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48.03% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1131: Inescapable Fate

Chapter 1131: Inescapable Fate

Finding himself in the bluish-black space once again, Vahn wasn't at all surprised to find that Akasha was already waiting for him. Before she could 'take' a sample from him, Vahn held out his hand to produce a small, crystal clear ball of liquid that had a subtle silver hue to it. Without needing to ask what he was doing, Akasha extended her hand, replacing the small sphere of liquid with yet another [Divine Energy Cube]. Then, before she could leave, Vahn quickly produced an extra heart from his chest before holding out a second liquid sphere, this one having a milky-pink color. In response to this, Akasha plainly stated, "I have only been given permission to accept one sample at a time. Please return here later if you would like to carry out another exchange." With that said, she vanished into the ground without another word, leaving Vahn sighing as he allowed the bone marrow sphere and still-beating heart to dissipate, returning them to his body.

Since he had already anticipated Akasha's response, as their initial agreement had him carrying out only a single exchange at a time, Vahn didn't let it bother him too much. It was obvious that her superior's wanted to prevent him from having too much power without observing how he gains his own. If he carried out all of the transactions, this would give him nearly twenty-five billion OP, an amount that he would be able to exploit quite a bit if given the opportunity. This current agreement allowed them to place a limiter of sorts on his growth, forcing him to put in more effort instead of just relying on what they could provide him. Since he still had access to the Throne of Heroes, however, Vahn didn't really care all that much since the [Divine Energy Cube]s were just a means to an end for him.

Deciding to focus on why he had come here in the first place, Vahn walked over to the black stone platforms and began sifting through the three different screens. It didn't take him long to locate Irisviel's name but, unlike the other Irisviel's from other timelines, there were two names associated with his timeline's version. Even stranger still was that both names were greyed out, causing Vahn to frown as he asked the Throne of Heroes, "What is going on?". This was the first time Vahn saw such a phenomenon but, fortunately, a synthetic voice answered, *The entity known as Irisviel von Einzbern current exists within your present timeline. Her physical body had been converted into the Third Holy Grail before ultimately being destroyed by the entity known as Artoria Pendragon. To summon this entity, you need to either summon her as a Heroic Spirit or provide a suitable vessel for her soul to inhabit.*

Vahn wasn't too surprised by the fact that Irisviel's soul still persisted in his current timeline, as she was closely associated with the Heaven's Feel Ritual, so he didn't bother asking questions he knew the Throne wouldn't answer. Instead, he asked, "What constitutes a 'suitable vessel'?" In response to this, the synthetic voice answered, *There would be issues with compatibility, but it is possible to use any spiritual object or significantly advanced homunculus as a vessel. It is also possible for the entity known as Irisviel von Einzbern to possess the body of a living human, though they would have to be willing."

With the Throne's answer, Vahn knew it was essentially saying that Irisviel could be sealed within a Mystic Codex, turning it into a 'sentient treasure' much like Gray's Add. This was actually something he was very interested in but, imagining the look Illya would give him if he brought her mother back as a sword or a staff prevented him from giving in to his curiosity. Thus, while thinking about the type of vessel he should prepare, Vahn looked through the displays to see Irisviel's parameters and skills. Somewhat surprisingly, she qualified for the Caster, Lancer, and Avenger Servant Classes. He knew the Avenger version of Irisviel would probably be 'very' troublesome but the other two seemed rather interesting. The only downside was that her parameters were even lower than Circe's, even with the 'correction' provided by being summoned as a Heroic Spirit. This was because, while she was indeed present on the Throne of Heroes, Irisviel had no 'legend' whatsoever, meaning she was significantly weaker than the standard Heroic Spirit...

Knowing that Irisviel was supposed to be based on the same type of homunculus as Justeaze, Vahn recalled the latter's appearance as he removed his shirt and focused his mind. Then, in a display that would cause a number of people to feel nauseous, Vahn's back began to bubble as the body of a fully formed woman began to emerge from his back, supported by his telekinesis until she had been completely separated a few minutes later. Without his soul inside of it, the body was bound to turn to dust after around twenty-four hours but, as existences like Fenrir and Medusa were able to exist as 'pure' Source Energy, Vahn felt that infusing Irisviel's soul into the faux body he had produced would be possible. This was an idea he had come up with after Paracelsus, Illya, and Scáthach all explained that it was impossible to create a Homunculus without 'binding' a soul to it from the start. Since Vahn wasn't willing to 'overwrite' the existence of another person, even though they lacked a developed Ego, he had needed to come up with a different solution if he wanted to create bodies for his current Heroic Spirits.

Seeing the naked body he had produced, Vahn had to admit that the ancestors of the Einzberns certainly had good taste. Though it might be a little shameless of him to say, the body he had produced for Irisviel was almost 'flawless' in every way. She had well-developed proportions, giving her a shapely and mature figure, while her long white hair cascaded down like a waterfall as Vahn slowly turned her through the air. The only thing he wasn't 'sure' about was whether or not Irisviel would have had pubic hair but, considering she was a homunculus, this didn't seem all that likely. Just in case, however, he left 'roots' within the area that could be developed if Irisviel pointed out the discrepancy to him in the future. Besides this, the one thing Vahn was slightly worried about was whether or not he had made her butt too big as, even with the small hologram as a reference, it was hard to tell if Justeaze's butt had been big. The only thing he had to go on was Irisviel's chest which, when considering she was only 158cm tall, was rather large at 85cm. Since she was supposed to be 'flawless', Vahn balanced her body out by giving her a waistline of 55cm and full hips that matched her bust size at 85cm. Overall, she had an appearance that models could only ever dream of without even reaching the point that they could be directly compared to Irisviel's beauty...

More than satisfied with his handiwork, Vahn performed a detailed examination of Irisviel's body, including the structure of her internal organs. He had nothing to go on when it came to her Magic Circuits so he gave her a similar structure to Illya, assuming the latter had inherited her own from her mother. In theory, this meant that Irisviel should be even more powerful in the future, even though she would also need to develop her Od from scratch. With a body comprised of Source Energy, however, she would never have an upward limit on her reserves so Vahn was hopeful she would serve as the first example of a successful 'transplant' into a body he had formed for someone else's use. This was very important as, before he saved Eva, Vahn needed to come up with a method that allowed people to follow him from their Record of Origin. If Irisviel was actually able to inhabit a body he had made for her, there was a good chance she would even be able to accompany him to future Records, not that he had such intentions for her...

After dressing Irisviel in a set of lingerie and a nightgown, as it would be somewhat awkward to carry her back to Illya naked, Vahn operated the Throne of Heroes once again, specifying, "I will be using the prepared vessel to house the soul of Irisviel von Einzbern." As soon as he said these words, Vahn noticed the two names were no longer greyed out so he selected the one that couldn't become an Avenger-Class Servant, hoping this meant he would get the 'good' version of Irisviel. It would be best if he was able to rectify the two halves but, considering the other part had likely been corrupted by Angra Mainyu, Vahn would only look into a 'solution' if it turned out to be a problem. Given what he had heard about Irisviel, it was more than a little likely she would be perfectly content working as his Librarian without ever fighting on the frontlines...

When Vahn finalized his selection, he once again found himself standing in the summoning circle with Irisviel's body laying next to him. Since he still had a connection with the body, Vahn knew that Akasha and her superiors hadn't tried to pull a fast one on him. Unless they could replicate his Source Energy, something that was entirely beyond their means, the vessel laying on the ground was the same one he had prepared within the Throne of Heroes. Now, however, Vahn could see the same bluish-white energy that normally formed the body of a Hero flowing into Irisviel's body, causing a powerful vitality to begin emanating from within. At the same time that her heart began beating, Vahn's connecting with the body was completely severed, meaning it was no longer a 'part' of him. This was a good sign and, so long as Irisviel didn't vanish after twenty-four hours, a rather terrifying thought, he could interpret this as a success.

Since it would be awkward to carry multiple people upstairs at the same time, Vahn picked up Irisviel's body before ascending the long flight of stairs connecting to his bedroom. Along the way, he made sure there were no abnormalities within Irisviel's body which, even at this moment, still had a slightly rainbow hue from Vahn's perspective. Though her mana was predominately gold and silver, there was a discernable rainbow coloration mixed in that showed that Irisviel was undoubtedly still a product of his Source Energy. This was very exciting for Vahn as he couldn't observe any instabilities within her body whatsoever, something that would become apparent if he 'severed' his connection with his blood under normal circumstances. At the same time, he smiled when he considered that he and Illya were now truly family through her mother, even though this also made it seem like he was her Grandfather given that Irisviel had been created from his own flesh and blood.

By the time the secret passage had opened up, Illya was already standing on the opposite side with a nervous expression. When she saw her mother in Vahn's arms, her face formed into a whimpering frown as tears began to well up in her eyes. Vahn's own expression softened when he saw this but, as his hands were full at the moment, he walked over to the bed to lay Irisviel down before rubbing Illya's head as she jumped into the bed and began crying next to her mother's unconscious body. Though she was going on twenty-nine years old, Illya became like the child she appeared to be as she tightly hugged Irisviel's body, rubbing her face against the mother she hadn't seen for twenty years...


After Illya calmed down a bit, Vahn explained the situation to her, including the possibility that Irisviel's current body might break down. To her credit, she took this information very well and, instead of blaming him for his 'failure', she began offering potential solutions. If Irisviel's soul could be bound to a Mystic Codex, it wasn't impossible to transplant it into a synthetic body latter on. Placing her into the body of a homunculus would pose various problems but that didn't mean they were unable to give her a bio-mechanical form, much like a Sentient Golem or an Artificial Human. Since Vahn was intending to summon Da Vinci next, the chances of producing a high-quality body for Irisviel, assuming her current one broke down, were extremely high. Merlin talked about the man as if he could weave gold from thin air and pull clouds from the sky to create massive skyscrapers. For someone with a ridiculous powerset like Merlin to speak so highly of another person, they had to be 'extremely' abnormal...

With that in mind, Vahn went down the long flight of stairs for the second time in a single day before pulling out a [Divine Energy Cube] and using it as a catalyst to power the summoning system. In the next moment, he was within the Throne of Heroes once again, greeted by the presence of Akasha who was already waiting to complete their exchange. Vahn turned over a liquid sphere of his bone marrow before stowing his new [Divine Energy Cube] into his Inventory. When Akasha vanished, he made his way over to the stone pillars before searching for Leonardo da Vinci's name. He was a little curious about what kind of man Da Vinci was but, more than anything else, Vahn was just happy to have a fellow researcher that he could just talk with without having to worry about developing an intimate relationship with them...

As Vahn was looking forward to meeting Da Vinci, he isolated the search parameters to only include the version from his own timeline. When he did this, however, Vahn's face formed into a deep frown as, even after designating his own timeline, there were tens of thousands of people named Leonardo da Vinci within the list. Though he was able to narrow things down by selecting the [Pioneer of the Stars:EX] skill but there were still more than a hundred people with comparable parameters and skills. This was rather confusing as one person shouldn't be able to exist as multiple people within the same timeline. However, considering that even Irisviel had been split into two, Vahn found it strangely easy to believe that someone touted as an 'omnipotent genius' by Merlin would be able to do something others couldn't even comprehend...

Since he couldn't know which Da Vinci was the 'correct' one, Vahn picked the one with the highest rank of [Item Construction] and an EX-Ranked Noble Phantasm. This actually meant Leonardo's Noble Phantasm was stronger than Scáthach's but, considering his parameters were some of the lowest Vahn had ever seen, the only exception being his Magic Power and Luck, he had no delusions that the Genius Innovator would be able to defeat Nobunaga's feared 'Purple Monster'. Though he might be able to 'invent' something that was capable of defeating Scáthach, it wasn't actually all that difficult to create powerful weapons that could even skill gods. This wasn't the actual skill of the user, however, so Vahn discredited such things since the reliance on such weapons would always prevent people from growing beyond their current Soul Tier...

After confirming his selection, Vahn found himself within the Welsh Dragon's chamber once again as the bluish-white light from the summoning circle began to coalesce into a body. In hindsight, he realized summoning Da Vinci around the time of his death may not have been the wisest decision as, according to the history books, he had been sixty-seven years old at the time of death. Though he would be able to preserve his life with relative ease, Vahn felt somewhat apologetic knowing that he had pulled 'History's Greatest Genius' from his death bed before bringing him into the present. This sentiment almost immediately vanished, however, as Vahn's expression formed into a complex frown as he watched the light coalesce into the very obvious figure of a woman.

With a very strong urge to punch Merlin when he got back, Vahn watched as the 'old man' he had expected formed into the body of a 160cm tall woman with one of the most perfectly balanced bodies he had ever seen. He had thought that Irisviel was a rare beauty but, even though this current woman seemed a little 'plump' around the breasts, butt, and thighs, they all came together to form a breathtaking image that even caused Vahn to feel somewhat 'lucky'. Since he had studied quite a bit about Da Vinci prior to this summoning, Vahn was able to tell that the woman present before him was actually the same Mona Lisa that Leonardo Da Vinci had painted in the past. History recorded her as a 'mystery woman' who some claimed to be La Gioconda, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo who had been an associate of Da Vinci's. Now, however, it seemed like Da Vinci had been painting a self-portrait as there was 'literally' nothing in common between this inordinately beautiful woman and the old man in Da Vinci's biography...

Since Vahn had chosen the [Transmigrator] perk after selecting what he believed to be the 'correct' Leonardo Da Vinci, he knew the woman before him was a flesh and blood body. When he activated his [Eyes of Truth], however, Vahn's face formed into one of genuine confusion as he was unable to see 'anything' within Da Vinci's body. Though he could feel a powerful vitality radiating from her body, there seemed to be something blocking his view as it appeared like a 'void' within his vision. The only thing he 'knew' was that her face was a perfect balance between beauty, motherly appeal, and seductiveness. It almost felt like you could measure her features and they would all be the 'ideal' size and shape, making other beauties seem like a pale imitation, the only exception perhaps being goddesses. Her glossy, dark brown hair, tinged with a slight maroon hue, fell around her neck and shoulders in gentle curls that seemed to be in the peak of health due to the natural gloss present. As for her body, Vahn found it hard not to gawk so he chose not to look directly at her figure that was covered in a loose black gown and a blue shawl that had the patterns of stars sewn into it...

Unlike the others he had summoned at the time of their death, Da Vinci seemed to be the picture of perfect health and, instead of toppling over after being summoned, she just stood there like a statue that was to be admired. Then, just as Vahn was thinking about carrying her up stairs to rest, Da Vinci slowly peeled open her eyelids to reveal a pair of eyes that looked like a masterpiece that had been painstakingly painted by the most skilled painter in the world with all their passion. Though they had a base color that was resplendent like sapphires, there was a mix of subtle greens, purples, and just the smallest touch of pink that seemed to swirl around in her fiercely intelligent eyes. Vahn felt like he had been completely seen through the moment she looked at him, making him tense up like a deer caught under the unwavering gaze of a Master Huntsman...

As if she found his reaction amusing, Da Vinci smiled in a subtle yet expressive way that caused Vahn's mind to momentarily blank as she stated in a soft voice tinged with intrigue, "How curious. I never expected to be transported through time at the moment I shut down my consciousness. What a peculiar phenomenon..." Then, taking slow and measured steps that left no room to even question whether or not the person in front of him was a Lady, Da Vinci walked until she was right in front of Vahn, her eyes reflecting his image in their depths. Her eyes began to glimmer slightly as she mused, "I never thought I would meet an existence I could not comprehend. So, what shall I call you then? I do not mind calling you Master...or Husband? I will not fault you for being attracted to this body; just know that I was originally a man. If you believe the soul is a genderless construct, however, I do not mind playing the part of a maiden..."

Since one of the things she could understand from seeing Vahn was that he was 'very' interested in her body, Da Vinci reached out her hands to frame his face with the same gentle smile on her face. She already understood the situation just from seeing the summoning formation beneath her so the only things left to uncover was the 'purpose' behind why this unfathomable man had summoned her. He obviously had a reason to allocate a small nation's worth of mana just to pull her through time so, believing there was a chance that he had discovered her 'secret', Da Vinci didn't mind humoring him for a bit. She was interested in trying out this body's reproductive functions so this was a good opportunity to confirm whether or not she was capable of bringing a child to term.

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'I made this so it's okay to look...right?','A mother and daughter reunited','Vahn broke') (A/N: Da Vinci, the 'perfect' MILF: <-(p.atreon link)

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Chapter 1132: Peerless

After returning to his senses, Vahn grabbed Da Vinci's wrists before gently pulling her hands away from his face as he said, "I must admit...I wasn't expecting the 'Mona Lisa' to appear before me. Did you create this body to house your soul...?" Since creating Artificial Humans had been a practice for well over a thousand years, Vahn wasn't surprised that Da Vinci had created a new body for himself. Once the original shock wore off, he was more interested in the process used to create a body that was obviously capable of transplanting the soul as, with the number of Da Vincis recorded on the Throne of Heroes, it was obvious that this wasn't his first creation. At least, this was Vahn's belief until Da Vinci smiled and explained, "I certainly designed this body, but I did not choose it for myself. Don't let it bother you, though, as age and gender have no effect on a true genius. Now, tell me, why have you summoned me...?"

Since Vahn momentarily showed no interest in trying to sleep with her, Da Vinci was more interested in the reason why he had called upon her. Other things could wait until later as the presence of the large dragon and the man peculiar sights she had never seen before were making her body heat up just thinking about studying them. If not for the 'link' she could feel between herself and Vahn, Da Vinci would have already started analyzing each of these unknown things, breaking them down until she had a complete grasp of their most fundamental concepts. Then, to prove she understood them, she would create an invention that utilized these concepts and pushed them to their fullest extent. The last time, she had made a flying machine modeled after a bird but, seeing the large wings of the red dragon, Da Vinci was curious about the mechanism that allowed such a large creature to fly...

With Da Vinci not 'insisting' on taking things in the direction she had obviously intended, Vahn was able to relax a bit as he explained, "When you next sleep, most of the questions you have would be answered by the memory link we will both experience. I'll be able to see the important moments in your life while you will be able to experience my long history for yourself. To give you a general idea of the situation...I essentially summoned you following the advice of my Magus of the Court, Merlin. My identity is that of the Sage Emperor of the Aldrnari Empire, currently occupying the Ivory Castle of Camelot, Vahn Aldrnari Mason. As for the reason why I have summoned you, there is a threat known as Angra Mainyu that has the potential of wiping out all of humanity. Though I do not expect you to fight on the front lines, my Empire needs a capable mind to help develop technologies that will allow, not just our residents, but people the whole world over to prosper..."

While listening to Vahn speak, Da Vinci had pursed her lips while holding her index finger to her mouth, a contemplative look on her face. When he finished speaking, she immediately followed up by saying, "So you are essentially an Emperor that has been displaced, either from your own timeline or a different world altogether. For reasons you haven't revealed, it has fallen on your shoulders to save the world from the coming threat and, after seeking counsel from your Magus of the Court, he threw my name into the mix as a potential 'solution', not to overcome the threat, but guaranteeing your Empire would prosper. That means you already have several powerful cards in hand and simply need my Genius intellect to ensure you are able to stay relevant in the current era...interesting, I'm in~!"

At the very end of her 'analysis', Da Vinci happily clapped her hands together before interrupting Vahn's response by adding, "I look forward to the memory link. I wonder if you will actually be able to see any of my memories? I don't think I have many memories of importance so you may be disappointed...hmm...well, we can always make some important memories together from now on. You still haven't told me how I should address you. I'm not really familiar with things like Court Eitquette but I should be able to master it if you give me a day or two~." Though it felt like Da Vinci was being sincere when she spoke, Vahn could only smile wryly as he watched her being to inspect her own body without any semblance of decency at all. He could tell she was going to be 'trouble' but, at the same time, Vahn also felt he could quickly become friends with her. She had the type of personality that meant she would get along with pretty much everyone within the castle, even if she would also annoy them at the same time...

Since Da Vinci was able to stand on her own two feet, Vahn gestured so she would stop investigating her own body, saying, "I'm intending to summon another person before we head to the surface. If possible, I'd like you to observe things from your end and see if you can't come up with a solution to the heavy mana requirement of the summoning system. One of the biggest issues currently plaguing me is coming up with enough mana to complete a summon. It would take three years under normal circumstances so I've been using something called a [Divine Energy Cube] to supplement the lacking reserves." As he spoke, Vahn pulled out the [Divine Energy Cube], something Da Vinci immediately snatched out of his hands before turning it over a few times with a curious glimmer in her eyes.

So long as Da Vinci didn't try to chip a piece off of the cube, Vahn didn't mind if she analyzed it for a short while. He could see what appeared to be small golden runes flowing from the [Divine Energy Cube] and into her eyes so it was clear she had some kind of Innate related to analyzing things. It was somewhat unfortunate that she lost the [Item Construction] and [Territory Creation] class skills when gaining the [Transmigrator] perk but, as her other skills were rather eye-opening, Vahn knew that Da Vinci would probably become one of the pillars of his Empire in the future. His only regret was not paying attention to one of her more unique skills as, if he had noticed it earlier, there was a good chance he would have gotten the male version of Da Vinci instead of this 'perfect' version of the Mona Lisa...



Name: [Leonardo Da Vinci]

Age: 198 days (Ageless)

Race: Human

Strength: 3E

Endurance: 8E

Agility: 21C

Magical Power: 50A+

Good Luck: 39B

Soul Tier: 3 (Lord Soul)

Circuit Quality: EX

Noble Phantasm: [Uomo Universale:EX]

Origin: Golden Rule, Innovation

Skills: [Natural Born Genius:Innate:EX], [Pioneer of the Stars:Innate:EX], [False Eye of God:Innate:A], [Mind Workshop:S], [Eidetic Memory:S], [Parallel Thinking:B], [Golden Rule:B]

Magic: [Soul Anchor:EX]

Magecraft: [Grand Unified Thaumaturgical Theory:S]

[Mind Workshop]

Rank: S

Use: Allows the user to form clear mental images with precision matching reality.

[Eidetic Memory]

Rank: S

Use: Allows the user to memorize and compartmentalize everything they see.

[Parallel Thinking]

Rank: B

Use: Allows the user to hold up to sixteen thought processes simultaneously.

[Golden Rule]

Rank: B (Body)

Use: Denotes the possession of a natural and perfect goddess-like body. Immune to the effects of aging.

[Soul Anchor]

Rank: EX

Use: Allows the user to create a spiritual imprint on any self-created body. Upon death, the user's soul will be transferred to the nearest available body with a spiritual imprint.

[Grand Unified Thaumaturgical Theory]

Rank: S

Use: The belief that all Thaumaturgical Principles stem from a single school of thought that can be used to understand all mysteries within the world. Allows the user to use all forms of Magecraft up to the skill's rank.


Though all of Da Vinci's skills and abilities were rather shocking, Vahn didn't know how he had missed the unique quality of her [Golden Rule]. Unlike the normal skill, which he had assumed it to be, Da Vinci's simply made her an unrivaled beauty that infringed upon the realm of the Gods. The normal [Golden Rule] allowed for a user to accumulate wealth, greatly increasing their fortunes to the point that they would never want for material goods. At high enough ranks, even a complete incompetent with the [Golden Rule] skill would be able to become one of the wealthiest people in the world. Even if your personal finances were lacking, 'fate' would allow you to easily accumulate more without little to no effort on your part. Vahn had expected Da Vinci to have this same version of [Golden Rule] and was actually a little curious to see it at play. Now, however, Vahn was once again reminded that people could have the 'same' skill, yet with a completely different effect. He would need to pay more attention in the future, lest even people like the 'Son of the Sun God' might end up somehow being female...

Apparently having completed her analysis, Da Vinci handed the [Divine Energy Cube] back to Vahn, smiling as she explained, "This cube of your's is certainly comprised of the so-called 'Divine Energy'. It has a unit value of 500,000,000, translating into around 575,000,000,000 units of Magical Energy. I will need to perform a land survey but based on your claim that it would normally take three years to recharge the summoning system, I am confident in my assertion that we can reduce the time to between ninety and one-hundred-twenty-seven days. I do not imagine you wish to cause permanant damage to the environment so I will need to periodically measure the mana in both the atmosphere and within the soil at various points around the castle."

Since Da Vinci had come up with all of this in less than three minutes, Vahn's brain was buzzing as a result, something she seemed to take great pleasure in as she giggled, hand covering her mouth. It was beginning to seem that summoning Da Vinci would have immediate benefits as she was able to seemingly come up with a solution to his biggest problem without any effort at all. Just by analyzing the structure of the [Divine Energy Cube] and using the context he had provided, she had formed a plan to reduce the time between summoning rituals by more than ten times. If he gave her more time, providing access to his wealth of information, Vahn felt that Da Vinci might even be able to reduce the time to just a few days real-time...

Though he still intended to give Merlin a 'gentle' thrashing, any regrets Vahn had about summoning Da Vinci had quickly fallen to the side in awe of her genius. Now, he was even more interested in the information provided by the memory link as it would undoubtedly be very insightful. Before he could bother with that, however, Vahn needed to perform one last summon. It sounded a bit pathetic to say aloud but, if he couldn't get at least one male companion, Vahn felt like a repeat of the Hearth Manor might happen. He needed more couples outside of his own pairings and, as much as he liked to spend time with girls like Nobunaga, Vahn wanted to just 'chill' with another guy, cutting loose in a way he simply couldn't with the women he was involved with...

With that in mind, Vahn used the [Divine Energy Cube] as a catalyst while Da Vinci closely observed the entire process with her mesmerizing eyes. These were the last two things he saw before finding himself back in the bluish-black space for the third time in a single day. Then, after trading his heart for another [Divine Energy Cube], Vahn made his way over to the stone platforms and began to flip through the names, parameters, and skills for Karna, Siegfried, Galahad, Gawain, and Bedivere. He had tried to find the 'First Hassan' but, even after filtering the names to his own world, the only one that stood out wasn't named Hassan-i-Sabbah, but 'The Old Man of the Mountain'. Though Vahn was able to intuit this was the person he was looking for, the synthetic voice of the Throne immediately stated, *You lack the qualifications to summon this Heroic Spirit.*

Since he could even summon gods, so long as he prepared a vessel for them, Vahn was surprised that the Throne outright stated he lacked the qualifications to summon the First Hassan. When he tried asking about it, the Throne didn't even glorify him with a response until he tried to select the name a second time. This prompted it to repeat that he lacked the qualifications, causing Vahn to sigh since this indicated that the First Hassan was likely even more powerful than speculated. The next time he bargained with Akasha, Vahn intended to directly inquire about the method to summon the First Hassan as, even if he didn't intend to call upon him any time soon, it was better to know the method just in case the situation necessitated relying on the powerful Assassin.

After sorting through all of their information, Vahn determined that the two 'best' candidates for his purposes were Karna and Siegfried. The Knight of the Round Table would likely have a few issues with becoming truly loyal to him, especially with Artoria around. He also didn't imagine they would be too fond of Mordred, the person who had killed their King, so Vahn intended to wait until she had grown up a bit more before summoning any of them. Thus, after careful deliberation, Vahn decided to summon Siegfried as, while Karna seemed far more powerful, his existence as a Demi-God with A-Rank [Divinity] meant his sensibilities might not adapt to the present too easily. Vahn could also imagine Karna trying to fight against Scáthach or Kenshin to test his own capabilities which, when looking at his status, actually made him a challenge for both women. Though Scáthach would almost certainly emerge victoriously, the fact Karna had Anti-Country and Anti-Divine Noble Phantasms made him into a veritable weapon of mass destruction that could push things to the extreme if not reined in properly...

With his mind made up, Vahn confirmed Siegfried's name and, like those before him, gave him the [Transmigrator] perk to pull him from the past and into the present. After confirming his selection, Vahn's awareness returned to the real world as the same bluish-white light began to form the figure of a rather tall and muscular man. The moment Vahn saw the silhouette form, he breathed a sigh of relief that caused Da Vinci to raise her brow with a curious expression on her face. This only lasted for a brief moment, however, as she was more interested in watching the process of energy being converted into physical flesh and blood. When Siegfried's body formed completely only a few seconds later, Da Vinci made a small pout by pursuing out her lips and making a mental note to have Vahn allow her to watch all future summons as well.

Unlike Da Vinci, Siegfried had undoubtedly been summoned at the instant just before his death so his body was in a tensed state as he collapsed forward. Since Vahn wouldn't allow a woman to fall on her face, he also caught Siegfried's body before he hit the ground. He noticed the man's body was as firm as hardened steel while, on his chest, a massive glowing green scar created a strange cross pattern that extended up his neck and part of his admittedly handsome and heroic-looking visage. He had an angular jawline and chiseled features while, even though he was unconscious, Vahn could see striking blue eyes that had emanated an aura of intimidation and dignity. Then, after inspecting Siegfried's internal structure, Vahn could tell that he actually had a similar 'Dragon's Heart' to Artoria, just a lower grade than the Welsh Dragon's. At the same time, however, his energy seemed chaotic as it spread through his body, greatly strengthening every cell but also linking them all together to a massive weak spot on the very center of his back...

From the way the energy in his body was linked together, Vahn understood that Siegfried's body functioned in much the same was as Fafnir. Though he was wearing a thin black tunic that was open at the front, revealing Siegfried's massive scar and incredibly developed physique, it was obvious that even a light wound to his weak spot would be fatal. The moment he was hit in that area, the rest of his cells would practically 'explode', causing him intense pain and ultimately leading to his death. Beyond that, however, Siegfried's body seemed as durable as Adamantine while the powerful heart beating in his chest would provide him with nigh-limitless stamina. All of this, combined with his silvery-gray 'mane' of hair and his tall and muscular body gave Siegrief a truly heroic appearance that Vahn considered adopting for himself in the future. Though his physique certainly wasn't lacking, Vahn was on the thinner and athletic side, much like Gilgamesh and Ozymandius, while Siegfried looked like someone you would never want to cross...

Since Siegfried was holding a massive claymore in his right hand, Vahn imagined his final moments might have been in combat. He knew how Siegfried had died according to the legends but, seeing his parameters, Vahn felt it was rather difficult to believe he could be assassinated. A human with the senses of a True Dragon would obviously never get caught off guard so easily and, with this powerful physique and high physical parameters, it was easy to intuit there was more to the story. He would hopefully be able to learn the truth from the memory link but, considering how even Nobunga's had been 'incomplete', Vahn's intuition told him that summoning three people at once would interfere with the process.

Sis had informed him that Irisviel was still undergoing the memory link while Siegfried, even though he was also unconscious, had yet to start his. This indicated that only one link could be established at a time but, even if that was the case, Vahn felt it wasn't all that bad getting to know them the good old fashioned way. He could also ask for Merlin's assistance in sharing his memories with them so it wasn't all that big an issue if he had overtaxed the system a bit. With that in mind, Vahn lifted up Siegfrieds rather robust body, standing at 190cm tall and weighing 80kg, before looking toward Da Vinci and saying, "We'll head up and get you situated in a room. After that, I'll take you with me to meet Merlin and he can help you pick a suitable location for your workshop. I'm certain you'll have a lot of questions but I would advise you to get some rest to activate the memory link before wandering around too much..."

Tilting her head to the side in response to Vahn's words, Da Vinci caused his mind to blank as she seemed genuinely confused while asking, "Will I not be sharing a room with you? You seem to be very interested in this body and I am more than a little interested in yours as well. I can tell by the time frame you had previously mentioned that it will likely be several decades before the threat you mentioned appears. Before then, I would like to test the capabilities of this body and study yours to the best of my ability. I have never encountered someone who I was unable to analyze so I will never be able to sleep peacefully unless I can see you with my own eyes. Since you will already be keeping me up at night, surely it would be beneficial for both our purposes to simply share the same room?"

Since Da Vinci seemed like the type to use the available information to the fullest extent, Vahn kept his calm as he plainly explained, "My relationships are already complicated as they are. For now, it would be best if you just experienced the memory link before making such assertions. We'll likely be working together a lot in the future so there is plenty of time for things like that once you get settled in." Though Vahn was somewhat resistant to the idea right now, he knew that it was only a matter of time before he and Da Vinci ended up 'experimenting'. Her nature, combined with her goddess-like appearance were a lethal combination he wouldn't be able to resist for very long. It didn't matter all that much if she had originally been a man as the soul and ego were both genderless things that could inhabit both male and female bodies between incarnations. Even the Unit Management function listed her as a female so, unless she insisted otherwise and assumed the form of a man, Vahn had no real reason to avoid his own intrigue in Da Vinci's enigmatic body.

Though there was much Da Vinci wanted to inquire about, she ultimately decided to follow Vahn's instructions to undergo the memory link before pestering him too much. She could tell that he had his mind focused on other things right now and, hating to be interrupted during her own work, she decided it was only proper to respect his own thought process. Thus, while looking around at every little thing that caught her attention, Da Vinci followed behind Vahn as he carried Siegfried as if the latter weighed absolutely nothing. He also had quite the interesting body but, after observing him for a few minutes, Da Vinci quickly lost her interest as she created the blueprint of a Dragon's Heart within her mind. By analyzing its structure and output, she was confident it would only take her around forty days to create an artificial one for her next body...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Don't try to be roundabout with a Genius...!','Holy EX (O___O)...','Finally, a man...! <---Vahn sounding like a desperate housewife over here (>,...,<)~!') <-(p.atreon link)

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