"As you can guess, it's making a pact with Sterfen and purchasing one of his skills that will allow you to pull this stealth mission off," added Daruun, making Jack finally feel more at ease. "You should make sure to form a pact with each willing god before you hurry off to go see Rikko. And since you're carving your own path, you can head out after you declare your entry in the councilmen election.
"Do you have any more questions, Jack?"
Thinking it over, Jack heaved a sigh of relief. The thought of soloing Earthen Keep wasn't as stressful when he included the option of using the skills of the gods, in particular a skill from the god currently stalking Naparn within the Olympic Chateau. By comparison, the Earthen Keep felt a bit safer.
"No… I don't think I have any more questions about my tomb… At least not any that you would willingly answer."
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