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26.66% Reaching The Heavens By Evolving / Chapter 3: New discovery that needs more testing.

Chapter 3: New discovery that needs more testing.

After waking up Guaren decided to get something to fill his stomach but from earlier experience he chose to be more careful so he decided to walk after flying out of the river.

After flying to the bank of the river he started to walk. While walking he saw somehow bigger than usual and nest so he chose to explore it.

"This is pretty big and by the looks of it it's not empty, should I stuff some ants as breakfast?"

After a while of consideration he went to a side with fewer ants and started to hunt. He patiently waited and observed if there are no predators that might hunt him instead and as he confirmed that there is no one

he leapt on one of the ants and started to bite it.





The first bite was to leg, second to the body and the rest all around his small body but Quaren succeeded and gulped down the dead ant.

"That felt pretty good for an ant" Thought Quaren jokingly.

While later he was full.

"Should I resume my journey to the mountain?"

"Or rather not and live a "peaceful" life?"

But just as he was thinking about this a memory of eating that meat of bear appeared.


"If I remember I was ant before I ate the flesh of bear but after I ate it I got knocked out and was waken up as a wasp.

Do I have to eat the flesh of higher ranked animals than myself to let my body evolve just like last time?"

Imagining him eating ants and not getting better body angered him so he chose to resume his journey.

Gulping the last ant as a snack before journey he leapt to air and started flying but now pretty low attitude but at the same time not too low so that he won't get shot down by something.

Flying for half a day he arrived near the rocky mountain.

"Let´s end it here for today."

Saying this he landed and searched for a suitable place for his new hole for sleeping.

While looking around for a place for his new hole he noticed a little beehive hanging on a tree.

"Hmm, bees?"

"How am I and the bees at it?"

"Am I higher ranked than them due to bear´s flesh or are them?"

While thinking about it he noticed that there were not so many bees around the hive.

"Let´s go, if there will be some problem I can always run for my life."

Quaren started to fly to the territory of the bee´s hive.

Flying a bit into bee´s territory some lone bee was attracted to him and started warning him. Quaren noticing getting threatened by small be was enraged and instantly attacked bee.

Bee not expecting that wasp to endanger itself here by attacking it alarmed other bees to gather them and attack that lone-wolf together.

Quaren rushed over to bee and chomped it.


Bee getting bitted lost its balance and started falling down because it was bitten at its second wing.

Quaren seeing falling be started to pursue it to not let it escape his sight. Bee fell on mud and quickly stabilized but as it just stabilized another wave of attack arrived from Quaren.

After a while the bee got stung into its body and got eaten by Quaren.

"This bee tastes pretty sweet."

Hmm? As he was eating he noticed that while chewing something warm was excluded from the body of the bee. Interested in his new discovery he gulped the rest of the body.

"That was pretty comfortable what was it?"

Not knowing what it was he decided to explore his new discovery and first to do was to find a new testing "object".

Looking around for some more materials for his experiment he noticed two bees flying over to him, maybe they were called by the dying bee before it passed away.

"Just come."

Quaren did not fear bees that are less than five in numbers.

So he wanted to rush and devour them but stopped due to his caution.

"I cannot be rash or it will just like last time,"

Quaren started looking around but somehow had a bad feeling about this. Maybe he was scared or got a traumatic shock from earlier but the bad feeling did not disappear.

Feeling like it was not worth it so Quaren chose to retreat.

He hastened and flew under a nearby rock. Looking out he saw two bees still closing into his previous location.

Bees landed near the wing that remained from the bee and started inspecting their surroundings searching for the killer.

While searching one of the bees turned around and started flying its opposite direction but sadly that was the current position of Quaren and Quaren knowing that he was discovered by a bee can not let it go.

Bee started to call for the other to help her. Quaren hastened and catch up to bee then he sent his sting into the body of the bee.

Bee not expecting an attack from behind due to her trust in her speed got stung and because the amount of poison was lethal for bee it fell.

Quaren seeing falling bee chose to finish her off and as it fell he ripped off her head with his mouth.

Another bee seeing her comrade being killed in that way was totally enraged and with cloudy mind chose to use her sting.

Quaren seeing another bee in that state become serious. Bee shortened gap between them and with its sting pointed at that ugly yellow wasp started to madly stab.

Quaren evaded every attack from bee and even counterattacked with his mouth.


As bee tried to stab him, Quaren evaded in mid-air and bite off one of the bee´s wings to immobilise it.

Bee fell and tried to escape by running but flying Quaren did not let her go and chased her while biting her.

Bee seeing him being close with his body tried to counter-attack but Quaren seeing bee counter-attacking evaded it.


Quaren retreated a bit because the bee sacrificed its sting and succeeded in her attack. With poison in his blood that is even stronger than his own Quaren´s action came to still.

Bee wanted to escape but when she sacrificed its sting, her life was nearing the end.

Quaren lay on small rocks and started to pull out the sting with his legs.

"Luckily it's not deep." Quaren said after pulling out the sting from his body. Then he straightened and finished off that bee.

Seeing no danger Quaren grabbed the dead body of the bee and flew with it to the first corpse.

"That was pretty unexpected to have such a hard time with two bees, it is not worth it to experience such hardship for just a bit of meat.

I should look around for some bigger animal that does not have too much hard skin or I cannot even get a piece of its meat."

"But for now I should dig a hole and hide the two corpses and slowly eat them."

Thinking this he flew to his old hiding spot and got here both corpses. Then he dug a hole in the mud near the big rock and for safety get over some grass for cover.

"Let´s dig in."

While consuming bees he felt again that weak but comfortable flow of something from the corpse to him. As he started eating the second one the awaited flow was even weaker than that from the previous one.


Noticing this change Quaren was half sad and half happy because this meant that he cannot eat bees too much or one time the flow may diminish to an absolute minimum or it could disappear.

"Is it weaker because this bee is the second one? Is there another reason?" Comparing the three bees in his memory he came to an idea.

"The first one was the same length as the second one but the third was different in length so it means that stronger is better?"

"No that is not true because the first and second were smaller than the third one... So how is it? Hmm? Aren´t these two younger than the third then? So that means younger is better?"

"So that is it... but what can I do with this flow? Hmm? I can still sense it does it mean that it is not digested? How can I digest something that is in me but not in my stomach?"

Suddenly an idea popped out of his mind. "Is not everything about circulation? Like these bees that once lived and now are dead and hours later becoming fertilizer for the ground."

Quaren started to circulate this flow across his body to digest it, While later something went wrong rather than being digested the flow become even fiercer and stronger.

Quaren got nervous because he did not know what that meant. Seconds later the flow came to still and like liquid poured out from his ass.

After finishing Quaren flew quickly out from his dug out hole and from afar looked deeply at that liquid.

"I do not understand it, seriously not even a bit of it..."

That "liquid" is now some seriously bad sh!t. A good minute later Quaren come to the realization that his speed somehow increased when he quickly went from his hole.

"Is it some side effect of that "liquid"?" "Hmm? I can feel that the flow is now stable but I still don´t get it how it works."

"Let´s find some strong testing subject."

As he started moving with his wings he felt that mysterious flow gather in his wing.

Quaren feeling that started to gather all the flow into his wings. Then he stared with shock as his wings grew longer wider and stronger. While later his wings were triple the size they were before with additional fluff on them. Quaren stared at his new wings with disbelief and started to operate that mysterious flow again but to his surprise all the flow that he poured into his wings disappeared and just the rest in his other parts of the body remained.

'' So I can upgrade my body like this? '' Quaren started to think and poured the rest of that mysterious flow into his sting. Sting experiencing that flow started to grow and stopped growing when his body was almost without that mysterious flow. Now his sting is 4 mm long and 2 wide.

He also felt that his poison underwent some change.

'' Let the hunt begin! ''

Rockayy Rockayy

The last corrected version I have because of my very limited time.

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