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65.73% Altora: The Chronicles of the Ren-Ky Warriors / Chapter 107: Marin 18th - Shadow

Chapter 107: Marin 18th - Shadow

Wolf walked down the hall towards the throne room the guards staring at him. Shadow watched them form within Wolf's shadow.

'Wolf, we should turn back, I don't like this.' Shadow called out.

Wolf kept walking forward, "everything will be fine; besides, they don't know what I want and are on edge. They only know the rumours about me. So, stop worrying, we can leave in a pinch. Not even a distalin stone could stop me, you know that."

Shadow gambled as they reached the doors. The guards stared at Wolf, "You will be taking that mask off if you are to enter."

Wolf smiled, "I am sorry but I cannot do that, either you let me in or things will be unfavourable for your kingdom since I have sensitive information regarding Faremin actions within your borders."

One of the guards aimed his weapon at Wolf, "You will do as we say or else—" Wolf began to glow, the guard stood in fear as Wolf stood still.

"Now, like I said I cannot do that. If my face were to be seen it would end badly for everyone. Because I would have to curse you. My face has no importance other than placing a target on whoever see's it. Do I make myself clear mortal?"

The guard shrink back, as the other guard looked at him, "V-very well them the king will see you."

The two men opened the door. Wolf stared at Alaric; a wave of unease filled him. 'Wolf everything is going to be alright. Besides, he has no idea your—you know.'

Wolf nodded, "yes, but that doesn't make it any easier, since he's…" Wolf trailed off as he entered the throne room.

Alaric leaned back in his seat staring at Wolf, "So, you the infamous Black Wolf?"

Wolf noticed a man standing beside him, "I see you have your grandson, Digon, is present as well?"

Digon growled as he stared at him, "You seem on edge? Why?"

Wolf sighed, "That is not of your concern." Wolf turned his attention to Alaric, "King Alaric, I have come to ask a favour of you."

Alaric raised his brow, "Oh, and what might that be?"

Wolf bowed, "I ask you to wait until all six kingdoms are in alliance with the Ren-Ky's and Lady Lunatica. As this will be most beneficial."

Alaric stared at Wolf, then looked at Digon, "What do you think? Should we listen?"

Digon stared at Wolf, "I think we should, seeing how he is bowing. Yet, something doesn't feel right with him?"

Alaric nodded, "I sense the same, but he must have his reasons?"

Shadow listened to them before coming out. Wolf turned around, "Shadow what are you—"

"Your majesty, please consider this, if Wolf is hiding his identity then there might be an incredibly good reason. You see if Wolf were to reveal himself to early everything, he has worked towards will be for not. I ensure you when the time comes Black Wolf, my master will show himself to you without hesitation."

Wolf felt a cold chill as he turned to Alaric. Digon stared at Shadow then to his grandfather. "Grandfather, what o you think of this?"

Alaric closed his eyes and relax into his throne, "Very well, I shall do as you ask. But when the time is right, will I be able to know who you are just by looking at you?"

Wolf sighed within, "Yes, you will, the words 'Hope has finally arrived, and we shall strike,' will let you know it is I."

Alaric nodded, "Very well, you may leave. I hope that everything goes to plan, and your mission is a success."

Wolf bowed as he left, Shadow returned to Wolfs shadow. Wolf walked out of the castle and then teleported back to their camp.

"You bloody idiot! What were you thinking!?" Wolf screamed at Shadow. "You could have blown the whole thing out the window!"

Shadow emerged from his shadow. Wolf paced back and forth, scratching his head in frustration. "Well, things were getting dicey since you were started to get cold feet. By you just talking to him was butting you on edge."

Wolf sighed, as he stopped pacing. "You are right, but the way you entered was what got to me the most. We both could have been killed—No scratched that your dead, I—well you know."

Shadow sighed, "I am well aware. Anyway, we must make our way to this Hiro person and do the same. We will be going by shadows; I will get Firestorm ready and met you there."

Wolf nodded, "All right, just don't take too long. Firestorm should get you there within a day or two. Besides, they will be easier to talk to than him."

Shadow nodded in agreement, "Yes, now get going. I will think of what we need to do next before the appending day arrives."

Wolf nodded, "Right see you in a day or two." He leaned back falling into his shadow. Disappearing into the shadows.

Wolf moved through the shadows making his way within minutes to Hiro's location. Wolf emerged out of the shadows. He looked around before moving to the open.

Hiro looked over to see Wolf as he stared at him he noticed Wolf was searching for something. He readied his sword but found he could not draw his blade.

"What in the hell?" Hiro franticly tried to pull his sword from its sheath. "Why can I not draw my sword?"

Wolf turned around, and stared at Hiro, "Because I am not letting you, Hiro." Hiro went white as he stared at Wolf. He smiled, "Now, before you jump the gun, I came here to talk about your alliance with Lunatica? And what I need to ask of you?"

Hiro let go of the hilt, "Alright? What do you want?"

Wolf motioned him to come over, Hiro walked over as Wolf created two chairs. Hiro sat down with Wolf, "Now, I know you are eager to attack once Luna gives the word, but I need you to wait until all the Kingdoms are on her side. They will play a huge part in this war."

Hiro stared at Wolf, "What part do you play in all of this…um?"

"Call me Black Wolf, Wolf for short."

Hiro's eye widen, "Wait, your Black Wolf?"

Wolf nodded at his question. "Yes, and probably already know that I have been attacking the Faremin. But I bet you don't know why, as of yet?"

Hiro nodded slowly, "Yeah, I have been wondering about that."

Wolf leaned closer to Hiro. "Well, my objective since I started was to keep Luna and the other Ren-Ky warriors out of their sights and have myself as the target. You see, the Ren-Ky's have had a falling out and need to some training in order to get up to my level of power."

Hiro shook his head, "Wait, you are training them? How?"

"I have allies of my own. They are teaching them what they need to know so that they are ready for the real fight hurdling towards them. If they like it or not."

Hiro stared at Wolf, fixated on his words. "What fight will that be?"

Wolf leaned back, "The one where they have to face their differences, fears and sorrows towards each other and those around them. I plan to join them in due time."

Hiro covered his head before looking back to Wolf, "So, what do you need me to do in the meantime?"

"I need you to keep you nose to the grindstone and find more allies, but form within the Faremin kingdom. The resistance will help the Ren-Ky's, but that will not be your goal. Head into the larger cities close to where Demora resides, avoid the capital at all costs." Wolf pulled out a stone, "Use this to travel through the shadows. Oh, and one other thing. Close to the Inroar Faremin border there is a village covered in mist, head to the edge and callout for Silver. She will help you in your search."

Hiro stared at the stone, "So, what you are telling me is to go in? Alone? Fine this Silver? Then search for allies within the major cities of the Faremin Kingdom?"

Wolf nodded, "Yes, but I will warn you. This is not going to be easy; I would send one of mine but that would be to risky. You see a woman named Lily can sense curses, and all of my allies are cursed to not say who I really am." He shook his head at the notion. "I am asking a lot form you, and don't expect you do go with it, but it would be the start of reforming the kingdom. So, that I can pave the way for Hunter to take the throne once his grandfather, Demora, is no longer in power."

Hiro looked up at Wolf then back at the stone. "I will do it." Hiro took the stone, "when do you want me to leave?"

Wolf felt relieved at he stared at Hiro, "I one week, get prepared for anything. Gong in blindly would be suicide." Hiro nodded as he got up and left. Wolf sighed as he watched him walk off, "Thank you, Hiro. I wish things were different but I am glade you are able to do what you can."

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