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43.42% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1022: Adapt

Chapter 1022: Adapt

In what felt like the blink of an eye, Vahn had already been within the Nasuverse for two weeks. During the time he had been staying within the Tohsaka Manor, using one of the seemingly never used guest rooms, Vahn invariably ended up cooking most meals. Though he had tried to teach Rin how to cook, she was like a walking disaster within the kitchen. Currently, he only trusted her with basic tasks like washing the vegetables as there were only so many times he could watch her mishandle a knife before denying her the right to use it. This led to Rin 'insisting' that she could actually cook on her own but, after giving her the benefit of the doubt, Vahn ultimately had to prepare their dinner a second time after Rin burned it. He didn't understand how a twenty-seven-year-old woman could be so incompetent within the kitchen as even girls like Tione had picked up on things relatively quickly...

Fortunately, meal preparation for two people never took long, meaning Vahn had a great deal of free time to himself. Contrary to her claims of being 'busy', Rin seemed to spend the vast majority of her time within the workshop located in the second half of the basement. This was an area that was off-limits to Vahn, as Rin emphasized that all Magus have their secrets, but he was still able to set up a small workshop of his own in the basement itself. Previously, Rin seemed to be using it as a place to train her body as, littered about the room, there were things like hula-hoops, weights, a series of wooden dummies for practicing close-quarters-combat, and two large sandbags. At a glance, it was easy to see this equipment hadn't been used in several years, leading Vahn to believe that Rin had only just returned to Fuyuki recently...

Unlike how she made her workshop off-limits to him, Rin had made a habit of periodically coming to see what he was working on. Vahn had made an off-hand remark about the hypocritical nature of her actions but she had rebuffed him by reminding that the entire Manor was her property. During moments like that, Vahn could only shake his head and sigh. Though he could easily move out and find a place to stay on his own, Rin would always panic and convince him to stay at the last moment. She had even taught him a fair bit in regards to Magecraft, allowing Vahn to fill in the rest himself by relying on the system shop as his crutch. Though some of the notes and texts he purchased were very OP-intensive, Vahn currently had a large surplus to rely on as he continued to familiarize himself with this new world.

During his 'lessons' with Rin, Vahn quickly learned that Magecraft was fundamentally the same as using the Unnamed Magic taught to him by Eva. Since they were both Tier 5 worlds, Vahn wasn't surprised by this similarity but, seeing him succeed 'instantly', Rin's expression had been a sight to behold. She had given an arbitrary explanation on how to use basic Magecraft but, without asking even a single question, Vahn was able to activate his Magic Circuits immediately thereafter. This was the result of Vahn's ability to 'perfectly imagine' things, allowing him to create the necessary mental image in an instant before his entire body was covered in pale blue runes. That night, Rin spent a very long time holed up in her workshop, only appearing the next morning with bags under her eyes as she nursed a cup of black coffee...

Ultimately, Magical Circuits ended up being a 'projection' of the same magical circuits Vahn was already familiar with. Instead of using the mana internally, however, the Magical Circuits within Nasuverse manifested themselves on the surface of a Magus' skin. Their basic function was to serve as the pathways that allowed a Magus to use Magecraft but, even with every prolific Mage family having a unique 'crest', Rin had attested to the fact that many Magi were able to use the same spells, regardless of the structure of their Magic Circuits and the Incantation required to enact the spell. It was this revelation that allowed Vahn to directly compare it to Eva's Magic System as, much like the latter, the former relied on the 'image' a person created in their mind to give power to the Spell.

In order to activate your Magic Circuits for the purpose of using Magecraft, it was necessary to create a 'triggger', usually a powerful mental image, that could directly resonate with your self-preservation instincts. For Rin, this took on the form of imagining a blade piercing her heart while Vahn's ended up being the 'memory' of Musashi cutting through his ego and destroying his avatar. Since his 'image' was an actual experience, Vahn's activation trigger was far more powerful than Rin's, even though the latter had been practicing Magecraft for more than twenty years. There was a reason why Magi who had experienced hardships and trauma were often the most powerful as, instead of forming a simple 'image', they had very real 'experience' with life and death scenarios. Though Rin wasn't an exception to this, having plenty of experience with such things herself, Vahn had 'literally' died several times at this point, all while possessing a far more powerful Soul.

Once his Magic Circuits had been activated, Vahn didn't waste much time before trying to familiarize and adapt his prior knowledge and experiences into functional skills within the Nasuverse. It was somewhat unfortunate that there weren't 'correctional' skills like Developmental Abilities within this world but Vahn was still able to determine that his forging skills and most of his Magics could be used without much difficulty. The biggest restriction he faced was his limited reserves but that would slowly become less of a factor as he continued to use Magecraft and the [Mantra of Eternity] to meditate. Just as Eva had taught him, Vahn could increase his reserves by stimulating his internal mana and using it up every chance he got. This would strengthen his Magic Circuits, increasing the load they could bear, while also marginally increasing his base reserves. Surprisingly, though this seemed like 'common sense' from his perspective, Magus within the Nasuverse apparently hadn't put two-and-two together and had instead been fumbling around with theories for the last two thousand years...

Vahn had come to learn of this when, apparently after thinking long and hard about things, Rin approached him to ask for 'advice' in her own training. Since he had been considering helping groom Rin into a powerful Magus, Vahn didn't mind pushing her in the right direction to see where she could take things. When she learned that she had missed the best opportunity at increasing her reserves, Rin had actually headbutted the table before cursing at some man named Kirei under her breath. It was after this outburst when Vahn came to learn that, ever since she was around seven years old, Rin had essentially lived alone. Though there was a 'Gurdian' that looked after her, helping her train her body and Magecraft, he would only ever assign her homework before leaving her to figure things out for herself. Fortunately, Rin was a rarely seen genius so, even without direct guidance, she had become a proficient Magus through self-teaching. Less fortunately, when Vahn asked about what happened to Kirei later on, Rin had become despondent before disappearing into her room for the rest of the evening...

After 'triggering' Rin several times, Vahn understood that her past hadn't been a pleasant one and, even though she put on a strong and confident front, there were a few deeply rooted traumas within Rin's heart and mind. There were times when she would suddenly fall silent after he made her laugh, a profound melancholy flashing over her eyes that she would gloss over when questioned. Even so, Vahn was still able to piece together the fact that 'something' had happened ten years prior which, thanks to the system shop, provided him with quite a bit of insight into several potential possibilities. After all, though it wasn't recorded in many texts dated to around his current timeline, there were several accounts of the Fuyuki City Fire and, in texts from the far future, the Holy Grail War. Since Akasha had said there was a 98% chance he would be involved with a Holy Grail War himself, Vahn wouldn't be surprised if Rin's return to the City was related to the legendary event. After all, in the same texts that discussed the existence of the War, many pointed out that it was Rin who had brought the bloody conflict to an end...

Choosing to respect Rin's privacy, Vahn didn't press her for any information about the Holy Grail War as he would inevitably receive his answer in due time. Instead, he was currently within his workshop trying to shape a piece of Mythril into a staff without using an actual forge. Since the ventilation within the basement wasn't suitable for setting up an actual forge, Vahn was shaping the metal using a combination of Fire Elemental manipulation and Magecraft. Even if his reserves were barely a fraction of what he was used to, Vahn's skill as a [Master Smith] hadn't simply vanished. He was also intimately familiar with the manipulation of Fire Elemental energy, to the point that some gods presiding over Fire, at least within Danmachi, may not be able to contend against him...

It was in the middle of using Telekinesis to forcefully shape the piece of Mythril that Rin exited her own workshop before staring at him with the same 'suspicious' gaze she often turned toward him. Fortunately, she had enough sense not to interrupt him while he was working with a piece of red-hot metal but, almost as soon as he set it into the quench tank, Rin commented, "You're going to cause a lot of problems one day, Vahn. Though I'm not going to pry into your secrets too much, it is obvious that you are capable of using True Magic. Even if you're an existence from the Era of Gods, what you're using isn't something that is possible, regardless of how proficient someone is with Thaumaturgy. You need to make sure you keep your true capabilities hidden, regardless of how much trust you place in the other party..."

Though Magecraft and Thaumaturgy were fundamentally the same thing, the latter was considered the 'foundational' practice. It was used to describe the various different schools that Magecraft had latter evolved into, including Astrology, Kabbalah, Alchemy, Shinsendou, and several other Divergent Schools. At the most basic level, however, all Thaumaturlogical processes dealt with the conversion of Magical Energy within the body, shaping it in a way that allowed the user to produce the phenomenon of Magecraft within the external world. There were several rules that strictly governed what 'should' be possible within each School and it was the research that went into 'bending' these rules that often determined how proficient one was with Magecraft. What Vahn was doing, however, almost completely ignored the rules as, instead of using the basic principle of equivalent exchange, he seemed to be 'creating from nothing'.

Understanding what Rin was trying to tell him, Vahn smiled in response before pulling out the cooled piece of Mythril and saying, "I consider myself a good judge of character. Even if your superiors within the Clock Tower pressured you, I don't believe you would willingly expose me. Though you may not see it yourself, I can tell you're a considerate person who cherishes the people you interact with..."

Without waiting for Rin's inevitable rebuttal, Vahn forced the Mythril staff into her hand, smiling even wider as he said, "It may not be a Masterpiece, but I'm confident in the quality of my work. Instead of worrying about convincing me not to trust others, you should focus more on increasing your capabilities as a Magus. After all, if you become the 'strongest', I won't have to worry about anyone forcing you to expose my secrets." With those words, Vahn laughed in a lighthearted manner before heading towards the stairs leading to the Manor above. To prevent Rin from following after him, he simply stated, "I'm going to borrow the bath for a bit. Don't peek..." before disappearing through the door. Moments later, he heard something hard hit the door before Rin yelled, "Peek my ass! Who would peek on you...!?"

Choosing not to respond, Vahn made his way to the bathroom before washing the soot and grime from his body. Regardless of what Rin had said, there had already been a few 'near' incidents in the nine days he had resided in the Manor. He knew this was the influence of 'fate' so he didn't hold it against her, even as he had to proactively measure his actions to avoid any compromising situations. At this point, he was certain the Rin would have had the [Luck] Development Ability if she were back in Danmachi. There was even a non-negligible chance that the entire reason he had come to the Tohsaka Residence before heading anywhere else was related to her luck. Now that he was present, the chance she would 'succeed' in whatever her future plans were had increased exponentially. If he wanted to, he could even turn her into an enviable existence that would make other Magi go crazy...

Though the functionality wouldn't be the same, Vahn was certain he would be able to give his 'Blessing' to others. Even without the 'Fragment of Creation' he had obtained within Danmachi, Vahn was still a Tier 4 existence and had a solid understanding of how the Familia Crests worked. Since the concept of a 'Blessing' existed within this world, with Spirits, Daemons, Demons, and Gods all able to bestow it upon people, Vahn knew he could certainly do the same. If he was straightforward with her, Vahn knew it was even possible to make Rin into one of his Subordinates or Retainers, giving him the ability to 'literally' change almost everything about her. She might not be at the most optimal age to increase her internal mana, but even that could be changed with the functionality provided by The Path...

Even without relying on The Path, Vahn had several other options to help Rin become exponentially more powerful than she currently was. The problem with these methods, however, was that they were all a little more intimate than simply looking at a screen and making selections. Though it hadn't been his intention, Vahn now realized that the vast majority of methods he had developed to help people were more than a little inappropriate, at least by his current world's standards. This included rather drastic actions, such as him using his [Hands of Nirvana] to help refine Rin's body, while even relatively tame actions, such as using his Source Energy to nourish her Mana Circuits also required direct, and extended, physical contact...

Vahn hadn't broached the subject thus far but, with what he knew of Rin after only nine days, he was certain she would be willing to do whatever it took to grow stronger. There were 'gaps' within her common sense that could be easily exploited if he had the intention of taking advantage of her. This was likely the very reason why she had experienced tragedies in the past as, even with her haughty nature, Rin seemed to throw herself head-first into danger on behalf of others. It was easy to see that she had few people she was close to, even though it was surprisingly easy to get in her good graces if you simply got to know her 'true' self. Though this true self was somewhat troublesome, Vahn felt that she just desperately wanted to interact in a meaningful way with others and simply lacked the knowledge required to do so without acting 'explosively'...

While enjoying the warm water of the bath, Vahn could her loud stomping in the corridor nearby. Rin wasn't coming towards the bath but, based on the way in which she was stomping around, it was obvious that she was reminding him that she 'knew' he was thinking about her. Vahn could imagine her face turning slightly red when her own thoughts wandered in regards to 'why' he was thinking about her in the bath. Of course, when this thought crossed his mind, the stomping became even louder than before. Vahn couldn't help but release a light chuckle before allowing himself to slide further into the bath, submerging his head...

By the time Vahn exited the bath, Rin was already waiting for him in the kitchen since it was almost time to prepare dinner. Unlike the long skirt she had been wearing on the day they met, easily extending past her knees, Vahn hadn't seen her wear anything remotely similar since. Instead, she defaulted to wearing a red or white blouse, the latter of which she often covered with a brown vest, likely to keep her bra from being visible. As for her choice in skirts, Rin was currently wearing a black skirt that only extended to her wrists, a far cry from the rather modest skirt she had previously worn. Though she wore something similar to spats underneath, combined with long thigh-high leggings, Vahn felt she was trying a little too hard to spite his claim that he would never think uncouth thoughts about her...

Knowing he was thinking something 'rude' again, Rin gave Vahn a deadpan glare before picking up the nearby kitchen knife and 'inspecting' its edge. Vahn knew this was her way to seem intimidating but, instead of shying away, he smiled tauntingly before walking towards Rin without any fear. This startled her, causing her to step back subconsciously as Vahn grabbed her hand holding the knife and said, "You should know what you're getting yourself into if you intend to try and scare me..." Then, guiding Rin's hand, Vahn brought the tip of the knife to his chest before she was able to make sense of what he was doing. This caused Rin's eyes to widen as she exclaimed, "What are you doing!?" in a shocked voice.

Vahn didn't immediately release her hand and instead, in a somewhat stern tone, said, "Watch..." This brought Rin to silence as she watched the tip of the blade penetrate his shirt before 'stopping' against a seemingly immovable force. Moments later, the blade began to bend noticeably before the tip ultimately fractured and went flying off at high speeds. Vahn quickly moved to grab the piece of shrapnel before it could accidentally hurt anyone, snatching it out of the air with his index and middle fingers. With the fragmented blade in hand, Vahn explained, "Don't accuse me of being unfair. Though I don't believe you would ever turn against me, make sure you are properly prepared when the times comes. I may be much weaker than I was in my previous world, but never forget what I told during our first power is something the current you can't even begin to comprehend. When you realize that...well, you might find a new way towards your goals..."

With his words finished, Vahn threw the broken kitchen knife into his Inventory before purchasing a functionally similar one for five OP. Leaving Rin in a confused and contemplative state, Vahn began preparing dinner, though not before commenting, "Leave cutting things to me. Unlike someone, I'm not going to accidentally cut myself...ufu..." These words caused Rin's twin-tails to bob suddenly as she snapped her head towards him, glaring with her aqua-blue eyes. Vahn, however, had already started dicing up daikon without paying any attention to her, causing Rin to grind her teeth as she muttered, "If I was knife proof, I wouldn't cut myself either...hmph, thinks he is so great just because he can cook...? I can cook too...just you wait and see...!" Like this, Rin started her usual soliloquy, serving as the background music accompanying Vahn's skillful performance as a Chef...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Poor Rin, trying to compare herself to a 'literal' god...','Women's Intuition','Vahn will never run out of salt with Rin nearby xD') <-(p.atreon link)

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Chapter 1023: Overcome

As his familiarity with the world continued to grow, Vahn was quickly adapting to his new life and his new capabilities. Ultimately, the only thing that had changed since his time in Danmachi was the fact he lacked the 'benefit' of a Falna and the 'correctional' effect of his Development Abilities. Everything else remained pretty much the same as, even though he had to 'adapt' it to the new system, the basic premise behind the skills and abilities were fundamentally the same. This was the result of the Laws themselves having similar effects in most Records, especially those with comparable Tiers. Even though the Nasuverse was Tier 5, Vahn suspected that the 'pinnacle' most entities could achieve within the Root was near the peak of Tier 4, barely crossing the threshold into Tier 5.

Akasha obviously wouldn't want any entity within the experiment to become stronger than the system itself allowed. Vahn intuited that the primary reason people were even able to gain access to the Root was so that they could be 'removed' from the system after reaching the pinnacle of a certain concept. This would make them viable candidates for assisting in other experiments while helping to ensure they wouldn't become a danger to the experiment being conducted within the Root system. Unfortunately, either out of greed, or perhaps fear of the unknown, there were entities that had gone against the grain to establish themselves as pseudo-Administrators within the system. With the power they had 'stolen' from the Root, they were almost unrivaled within the system and, being unable to influence things directly, Akasha could only grit her teeth as she watched her experiment slowly fall apart...

Now that he had a better understanding of his own power within the Root, Vahn found himself considering whether or not he should treat the task assigned to him by Akasha seriously. After looking through the available quests within his Quest Function, it was at the very top of the list, possessing an SSS-Rank designation. Since Quests were graded based on the Records themselves, this meant Vahn would likely have to be near the peak of Tier 4 before he had any chance of actually completing the task. Though he would also have to determine whether or not the Seven were actually 'bad' people, Vahn decided there wasn't any reason to outright refuse the Quest so, along with two others, he ultimately accepted Akasha's task.


[Quest: Return to the Root]

Rank: SSS

Objective(s): Ensure that Astario Vale Hoenheim(0/1), Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg(0/1), Kanada Vaisheshika(0/1), Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern(0/1), Eruru Alexis Emiya(0/1), Kyrie Alternis(0/1), and Aoko Aozaki(0/1) are returned to the Root Designation: Akasha.

Optional Objective(s): Disrupt any Holy Grail Ritual(Current:0), Remove all traces of the Akashic Verses from variable timelines(Current:0), Assist in the execution of other Type Directives(Current:0)

Rewards: 10,000,000,000OP, 1x(Proto-Archetype: ADAM), 1x(Proto-Archetype: EVE)

Failure Condition(s): Expulsion from the Record, Failure to Complete Main Objectives Before Leaving the Record

Penalty: N/A

[Repeatable Quest: Cup of Heaven]

Rank: S

Objective(s): Become a Master within the 'Holy Grail War' (0/1), Defeat the Servants of all Rival Masters(0/6), Obtain access to the Greater Grail(0/1)

Optional Objective(s): Obtain the Servant of a Rival Master(0/6), Destroy the Lesser Grail(0/1), Destroy the Greater Grail(0/1)

Rewards: 1x[Grace of the Root], 20x[Artificial-Command Seal]

Failure Condition(s): Expulsion from the Record, Death of Servant(Variable), Failure to Secure the Lesser and Greater Grails

Penalty: 1,000 Karma, Curse: [Bearer of the World's Evil]

[Repeatable Quest: The Title of Master]

Rank: B

Objective(s): Enter into a Master-Disciple relationship with any individual tied to the World's Fate(0/-)

Optional Objective(s): Convince your Disciple to become: Subordinate, Retainer, or Follower

Rewards: 100,000OP

Failure Condition(s): Expulsion from the Record

Penalty: N/A


With the rewards for Akasha's task showing a great deal of promise, Vahn felt he wouldn't lose out if he managed to someday complete it. As for the other two Quests he had selected, they were both Repeatable and, though he wasn't sure how to travel to other timelines at the moment, Vahn was certain it would be possible in the future. Besides, with Akasha saying it was almost guaranteed that he would be involved in the Holy Grail War, Vahn figured it didn't hurt to get some extra benefits for his troubles. Even if he managed to get access to the Greater Grail, he had no need to reach the Root so Akasha shouldn't care if he took advantage of the Ritual for his own ends. As for the final Quest, Vahn knew he would undoubtedly have allies at some point and, with Rin showing increased interest in his 'True Magic', the chances she would eventually become his protege were high.

In preparation for the future, Vahn spent most of his free time meditating and creating granule-sized Elemental Stars. Since his 'Oblivion' still used a ridiculous amount of Source Energy, it was his most reliable means of draining his reserves. While they were replenishing, Vahn would focus on the [Mantra of Eternity] in order to slowly, but surely, increase the capacity of his internal reserves. He wanted to get to the point where he could realistically maintain Fenrir's standard consumption. As for Medusa, he already had the means to summon her with the aid of external items but, knowing Fenrir would probably pout if he called upon Medusa, Vahn decided to avoid summoning Medusa, at least for the time being. There was also the fact that, even more so than Fenrir, she would stand out in this world due to her unique appearance and distinct lack of common-sense...

When Vahn wasn't working to increase his reserves, the rest of his time was spent training his body as, with his status as a guide, it was easy to see that he had room to improve. Since this world didn't have the concept of gaining experience from killing monsters, he had to rely on pushing his body to the limits and slowly increasing his overall output. This usually involved using [Cantus Bellax], as he was currently incapable of using [Vis Maxima], to put an increased strain on his body as Vahn performed the same routine that Tsubaki had taught him many years prior. Though he lamented the lack of a sparring partner, it was still nice to work up a sweat in the early hours of the morning when Rin was still sleeping. He had tried to exercise during the day but she ended up 'yelling' at him when he made an off-hand remark about her gawking at him through the window...

With a subtle blue aura radiating off his body like an evaporating mist, Vahn finished completing a set of pushups before pushing against the ground and vaulting to his feet. Using the back of his arm, Vahn wiped the sweat from his brow before exhaling a tired sigh. In order to make any real progress in the development of his body, he needed to restrict the influence of [Magia Erebea] to the extreme. This required splitting his focus a bit more than his current mental power could support but, knowing it was for the best, Vahn continued to train every morning. As a result, even though it was a little hard to determine how quickly he was growing, Vahn's status had changed quite a bit since he arrived in this world...



Name: [Vahn Mason]

Age: 155 (Ageless)

Race: Human, Progenitor(sealed), *sealed*

Parameter: [Nasuverse: 1-5]

Strength: 32->33C

Endurance: ★

Agility: 38C+

Magical Power: 44->45B+

Good Luck: 11->13E

Circuit Quality: EX

Soul Tier: 4 (Divine Soul)

[Karma]: 100->119

[OP]: 3,141,903,713->3,141,419,213

Noble Phantasm: [Enkidu:SSS]

Origin: [?]

Skills: [Will of the Emperor:SSS], [Rakshasa Body:B], [Keeper of the Akashic Tome:B], [Eyes of Truth:A], [Chainbreaker:B], [Veil of the Traveler:SS], [Hands of Nirvana:S], [Type Omega:SSS], [Executor of Akasha's Will:SS]

Magic: [Magia Erebea:A->S], [Administrative Function: Space Lock:SSS]

Magecraft: [Magical Trigger:SSS](new), [Trace:SS](new), [Reinforce:B](new), [Gradiation Air:C](new), [Enchant:B](new), [Alchemy:E](new), [Shundo:E], [Cantus Bellax:D], [Sagitta Magicka:E], [Od Conversion:E](new)

[Magical Trigger]

Rank: SSS

Use: The activation speed of the user's Magic Circuits.


Rank: SS

Use: The ability to interpret the internal structure of all constructs, including those that are Divine in origin.


Rank: B

Use: The efficiency of converting Magical Power into a form that can increase the strength, durability, and maximum output of an object, person, or place.

[Gradiation Air](A/N: Should I call this Projection instead...?)

Rank: C

Use: The ability to project physical constructs using Magical Energy as a catalyst to give form to the imagination.


Rank: B

Use: The ability to infuse Magecraft into any object, person, or place. Used in the construction of Ritual Spells.


Rank: E

Use: Allows the user to use Magical Power to manipulate the flow of and structure of matter.

[Od Conversion]

Rank: E

Use: Aids in the replenishment of Od by converting external Mana into internal Magical Power.


Under the 'tutelage' of Rin, combined with his scouring of resources from the system shop, Vahn was able to get a basic foundation in many of the thaumaturgical processes, meaning he was able to use a variety of Magecraft at will. More importantly, he was able to learn why his own reserves were replenishing so slowly as, within the Record of the Nasuverse, there was a distinct disconnect between the Mana found within the environment and what existed within people. Though this shouldn't have been a restriction for him, it was the way in which his body was converting the energy that had been the problem. Vahn had always relied on the 'correctional' aspect of his Development Abilities in his previous world while, here in the Nasuverse, he hadn't even been familiar with the concept of Od and its methods of replenishment.

On average, a normal Magus would have around 25-40 Od, depending on their proficiency and how seriously they took their training during their formative years. Geniuses like Rin, owing to her lineage and upbringing, were capable of hosting several times this amount within their bodies. Compared to the average, Rin was anywhere between 25-30 times more powerful than other Magi. If she used her Crest to push beyond her limits, she was capable of outputting as much as 1400 Magical Power, though the strain on her mind and body could put her into a coma. As for Vahn, his Magical Power parameter was actually his ability to 'convert' his Od into useable Magical Power. The problem was, his Magical Power parameter was too high for his current Od which, somewhat surprisingly, was even less than Rin's...

Though Vahn was a Tier 4 being, comprised entirely of Source Energy, his body was still bound by the restrictions of the Record he habitated. His Source Energy could certainly emulate the effects of Od, but he still required 'developing' his reserves from scratch. The only reason he had been able to get away with his rather haphazard use of spells prior to learning of this fatal flaw was due to the strength of his Soul and the ability of his body to instantly regenerate. With the [Will of the Emperor] also protecting his mind, Vahn was practically able to 'ignore' the effects of Od depletion, something that could prove fatal to other Magi.

After identifying the problem, it was only a matter of time before Vahn was able to increase his reserves to a point that other Magi could never hope to reach. Currently, his actual Od was only around 109, nearly ninety points higher than what it had been upon discovering it even existed. With his Magical Power parameter, this meant Vahn could output as much as 10,355 Magical Power, dwarfing Rin's by a great deal. Using the same means of conversion, this meant that Rin's Magical Power, which was currently impossible to quantify through the means of Clairvoyance, was an admittedly ridiculous 2. Since she was considered a 'genius', Vahn felt that the standards of the Nasuverse were much lower than he expected, at least within the timeline he found himself in...

Thus far, Vahn hadn't approached Rin in regards to 'training' her, as this likely wouldn't end well, but he was already forming a plan within his mind to rapidly increase her strength. Though he might not be able to get her into the B-Rank like himself, it shouldn't even be difficult to get her above E-Rank in Magical Power. This would increase her potential output to 2000+, all while removing the need for her to rely on the precious magic gemstones she used to compensate for her own lack of power. It was this reliance on tools, which seemed to be commonplace amongst Magi, that kept her from reaching her full potential. Since she spent a lot of her efforts on channeling her Magical Power into objects, for later use, she wasn't doing anything to actually increase her base parameters. This was why, when Vahn forged a staff for Rin's personal use, he made sure it drew directly from her Od in order to increase the output of her actual spells. If she figured out how to use it properly, Rin's Magical Power would slowly increase as her damage output skyrocketed...

Popping his joints to release their tension, Vahn then proceeded to change into a jersey to cover his torso. Since he didn't want to 'trigger' Rin by walking around without a shirt on, Vahn was trying to be considerate of his current 'proprietress'. Though he could tell, at a glance, that she was no longer a virgin, it was obvious that Rin's experience with men was limited. She was a little too conscious of the fact they lived on the same roof and, though there weren't any feelings of genuine affection between them, Vahn was aware of the way she would view him at times. Though he could avoid this by changing his form into something 'less pleasing' to look at, Vahn didn't mind the attention that much since it made her easier to tease.

Within the Manor, Vahn could smell the scent of slightly burned eggs and an almost overwhelming fragrance of butter. Shaking his head, he went towards the bathroom to freshen up by taking a short shower, washing his face, and then finally brushing his teeth. As for his hair, Vahn never bothered to comb it as, with his 'image' always being how he saw himself, Vahn's hair had a natural 'styled' appearance. It was also extremely durable, to the point that the strongest winds and the hottest flames wouldn't be able to have much of an effect on it. Even if Vahn moved around at hypersonic speeds, it would only move as if touched by a gentle wind due to its inherent tendency to keep its shape in accordance with his 'image'.

After cleaning up, Vahn went into the dining room where Rin was already seated, this time at the side of the table. She had her eyes closed, refusing to look towards him, so Vahn gave a wry smile as he sat down on the opposite side. He always kept the table between them so it was obvious that Rin sat at the side of the table to reduce the distance, even a little. Since the table was much longer than it was wide, this put them in a distance where they could casually converse without issue. At the same time, however, it meant that their feet might accidentally touch if they were restless. Though this wouldn't be an issue for Vahn, he knew Rin moved around a little 'too much' whenever she-

"Stop. Whatever you're thinking right now, don't finish it..."

In response to Rin's sudden interjection, Vahn simply smiled before using his chopsticks to sample the tri-colored mess that represented Rin's attempt to make scrambled eggs. The balance between the butter, salt, pepper, and other spices, was all over the place. Regardless of this, however, Vahn dutifully at everything on his plate as Rin scrutinized him from across the table. When he was done, Vahn set his chopsticks at the side before softly stating, "Thank you for breakfast, Rin. You have improved a lot..." He couldn't outright say it was delicious, as that would have been a lie, but Vahn knew Rin would take what she could get in this situation. She knew better than anyone that it didn't taste good so it was more than enough to hear that she was 'improving'.

With a fresh smile on her face, Rin nodded happily before musing, "Of course, I am a genius after all. Just you wait, Vahn, soon enough even Master Chefs won't be able to match the quality of my dishes~." Though she said these words with 'confidence', Rin only just now took a bite of her own food. She had been watching Vahn eat previously so she now had to experience the taste of her own dish after it had grown cold. As a result, Rin's eyes rounded slightly as her chopsticks froze in her hands, mid bite. Vahn couldn't help but smile when he saw this before 'casually' pulling a freshly brewed pot of green tea out of his Inventory. He then placed a small platter of ginger and mint at the side before stepping up from the table and saying, "I'll take care of lunch, okay...?"

Rin, having failed to swallow the food she had prepared, gave a mechanical nod in response before hiding her face and muttering, "Make a little more than normal..." as Vahn left the room. Since he knew she would be able to 'understand' what he was thinking, Vahn imagined Rin happily eating a cheesecake, eliciting a contented hum from her in response. Then, as he entered into the basement to conduct his next phase of training, Vahn tied a small bag of cookies to the door of Rin's workshop before sitting down at his workbench and picking up a metal pipe. Using his left hand, Vahn set his palm around three centimeters from the pipe's surface as he muttered, "[Analyze]..."

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Dat Quest doe...','Vahn has around a fifth of Rin's Od but can output nearly ten times the amount of Magical Power xD...','The taste of Hubris is surprisingly salty') <-(p.atreon link)

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