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53.33% Reaching The Heavens By Evolving / Chapter 7: Unwillingness to be slave

Chapter 7: Unwillingness to be slave

Quaren was taken aback by these words and started to think how to get free from this man.

That man placed him into one of his pockets totally paralyzed.

"Sleep well, little one"

After saying this Quaren felt an extreme urge to sleep. He tryed to resist but that man was stronger than him in some way that he did not know.

"Wake up"

His mind awakened when he heard this order from that man.

Then he was grabbed and placed into some sort of cage that had some circular thing around itself.

"What they have with those circles?"

"Let´s have talk, little one."

"I am sure that you can understand me and that you want to be free again but i must crush this fairy-tail of yours and place you into real world."

"Now i am gonna tame you for sure and after doing that you will not have a way to resist me."

"Do you like this idea?"

Hearing this man saying this Quaren was shocked and was unwilling to be some pet or something like that. So he decided to argue with this man, because in his new memories of this body he had a info about taming. The first one was to let the animal obey you because of your strenght, the animal may not be loyal but it will still serve it´s purpose. The another way was to reach an agreement with the animal that have mind on its own.

"How?" Asked Quaren.

"How??" The man sneered and started chanting some chant.

"If you do it hard way i am not gonna be loyal to you and i will wait for a chance to kill you if i could."

Hearing this that man was pretty suprised because he thinked that Wasper will never obey somebody else way than by strenght.

"So you want to be my pet by agreement?"

"It is better."

"So what do you want?" That man asked him.

"As you said i will repay you for myself twofolds and then you will set me free."

"Pretty fair, but you know this world is not that fair. What if I tamed you as the first way of taming states and you will earn me riches more times of your value. What do you think? Which one should i choose?"

Hearing all of this Quaren in pretty complicated situation what to do as the next course of action.

"I am gonna repay you for myself and then i will serve you for another year."

"Pointless." The man said and started chanting.

Quaren started to search in his memories for some metod that can withstand the forcefull taming.

"Got it!" Quaren shouted in his mind when he finded a method to cancel the forcefull taming but as he got to know more he frowned and feel extreme depresion because nothing could now save him.

That metod was that you have to be stronger than your oponent to ignore his forcefull taming...

"I think i will be with this man for quite a while now..."

"Or should i try that method?"

"It will be better than being slave..."

Minutes later that man stopped chanting and ilusionary whip appeared in his hands.

"Say bye to your freedom."


That whip landed on Quaren´s body as it somehow ignored that cage and even was strenghtened by it.

As the whip nearly landed on him Quaren quickly started to build his cube around himself and even adding more and more efford in building it than last time because he knew that if he did not go all out now he will never be able to again.


The whip was knocked back by the first layer of his cube. But even that way the fist layer almost crumbled apart.

"Oh, you are for sure Variant!"

"So you of course need more beating before accepting me as your master!"


Another whip landed onto defense cube of Quaren and destroyed his first layer of defense.

"Luckily i went all out and formed five layers."

Suddenly that man´s whip started to diminish until it dissapeared.

"How?!" That man shouted as if he was crazy.

"Hmm?" Quaren noticed that this man is not that strong as he thinked he was.

Quaren started thinking how is how weaker but somehow still stronger than this man.

"Oh!" Quaren came to realization.

"So when this man uses his mind he is circulating or creating in some ways to utilize its capability like that whip. But i am another im doing just some layers around myself."

"Wait! Can i do the same as he did now?"

"Let me try. Firstly i should think of form, yes... And then i should materialize it but that i do not know how to do... Hmmm..." Quaren was in deep thought.

"It seems like your mental state is comparable to mine or even highter than mine but you are still weaker than me so do not get cocky, little one."

Saying this that man stood there and was observing Quaren.

"First form and then let that form appear in my hand... Aahh! I do not have enought strenght because i just used all of my mind to build that five layered cube."

"How can i recover my mind? Hmm? By sleeping and relaxing and maybe some external resources may help me?"

"For now let´s stop thinking about copying that skill of his. Because i have to make a deal with that man. Or should I try to kill him?"


"Little one, what do you think about making a pact with me?"


"Yes, as i can see you have abilities to do some thing that i can not due to my size and other things but this is not problem for you... So what do you think?"

"What do you want from me?"

"Just some simple robbery and maybe some assasination." The man smiled as he said this innocently.

Quaren started to think about this, because if this man got the right "prey" he might be of some use to him. Of course it would be both od them that will be using the another one."

"What will be the statement of our pact?" Said Quaren as he decided that with "master" it will be better because he will be able to broaden his horizonts and maybe even utilize his strenght that was now just like the sturdy rock, even if you can throw a rock you can not pierce throught somebody with it.

"Our pact will be for one year. I think that you will be able to earn me quite a horde of wealth till the time will be up."

"And what will happen when our pact will be up?"

"I will let you decide what you want to do next."

"Hmm, and will you teach me the way of that chanting of yours and other things?"

"You mean Shan?"


"Yes, the power of our minds that is absolute existence even if you compare it to your body."

So this power that they use is named Shan? I thing that i can live with this man and work for him because even if he is not that good he is not some blabber of nonsence from wom i can not get a thing.

"Let´s do pact!"

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