetuity, it is important to find ways to keep yourself entertained. I generally restrain myself during serious situations, but, when the conditions allow, I can be rather mischievous. I will not ask for your forgiveness, only that you do not take my occasional teasing to heart."
Hearing Vahn's response, Arika gave an 'understanding' nod before walking past him and descending into the ship. She was tempted to ask him about his age and origins, but, feeling as though he was trying to bait her, she decided to momentarily shelve her curiosity. The most important thing was confirming whether or not he could actually help her mother. If he turned out to be full of hot air, she would not hesitate to personally beat him down with her bare fists.
Unaware of the 'judgment' that had already been made against him, Vahn followed Arika into the ship, surprised to find it completely empty. It could easily house a small group of people, complete with four rooms, a full-sized bath, and a kitchenette, so he had expected there to be a small crew onboard. Instead, it seemed like the peculiar ship was Arika's personal craft, and, though it wasn't nearly as advanced as something like Ark, it actually had a rudimentary AI to keep it under control when she wasn't aboard...
Noticing the 'surprise' visible in Vahn's eyes, a small feeling of pride welled up inside of Arika. It didn't show on her face, not in the slightest, but she always enjoyed the reactions of guests when they first entered her Airfish. It was something she had designed herself, and, though it was ultimately built by a team of specialist engineers, she still took great pride in it.
After taking a seat at the helm, Arika began to manually pilot the Airfish toward the back of the main palace, the location of the Royal Family's personal Fishport. There, quite a number of unique Airfish could be seen, most of which were designed by Arika herself. She might not be very expressive, leading some to refer to her as 'Noh Mask Princess' and 'Ice Queen', but that didn't mean she was without passions. It wasn't well-known outside of the Palace, but she was actually something of a battle and adrenaline junky. If not for her status as the Crown Princess, she would have liked to travel the world and enter international Airfish races, conquering the skies and becoming Queen of the Airtrack.
Unfortunately, with the burden of rulership placed upon her shoulders, Arika had to keep her passions under control. She could not afford to be emotional as the lives of millions of people were in her care. If she made a mistake, countless lives could be lost, and, with the threat of a global war lingering over her throughout her entire life, she had to be prepared to make hard decisions in order to protect her people. This was her fate as the future Queen of Vespertatia, something she could never escape...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn be like, "Deadly force? Heh..."','Is this the power of fate!?','Feels like all 'good' Aristocrats don't like being Aristocrats...')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
After docking her Airfish in a personalized hangar, Arika led Vahn to a location deep within the confines of the 'Sun Palace', the central hub of the Royal Palace Complex. She didn't waste time trying to explain the significance of any of the structures, and, much to his surprise, Vahn noticed there were very few people living inside the massive structure. In fact, it was similar to a ghost town, complete with a rather dreary and depressive atmosphere. There weren't even any guards, and, rather than rely on living servants or slaves, the Palaces' maintenance was left to doll-like automatons and a comprehensive network of enchantments that kept everything in a pristine state.
Though it was just a guess, Vahn imagined the cold and distant countenance of Arika was the direct result of the Royal Family's apparent isolation. Other than a few historical artifacts and the occasional painting, there were no gaudy ornamentations in the palace. There were also no Noble families outside of the Ostian Royal Family itself, so, unlike other nations, there was no infighting. Rather, there was a startling lack of corruptive elements within the place, almost as if the people within were far removed from the affairs and sensibilities of the outside world.
After mapping most of the Royal Palace, including several hidden areas that his domain failed to probe, Vahn found himself outside a chamber that was seemed to shine like the sun. It was drastically different than the rest of the palace, complete with a bed that was infused with tens of thousands of gems known as Sunstones. The frame of the bed, formed from a silvery-gold alloy of Mithril and Sacred Gold, would be enough to fund the military spending of an entire nation for ten years.
Though it might seem excessively gaudy, Vahn knew the true purpose of the bed was simply to preserve the life of its inhabitant, a frail-looking woman with features similar to Arika, albeit far more mature. Had her cheeks not sunken in, giving her a vaguely skeletal appearance, she would have easily been a world-class beauty. Instead, she looked like someone with two feet in the grave, her body emaciated to the point that her joints were thicker than the limbs they supported...
Despite appearing at though she was awaiting the arrival of the Reaper, the woman's eyes still shone with a considerable amount of vitality. Her heterochromatic eyes showed absolutely no signs of fear or resignation, the emotions commonly seen in the nearly-deceased. Instead, her eyes reflected incredible wisdom, compassion, and a small amount of curiosity. If she still had the ability to speak, Vahn had no doubt she would have greeted him cordially despite having no idea who he was...
Approaching her mother's side, Arika showed the closest thing to an emotion Vahn had seen, her brows furrowing slightly in consternation as she explained, "Mother, this man is called the Sage Dragon Emperor. Though I know little about him, his connection with the Elementals is unlike anything I have ever seen. He claims to be able to treat your condition. It might be due to my inexperience, but I have chosen to believe his words..."
Hearing her daughter's explanation, the sickly woman, Anarchia Entheofushia, offered a weak smile as she tried and failed to squeeze her daughter's hand. She wanted to say that her time had come, but, seeing the hope contained within her usually expressionless daughter's gaze, she didn't mind humoring her. She could also sense something peculiar about the man who was closely observing her with pale-golden eyes. It was almost as if he could see through all the truths of the world, but, rather than make her feel uncomfortable, a sense of relief spread through her tired body.
Interpreting her mother's smile as consent, Arika hardened her heart before looking back at Vahn and saying, "I have placed my trust in you. If you try-"
As he had long since grown tired of hearing such arbitrary threats, Vahn raised his hand to silence Arika, stating, "Do not insult me. You will come to learn that the promise of the Sage Dragon Emperor carries more weight than you can possibly imagine. I have stated I can cure your mother, and I will do just that. By bringing me here, you have already proven your worth as a Queen. Do not insult both of us by questioning your own judgment. Now, step aside."
Though she was not fond of being interrupted and chided, Arika gave an understanding nod before following obediently moving aside. She wasn't entirely sure why, but his authoritative and firm tone made her feel at ease. She had never had anything like a father figure, so, for a very brief moment, Arika's wondered whether or not this was how it felt to be chided by your father...
Unaware of Arika's thoughts, Vahn approached the sickly Anarchia, a comforting smile on his face as he explained, "I will try to avoid anything too invasive, but you may have to suffer a bit of indignity. Don't worry, once I've cured you, you'll have plenty of time to find it in your heart to forgive me..."
Ignoring the icy gaze burrowing into the back of his skull, Vahn gingerly picked up Anarchia's wrist, testing her pulse and scanning her body directly. It didn't take him long to find out what the problem was, explaining, "You overtaxed the energy hidden within your blood, causing an imbalance that your magical energy could not supplement. Now, in order to sustain itself, the energy in your blood is consuming your vitality directly, drastically reducing your lifespan..."
Hearing Vahn's prognosis, Arika took it upon herself to explain, "Two years ago, Mother used her power to preserve the life of her younger sister during childbirth. A few months after that, she fell very ill and no doctors had been able to explain the reason why. Is what you say really the truth?"
Without turning to meet Arika's gaze, Vahn plainly stated, "Though I understand the reason, I have grown weary of people questioning my skills. You have my gratitude for the information, but, if you are going to continue asking me questions, please leave the room..."
Though he could understand why people would be concerned when the matter concerned a person they loved, he would never understand how they justified pestering him when he was already in the middle of treatment. Nothing he said ever allayed their concerns, and, if not for his supreme level of focus when it came to performing medical treatments, there was always a chance their meddling could lead to tragedy.
Sensing the severity in Vahn's tone, Arika loosely balled her hands into fists before choosing to remain silent. He seemed to know what he was talking about, so, at least for the time being, she decided to simply observe. If he ended up failing, however, she decided she would break most of the bones in his body before turning him over to the Academy Medical Center, giving apprentice physicians a chance to work with a critical patient...
With Arika no longer providing any distractions, Vahn began to infuse his Source Energy into Anarchia's body. It would be infinitely better if he removed her clothes and treated each part of her body directly, but, knowing this wouldn't end well, he decided to focus on stabilizing her condition. Additional treatments could come later, and, while it was possible to heal her in a single sitting, Vahn felt it would be less jarring if he took his time. Anarchia would require a long period of rehabilitation just to restore the condition of her body, so there was no need to rush things.
Feeling strength gradually return to her body, despite the fact Vahn was just holding onto her wrist, various thoughts began to race through Anarchia's mind. She actually felt like he wasn't using his full capabilities, seemingly out of consideration for her state. Despite this, she could feel warmth and feeling returning to her limbs. She could even feel a burning sensation in her legs and toes, appendages that had started to turn gangrenous over the past few days. She had even been able to wiggle her toes slightly, something that should have been impossible due to their previous state of decay.
Feeling Anarchia guide her intent through her own body, Vahn, with his eyes closed, gently squeezed her wrist, whispering, "I understand your surprise, but you shouldn't interfere with my treatment. Relax your mind and leave your body to me. By the time I'm finished with this preliminary treatment, you will even be able to walk around. Remain patient and let me do my job..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Anarchia had a lot she wanted to say, and, based on the sore feeling in her throat, she knew it was possible for her to speak. Instead, she followed the example of her daughter, remaining silent and simply letting the mysterious man treat her aching body. Prior to his treatment, the only thing she felt was a tremendous amount of fatigue and an agonizing cold. Now, warmth had returned to her body, and, though it brought a considerable amount of pain, a relaxed smile could be seen blossoming across her face...
Nearly twelve hours after his treatment had begun, a small amount of sweat had accumulated on Vahn's brow. He had kept his Magia Erebea constitution sealed whenever he wasn't night-lighting as Eva, so, contrary to his usual self, he could experience fatigue. More than physical, however, he was experiencing mental and spiritual exhaustion.
Though it might look like he was just holding onto Anarchia's wrist, it took an extreme amount of focus to guide his energy through the complex pathways of a human's body while only holding their wrist. It was similar to trying to 'imagine' the structure of the human body in its entirety, accounting for more than seven-trillion nerves and an even more ridiculous number of cells...
Fortunately, Vahn had the experience of literally creating bodies from scratch, including his own, so he was one of the best suited to such a difficult task. If he wanted to, he could create an entirely new body for Anarchia to inhabit, one that was indistinguishable from her current form. This, however, was something he would only do under very specific circumstances, not something he would do just to treat an imbalance of energy...
To his surprise, Vahn could sense Arika pull out a handkerchief in order to wipe his brow, but, as it had already been twelve hours, he took the initiative to remove his hand, using his sleeve to be rid of the perspiration. This caused her to quickly conceal the handkerchief, and, as if he hadn't noticed it, Vahn focused on Anarchia, explaining, "You are undoubtedly aware of it, but I cannot treat your body by just holding your wrist. Even without further treatment, however, it is possible for you to make a full recovery. So long as you focus on your rehabilitation and eat healthy foods, you should be able to move around freely in around four months."
Surprising her daughter, Anarchia rose to a seated position, a subtle smile on her face as she asked in a very dry voice, "Tell me...how long...if you help...?"
Before answering the Queen's question, Vahn pulled out a cup of mellow tea, helping her to drink it as he explained, "If I am able to make use of all my techniques, you would be able to make a full recovery in as little as two weeks. Treating your body would only take a day, but, in order to recuperate completely, you will need to slowly increase your food intake until you are able to fully process the nutrients within. Your body is still unstable, and, if you are not careful, there is a chance you will relapse."
Having wetted her parched throat, Anarchia gave an understanding nod before eloquently stating, "My daughter was wise to have placed her trust in the Sage Dragon Emperor. Though I know not if there is anything you desire, the Ostian Royal Family owes you a great debt. Lest it endangers our people, know we will do everything in our power to repay your kindness."
Surprising both women, Vahn waved his hand in a dismissive manner, remarking, "My skills as a physician would be wasted if I didn't use them to help good people. Things like money and favor have no value to existences such as myself. If your family wishes to repay me, you need only to continue being kind and caring to all peoples. Now, more than ever before, the world needs the caring and compassionate to guide the people through these trying times."
Awed by Vahn's benevolence, Anarchia securely stowed his words in her heart before saying, "The words of the Sage Dragon Emperor are a great honor. I will carry them with me until the end of my days, passing their significance onto the generations that follow."
Hearing her mother's words, Arika also nodded her head, affirming that she had also taken them to heart. She even felt ashamed of the fact she had ever questioned Vahn's credibilities, as, seemingly without any effort at all, he had been able to heal her mother. This elevated his status to a level she couldn't even fully comprehend, igniting her curiosity like an inferno...
Seemingly just as curious, Anarchia went on to say, "I am curious, however...where does the Sage Dragon Emperor come from? I mean no offense, but I have never had the pleasure of hearing about your eminence prior to today..."
Waving his hand once again, Vahn shamelessly stated, "Let me backtrack a bit. If possible, I'd like to dismiss with formalities. I am very proud of my title as Sage Dragon Emperor, but I have never been fond of excessive politeness. My actual name is Vahn Aldrnari Mason. As people I have come to recognize, you can simply call me Vahn. As for my origin, that is a complicated matter I can't really talk about. Just know that I am not from this world, my Empire does exist, and, yes, I am an Ancient Dragon. In fact, I am something a little bit higher than that, though, based on a variety of circumstances, I can't clarify how."
Though she was a little surprised by the sudden change in tone, Anarchia still managed an, "I see..." before adding, "Very well, Vahn. Please, feel free to call me Ana from now on. Though it goes against my principles to address someone outside the Royal Family without formalities, I believe this is a suitable situation to allow an exception. You are the benefactor that had saved my life, and, were it mine to give, I would have willingly dedicated my remaining days to your service. It is a shame, but, so long as I draw breath, I must attend my people."
Hearing Ana's words, Vahn issued a light chuckle before winking playfully as he said, "That is a real shame. Fortunately, like your people are lucky to have you, I am fortunate to have quite a number of people at my side. It might be a little shameless of me to admit, but my Imperial Harem has nearly reached a hundred people. I might not have any trouble ensuring their happiness, but I do feel a little guilty whenever I get involved with another woman."
Though harems weren't particularly rare, both Anarchia and Arika were a little shocked by the 'boldness' of Vahn's statement. They both got the impression he was messing with them, but, at the same time, his words carried a sincere undertone. As a result, Arika felt as if her hands had become slightly clammy while Anarchia, more experienced with such things, internally remarked, ("A Dragon, indeed...")
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn about to give this woman eternal youth out of spite xD','Listen to this guy complaining. It's only seven-trillion nerves and thirty-trillion cells. Ezpz','It seems like Vahn had grown more honest and direct...')
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Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
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