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64.04% Altora: The Chronicles of the Ren-Ky Warriors / Chapter 104: Septra 14th - Dragon

Chapter 104: Septra 14th - Dragon

Scarlett looked over towards Eledon, she noticed his face seemed concerned. Eledon knocked on the door, an elderly dracoman opened the door and stared at Eledon.

"Eledon, why are you here?!" The man scoffed at Eledon.

Eledon turned his gaze over his shoulder then back to the man, "Gregson, they need your help, I came upon request."

Gregson looked behind Eledon and stared at Lance and Scarlett. "What reason do they need help from an old dragon? Hmmm? Tell me the real reason or else I will—" Gregson began to cough profusely.

Scarlett rushed to his side, trying to calm his coughing fit. Lance turned to his father; he knew that Gregson might not help them. Eledon stepped to the side as Lance walked over. Gregson began to catch his breath when he noticed the jewel around Lance's neck.

Gregson grabbed the pendant. "Where did you get this boy?"

Lance pulled away as he grasped the jewel. "I got it from Alli, the Immortal, the last owner or the jewel."

Gregson's eyes widen before looking at Eledon. He left them as he walked down the path back to town. Gregson then looked at Lance, "SO you're the Ren-Ky of the wind? Huh, you don't seem to embody its meaning if your father is that man."

Lance stood up, "You know nothing, I would have rather became a hunter, from the Hunters society than become a soldier, besides I am as free to choose what I want to do in life as any—"

Gregson stared at Lance; his stare was enough to stop Lance in his track. "You might embody the freedom of the people, but that is not what the Ren-Ky of wind is."

Scarlet stared at him, "What do you mean? That the Ren-Ky's are more than what we perceive?"

Gregson stood up and went into his house. "Come in, we shall talk before I decide anything."

Scarlet turned to Lance, who stared, dumbfounded by Gregson's actions. They both stood up and entered Gregson's home. Gregson placed a kettle on a wood-burning stove and walked over to them. He stared at them long and hard as the room filled with an eerie silence. Scarlet shifted in her seat; a Lance stared at Gregson. As the tension in the air-filled as the kettle started to howl, Gregson got up and made a pot of tea. Bringing three cups with him.

"Now, before I get started, what do you two know about the Ren-Ky' and their jewels?"

Scarlet turned to Gregson, "Well, we know it started with one then after he passed the stone onto someone else. The jewel split into six stones: Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Lightning and Light and Darkness in the last stone. Each representing freedom, knowledge, courage, kindness, strength, and balance. But as of recently, the one of balance split into light, representing hope, and darkness, represented by life in general? What does this have to do with any of what you are going to tell us?"

Gregson sighed as he poured the tea into the cups, "What do you think kindness means into the context of the average person?"

Scarlet raise her brow. "To help others that need it, but to me, it is knowing when to help and to not. Kindness can be good or evil, as sometimes the kindest thing is the one that hurts the most."

Gregson lifted his cup, "And you, boy? What does it mean to be free?"

Lance stared at the cup before him. "To be able to choose your own path without others determining what you can and cannot do?"

Gregson put his cup down, "Now let me tell you this, kindness is something that we are all capable of. One might think you are cruel by telling them off, or you are protecting them where the recipient thinks otherwise. Kindness is found in all walks of life. The Ren-Ky of Earth is always shifting to meet the demands of the land and its inhabitants. Whereas freedom can be as simple as getting out of poverty, even if it means you are a slave. It is not as black and white as many believe. Sometimes being free is to give up your freedom to another."

Lance stared at his cup of tea, "I don't get it. Why give up your freedom to become unfree?"

Gregson chuckled, "Young man, look threw the eyes of a man who has nothing, a homeless man who is a slave to the people who give him money of their own volition. Those people are free to do as they please where that man is not. But give that man a home and a job he has the freedom to keep on living without worrying about his next meal."

Scarlet smiled, "It sounds like the kindest thing too, as to save his life."

Greg nodded, "Yes, but at the same time, it might be the wrong thing as well; the man could be a killer down on his luck, trying to find his next victim. You never know what a single person is capable of until you meet them? Just Like Lovell, your friend who sacrificed his life to save another. He had the courage to do something, the strength to pull it off. The knowledge on how to save them. The freedom to choose if he wanted to go with it, the life experience to understand what must be done. the generous nature to show him what he was doing wrong and hope that all of that will successfully save his life." He took another sip of his tea, "You see your friend have every quality of all of the Ren-Ky warriors, yet his strong suite was hope. Just like you miss, have a keen sense of kindness and this young man, the sense of freedom. The Ren-Ky's help guides the people to those ideals, which is what Lunatica created them for."

Lance looked up as Gregson, "Gregson, tell me this, what is it that the Ren-Ky's are the warriors that fight for all of that and what other reasons do we have as for them?"

Greg leaned back, "Boy, the Ren-Ky's were born from a desire to stop Demora. To bring back those ideals that he took. Prince Uriel, of the Theyans, knew that the only way that this all going to stop is to kill Demora. Yet not that the stone has split a second time, I do not know what they are anymore. I have studied the Ren-Ky warriors for years since I was with the six before you and the others."

Scarlet leaned forward. "Yet, they still exist. If, perhaps, you know what they were to represent originally, then what could we learn from the information that could help us now?"

Lance nodded, "Yes, but my biggest question is, how did you know about our friend and his name?"

Gregson smiled, "Black Wolf told me. He came here about four months ago, asking me more about the Ren-Ky's. The young man was calm and listened to what I had to say, and then told me about you and the other Ren-Ky's. he also told me his plans to stop the Council of Six within the Faremin Kingdom from hunting all of you and doing what he can to help you and the others understand more about themselves and what they are capable of."

Lance stood up, "Wait, Black Wolf? Who is he?"

Gregson looked at Lance and smiled, "I will not be the one to tell you. That is up to him. Let us just say he knows a lot about you, and you might know him." Gregson stood, "Anyway, he is powerful enough to strike fear into the most powerful person within the council, Azoth. From what I know, he was able to make Azoth practically grovel at his feet. With a simple gunshot and the fact that he can appear anywhere at any time. While being able to spy on them without being noticed. He uses the shadows to his advantage. The man appeared from the shadows when I first met him. He asked me how to search for a specific soul that may or may not be passed over. I taught him and then left, after that, I have no idea where the young man is."

Scarlet shifted herself closer, "Do you know what he looks like? What race he is or anything of the sort?"

Gregson shook his head. "No, the young man dress in clothing that covers every inch of his boy, wearing a hood to cover his hair and ears, while constantly wearing a mask in the shape of a wolf's face. Hence the wolf part of his name. the black part comes from the colour of his clothes and his summon, Shadow, a pure black wolf that now is his shadow."

Lance sighed as he sat back down. "Great, that was helpful."

Gregson smiled even more. "Well, I will say this, you two have not been able to utilize your Ren-Ky weapons to their fullest extent. I will teach you until late Lark early Junra unless something comes up. But be warned I might be a bag of old dragon bones, but I will work you to the bone until that time arises."

Lance turned to Scarlet as she smiled as they nodded. Gregson started to laugh as he headed to the kitchen. "well, well. This might be more than I thought; I hope you are ready for when they return, young man."

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