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46.66% Reaching The Heavens By Evolving / Chapter 6: Deemed as Variant

Chapter 6: Deemed as Variant

After god know how long Quaren opened his eyes.

But everything he saw was just pitch black darkness.

"That humans... I will tear them apart and then eat and let them become pile of sh"t."

Roared Quaren in his mind, almost speaking loud.

"Oh, you are finally awake." Said some woman with enchanting voice.

Hearing someone being there Quaren was shocked because he was feeling nothing and on top of that someone else.

Trying to move his neck Quaren noticed that he can not even a bit with his body as if it was not his body now but he was just some sort of spectator.

"Trying to move?" "I am sorry but that is not possible because i was told that some of the Wasper´s race will rather suicide than be captured so i had no other option."

"The first think we need to do is to get known to each other, right?"

Suddenly that darkness was replaced with a colourfull world and in front of this world was a woman. But not just some woman but as it seemed some noble lady.

This lady had silver haired hairs that reached her slim chest of her slim figure. Her face was simly enchaningly beatifull not speaking about her clean white skin.

By the looks you can tell that she was just about twelve years old and with boost of her innocent self you can even say that she was about ten.

That lady poured some sort of liquid on Quaren and after while said.

"Good Day Sir, I am Lucia Van Tard and i welcome you in our family´s palace."

Hearing the speech of that girl Quaren started to forget about that shameless bastards and started to point his attention onto that little girl.

"May I ask you honorable Sir for your name?"


"Is it that you do not have one?" Said that girl broking that few seconds lasting silence.

"Or are you angry at me?"

Saying this that girl´s eyes started to reden and pools for tears started to fill.

This scene totally crushed the weak mind of Quaren so after bit of hesitation he said:

"It is the earlier."

And that was truth because he always named himself as Quaren but that was just name of his variantion or like that in his race and never thinking about thing like his name he never ever imagines to have one just for himself.

"Oh, so it is like that." That girl started to smile as tear flowed out from her left eye.

"And may i have that honour to give a name to you, honorable Sire?"

Sensing that something was out of order Quaren decided to be rather quiet.

"Sire?" The girl said in her enchanting voice.

Quaren felt that from the moment the liquid landed onto him he got somehow more sensitibe towards feelings and looking back he confirmed his bad premonotion.

"Sire?" Suddenly that echanting voice started to got more ugly.

"Sire?" That voice transformed and that pretty girl changed into middle aged man.

"Oh, so it is like this... that is pretty troublesome." Said that middle aged man with face full of pain.

After saying this he poured another one flask of some liquid onto Quaren and started to chant something.


Firstly Quaren felt nothing but as the time progressed he started to feel weird and the whole world turned blurry.

"It is unfortunate but this one cannot be tamed with our tricks and another one will not work so we will have to sell him..."

"At least the timing is good and the auction in Manzel will start next month."

Hearing this last sentence Quaren fainted due to that liquid combined with that person´s chanting.



After God knows how long Quaren´s mind started to operate once more.

Sensing his surounding he felt that he was in some sort of circle so he did not dared to open his eyes.

"Number 928A49 is bidding another hundred diamond tokens, so the final price is now Four thousand gold and hundred-twenty diamond tokens."

"Is another wanting to bid?"

"Oh, that man with silver fan is bidding another thousand golden tickets and his number is unexpectedly in s graded seat with number 31!"

"Do we have another one here that is willing to bid onto this Variant Wasper´s race´s Dron with strong spirit?" "As you know beast races are all limited with their spirit energy but there are some variants that are able to became that race´s protector."

"So if you miss this chance to buy this little one here you might lose highly valued individual."

"Nobody wants to bid?"

"So i hereby anounce that number number 31S2 is now the owner of this Dron."



Quaren hearing all of this started to get headache.

"So this is what they meant by that auction?"


Quaren noticed that some sence started to engulfe him and started to sink into his body.

"No way!" Quaren roared in his mind and started to think about his body, he first started with thought about wall that tryed to block the another but to his suprise his thought about this slowly diminished from his mind.

"So this is what is means "Battle Of Minds"?"

Thinking again about that wall he started to tkink that his wall was from iron impregenable.

Setting up one wall succesfully that blocked that sence in one direction he started to build a cube around himself from iron walls.

He suceeded and that sence as if sensing his unwavering mind that somehow got protection from his mind retreated.


Quaren breathed out and slowly inhaled to calm himself.

Doing that he unknowingly caused to move the crowd attention on himself.

"Oh, it is awakening. You are lucky fellow number 31S2 now it seems like it accepts you!"

Hearing auctioneer saying this loudly the man with fan wanted to kill him right on spot, because it was him that wanted to kill that wasp to get his money back.

Because all of his overbearance was just an act to do let the other take notice of him. But because of that wasp he will have to lose all of his fortune that he luckily obtained.

Quaren wanted to watch the rest of the auction but he was just a part of it so after his turn he was placed within room specialized for auctioned items awaiting their new masters.

Hours later woman walked next to him and his "circle" and moved him on desk.

As that woman placed him on the desk the circle around him disappeared.

"Should i fight for my freedom?"

With this thought he opened his eyes to look around because he can not sence a thing around him except for that he was placed somewhere.

As he opened his eyes he saw some chain with lock locked onto him.

Turning his head around he saw a man and woman arguing about something but because of some unknown reason he can not hear them.

After a while of talking the two stopped and the man went to him.

He lifted his palm and that shook the suroundings Quaren was in.

As if by magic Quaren noticed that the lock unlocked and the chains he was wrappen within diminished until they disappeared.

Quaren noticed that he can finally control his body and unknowingly statred to "buzz" with his wings.

Seeing him like that that man pointed his finger onto him and by doing that something unexpected happened.

The metal cube around Quaren started to melt. Quaren noticed that his mind was getting more and more tired.

But when he started to feel despair that he might be "tamed" or something like that because he felt his mind almost going blank that man suddenly stopped his action and retreated his finger.

"Indeed it is Variant so maybe he should be able to become strong. Now it is just some newborn baby but it still resisted as if there was thousand of adult Wasper´s minds together."

Then he grabbed Quaren that had nowhere to run because he again lost control of his body.

"Hello little one, i am the one that bought you. So you better be prepared to serve me well or the thing that almost happened to you when i pointed my finger at you might occur again."

"And when you cost me so much i will make sure you repay it to me at least two times."

Rockayy Rockayy

Hi, this is me Rockayy! Yes, I know that I bother you again but I need to tell you one thing that you for sure noticed and that is that I try to write what the Mc knows and just somewhere give some extra dialoque or something like this. And that I do not like to explain too much '-'

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