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33.33% Reaching The Heavens By Evolving / Chapter 4: Hunt that went weird way

Chapter 4: Hunt that went weird way

Quaren gently flapped his wings and headed towards the beehive to raid it. In mere seconds he was near the beehive looking for his prey.

Seeing a group of six bees near him he rushed to them with a pointed sting.


Bees saw him and realizing his hostile intentions started to form formation to counter him.

Quaren seeing bees futile attempt looked at them with even more ferociousness.

After forming a triangle like formation bees started attacking.

But as they wanted to surround that UFO a shocking scene happened.

Quaren rather than letting bees surround him was just looking for that flow.

"I can feel that flow from them. This looks pretty fortunate."

Thinking this he shot his sting toward one of the six bees and rapidly killed her because of his huge but agile sting.

His sting pierced through the bee. Seeing this Quaren was happy that he spent the rest of his flow on developing his sting.

He shook off that pierced bee and looked down, seeing just some dried suffused grass he decided to fight just above that to have better collecting of his testing objects.

After doing this he stared at the rest of the bees that were closing in fully enraged due to loss of a comrade.

He stayed in a position and awaited them. Seconds later the bees caught up and instantly attacked him.

A good minute later all the bees were pierced through and dying on grass that was signal for Quaren to start his experiment.

Firstly he dragged the dead body of one smaller bee to side and started eating it after gulping down his first bitten off piece of that bee he felt that mysterious flow strengthen.

Consuming the whole bee he got more than twice the amount than from his third bee so that confirmed his guess that smaller are better than bigger but he still did not know why is that so the only way to do something is to kill off one of the bigger ones and compare.

Thinking this he did as he thought and killed the biggest one. After killing it he started chewing it and transforming her into that flow. Eating the whole body he came to realization that his guess was incorrect and that the size is not the key factor.

"So how is it then?"

In frenzy he ate all of the remaining bees.

"The amount of flow from this group is several times bigger than from the last. what is the key factor?"

Sensing as if the current flow was insufficient for his development he thought of flying straight into the hive and that near the honeycombs, where is a huge amount of bees.

But before that he needed to develop his armour meaning his plates of chitin. Circulating the flow inside himself and pouring him into his armour plates another upgrade was taking place.

Looking as his body grew sturdier with a mass of plates he thought what those pitifull bees can now do than scratches.

Happy with his development he chose to execute his plan of invading the beehive. Flying through the lane of defence of those bees straight into honeycombs he was shocked. War erupted in this hive.

On one side were bees and at the other shockingly some bigger wasps, realizing this he remembered from memories of this body of the name of some bigger wasps with sturdy builds named= hornets.

"But there is some difference in our bodies I mean my developed parts that are getting kinda red with the luster of dark blue. And also comparing my size with their... I am smaller but with almost the same amount of chitin around myself... Luckily my wings are pretty strong."

Then Quaren started to think about how to reap benefits from this.

"Should I wait and then kill the remaining or should I join in and go on a rampage or should I kill-and-eat?"

Considering the benefits from all he chose the latest due to his results from experiments when he discovered that flow is lowering inside the body when it's dead so later it will diminish.

"Soooo bee or that hornet that are stronger but fewer in numbers?"

"Wait! If I kill off those hornets the bees will go after me and I will have to quickly retreat but if I kill off the bees then I would not be able to fight against remaining hornets because they are pretty strong so the best way is to kill randomly all, hahahahaha!"

Thinking this he rushed over and started his killing spree half a minute later he killed about twelve bees and succeeded in dragging eight of them away from the hive.

"Now I have some time for development, hehehe."

"Chomp" "Chrousty-chroust" Eating all the eight bees he decided to upgrade his body as a whole. As he decided he did and his legs can now sustain burden of his weight without the help of the wings also his head grew bigger and more sturdy and now seemed to fit his body length. With more sturdy build he can compare with some of the smaller homes.

"I think that I don´t know what is my race but who cares! When I'm strong I'm strong and when I'm weak I'm weak!"

Finishing his development Quaren flew into the hive and went against one of the hornets with his sting like a sword.

Hornet immersed in killing the rising amount of bees did not know of another enemy so it ended up with sting in it.

Quaren seeing that he hit his target put the rest of his poison into its body and then started killing that dozen of bees attacking that hornet. When killing one of the few remaining bees nearby his dying hornet he realized that the number of his enemies keep lowering due to continued fighting.

Quaren started to look around to know about the situation. He came to know that there is about 1/10 of bees dead but he did not saw any dead hornet.

"I have to rush out with this hornet or it will die and the flow in it will lower."

Thinking this he rushed over to that hornet and took it with him out. Getting out was pretty easy because of his developed wings that even exceeded those of the hornets.

Dropping that now dead body of a hornet on the grass under hive he began to eat that hornet. As he was gulping down the first piece he experienced a sudden outburst of flow that he never experienced before.

"Is it because this hornet is ranked higher than me?" Quaren started to think as he continued eating.

As he finished the whole body of that hornet Quaren felt his body as if it was full.

"This hornet gave me twice the amount more than that from the bees altogether and I even think that this flow from hornet is even more powerful than from those bees."

"That should explain some of my questions but one important question still remains and that is why some of the same race that I kill and eat gives me more of flow that from another member of the same race..."

"Hmm? Eat? Why I realized it just now..."

"I have to think about this, hmmmmm..."

Later he came with an idea. "Is it possible to attract that flow from the dead body of my prey into me without consuming it? That must be experimented on, hahaha!"

Making some voice that sounded like a light mad laugher he flew into the hive and inspected the situation of battle.

"Numbers of my prey is still falling and now there is just about half of the starting number of battling."

"Luckily when I developed my body as whole earlier it also expanded my sack of poison and even made it stronger so I do not have to pour the same amount as earlier and even have a bigger amount of him."

"For now I have to catch some of the hornets but I can not be too much absorbed into the battle or the situation will get out of my reach."

"Also I do not have to kill those hornets instantly but make them instead stun or immobilize them, hehehe."

Thinking this he flew over to nearby battling hornets and tried to pierce it. But to his surprise that hornets evaded his sting so it landed on the body of some bee.

"This one is different from the rest of them, it seems more intelligent and even its strength is on another level because the rest of hornets can not move with dozen or so of bees on them."

"Could this one give me more of that mysterious flow?" Thinking this Quaren leapt on some bees grabbed onto that hornets and started killing them with his powerful chunks.

...All the bees around were dead or were dying. "Now is it just you and me, love."

As if the hornets heard this she flew to him with hostile intention.

The two started fighting. Firstly they started with waves of "sword" clashes that were followed by waves of gnashing when both of them used their overpowered chunks against their absolute armour.

As the fight prolonged and those two were immersed in fighting the other one the rest of the fighting died down and the fighting was almost over.

Even those two maniacs started to feel fatigue and even their injuries were not lethal but as they stacked together the chance of lethal injury appearing started to go up.

"Seems like you can not continue but I cannot let you leave or I will regret it."

"Buzz" "Buzz"

The other hornets answered as if it understood this point and started attacking Quaren with its chunks because of the injured sting, on the other hand, Quaren pointed his sting towards the head of that hornets and stabbed.


Quaren attack succeeded and his sting was in the left eye of the hornets. Feeling his sting stabbed Quaren poured all of his newly recovered poison into the body of that hornets through his sting.

"It´s over now."

Buzzing (saying) this to another hornet Quaren retreated a bit to make some distance to let the poison do the magic.

That hornets buzzed for last time and fell onto small mountain of dead bodies.

"Wait for me I have something else to do for now."

Quaren buzzed and started ripping off the walls of honey-banks to make a hole to fill a bunch of bodies. He did this while leaving some of his awareness for that hornets. Luckily it did not try anything and just kept lying there waiting for its dead maybe it was the magic of the new poison or something but the main thing still was that it was still lying there and not dead.

After he did hole big enough to hold at least 3/4 of the dead he took ale the corpses here, of course he did not forget about his friend and placed him to a special spot in the middle.

Doing all of this he felt that his body can not hold too much longer because of the injuries he got from his fight mostly it was from that hornet´s poison and some role even played that he got chunked off some of his chitin armour. But to his surprise his wing was absolutely fine as if no fight occurred, comparing his injuries to that of his enemy... his were lighter...

Mainly because his enemy almost ripped off his wings.

"Let´s eat a bit, hehe."

Then he flew over to his "friend" and killed her after doing that he began to eat.

Starting eating he felt overwhelming energy that filled his body to his upper limit.

"No, I must persist!"

Quaren ignored this and continued with eating as he gulped down last bit of his friend´s body so that just wings and some other fleshless things except for chitin remained his body started to be unstable.

"Gruaaaah!!" "That hurts like a sh!t!!" "Uaaa!" Engulfed in pain that almost made him faint Quaren´s body exploded and white mist started to expand from his original position.

"Heh?" "It does not hurt anymore?" "And what is this? Is it my new form? No, rather it reminds me of my original body but it is somehow changed maybe due to this world."

As the white mist touched copses those corpses started to melt into some unknown substance that filled the whole hole but that did not stop as the mist started to reach out of the hole in the hive and even when it reached some still living bees or hornets they transformed into a puddle of meat and other things.

The expandation stopped just when the mist engulfed the whole bee´s hive.

"So it ends here? And what it means? I have so many questions..."

As Quaren was thinking his mind went blank. Looking from afar you can see as the mist started to condense and started to make some meat shell around the whole hive.

Rockayy Rockayy

I got a serious headache while "repairing" this... Honestly

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