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Chapter 7: Yang Illuminati Beast

After tricking the little sweet Chuantong, she became like a model child of obedience and cooperation to her Master Aya.


Aya have been walking through the strange and dangerous forest on Earth. Yes. She's still on Mother Earth, but this, and the other place where supernatural and celestial beings live were either concealed or camouflaged from the mortals, and any normal beings.

And it so happens that the one mostly in-charge of the human beings were the Shinigamis; the beings she must avoid at all cost.

So poor Aya can only temporarily hunt to possess on the beasts of this strange and dangerous forest.

And she had lost count of the time she was floating towards the nearest fire or yang elemental beast that Chuantong found through her scanning and mapping of the place. She'd probably floated for around 10 miles since Chuantong pinpointed the location.

Along the way she've seen countless herbs and fruits that could help her cultivation but since she had no mortal body she can only cast them longing glances. 'Ones I've succeeded possessing a body I'll go back here to pick this!'

She had asked Chuantong earlier if she eat those fruits while possessing some other beings body if it will benefit her, but was instantly rejected because that will only benefit that being not her.

So, why would she still go back and pick them? Because Chuantong revealed that she can store it in her partially open mind space.

Although a mind space can't be used as a storage or spatial items but her mind space is one of the rarest mind space that it can automatically absorbs, purify and store any energy and qi. But since her mind space was only partially open it can't automatically absorbs but she had to feed it instead. And since that was the case then, she'd still be able to benefit even in its 'partially open' state. So basically it's a win-win for her.

[Chuantong have you marked those herbs and fruit we have to pick up later?]

[Yes, Master.]

[Chuantong you said they would be here but you didn't say they were dead. How can I possess a dead body? According to the Darkness Devourer Art, they must be alive before possession can begin.]

[Master, there are beast fighting a far away a bit from here. They must have surrounded and attacked.]

Aya frowningly, check the two bodies in front of her.

'Hmm? They're still alive. But this big one won't last long. Her vitals were viciously attacked. But this three little one. Seems to be newborn beasts but why don't they look to be the same type of beast? Or is it just their characteristics as a newborn?'

[Chuantong what's the situation over those fighting beasts? How many spices are there? How many are still alive? Any chance they'll come here soon?]

[Reporting to Master… Currently they're still in a vicious fight. Around 32 are still alive but half are heavily wounded while the other half were either slightly injured or near death. They wouldn't be coming for awhile. The victory can't be decided yet. As for their species... There are only two species there fire elemental beast - Flame Tiger and water elemental beast Black-spotted Leaf Tortoise.]

[Just two? Are they related to this three little beasts here?]

[No, Master. But this dying beast must be the mother of that little fire ball. She's an Illuminati beast. A royal among beast. I also found two dying royal beast nearby must be the mother of other two little balls. The one who looks-like a fur ball must the child of the Frost-Yin Maboroshi, and the last one must be the Heaven Devouring Nine-Headed Spirit Snake.]

[I see.] Aya looked seriously at the three newborn beasts and then to one of the dying mother next to the three.

[What do you want to do Master?]

[Help me... Restrain the mother Illuminati. I will possess her and find out what happened while I'm at it.]

[Yes, Master.] After saying that an invincible aura surrounds the unconscious mother Yang Illuminati beast. Then, Aya could be seen chanting and muttering mantras of the Darkness Devourer while her fingers continuously move into different signs and form in accordance to the chants and the muttered mantras.

Slowly, from the space between her brows there was little black light flickering, while, all the tips of her fingers have different colorful lights that was mixing one finger tip to another until a small vortex was formed.

The Yang Illuminati Beast felt the threat but couldn't see nor move. And before she can make a sound she was enveloped by the small black vortex.

When the Yang Illuminati Beast was fully enveloped by the small black vortex, Aya took nine careful steps before bowing twice to the body inside as a sign of her respect to the beast, and in a way an apology too.

After that, she steps inside the black vortex and begin possessing the body of the mother Yang Illuminati Beast.


Inside the black vortex…

Aya can the soul of the dying beast.

"Human, I don't feel killing intent from you but humans can't be trusted either. What do you want from this Princess?"

Aya smiled politely while confidently looking straight at the eyes of the beast.

"Yes, you're right. Humans can't be trusted or I wouldn't be standing right in front of you now. As you can see I don't have a mortal body so I'm left with only one option, and that is to possess your body and absorbs essence and qi from you."

"Preposterous! You, a human dares to covet this Princess's essence and qi?! You're looking for death!" As the Yang Illuminati Beast was struggling wildly, it suddenly felt chains binding its body to the space of the vortex.

"Looking for death? Of coarse not, I wouldn't be working hard trying to possess your body if I want to die. Besides, I don't understand why are still struggling? Aren't you aware of your body's original state? Or did you make yourself believe that you miraculously got healed?"

When Aya saw what she wants from the beast's expression and whimpering, she decided not to make it too hard for the beast.

"Yang Illuminati, you're body won't last long. You'll die soon. But will happen to those little ones outside. The ones that have attacked you are still fighting amongst each other. Once they're a certain victory, then, what will happen to those little ones? I'm afraid…"

Then she continuously sighed for further effect before continuing, "Yang Illuminati, how much essence and qi can I still gain from you after possessing your body? Actually, not much. But if you willingly offer your body and all it has to me now I can vow to you that I'll protect those three and not let any harm come to them."

Aya saw the best hesitation so she added, "You see… you're not the only one who's not sure of the others intentions, and I could be faced with great peril if you have any hesitations and resistance. So, we can make a vow from our souls to the Heavens… as a sign of our sincerity. What do you think?"

This one of the information that she received. If negotiating with other powerful beings and both side don't trust each other, they can use the Soul-Heaven Vow.

She was baiting the beast, waiting for the beast to bite the she looked calm but deep inside she's worried. According to Chuantong, the Yang Illuminati Beast is an Earth Rank 9 Peak Stage, just a half a step away to Heaven Rank, so normally she can't even come near one or she would be obliterated, but who tells them to appear before in this state? Of course, Aya would take advantage of it.

About her vowing from her soul to the heaven? She'll definitely do it. This is a heaven's sent gift to her. Who wouldn't want a divine beast as companions. And there's three of them too!

The Yang Illuminati Beast agreed they simultaneously made their vows. At end of their vow a small mark appeared on their soul. It was cute Yang Illuminati Beast curled up into a ball while purple mist was above it, sometimes it would fall and like curtain covering or shielding the beast inside.

When the Yang Illuminati Beast saw completed mark, she peacefully close her eyes and let Aya take over.

After taking over the body she used the Darkness Devourer Art to completely devour the beast's essences and qi and let some of it knocked over her mind space. She did it in cycle. And when she just finished the ninth cycle, there was an added space. It was like an eyelid lifting up a little.

[Chuantong how many percent was that?] She excitedly asks.

[Master, it's 0.1% increase.]

[Ah… So little?] Aya can't help but be disappointed.

[Master, you need add more essence and qi to your attack. An Earth Rank 9 Peak Stage even at death's door can help you fully open your mind space and even upgrade, while, Evolving you're Darkness Devourer Art to the next Rank. Add 20x more essence and qi in the next cycle. It will be painful for Master but I'll be the fastest way. Actually, if Master can handle it, Chuantong recommends 30x because when too much time passed the essence and qi will automatically disperse and merge with the nature around this piece of world.]

Aya felt something familiar in her, something so long ago…

'What is this feeling? ah… Yes. I remember this is what I felt whenever I joined a competition and I really wanted to win and whenever there are challenging things that I've to finished within a limited time. This is my competitive spirit. I never I still have it within me.'

With a look of determination, alertness and the burning flame within her heart, she she look up and around the black vortex and with a bright and genuine smile that hadn't for so long she whispered to both the Yang Illuminati Beast and Chuantong,

"Thank you, I'll do my best!"

[Thank you, I'll do my best!]

And with that she began a torturous cycle of absorbing 40x of the essence and knocking it over the mind space and circulating it all around her body, passing and knocking over every close meridians, apertures and dantian. She's being ambitious by wanting to open as many and as hard as she can.

Every knock feels like humongous deadly weapons drilling through every part of her 'body' and weighing and trying to tear apart her soul. Aya felt that she was being shackled and drilled over and over again. She can countless of fetters that she can't help feeling her 'body' became Ipsy heavy, and she felt like she was suffocating!

'Ugh! It hurst! But this not my end! I refused to fail! I can't stop here! I will do it! I can do it!'


jinxin jinxin

Thanks to everyone who reads my novel. This my first one. And hope it won’t be the last.

I really do love writing.

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