Solon had already been experiencing a powerful migraine after learning that Vahn had invaded the Trambelio estate. When the massive explosion occurred over the city, it felt like something snapped inside of their brain and, rather than anger or frustration, they felt a distinct lack of emotion as their eyes reflected the devastation surrounding London...
The Clock Tower was in a chaotic state but, compared to what was happening outside the isolated Bounded Field, it was a scene of relative peace. Solon had already issued a state similar to Martial Law, preventing movement between the Clock Tower and the outside world. This was both to protect the students and faculty while also preventing anyone from going outside and adding to the chaos.
As an organization that had stood for more than two-thousand years, the Clock Tower had various emergency protocols designed to maintain secrecy and order. Even during the great fire of London and two successive world wars, their existence had never been threatened as the Bounded Field that protected the institution was one of the most powerful in the entire world. It could even withstand a direct strike from a meteorite, much less an atomic bomb.
Rather than worry about the Clock Tower itself, Solon was more troubled by the escalation of force between the Empire and the Trambelio family. They couldn't understand how things had developed to this point in such a short period of time. The only thing that made any sense was if the Trambelio family, on the verge of being wiped out, decided to take everyone else with them. This seemed to be the only real possibility as Solon had learned that Vahn was the one to protect the estate, not the forces of the Trambelio family...
This bit of information did not allow Solon even a moment of peace, however, as Zelretch revealed exactly what it was Vahn had used to deal with the undocumented orbital weapon. He had used the most terrifying existence in the world as a weapon, something Zelretch had been making plans to battle against for over three hundred years. Even then, they claimed it would take an estimated one-hundred-and-fifty years before they were ready to face against the monstrous entity so, knowing it was willing to move at Vahn's behest, Solon knew the only thing preventing the Empire's rise was Vahn's willingness to act.
Though they would never admit it, Solon had been relatively enthused about the last month as the benefits the Clock Tower had received from the Empire were plentiful. The Atlas Temple was working with them more proactively than ever before while Da Vinci had provided information regarding her Unified Thaumaturgical Theory for 'peer review'. If things continued uninhibited, the Clock Tower was set to enter a period of rapid advancement and prosperity, one which might redress the stagnation that had plagued the organization for centuries.
Now, due to the petty and self-serving actions of a few greedy individuals, all of that was on the verge of collapse. Solon had learned that the Trambelio family had gone out of their way to put pressure on various smaller families, conspiring to set in motion a series of events to show the larger Magus community that the Empire was not some untouchable existence they should fear. The plot involved assassinating several students but the most important objective had been to secure blood and tissue samples of Mordred's and Sakura's bodies...
Solon couldn't believe how foolish the entire plot was as it showed a clear misunderstanding of the Empire's capabilities. The Nobles treated the Empire as just another one of their rivals and, while it was inarguable that the latter had immense power, it never crossed the minds of the established families that they were truly unbeatable. Rather, the efforts of the Empire to negotiate and pursue civil dialogue made them appear weak and exploitable. They saw the benefits the Clock Tower had received over the last month and interpreted this, not as a show of wealth and power, but a bribe for peace...
Ultimately, the current chaos was a direct result of the deeply rooted corruption and pretentious mindsets common amongst the members of prestigious Noble families. Even when they were clearly at a disadvantage, they acted as if they were in a superior position at all times. They would scheme and machinate to better their position and, failing to do so through above-board means, they always used underhanded schemes to further their interests. There was no limit to their depravity when it came to securing their position and authority as, prior to the emergence of the Empire, the policy of the Mage's Association was to largely ignore any action that didn't directly expose the existence of Magecraft.
Solon had never been fond of this policy but, recognizing the futility of keeping order while trying to restrain the Nobles, they opted to turn a blind eye to the truth. Trying to force them to obey would either split the Mage's Association further or lead to an outright Civil War. This would cause the Holy Church to take action and, after decades of fighting, the world lay in ruin. Several incidents like this had occurred throughout history and, each time a major battle occurred, various legacies would be lost, never to be recovered.
The Mage's Association existed to prevent the stagnation and degradation of Magecraft and, as no Thaumaturgical field was inherently evil, people had been taking advantage of it for millennia. Now, with the emergence of the Empire, their efforts to preserve their legacy would be their undoing. The deeply rooted corruption that was ushering the world toward its destruction would not be tolerated by the alien Emperor and, with a floating fortress hovering above the city of London, Solon knew the day of reckoning had come...
From behind Solon, Zelretch had been watching the city burn in silent contemplation. His usual smile was nowhere to be seen as this incident was something that couldn't be completely covered up. The Atlas Temple may have dominion over virtually all telecommunications networks but, with millions of witnesses and the apparent disregard of Vahn, the information was bound to spread.
Gripping the handle of his cane tightly, Zelretch shook his head and muttered, "I fear the world is not ready for this...the civil unrest alone will collapse several countries..."
Hearing Zelretch's remark, Solon gave an understanding nod, adding, "Billions will will be the greatest tragedy the world has ever think that, even before Angra Mainyu's emergence, the world as we know it will be destroyed."
Zelretch released a profound sigh in response to Solon's words. He knew the responsibility for this incident couldn't be laid squarely on Vahn's shoulders but, depending on how things developed, a large scale war could break out. The revelation that Magic is a real phenomenon is bound to shake the very foundation of modern society so, over the next few months, millions of people worldwide are bound to awaken magical and paranormal abilities...
Just as Zelretch was lamenting allowing things to develop to this point, Solon interrupted his train of thought, stating, "I always knew things would reach this point, eventually. What matters is not the destruction to come, but the society we will build in its wake. The Empire cannot be stopped so we can only endeavor to avoid repeating the same mistakes as our predecessors..."
Having never expected Solon to throw their lot in with the Empire so readily, Zelretch's smile crept back upon his wrinkled face as he asked, "Oh~? What has you suddenly believing in the future that Vahn wants to create...?"
Solon's dull expression morphed into one of anger and annoyance as they heard the teasing tone underlying Zelretch's words. In response to the elderly Magus' remark, Solon turned back and said, "That man is able to bend the very world itself to his will. Alaya would not follow him if he did not care about the preservation of mankind. Since there is no sense in trying to oppose him, it is better that we change our perspective and begin considering how to develop alongside the Empire. Even if the current Mage's Association is destroyed, that does not mean it can't be rebuilt..."
If he was slightly surprised by Solon's earlier words, Zelretch was shocked by what his green-haired companion had to say in response to his teasing. He could understand the reasoning, of course, but Solon's character wasn't the kind that would acquiesce so easily. Something must have happened to change their mind while he was away...
Realizing this, Zelretch stared into the large projection of the outside world and, as if understanding his thoughts, the white-haired magus reflected inside looked back, a smile on his face. This caused Zelretch to release an even deeper sigh than before while, understanding what the old man must be thinking, Solon's expression turned dour as magical power began to build in the surroundings.
Before Solon could lash out, Zelretch tapped his cane against the floor, saying, "I will reach out to our branches throughout the world. We'll begin moving people into the underground shelters that had been prepared during the second world war. I'll leave you to contact the Wandering that okay with you?"
Having calmed down a bit, Solon smoothed out the wrinkles in their robes before replying, "Those old monsters will likely close the gate soon. We won't have to worry about them until the dust starts to settle. When that happens, they're certain to try and contact the Empire to establish an Alliance so there is no reason to pay them a visit."
Zelretch just shrugged in response to Solon's words before vanishing in mid-movement. He had a lot of people to contact before this incident became a global catastrophe so there wasn't much time to waste. There would be no end to the number of opportunistic Magi looking to take advantage of the coming chaos so they needed to secure all of the most important heritages and legacies before they either disappeared in the flow of history or fell into the hands of people looking to seize power for themselves...
With Zelretch's departure, Solon allowed their shoulders to slump as they pulled out a plush cushion and plopped down, fatigue settling into their usually tireless body. It took more restraint than they knew they had to prevent themselves from teleporting to Vahn's side and lambasting the idiotic man for continually escalating the situation. Even now, it wouldn't be impossible for them to cover up this incident as there was an ancient formation present that could alter the memories of everyone in the city without much effort. As for the destruction surrounding London, they could lay the blame on the sun as, while the emerald light had been visible to those sensitive to magical phenomena, normal humans wouldn't have been able to see it.
The primary issue was that Vahn clearly had no intention of keeping the existence of Magic a secret. He had clearly stated this in the past and, after the Trambelio family pulled this stunt, it was obvious that the Emperor had lost his patience with the Magus community. His efforts over the last month had shown he was willing to play ball and wait until a more opportune moment to take action but, as if they couldn't wait to seek death, a bunch of fools had decided to take advantage of this fact to antagonize a force that wiped a Monarchal family off the face of the planet in a single evening...
Solon knew that the Trambelio family must have secured their legacy prior to taking action so, even if they lost the majority of their assets, they could still paint the Empire as the enemy. They would then lay low, potentially for decades, before once again emerging as a powerful family within the Magus community, likely with a different surname.
What the Trambelio family couldn't have expected was that Vahn was more than willing to play the part of the villain if it meant making the world a better place. It was impossible to avoid this label as, by implementing change that people were not ready for, he would always be painted as the villain. People would fight tooth and nail to protect their current way of life, even if it meant fighting and dying for people that had been exploiting them for generations. In their minds, Vahn was the enemy so long as their government or a few influential members of the community said he was. It didn't matter what the truth was as, in the end, truth and justice were always decided by the victors...
(A/N: FYI, I'm still ill so chapters are coming out when I feel like it xD. You'll notice that my writing becomes a little darker every time I get sick, hahahaha~) <-(p.atreon link)
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Though it didn't make him feel as powerful as his normal Throne, Vahn found the one situated near the heart of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to be comfortable. It had thick cushions on the arms, back, and seat area while, a stark contrast to the dark and awe-inspiring atmosphere that dominated his Throne Room, the central chambers of the Gardens was well lit by large crystals that cast gentle rays of light upon the various plants scattered in the surrounding area.
If not for the fact that the city below was still smoldering from the now-extinguished fires, despite several hours having passed, Vahn would have found the peaceful atmosphere very relaxing. Instead, he had a serious and focused expression on his eyes darted around, seeing far beyond the confines of the Gardens as he worked to protect those in need while punishing those who sought to exploit the chaos for personal benefit. This included the various people who, for reasons he would never be able to fathom, believed it was a good idea to take potshots at the Hanging Gardens from various places throughout the city...
From the moment the Hanging Gardens had been summoned, Vahn had been expecting a response from Solon or Zelretch but, even as the sun began its descent over the horizon, neither had deigned to appear. This seemed to imply their acquiescence but, as it hadn't really mattered if they were on the same page as him, Vahn impatiently awaited the moment when he would take to the stage once more.
With the Atlas Temple working closely with the Empire, Da Vinci had been able to integrate Shadow, the secondary system of Ark, into the telecommunications network of the entire planet. This allowed them to basically hack every computer system, television, and phone so, once everything was ready, Vahn would be addressing the world. Various news organizations had been streaming the incident since the start, some laying the blame for the city's destruction on the Hanging Gardens while others speculated whether or not the floating fortress was some kind of alien craft.
What annoyed Vahn the most about these news organizations is that, rather than focus on the actual crisis below, they were more interested in speculation and making the story sound more interesting to the people. They did everything they could to stir up their viewers, ignoring the fact that hundreds of homunculi were aiding people while the Gardens had simply been hovering silently for hours. He had known that the fortress would draw a lot of attention but, seeing how they basically ignored any positive aspects of this incident, all for ratings, Vahn was growing frustrated.
To further exacerbate matters, there had been helicopters flying around the periphery of the Gardens while, in the distance, jets were circling in a large perimeter. These were military craft, each armed to the teeth with advanced missile and targetting systems. Vahn could intercept the radio transmissions between them so he knew they were preparing for a coordinated attack.
Vahn knew there were people manipulating both the military and media from behind the scenes as Shadow was able to see their communications in real-time. If he wanted to, Vahn could shut down the entire network or prevent these messages from reaching their destination but, after everything that had happened, part of him wanted them to attack.
The more violent the response from the government and military, the more leverage Vahn would have in his upcoming address. He was willing to accept the hatred and ire of the entire world but, rather than conquest, the Empire would shape the world by setting an example and providing aid to those in need. At the same time, he would expose the evil hiding beneath the surface of society, all while simultaneously spreading knowledge of Thaumaturgy and supernatural phenomenon to the public.
It was high time that the people knew the truth about the world they lived in and, if they could not change course, their end would be of their own making. The Empire would not tolerate governments manipulating their people while a secret society of powerful individuals ran everything from behind the scenes. He would expose everything, including the fact that the planet itself was a living creature. If people could not see reason, he had no reason to pander to them and continue the destructive cycle that was leading the world to ruin...
Still, Vahn wasn't just going to arbitrarily sacrifice half the world's population just to prove a point so, while his right hand tapped impatiently against the Throne's armrest, his left held a miniature golden chalice that, from the moment he had pulled it out, caught Alaya's attention. This was the [Grace of the Root], the Unique item he had obtained after completing the [Cup of Heaven] Quest. It allowed him to make any wish within the world's power to grant so, while it had a rather simple appearance, the tiny golden chalice effectively had 100,000,000,000,000 units of magical energy sealed within...
While Vahn was idling about on 'her' Throne, Semiramis was sitting silently at the side in a chair that had been set out for her. She would periodically glare at him but, as Vahn had other things to focus on, he pretended not to notice. He knew she was just fishing for attention and, while he didn't mind teasing her under normal circumstances, now was neither the time nor the place. Semiramis herself was fully aware of this but she was still annoyed that Vahn had basically commandeered her Noble Phantasm for his personal use.
If she were being honest, Semiramis was actually a little happy that her hard work was being put to use; She just wished that Vahn had been a little more grateful. Instead, he had been sitting on her Throne staring off into blank space for hours. She knew he was focused on the crises below but, with multiple bodies at his disposal, he should have been able to spare her a few minutes as a courtesy, if nothing else...
Feeling that her presence was pointless, Semiramis ultimately rose from her seat before remarking in a cold tone, "I will be retiring to my bedchamber...if you break my Gardens, I will not rest until your stomach is black and shriveled."
Hearing Semiramis' remark, Vahn finally looked toward her and, seeing the raven-haired woman in a dour mood, he released a minute sigh. Had the circumstances not been what they were, he wouldn't have been so forceful in his actions. With this in mind, he gestured for her to come to his side and, though she just stared back at him at first, she eventually came over as called. He knew she must be thinking, 'Is this my chance...?' but, after everything he had experienced, Vahn wasn't so easily wiled.
Though Vahn hadn't given her leniency to do so, Semiramis opted to take a seat on his lap as her disposition changed in an instant. Before she was able to do something regrettable, Vahn took the initiative away from her, lightly pinching Semiramis' nose. This caused her expression to freeze, her lips slightly parted as if she couldn't find any words to express the incredulity and confusion she was experiencing as a result of the unexpected action.
Before she could recover, Vahn allowed a smile to return to his face as he remarked, "One day, I'd like to see a real smile on your face. Sorry if I upset you..."
As Vahn spoke, he gently caressed the confused woman's face before running his fingers down the long fringe bangs that framed her figure. She didn't notice it herself but her long elf-like ears had drooped slightly and, though she didn't blush, he could feel the turmoil of her emotions.
After finally collecting herself, Semiramis used her delicate fingers to remove Vahn's hand and, as if her heart wasn't racing, she maintained an elegant and dignified demeanor as she remarked, "You should not touch a lady without her permission...don't tell me even His Majesty is a base beast that doesn't consider the feelings of others...?"
Rather than be offended by Semiramis' biting remark, Vahn was more amused than anything else. He knew she was what people referred to as a Tsundere so she had a tendency to make harsh remarks whenever she felt embarrassed. This was one of the reasons he liked to tease her but, considering the circumstances, he just lightly poked her lower back with his index finger, remarking, "That is an interesting thing to say considering where you are sitting, Queen Semiramis..."
Though it didn't show in her expression at all, Vahn could sense Semiramis' heart beating madly in her chest as she lightly harumphed, her face turned away from him as she retorted, "I'm allowed to sit here whenever I'd like. You didn't even ask for permission before sitting on my Throne so don't try to lay the blame on uncouth..."
This time, Vahn lightly chuckled in response to Semiramis' quip before moving his right hand to comb through her long black hair as he said, "You should go and rest. When all of this is over, I'll help you comb your hair as an apology..."
Hearing Vahn's remark, Semiramis turned to face him, her pale golden eyes, reminiscent of a snake, coming into focus as she stared back at him. Then, after squinting at him, she slowly rose to her feet before gliding toward a small chamber hidden at the back of the Throne Room. It wasn't until she had covered nearly half the distance that she finally decided to respond, her back facing him as she muttered, "It is a privilege to comb my hair...if you truly want to apologize, come up with something that isn't a reward for yourself..."
With her words finished, Semiramis continued toward her hidden bedchamber, her long hair flowing behind her like a cape as it magically slid across the ground without dirtying. It was nearly 200cm in length which, when compared to Semiramis' height of 167cm, made it seem even longer. She called it a reward but, considering it took nearly three hours to brush and style her hair, Vahn knew it was a laborious task that Semiramis enjoyed forcing upon others.
Despite this, Vahn decided he would come up with another form of apology but, with more pressing matters to attend, the smile quickly faded from his face, replaced by a stern and intense expression. The power grid itself had been damaged by the previous shockwave so, with dusk approaching, an all-consuming darkness began to descend upon London and the surrounding cities. Vahn knew this was the period when people would be at their worst while, under the cover of darkness, the military would soon begin its assault...
If they attacked during the day, it would be too easy for people to see that the military was attacking the Hanging Gardens one-sidedly. By waiting until the sun had gone down, they could spin the story into some grand tale of battle where both sides fought against each other. Some of the pilots even had orders to attack the ground, targetting the relief efforts directly for the sole purpose of lending credibility to the narrative they intended to spin.
With the government and military acting as the puppets of the various families, they would stop at nothing to try and make the Empire out to be the villain. To them, it didn't matter how many normal people died, so long as they were able to keep the power and authority they had accrued over the millennia. Rather, the more chaos they could cause, the easier it would be to shift the blame to the Empire as they desperately machinated behind the scenes.
At this point, the Noble families had realized that he wasn't going to keep playing around with them so, while many of the had been content to lay low, they were now forced into action just by the mere fact that Vahn was sitting idly in the Hanging Gardens. They had already moved their most important assets to 'secure' locations so, even if they started a war and lost 'everything', they would be able to avoid the fate of the Barthomeloi family. This was, of course, a mistaken belief on their part so, once they threw propriety out the window, Vahn wouldn't hesitate to do the same...
For now, however, he watched silently as the light of the sun slowly faded over the horizon...
(A/N: I'm starting to feel better but I'm still having a few coughing fits and a light fever. I'm getting plenty of fluids in my body and a lot of rest so I'm hoping to be back in working order soon. After this, I think I may need to reevaluate my dietary choices and other bad habits xD...) <-(p.atreon link)
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