After pacifying Fenrir, Vahn parted ways with the four girls and left the Hearth Manor with the intent of going to visit Hephaestus. As of now, the premonitions that had been plaguing him had largely vanished, but Vahn was still somewhat alert and used his domain at full power to map everything within the vicinity on his way to Hephaestus's Workshop. Since he was in his Báihǔ form, Vahn had also memorized the scent of the girl called Haruhime, which was similar to lavender with somewhat of a robust undertone.
Since he wasn't in a hurry, and had been paying attention to the surroundings, Vahn arrived outside Hephaestus's workshop after a half-hour before making his way inside. Though it wasn't nearly as bad as the previous night, the closer Vahn had gotten to her workshop, the more excited he became as a warm feeling spread through his body. This was magnified somewhat because, if Vahn focused on the bond they shared, he was also able to sense the anticipation of Hephaestus.
When he tried to open the door, Vahn noticed it was locked even though it was during business hours. His smile grew marginally since it was a good sign for what was to come; Vahn spread out his domain and inspected the surroundings in detail and noticed that Hephaestus was the only person inside and she was slowly making her way to the front door. There were several presences in the surroundings, likely security personnel and a mixture of pedestrians. Even so, Vahn inspected each of them with his intent to verify there was nothing strange before the door finally opened a little and revealed a very bashful looking Hephaestus peering through the crack.
Without trying to open the door himself, Vahn showed a gentle smile and said, "Good morning Hephaestus." Releasing a sigh, Hephaestus opened the door the rest of the way and crossed her arms loosely under her breasts as she said, "Come inside, quickly, who knows what problems might arise later." Following her words, Vahn stepped into the workshop before he heard the door close behind him with a bit of force as Hephaestus secured the lock.
Curious, Vahn asked, "Did something ha-" Before he could finish, Hephaestus leaned her weight against him and began one of the many passionate kisses they would share. He was so surprised by her actions that Vahn nearly fell backward a few steps before stabilizing his body and embracing Hephaestus powerfully. Vahn noticed that her body was surprisingly hot, including her tongue which had invaded his mouth since earlier. Vahn intertwined his with Hephaestus's as she slowly pressed his body, almost as if she were pushing him toward her office hidden deep at the back.
Realizing this was actually the case, Vahn felt emboldened so he picked up Hephaestus's body and princess carried her the rest of the way while she clung to his neck and began kissing the exposed parts of his collarbone. Since his spatial awareness was quite high, Vahn could focus on Hephaestus even while walking through the corridors without any issues at all. When they got to the door of her office, Vahn noticed Hephaestus had left it open so he side-stepped through it to make sure no parts of her body collided with the reinforced frame.
By the time Vahn closed the door and locked it, Hephaestus had a deep blush on her face and was beginning to sweat profusely as she looked into his eyes with a fervent gaze. Vahn leaned forward to kiss her, but Hephaestus tucked her head to evade his attempt as she placed her hand over his heart. In a quiet tone, Hephaestus said, "Let's go to the couch...we need to talk..."
After getting a face full of red hair for his efforts, Vahn followed Hephaestus words and walked over the couch. Though she seemed to try and free herself from his carry, Vahn turned his body and sat down while still holding onto her firmly. She gave him an awkward smile and said, "It's...somewhat hard to talk like this. There are several things I want to tell you before we go any further."
Since Vahn didn't want to cause any discomfort for Hephaestus, nor did he want to appear impatient, he just for a moment before placing his forehead gently against hers for a few moments. He knew they shared a powerful bond now and she would be able to sense his feelings. When he was done, Vahn loosened his grip on Hephaestus's body so she sat at his side with a moderate amount of distance between them. Though she still had a fierce blush on her face, Hephaestus also had a serious look in her eyes and Vahn could feel her hesitation.
Hephaestus was quiet for several seconds as she considered her words carefully. After a while, she released a somewhat pained sigh and said, "Vahn...I wanted you to know that..that..." As she continued to struggle, Vahn reached out his right hand and stroked the side of Hephaestus's face before running his fingers through her beautiful red hair. In a gentle tone, Vahn said, "Please tell me what is troubling you. No matter what, I will always be with you when you need and forever more."
Closing her eyes, Hephaestus rested against Vahn's gentle caress as she held onto his forearm with her left hand. Finding some comfort in the warmth coming from his palm, Hephaestus released another sigh and said, "Even though this body is that of a aren't my first partner. I wanted you to know everything about my past...I want you to know about my weakness...the loneliness I have felt for so long..."
As she was still trying to find her words, Hephaestus sensed movement and felt her head get pulled forward slightly as Vahn silenced her pained words with a kiss. Opening her eyes, Hephaestus tried to use her right hand to press against his chest, but Vahn wouldn't part from the kiss no matter what she tried. Giving up, Hephaestus slipped her arm to his side and Vahn reached around and embraced her in a powerful, comforting, hug.
For several minutes, Vahn continued to kiss Hephaestus until the chaotic nature that had been appearing in her aura completely vanished. After sucking on her tongue a bit, Vahn pulled his face away and looked at the glossy-eyed Hephaestus who had a somewhat pitiful look on her face as she dazedly kissed at the air for an extra few seconds. Vahn reached up and caressed her face once again as he said with absolute seriousness, "Everything about you is important to me, but I've no interest in a past that causes you such pain. From now on, whenever you feel lonely, whenever you feel worried, you just have to call out to matter how far away, I will come running. The inconsequential fools from your past aren't nearly as important as the present we share, the future we'll create...together."
Though she was somewhat absentminded, each of Vahn's words resonated powerfully with Hephaestus. She could feel his emotions, the stability of his words, the comfort of his embrace, and the love they shared...everything linked together and echoed through her body until she felt her soul tremble. As if they were some insignificant thing, the images that had been plaguing Hephaestus's mind while thinking about her union with Vahn slowly faded away. Just like Vahn said, the past wasn't important anymore...not here, not now, not when she was in his arms and enjoying the comfort he provided her. Vahn was like a safe refuge for her soul, something that kept away all the feelings of negativity that had plagued her for so many millions of years...
Placing her head against his chest, though it wasn't necessary to do so, Hephaestus listened to Vahn's hear beating powerfully. She could sense the presence of the 'eternal flame' within as Vahn stroked her back gently while hugging her body against his. Hephaestus could feel the heat radiating from Vahn intermingling with the heat from her own body and, even though they had yet to complete their union, she felt like they had already become one. As her emotions continued to rise, Hephaestus raised her head before using her hands to press into Vahn's chest.
Though he could have resisted, Vahn allowed Hephaestus to push him over and he pulled her along with him. He could see she was taking long, deep, breaths and had an incredibly flushed expression on her face. She lifted her body from his with a bit of effort and began to unbutton his tunic until Vahn just unequipped it to save her some effort. Once his upper body was bare, Hephaestus traced his chest with her fingers for a moment before leaning down and kissing his body with her flushed red lips.
For now, Vahn wanted to let Hephaestus ease her anxiety without experiencing too much pressure from him. Instead of doing anything too rough, he gently caressed her body even though he had a powerful urge to grip her butt. Even though he didn't quite agree with it completely, there were certain butts that Vahn was very fond of and Hephaestus's was at the top of the list. Since he knew she especially trained it to be to his liking, Vahn felt a great deal of excitement whenever he thought about it.
By the time Hephaestus worked up to his shoulders, she stopped for a while which confused Vahn. Tracing her fingers along his shoulder, Vahn knew what she had found and explained, "It was left there by Chloe. Though we haven't done anything, we still professed love for each other..." Without responding to his words, Hephaestus continued to trace the scar with her fingers for a few seconds. After a while, she whispered in his ear, "Even though I'm okay with you having other girls, I can't help but feel a little jealous when seeing something so intimate..."
Vahn's mind buzzed a bit as her words tickled his ears and he began to wonder if Hephaestus also wanted to leave her mark on him. Before the could think of anything to say, Hephaestus continued, "I want something more...something that will always be uniquely ours. And I don't want it to be on your body; I don't need to compete with the other girls...I want you to leave a mark on me instead. I want something that invalidates the scar that used to cover my face...something that I can take with me permanently...forever and ever."
After he words, Hephaestus continued so lay against Vahn's body in silence before she asked, "I know you were able to modify Lili's crest in the past...I want you to leave a mark on my doesn't matter what it is, as long as it is something important to you." Pushing against his chest and the couch, Hephaestus lifted herself from Vahn's body and began to remove her white, sweat-soaked, blouse. Since she had been expecting Vahn, Hephaestus hadn't been wearing a bra since earlier in the day. Vahn was able to see her milky white breasts and small, cherry-like, protrusions. Though he had seen them before, Vahn couldn't help but marvel at the flawlessness of Hephaestus's rather large breasts.
Turning her back, Hephaestus move her long ponytail to the side and said, "Please..." Though Vahn was somewhat reluctant, he also felt an incredible anticipation building up in his own body as he gingerly traced his fingers along Hephaestus's back. Though she had powerful muscles, her skin still retained a youthful quality and there didn't really seem to be any obvious signs of the power contained within. Unless she forcibly flexed, Hephaestus looked very lean and had a very womanly, shapely, figure. When his finger followed the line of her back to the base of where her torso connected into her tight black trousers, Vahn suddenly stopped and the emotions that had been building in him reached a peak.
Since she had been paying attention to his actions, Hephaestus could feel Vahn's excitement as his fingers stopped slightly above where her butt was. She knew Vahn liked her butt and had even been exercising for up to two hours a day just to appeal to him a bit more. Hephaestus felt like it was one of the advantages she had over most of the girls around him, so she planned to exploit it whenever possible. After a few seconds, she whispered in a somewhat sultry voice, "Do it..."
Vahn gulped powerfully after hearing Hephaestus's words and he began to take several deep breaths to help calm his mind. Even though he knew more intimate things would happen between them in the future, leaving a permanent mark on the girl he loved felt incredibly deviant. Though he had a profound sense of excitement welling up inside him, Vahn was also somewhat scared and anxious to continue. However, he didn't want to let Hephaestus's expectations down and also wanted to give her what she wanted. Vahn consoled himself by remembering that he could always remove it later with [Hands of Nirvana] if she changed her mind in the future...
Though it felt profoundly awkward, Vahn used [Yggradsil's Favor] and emulated the crest creation process of the Familia induction ceremony. She wouldn't obtain anything like a blessing, but the mark Vahn left on her body could only be removed by him from now on. Since he didn't have anything better, Vahn decided to carve his 'makers mark' into the small of Hephaestus's back, right above where the line of her back merged into her the division between her butt cheeks. By the time he was done, Vahn knew his face was probably very red because of the excitement and embarrassment he had felt.
When Hephaestus learned what Vahn had carved into her back, her blush became a deep crimson and she gripped his shoulders with shaky hands as they passionately embraced each other. After what felt like an eternity, Hephaestus lited her face from Vahn's and took several, almost ragged, breaths before saying in a sensual tone, "If you're going to claim my body as your're going to have to take responsibility...I want a baby."
(A/N: 'Vahn is not concerned with inferior gods','Permanant Tattoo','Forging a baby in the forge goddess's furnace')
I am currently at $749/1200 of my new goal~! If I can reach this amount, I intend to start having character profiles and images of all the characters created so I can update the information to a wiki~! Though the Wiki will be accessible by anyone, only Patrons will receive the high-res versions of the images <3
Level 1 Vahn:
Courtesy of
(A/N: Oh, NSFW btw...)
Hearing Hephaestus's words, Vahn felt an itch in his heart as an excitement far greater than when he had carved his mark into her backside. His brows lowered a bit while his eyes opened wide, almost as if he had a fiery look in his eyes as he said confidently, "Leave it to me!" Before she could even respond, Vahn lifted her body from the couch and hugged her bare breasts against his chest as he swept his hand toward the center of the room. As if materializing out of thin air, a large bed appeared and Vahn used Shundo and dropped them both in the center.
Though she was already incredibly excited, Hephaestus could feel her emotions compounding as her heart pounded like a hammer in her chest. The 'decisiveness' of Vahn and his actions immediately after her request made her body feel like it had turned into a furnace. She felt a powerful aching feeling in her womb as anxiety rose of from her abdomen and caused shivers to run up her back. Even before they had begun, Hephaestus had already turned into a sloppy mess from the anticipation alone.
Vahn leaned over Hephaestus's body and kissed the side of her neck before slowly moving up the rest of her face starting from her ears, continuing to her cheek, and then finally locking lips with Hephaestus before invading her mouth with his tongue. Even though Vahn couldn't really describe the taste well, it felt like her saliva made his body feel warmer and warmer as the emotions continued to rise between them. At this point, Hephaestus aura had turned a deep pink along the edges while the center was a passionate, almost blood-like red.
Even though he had seen her naked before, Vahn began to take deep breaths as he finally stopped kissing Hephaestus and worked his hands around her hips. She watched him with the most passionate expression he had ever seen and Vahn even noticed she was periodically holding her breath before releasing short, sharp, gasps. Since her trousers were form-fitting, they were very elastic and Vahn felt like he was removing a slightly thicker pair of hose from Hephaestus body. Before he even got far, Vahn nearly fell over onto Hephaestus after he got a whiff of the powerful aroma coming from her vagina.
Since it had been something that caused him excitement in the past, now that Vahn was so close, he had gotten a lungful of the mind-numbing aroma and it made him feel incredibly giddy. Even though he wasn't a virgin, Vahn felt like everything he was experiencing was brand new and he could hardly contain his own excitement as he shakily removed the rest of Hephaestus's clothing. Throughout the whole process, Hephaestus was biting the side of her hand and had even closed her eyes as a deep blush spread through her whole body.
For several seconds, nearing an entire minute, Vahn just stared down at Hephaestus's nude body while unable to make any movements other than the jittering of his own body. The flush that had covered her body made every part of Hephaestus look even more beautiful. With the bond they shared, Vahn could feel her own emotions and it was an almost overwhelming sensation as her aura had long ago encompassed his body. He could feel it crawling along his skin and a heat spread through his body that seemed like it would burn through him if it wasn't extinguished soon.
Vahn uttered in a shaky voice, "Before we use [Enkidu]...I want to make you my own in the normal way...we have plenty of time." Vahn spoke through long breaths as he looked down on Hephaestus's body from his kneeling position near her legs. Though it took her a while to compose herself, Hephaestus turned to Vahn and had an enamored smile on her face as she said, "Do it however you want...I just want to experience you...make everything else go away. I don't want to be a goddess of forging, I just want to be your woman right now..."
At this point, even Vahn's legs were shaking somewhat as he unequipped the remainder of his clothing and stripped off the briefs he had been wearing. Hephaestus's eyes widened a bit at the sight as a burgundy blush appeared on her face. She had seen Vahn naked previously and had long prepared herself both physically and mentally. However, even though she had steeled her resolve, Hephaestus still dripped a small amount of blood from her nose due to the increased tensions and rise in blood pressure.
Though it wasn't the first time he had been erect, Vahn felt like his penis had grown a few centimeters due to his own excitement. Since he knew he could control it to an extent, Vahn wanted to calm himself down to make things easier for Hephaestus. However, before he could calm his mind, Hephaestus sat up from the bed with a bit of difficulty and reached forward to grab his member in her hands. The moment her hand made contact, Hephaestus twitched a bit and said, "It's so hot...this will go inside me." Then, against any expectations Vahn had, Hephaestus leaned down and removed swept her hair to the side with her free hand as she kissed the tip of his penis and said, "Go easy on me..."
Even though he had been struggling to suppress it, Vahn felt like his blood flow had increased marginally and had the illusion that his penis would explode soon. This wasn't caused by the urge to ejaculate, but the tensions in his body as he felt the girth of his own penis increase marginally. Hephaestus had noticed it as well and had a strange smile on her face as she whispered, "Or not..."
Laying back down on the bed, Hephaestus pulled up her knees and spread her legs invitingly as she looked into Vahn eyes and said, "It doesn't matter, shape me however you want...even if my body isn't, my heart is ready." Vahn gulped heavily and almost wanted to comment that Ais had been able to manage, but the words got stuck in his throat and he swallowed them down before they had the chance to form. If things got bad, Vahn could use [Hands of Nirvana] to ease any suffering she might feel...
Approaching near the inside of Hephaestus's legs, Vahn placed his left hand on her waist as he positioned himself at the incredibly damp entrance of Hephaestus's vagina. Though he hadn't commented about it, Vahn was surprised by the sheer quantity of fluids produced by her body. There were already several stains soaking into the bed and Vahn was even worried that she would suffer from dehydration if things continued. When he pressed his glans along the smooth, slippery, interior of Hephaestus's vagina, Vahn felt an incredible heat spread through his own penis.
Since she was a goddess, Hephaestus was completely bare on her crotch and everything glistened in the low light of the room and created a dangerous urge in Vahn's heart. However, even before he began his insertion, a flood of liquid began pouring out from the steamy mound as Hephaestus's body shook a bit. Vahn looked into her passionate eyes and locked gazes with her as she said, "Stop teasing me..."
Gritting his teeth, Vahn found the proper angle and began pressing his way forward into her depths. Other than the pleasant tightness, the thing that impacted Vahn the most was the incredible heat coming from her body. As if she was trying to compete with his own body that was powered by the 'eternal flame', Hephaestus's interior was like an actual furnace and Vahn felt like she was trying to mold his penis to her shape, instead of the opposite way around. As if driven by some primal instinct, Vahn powered his own 'eternal flame' and increased the heat of his own body until he reached a thin, somewhat firm, membrane.
Hephaestus's body shook again and she opened up her arms and hugged around Vahn's neck tightly. Before she said anything, Vahn fixed his angle to a more optimal position and pressed powerfully against the futile resistance. Immediately, the heat of Hephaestus's body increased by a large degree as he inserted more than 80% of his penis into her vagina with a single powerful thrust. In response, Hephaestus released a loud, gasping, moan as her body seized up from the sudden painful intrusion.
Vahn paused to allow her to adapt, but Hephaestus had different plans as she began forcibly kissing Vahn. Between gasping breaths and passionate kisses, Hephaestus said, "Don't stop, I want to remember this forever. Even if you ravish my body...I would only feel more fulfilled..." Though he was tempted, Vahn removed Hephaestus's hands from his face and body as he locked his fingers through hers and pressed them against the bed. Looking into her crimson-red eyes, Vahn said seriously, "I will make sure you remember this, but it won't be through pain..."
Leaning down, Vahn kissed Hephaestus as she squirmed to free her hands. Even though he wasn't moving on his own, Hephaestus seemed to be trying to take action herself as she wrapped her legs around his body and tried to pull him deeper into her depths. Though it was an incredibly pleasurable feeling for Vahn, especially since he noticed he was slowly pushing against the back of her vagina, he continued to maintain his focus and finally released Hephaestus's hands while kissing her deeply.
Even when Hephaestus was lightly gasping for air, Vahn continued to kiss her and only stopped to allow her to catch her breath for a few seconds before continuing. Though not to the full extent, Vahn began to caress Hephaestus's body with [Hands of Nirvana] as she squeezed his back with enough force to leave hand prints embedded in his flesh. Fortunately, Hephaestus seemed to trim her nails properly and there wasn't any blood like when he had experienced something similar in the past.
Banishing excess thoughts from his mind, Vahn traced his hands along Hephaestus's large breasts and began to massage them from the outside before working his way to the cherry-colored nipples in the center. Though she usually had lighter colored protrusions, when Hephaestus was excited they took on a blush of their own and became firm. Even before he touched them with his hands, Vahn had felt them scratching against his chest while they were kissing.
After around five minutes, Hephaestus's body had begun to vibrate even though Vahn hadn't eased the tension of her muscles like a normal massage. He had been stimulating her body instead and now there were powerful reverberations running through her body. Though he was tempted to heal her vagina as well, Vahn knew Hephaestus might begrudge him a bit since she seemed to care deeply about feeling the sensations normally. However, now that she was already in an echoing climax, Vahn began to slowly pull back his hips and piston into the fiery depths of Hephaestus's vagina.
As if awakened from a pleasant dream, Hephaestus put more strength into her arms and began to gasp in sequence with Vahn's gentle thrusts. Since he was paying attention to her reactions, Vahn tried to time his pace with her breathing so she wouldn't be overly stressed. He couldn't deny he was feeling an incredible amount of pleasure, but Vahn was mainly focused on Hephaestus's needs and wanted to carve their first experience into her body. Though he didn't do it himself, Vahn knew about masturbation and was aware that Hephaestus had comforted herself to him in the past. Since he couldn't always be around, Vahn wanted to give her a memory she would never forget no matter what...
Every time Vahn thrust into her, Hephaestus felt a jolt run along her spine as the aching feeling in her womb became increasingly stronger. She couldn't even form coherent thoughts anymore and just began chanting a phrase like it was the only thing that defined her at this moment, "Vahn...I love you..." Every time Vahn thrust into the back of her vagina and collided with her depths, Hephaestus would repeat the phrase like a mantra.
Though she had been stuck in a climax for a while, Vahn knew it was possible to push Hephaestus to more pleasurable heights. After slowing is pace a bit and taking a few deep breaths, Vahn looked into Hephaestus's glazed eyes and stated firmly, "I'm going to get a bit rough...prepare yourself." In response to his words, Hephaestus just gave a vibrant smile and said, "Vahn, I love you so much." Taking her hands once again, Vahn pressed then back to the bed and whispered into Hephaestus's ear, "I love you Hephaestus..."
After his words fell, Vahn began to put much greater effort into his thrusts and knocked at the entrance of Hephaestus's cervix as if he was trying to pry it open. Fortunately, Vahn had researched a bit about the matter and found out that was a needless worry. He also knew that the vagina could expand during intense arousal and stimulation and was intent on making Hephaestus fully accept him. Though he knew it would probably be somewhat uncomfortable for her, Vahn also knew that Hephaestus would be happy as a result.
After more than two minutes of powerful thrusting, Vahn was at the absolute limit of his tolerance and Hephaestus had been loudly gasping while calling his name for a large part of the duration. Since he was worried about her suffocating, Vahn just continued to kiss Hephaestus's neck for the entire duration until he had finally reached a point of no return. Even though he had only worked around 90-95% percent of himself into her, Vahn took one last breath and tensed his body as he gave one last thrust into the interior of Hephaestus's vagina. Even though she hadn't accepted it naturally, Vahn was able to press his hips against the hard area of her pelvis and fully insert himself into her interior as he ejaculated more powerfully than any previous instance.
As he had also timed it with the echoes and gasps of Hephaestus, she immediately had a power, albeit somewhat painful, climax as she loudly shouted, "Vaaaaaaaaaaaahnnnnnnnnnn~!!!!" Feeling the bulging sensation in her own vagina and the incredibly hot liquid expanding her depths, Hephaestus began to take several fast breaths as the most powerful climax she had ever felt wracked her body. Though she had felt a sharp pain for a moment, it was completely driven away by the intense heat that was spreading through her body.
While his own hips were shaking and he was holding himself over Hephaestus's body, Vahn felt a strange sensation passing through his bloodstream and was incredibly confused by what was happening. The instant he had been preparing to ejaculate, the 'eternal flame' in his chest had seemingly exploded as its essence passed through his bloodstream and infused itself with his semen. He could feel a powerful heat erupt from his penis and it felt like the inside of Hephaestus's vagina had turned from a hot furnace into a blazing smeltery. His confusion compounded even further when the 'eternal flame' seemed to calm down and even acted somewhat melancholic as the heat began to dissipate...
Before he could investigate further, Hephaestus grabbed the sides of his face since he had released her hands earlier and began to kiss him. Though it was still passionate, it was far more gentle than their earlier kisses had been. Vahn decided to bring up the matter with Hephaestus in a bit, but for now, he would continue to comfort her in the afterglow of their union. Even though he already considered Hephaestus to be one of most beautiful women he had ever met, Vahn felt like she was especially beautiful at this moment...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Leave it to me! -bed appears out of thin air- Aren't you a little too well prepared!?','Everlasting Impression','Eternal Flame's Peculiarity')
I am currently at $749/1200 of my new goal~! If I can reach this amount, I intend to start having character profiles and images of all the characters created so I can update the information to a wiki~! Though the Wiki will be accessible by anyone, only Patrons will receive the high-res versions of the images <3
Level 1 Vahn:
Courtesy of
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