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64.98% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1532: Interrogation

Chapter 1532: Interrogation

Jagoda Bracht Kochanowska was a fifth-generation Magistrate that had proudly served the Hellas Empire for nearly sixty years. Her family had been proud supporters of the crown since the advent of Mundus Magicus itself, so, when she heard that a human male had been discovered in the room of their beloved Third Princess, she couldn't help but take the matter to heart.

Though Princess Theodora was the Emperor's youngest daughter, she was the only one in the line of succession who had been able to contract their Guardian Spirit, the Sacred Dragon that had watched over the Imperial Family since the dawn of the Hellas Empire, Vrixho Nagasha. This instantly elevated her to the status of Crown Princess, and, though she was a little 'spirited' by nature, her intellect and magical power had earned her the appreciation of the Imperial Family's supporters.

Even before she had been designated as the Crown Princess, Princess Theodora had been doted on by nearly every member of the Imperial Family. She was their pride and joy, and, one day, she would become the voice of the Empire abroad. Because of this, it was 'unforgivable' that someone had any kind of intentions toward her, especially given her age.

As one of the races with inherent magical power, the Hellas peoples had always lived much longer than the vast majority of Mundus Magicus' citizens. Because of this, there was a policy that required you to be around the age of sixty to be qualified for a position of status and authority. This was also the age when you were officially considered an 'adult', even if their bodies reached physical maturity around the same time as humans.

Princess Theodora currently had the appearance of a human child around the age of twelve, but, in 'Hellas Years', this made her just under four years old. Things like the matter of her marriage couldn't even be talked about until she was ten, approximately thirty-three in Human Years. Thus, despite her insistence that she was already old enough to take care of herself, everyone fawned over her like the child she was. She was the 'baby' of the Emperor, and, due to her outgoing personality, she was also the idol of the Hellas people...


After listening to the various reports regarding their intruder, Jagoda had a grim expression on her face. Now only had he spontaneously appeared in the Princess' room, bypassing all of their security, but it was reported that his magical power couldn't be sealed. If he hadn't imprisoned himself, they might not have even been able to 'capture' him at all. This was a blemish on the Imperial Guard, and, due to the nature of the offense, a slight against the Imperial Family itself.

Staring at the sickly pale man before her, Jagoda stated in an icy tone, "Warden Pelias...please clarify the reasons behind your insistence on calling this criminal an 'Emperor'. Are you trying to insult the Imperial Family...?"

As there was a startling difference in power between normal members of the Hellas race and the few Aristocratic Families, Pelias couldn't help but tremble under the Magistrate's pressure as he said, "He addressed himself as such, Your Honour. My men...we were unable to do anything against him at all. I have no intention of insulting the Imperial Family, but that man isn't normal...I'm not even sure he is human..."

Remembering his encounter with Vahn, Pelias felt a shiver pass through his body as a suppression far greater than the one released by Jagoda permeated through his very existence. His instincts told him that they should not make an enemy out of that man, no matter the cost.

Normally, Jagoda would have lambasted Pelias for his failure, docking his pay and placing him under house arrest until further notice. However, as one of the strongest people in the Hellas Empire, one of the requirements of holding an official position, she had also sensed the dangerous aura emitted by their prisoner. Even now, as she was listening to Pelias' report, a sense of danger lingered in the back of her mind, stimulating her flight or fight response.

Shaking her head, Jagoda waved her hand in a dismissive manner, stating, "You have leave for three days. Once this matter is settled, you will be evaluated for competency before I finalize my decision. Since you have no previous record of wrongdoings, you will most likely be let off with a light rebuke. You are dismissed."

If not for his training, Pelias might have fallen to the ground the moment he was shown lenience by the usually cold Magistrate. His body and mind were both strung out ever since he left the dungeon, so the only thing keeping him going was decades of experience and pure willpower. He knew he was in for a rough night, as, despite never being in any 'real' danger, it felt like he had just come out of a deadly battlefield. Now, memories of the past were already encroaching his mind, filling his thoughts of regret and self-doubt as nightmarish scenes began to resurface from the deepest recesses of his subconsciousness...

Seeing the shellshocked man depart the room, Jagoda's expression became serious as she repressed a sigh. She was beginning to feel a bit of the nervousness that reared up every time a difficult battle was approaching. This was a feeling she had almost forgotten after becoming a Magistrate, her duty shifting from the battlefield to the courtroom after decades of service on the various frontlines that existed due to tensions between the Hellas Empire and most Human Nations.

Shaking her head, Jagoda rose to her feet, approaching a locked wardrobe that contained all of her battle equipment. She also felt there was something 'off' about their prisoner, so, rather than arrive unprepared, she began donning her armor while saying, "Inform the Prime Minister and the General of what has taken place. They are undoubtedly already aware of the situation, but it is best to keep them up to speed. I have a bad feeling about the man who professes himself an Emperor..."

Posted near the entrance of the rather lavish study, two women wearing an ornate version of the armor worn by Imperial Guards immediately saluted in response to Jagoda's words. They quickly set off to carry out her orders, leaving their Master to ruminate over the coming 'battle'...


With nothing better to do, Vahn split his time between polishing Laev-tan and making his cell more comfortable. He rather enjoyed seeing the distant looks on the faces of the Imperial Guards, so, with around two hours to kill, he had converted the interior of the cell into a lavish, completely furnished, bedroom. Now, he was enjoying a cup of piping hot tea, an amused smile on his face as he focused on familiarizing himself with the surrounding mana.

As his [Archmage] status made readily apparent, Vahn was one of the most knowledgeable people in the entire Magical World when it came to Magical Theory and Practical Application. He might not be able to manifest its phenomenon easily in the outside world, but, due to the prevalence of Elemental Spirits, this didn't really matter. Even now, unbeknownst to the Imperial Guards, there were dozens of Spirits lingering within his cell, some climbing on his body while others fumbled around with the ornate silverware he had pulled out.

Vahn knew it had something to do with his Source Energy, but, ever since his time in Danmachi, the Spirits had always been fond of him. Now, they would become one of his greatest strengths, as, with few exceptions, Spirit Magic had no counter. It could even be used when your Magic was completely sealed, and, in some countries, you were considered a skilled Magus after forming a contract with a single Intermediate Elemental Spirit. As for Advanced and Greater Elemental Spirits, they were things only the strongest Magi in existence were able to form a contract with, often allowing them to leave their name in history as a result.

Thanks to his [True Friend of the Elements], Vahn had an advantage that would earn him the envy of virtually every Magi in Mundus Magicus. Better yet, even if his enemies had contracts with Spirits of their own, they would be hard-pressed to convince them to fight against him. Vahn couldn't wait to see the look on his enemies' faces when they realized their greatest ally simply refused to obey their commands. It was bound to be amusing, especially with his 'most powerful' ability...

So long as they weren't someone on Eva's level, Vahn already knew how to 'counter' and outright 'cancel' Magic Spells within the Akamatsuverse. He had been able to put this into practice even in the Record of Danmachi, becoming an absolute nightmare for any Mage that relied on things like chants and ritual magic. Unless they were 'faster' than him, which was virtually impossible, he could even reverse the flow of magical energy, turning their own attacks against them. This was his most powerful ability within the Akamatsuverse, especially when combined with his effective immunity to Spirit-based Magics.

As his excitement for the future continued to rise, Vahn couldn't help but smile radiantly when he sensed a relatively powerful individual heading towards the Dungeon. Using his intent, he was able to see it was a Hellas woman with bronzed skin, curved horns that framed her head, and the blonde hair that seemed characteristic of their species. She also had reddish-brown eyes, and, based on the fact she was wearing some rather decent equipment, Vahn suspected she didn't come with purely peaceful intentions.

Unfortunately, perhaps as a result of the fact he had yet to acclimate to the Akamatsuverse, Vahn was currently unable to read the Flow of Fate. He could still sense its presence, but, similar to trying to find your way in a room after the lights went out, it was very vague. You would either need to wait until your eyes adapted or be forced to fumble around like an idiot, even if you knew the location of every piece of furniture.

Preempting the woman's arrival, Vahn rose to his feet, earning confused stares from the guards as he picked invisible Elemental Spirits off of his body. To them, it looked like he was grasping at empty air before setting things down on the circular cafe table he had purchased from the shop. This caused a few of them to think Vahn was just a crazy person, but, after seeing him pull a king-sized bed out of thin air, none were willing to speak out.

By the time the guards announced the arrival of the Magistrate, Vahn had finished picking most of the Elemental Spirits off of him. There was still a Wood Spirit that had managed to crawl up his left trouser sleeve, but, unwilling to take off his pants with an audience of thirty people, Vahn ignored it as he smiled towards the expressionless beauty approaching his cell. Rather than a Magistrate, she looked like a proud General that was preparing to lead an army into battle, complete with a winged helmet that was tucked under her left arm...

Seeing Vahn for the first time, Jagoda was certain he wasn't a normal man, not in the slightest. While it was very different from her own Emperor, there was a dignified aura that lingered around his body. More noticeably, however, his demeanor made it seem as though nothing could hurt him, reminding her of their Empire's Guardian, one of only four Ancient Dragons in existence, Vrixho Nagasha...

Without minding the woman's battle-ready demeanor, Vahn gestured with his hand, startling nearly everyone present by 'unlocking' the gate of his cell. Then, as if pulled by an unseen entity, the gates soundlessly opened as he gestured towards the second seat at the cafe table, asking, "Will you join me for tea...?"

After flexing the muscles of her jaw a few times, clenching her teeth, Jagoda gave a small nod before mustering up all of her courage and stepping into the rather lavish cell. She didn't bother herself by thinking about where the furnishings had come from. Instead, she was focused entirely on the cell's occupant, her previous impression growing stronger by the second.

Using his Telekinesis, Vahn pulled out Jagoda's chair, allowing her to take a seat before sitting in his own chair and musing, "Caution is a commendable trait, but, under certain conditions, some might misconstrue it as a threat...tell me, what are your intentions, Lady Magistrate?"

As if reminded of her own status, Jagoda's expression turned sharp as she firmly stated, "My name is Jagoda Bracht Kochanowska, Imperial Magistrate of the Hellas Empire. My purpose is plain, I uphold the law and mete out punishment to those who violate it. To that end, I require your cooperation in order to ascertain the truth of the current matter."

Before she had finished speaking, Jagoda pulled out a statuette of a blindfolded woman holding a set of scales. Even without her explaining, he knew it was an item known as a [Jurist Scale], a rather valuable artifact that had the ability to discern whether or not someone was telling the truth. She also had a ring hidden beneath her gauntlet, a far more valuable artifact known as the [Comptina Daemonia]. It allowed the user to know the name of anyone they saw, and, after performing a very complicated ritual, it was even possible to determine their 'True Name'. This was very useful in the event of facing off against higher tiered Demons and Spirits, as, if you knew their True Name, it was possible to exercise power over them.

Without commenting on the statuette, Vahn maintained a casual smile as he said, "You may proceed when you are ready. So long as it is not a sensitive matter, I have no problem answering any of your questions."

Though she wasn't fond of the fact Vahn had phrased things to sound as though he was giving her permission, Jagoda buried her resentment, pulling out a small hand recorder and a notepad before asking, "What is your name?"

Without missing a beat, Vahn plainly stated, "Vahn Aldrnari Mason, the Sage Dragon Emperor," his expression unchanging as he sensed the fluctuations in the [Jurist Scale].

With a curt nod of her head, Jagoda followed up her opening question, squinting her eyes as she asked a series of rapid-fire questions, "What country do you come from? How did you end up in the chambers of the Third Imperial Princess? What is the significance of the title Sage Dragon Emperor?"

Amused by the woman's attempts to try and pressure him, the edges of Vahn's smile curled up a bit as he calmly answered, "I hail from Avalon, Capital of the Aldrnari Empire. As for how I ended up in the chambers of your country's Princess, even I cannot say. When I opened my eyes, that is where I found myself. As for the significance of my title...I would think it is rather apparent? I am the Emperor of the Aldrnari Empire."

Seeing the [Jurist Scale] remain dormant, Jagoda could feel her pulse begin to accelerate, forcing her to rely on a breathing exercise she had learned during her days in the Academy. She was able to see Vahn's name hovering above his head, indicating he was, at the very least, telling the truth about his actual name. As for the rest of his identity, however, part of her refused to believe it, compelling her to ask, "Where is this Aldrnari Empire you hail from? I have heard of a country called Avalon, but it only exists in stories of the Old World..."

The 'Old World' was the colloquial term coined by residents of Mundus Magicus when referring to Earth. While this might seem a little hubristic, as they referred to their own as the 'New World', it was not a complete exaggeration. Though technology was relatively rare in Mundus Magicus due to the monopolization of the Aristocracy, it was several generations superior to anything found on Earth.

Instead of immediately responding to Jagoda's inquiry, Vahn poured himself a cup of tea, enjoying the fragrant aroma for several long seconds before answering, "Such questions cannot be answered in a way that would satisfy your curiosities. All you need to know is that, at least for the time being, I harbor no ill-will towards the Hellas Empire. I am not the agent of a foreign country, nor did I have the intention of harming your Princess. In fact, had I not been confused by the events leading to my arrival, I would have alighted the Palace before anyone knew I was here."

Seeing the [Jurist Scale] continue to remain idle, Jagoda couldn't help but frown as she stated, "You seem to be telling the truth...assuming that is the case, this has just become a far more complicated matter. Even if you are not an enemy of the Hellas Empire, we cannot allow the Emperor of a foreign nation to freely wander about our territory. It is also true that, regardless of your intentions, you have trespassed the Imperial Palace and injured dozens of Imperial Guards. Even if you were acting out of self-defense, you still violated the laws of the Empire. Those who attempted to harm you will face a punishment of their own, but, regardless of the circumstances, the facts are are a criminal within the Hellas Empire..."

As if it didn't particularly concern him, Vahn issued a light hum before musing, "I am well aware of my wrongdoings. Had I not been, I would not have allowed myself to be imprisoned like this. To that end, so long as you do not resort to anything excessive, I am willing to seek absolution. I have never once considered myself above the law, so I will face my punishment with dignity. Just remember who I am and the title I long as you do not forget yourselves, I will tolerate your Empire's laws..."

Hearing Vahn's words, Jagoda had a terrible sense of foreboding that was further exacerbated when the [Jurist Scale] suddenly indicated he was lying. This seemed to surprise the man himself, causing a light chuckle to escape his lips as he winked and said, "At the very least, I can promise not to go out of my way to harm the innocent. If anything were to happen, it would be the direct result of a flaw in your Empire's system. So long as my bottom line is not tested, I am a relatively harmless individual..."

Following Vahn's words, the [Jurist Scale] immediately returned to a state of balance, indicating he was telling the truth. This left Jagoda without an immediate response to his statement, her mind racing to process the information she had obtained during the 'interrogation'. She was intending to have the [Jurist Scale] checked for any kind of anomalous tampering, but, seeing the scales move in response to Vahn's words, their weight increased exponentially...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Hellas Emperor's Pampered Princess...','Vahn about to take this world by storm...','The weight of an Emperor's promise is immeasurable (UwU)...')

(A/N: I was going to post this after the reset tomorrow, as today is supposed to be my rest day, but I decided to just release it now. This is going towards my 100k promised words though, so keep that in mind if you want to scrutinize me at the end of the week xD...) <-(p.atreon link)

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Chapter 1533: Intentions

Unable to decide the fate of an 'Emperor' on her own, Jagoda had the Imperial Guards prepare one of the suites typically reserved for housing foreign dignitaries. These were well-furnished rooms that were dutifully attended by the Imperial Palace's service staff. They were also equipped with powerful defensive spells that made it very difficult to break in, and out, of the room's interior. This effectively made the rooms very lavish cells, ensuring foreign dignitaries weren't saboteurs and spies.

Fortunately, Vahn was very compliant with their demands, even agreeing to allow members of the Sealing Corps to place a powerful barrier around the room. He didn't seem to particularly care what methods they used to try and keep him contained, so long as they didn't tarnish his dignity. Rather, much to the chagrin of Jagoda and the Imperial Guard, he seemed to find their efforts 'amusing', his face fixed in a perpetual smile that radiated confidence. It was almost as if he believed nothing could harm him, frustrating quite a number of people...


Several hours after requesting an audience, Jagoda found herself bowing low reverentially before a man with a sturdy figure, a kind smile, a mane of golden hair, and, most notably, two blazing golden eyes. He was a veteran of hundreds of battles, granting him an inherent ferocity that belied the great wisdom he had accumulated over nearly three hundred years as Emperor. This was none other than the Four Emperor of the Hellas Empire, Michael Bashireia Herasu De Vesuperisujimia, the man known to many as the Great Lion of the South.

Having heard Jagoda's report, Michael, simply known as Mike or Leo to his friends, had a thoughtful look on his face as he asked, "So, you're telling me the man that mysteriously appeared in the room of my daughter is the Emperor of an Empire we have never heard of? How certain are you...?"

With her head still bowed low, Jagoda unhesitantly answered, "I had Magister Orlich to analyze the [Jurist Scale] to ensure it hadn't been tampered with. Based on his analysis, there is reason to believe that man, Vahn Aldrnari Mason, is telling the truth."

Hearing Jagoda's response, Michael issued a low 'hooo...' before leaning to the side and using his hand to support his chin. He didn't doubt the veracity of Jagoda's claims, but, based on the title that was associated with Vahn, things could become troublesome. It could just be something arbitrarily made up, much like his own 'Great Lion of the South', but, considering it included his status as an Emperor, it was dangerous to make assumptions. Terms like 'Sage' and 'Dragon' weren't things that couldn't be overlooked, with the former belonging to a very rare classification of Alchemists and the latter belonging to one of the most powerful species in Mundus Magicus.

In the Magical World, the majority of Magical Creature, including Demihumans, possessed the ability to transition between a humanoid form and a bestial form. Generally speaking, the stronger an entity was, the more convincing it's 'human' transformation was. This had always been a contentious issue for the more 'zealous' factions among the Demihumans, but, when it came to classifying the power of Dragons, Demons, and Spirits, their ability to disguise as humans often directly represented their overall power. This held true even for their Guardian Spirit, who, every now and then, manifested as a kindly old man to hand out candy to children in the streets.

Though it wasn't likely, there was a non-negligible chance that Vahn, who seemingly appeared out of thin air, was a type of Dragon. They had a very strong connection to the Spirits, more so than even the High Elves of Elfenhof. Since it was reported that Vahn was able to manifest items and freely use magic, even in a cell designed to inhibit its use, it was obvious he had a very powerful connection to the Spirits. This was something that could be overlooked, as, during the reign of his father, Michael had witnessed a coastal city completely flattened by the Greater Elemental Spirit, Gnome. From then onward, he never underestimated the might of Spirit Magic, even going so far as to issue research grants to ensure their most brilliant minds were constantly making breakthroughs in its usage...

After organizing his thoughts, Michael turned his gaze back to Jagoda, asking, "You said he is willing to accept responsibility for his crimes...what do you make of this?"

Realizing what her Emperor was asking, Jagoda paused for a brief moment before saying, "I believe he wants to test himself...there is an aura of supreme confidence that permeates the air around him, almost as if he fears nothing. If my speculation is correct...I believe he is trying to test for what his true purpose is, I cannot say. All I know for certain is that my instincts are screaming at me to not underestimate him..."

As one of the most powerful combatants within his Empire, Michael had also felt the terrifying aura that was released when Vahn summoned Laev-tan. He had even convened an emergency council to discuss the matter prior to Jagoda's arrival, ultimately culminating in his daughter being taken away to a safe location. The fact Vahn had appeared in her room was enough of a reason to temporarily remove her from the Palace, as, due to her rather 'spirited' nature, there was a very real chance she might sneak into the dungeon to visit her would-be assassin.

Restraining a sigh, Michael looked toward the direction of the Coliseum, lamenting the fact that Jack had recently departed to subdue a rampaging sea monster near the coast. He was still young, but, if they were to go all-out against each other, Michael wasn't sure he could win without wasting some of the Empire's trump cards. The youth had even picked a fight with their Guardian Spirit as part of his request for securing a hundred victories in the Coliseum. In the end, neither had been able to get an advantage against the other, but, as a result of that encounter, Jack had become another one of the Empire's Guardians.

Remembering the battle between Jack and Vrixho, a smile spread across Michael's face. He had quite a bit of fondness for the rather barbaric youth, even allowing his youngest daughter to treat him like an older brother. If not for Jack being half-human, making it impossible for the Aristocracy to accept him, he might have even engaged the two once his daughter matured. Unfortunately, even if he was to make an exception, Jack would die of old age long before the time of their actual wedding...

Shaking his head, Michael looked back at Jagoda, stating, "I believe your speculation is correct. There is a fair chance this Sage Dragon Emperor comes from a world beyond Mundus Magicus. At the very least, we can be relatively certain he holds no ill-will towards my daughter. If he is as powerful as the reports make him out to be, I fear she would have already been taken or killed. For now, we will test his capabilities by having him fight in the Coliseum. I am tempted to pardon him, but, based on your account, I believe he 'wants' to fight. This would imply he has some knowledge of our laws, so, until we can ascertain exactly how dangerous he is, it is best to simply observe. Once Jack returns from his subjugation, we will see how he matches up against the reigning Champion..."

Hearing her Emperor mention Jack's name, Jagoda had to restrain a sigh of her own as she recalled the man barging into the Palace several times over the last few years. There was almost nothing they could do about him, as, even after offending some of the more 'troublesome' factions, he had come out unscathed. The Second Prince has even hired an Assassin graded as an S-Rank threat, but, three days after accepting the commission, the Assassin ended up crucified in the central courtyard of the Second Prince's estate.

If she were being honest, Jagoda felt Jack was one of the greatest threats to the Empire, but, in spite of this, the Emperor and the Third Princess seemed fond of him. Jack would even call the Emperor by his nickname, and, on one occasion, he even helped the Third Princess sneak out to go view matches in the Coliseum. He was a completely unfettered individual who simply did as he pleased, a veritable nightmare for those who were tasked with upholding the law. After all, even if they pinned crimes on him, he would simply regain his freedom by battling in the Coliseum...

Ignoring her own apprehensions, Jagoda lowed her head even further, saying, "Your will be done." in a respectful tone. Then, after being granted permission to leave, she slowly rose to her feet, keeping her head bowed and taking nine steps back before turning around. She now had her orders, so, even if Vahn was an Emperor, she would carry out the will of her own. As for her personal feelings toward Jack, they meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. His power had removed quite a number of threats to the Empire and its people, so, even if his mere presence infuriated her, she was able to tolerate him for the sake of the Empire...


Much like when he had first entered the Nasuverse, Vahn had some difficulty trying to sense certain areas with his domain. Unlike the Nasuverse, however, it didn't take long for him to probe such areas with his intent, even entering the most secure regions of the Imperial Palace without notice. Even if it was an area protected by powerful ancient wards, completely separating the interior space form the outside, he was able to send his intent forward all the same.

When it came to gathering information or spying on people, Vahn had reached a level that would horrify anyone with secrets to keep. He could even spy on Tier 5 deities like the Olympians, so, when it came time for Jagoda to meet with the Emperor, Vahn's intent was right there alongside her. As a result, his casual smile had turned into an excited grin after hearing the Emperor's orders regarding his treatment.

Though it wouldn't take much effort for him to simply leave and track down someone like Jack using his own means, Vahn didn't want to be labeled as a criminal just yet. He would rather be feared and discussed behind the scenes rather than have an international bounty placed on his head. While this might not matter in the long run, the Great Magic War was less than two years away. Many powerful figures would appear during that time, and, at one point, one of the most legendary groups to ever grace the Magical World would be formed, Ala Rubra.

While history never specifically stated when the battle would occur, Vahn knew that Ala Rubra would be in direct contention to the group backed by the Mage of the Beginning, Cosmo Entelecheia. If he timed things correctly, dealing with the Mage of the Beginning might change from a difficult feat to a relatively simple matter. Thus, while he had no intention to join Ala Rubra directly, Vahn believed it wouldn't be such a bad idea to befriend them. This was, of course, assuming he didn't meet up with Eva early on and increase his power to monstrous levels...

As it stood, Vahn didn't have the intention of being directly affiliated with any nation. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't become involved with them during his travels. He had always possessed a fondness for so-called Demi-humans, and, at some point, he was bound to come across injustices he simply couldn't ignore. Even now, he was able to detect some of the Palace staff walking around with slave collars on their necks, and, like every country, there seemed to be a mind-numbing amount of shady dealings taking place beneath the surface.

Even if he didn't plan to settle in a specific location, part of being a Vagrant Hero was being a busy-body that was hated by the Aristocracy and loved by the people. So long as his power and mobility transcended their ability to deal with, he could basically do whatever he wanted. He already had the intention of pretty much freeing most slaves he encountered, and, if he discovered them, it was all but guaranteed he would bury any 'disreputable' organizations. This would undoubtedly undermine the balance within nations, creating a power vacuum that would be readily filled by other criminals, but, if he kept it up, even the vilest individuals would begin to lay low.

With Eva being famous enough that mothers used her name to scare their children into obedience, Vahn was intended to become a name that caused criminals, including Nobles, to tremble. He might even dabble in 'replacing' world leaders with dangerous mentalities, preventing the coming war, or, at the very least, stopping it from reaching the point of becoming 'Great'. He already planned to visit Ostia, the so-called 'Holy Land' of the Magical World, once he finished acclimating to the Record. If he took action early on, he would be able to prevent the country's destruction, avoiding the loss of millions of lives and the forceful enslavement of tens-of-millions of innocents.

Most historians still debated what exactly transpired to trigger the onset of the Great Magic War, but none of them argued which nation had suffered the most. Ostia was currently the most scenic nation in the entire Magical World, and, though its technology suffered behind some of the more 'forward-thinking' nations, its magical might was second to none. It was considered by many to be the literal heart of Mundus Magicus, representing the oldest nation in existence, Vespertatia. Their Royal Family were the only wielders of Royal and Ancient Magic in the entire world, and, according to speculation, they were descended directly from the 'Life Maker', one of many aliases belonging to the Mage of the Beginning.

Even if his primary goal was to find, save, and protect Eva, that didn't mean Vahn would turn a blind eye to everything else. He wouldn't just let some 'evil organization' do whatever they wanted behind the scenes, especially if it involved the sacrifice of literal millions of people. Rather, unless he wanted to go picking fights with the Greater Elementals and Guardian Spirits, battling against the members of Cosmo Entelecheia was the best possible way to polish his skill. This would also set back the plans of the Mage of the Beginning, an enemy he would undoubtedly have to face in the future. Eva would not simply abandon the Record until she had her revenge, and, after making a promise, Vahn would go to extreme lengths to keep it...

With a light knock sounding from the reinforced wooden door of his 'suite', Vahn retracted his intent and said, "You may enter..." in a calm tone. He already knew who had arrived so he wasn't phased in the slightest when Jagoda, accompanied by two relatively powerful people, entered the room.

Without beating around the bush, Jagoda stated in the firmest tone she could manage, "After careful deliberation, your sentence has been decided. In accordance with Title 8, Chapter 38, sub-sections 10 and 23, you have been sentenced to gladiatorial service for a period not exceeding two years. During that time, so long as you are able to secure one-hundred consecutive victories, you will be pardoned of all wrong-doing, your record expunged, and your name cleared. Do you have any questions?"

Rather than answer immediately, Vahn rose from the edge of his bed, causing the rather brutish man behind Jagoda to place his hand on the hilt of his sword. He looked like the type of person that had lived his entire life on the battlefield, his bronzed body covered in dozens of scars as a rather potent killing intent permeated through his aura. As for the other man, he had the appearance of an elderly scholar, but, of the two, Vahn knew the latter was far more dangerous.

Ignoring the glare he was receiving from the 213cm tall man, Vahn returned a casual smile and said, "Very well. As I stated previously, I am willing to be held accountable for my wrongdoings. However, I also remember stating you should not forget my status..."

With SSS-Rank [Shundo], Vahn appeared behind the trio before his original body showed any signs of dispersing, adding, "Addressing an Emperor as 'you' isn't exactly appropriate...I will overlook it in this instance, but you would do well to remember basic propriety in the future..."

Without waiting for Jagoda's response, Vahn departed the open door, causing the waiting platoon of Imperial Guards to form a phalanx-like formation as they slowly backed away from him. They would not attack until instructed, but, when a loud metallic sound echoed in the surroundings, some of the less disciplined men nearly fired their paralyzing beams on impulse. After all, it wasn't every day you saw the Commander of the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Court Mage collapse in an instant...

As if he hadn't just knocked out two of the most powerful people in the Hellas Empire, Vahn held out his wrists to the encirclement, a smile on his face as he asked, "Shall we depart...?"

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'There is no contest between a Dragon and a Lion~','Vahn about to rain on the parade of so many people xD...','Bullying is not okay...!!') <-(p.atreon link)

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  • World Background

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