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Chapter 6: Art academy

The travel wasn't long just 4 or 5 hours in a chariot, well now I am in front of the Acadamy, It is a huge white building who looks similar to some of the Greek temples with huge columns, anyway a beautiful woman is in the entrance to pick me up and show the place, so I approach her.

"Hello miss, you are my guide ?"

"Hello, you should be sir Luke right ?"


"Oh sorry, I was impressed by how young you are for a such great artist "

"Thanks miss, I am not even so good "

"No, you are really great, there is a new art style just because of you and to make such intense paints with no mana, you have really a big talent, sorry I was unpolite it is just because I am a big fan of your work "

"You don't need to apologize, what you said was a compliment, anyway it is better if we go now "

"Right, follow me and remember the rules you can't touch or enter rooms without my permission yet, after the confirmation of your registration you can move freely if you respect the rules of the school "

The guide was a really nice lady, she was a beauty too, and most importantly she knows how great of an artist I am, my paints are great, btw if you are wondering about how my paints look like is just some portraits of persons ( the majority is from Anna ), some images of war and some scenarios like a castle or something like this, the unique difference is my choice for colors, everything looks is black, gray or white, except for some details like in one of my pictures I have a black gray castle with a red flag in the top, anyway the guide don't talk too much after the time when we meet, and we just walk through the academy, in just 5 minutes I was in front of the directors room.

There is a big red door in front of me, the guide says to me to wait a minute while she informs the

school principal about me, after some seconds she comes back and says it is okay to enter now, I enter in the room and see the director, it is a skinny old man with a topper in the red and a monocle, his hair is white and by the age he is probably bald too, maybe because of that he uses the hat.

"Hello, Luke you want to be a student in my academy right ?"

"Yes sir I was very happy when I receive a chance to come here "

"Okay you are an especial case here, you just have this chance because of your ability and not your background, so you need to follow some rules like you are in class 2 and you need to respect the nobles in your class or in class 1, we can't save you if they want to do something, so is better if you stay away from then "

" I understand sir "

"hehe, smart boy, you gonna start your class tomorrow and you can use the dormitory the rest of the rules will be explained by Susan, the persons who guide you, you can go now and strive to be a great artist luck we have faith on you"

I go out of the room and met my guide again, or Susan I forgot to ask her name, anyway we have another small talk and she says about the rules of the story, basically don't make some vandalism, don't come to that place tonight, don't disrespect the professors, and etc, normal school rules, anyway after some time she brings me to my room in the dormitory, the room isn't small, if I say maybe 40meters cubics, the room has a bedroom and a bathroom.

I start to put my things in the room, and after that, I go take a bath, after that, I am questing what I should do before going to the bed, maybe I should start to write a letter to Anna, yes I gonna do that, first I start describing how was my day and the academy and after that I make some questions about how the things are going in her city, after writing the letter I feel a relief and go to the bed, Susan said she is gonna call me before the class start.

Ahh the sleep was so good, it has been a while since I have a bed so good, if you count my years in this world here it was 11 years since slept in a big bed and a comfortable one, in the orphanage sometimes we sleep in the floor because we don't have beds for everyone, and in the army sometimes you don't even sleep because of the fear of a surprise attack, sleep with a gun in your hand isn't comfortable, anyway Susan call me almost 10:00 am, looks like the lessons here are don't start early in the morning.

She guides me to the class and explain there have 3 classes, class one, two and three, I am in the second class and my class have sons of nobles and rich merchants, class three has only sons of merchants and the class one has only nobles, Susan says even one of the princess is in class 1, after just 2 minutes I am in the class, the class is a big room in a rectangle from, with a lot of paint canvas, all of than white, in the side of the canvas there is a paint-brush and some colors on a piece of wood, in the front of all these paint canvases there is another canvas in the middle and a desk after that canvas, the desk is messy with a lot of paint-brushes and some other instruments this should be the professor desk, and there are just 3 others kids in the room the rest of the 30 canvas are free, Susan says to me the class will start in 20 minutes, and I should present myself to the others kids.

I say hi to the kids and they are very polite and friendly, of the three kids one was a ginger guy who was a son of a merchant, he doesn't is fat but not skinny either he is around the middle, his name is Micheal, the other two are nobles, one was called Peter and the other Harry, Peter and Harry are siblings and looks practically the same, blonde hair with blue eyes the two of them are a little more skinny than Michael but don't is too much, their bodies look like mine, the unique difference between them is a small difference in the clothes, one uses a white shirt ( Harry) and the other uses a blue shirt (Peter), if you don't count that difference even theirs clothes are the same, we talked for a bit and Susan go out of the class, when they heard my name and who They praised me a little saying make fame in this age isn't easy, they looked impressed too but just a little, maybe I am not a big deal for them.

From the trio, Micheal was the most friendly and he talks a lot, some other kids start to come to the class and make questions to me, no one of then treats me bad, just 4 nobles kids treat me a bit cold they look are very spoiled, it is a group the leader is called Freud and have blonde hair white blue eyes too, in the class we from 30 students, 22 have blonde hair, and 6 have black or brown hair, and we have Micheal who is a ginger and another girl who is a ginger too.

Everyone is in their sits when the professor comes, he looks around forty years old white a huge black mustache and a black Shoulder-length hair, he says to me his name is Ortelo and asks me to come to the front of the class and present myself in front of everyone there, I do it first I say my name and from where I am, the fact I come from an orphanage and the name of some of my paints, three kids raised the hands and says they already have seen one of my paints or heard of that, and the father of one of then even buy one of my works, even the professor praised me and said I have talent, looks like I have more prestige now in front of these kids.

After my presentation, the professor asks me to take a sit and start the class, he was teaching about shadows I pay attention to the class and around 12:00 am the class was finished, it is time to go for the refectory, I sit with Michael and the twins and eat my food, the meal was some fruits, potatoes, vegetables and some meat from a deer, second Michael, and the twins, after the meal we have other classes with the same professor, the professor just change at 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm the name of the professor was mister Garry, and he teaches about coloring the ambient, he seems to don't like me too much, maybe because my paints don't have too much color.

Anyway, we have a dinner after the class of Professor Garry finish, this time the meal was fish and other vegetables, after that, I go to my room and finish the letter, during that I notice the uniform of the school on my bed, they have different colors but the same symbols, don't know it is because of my style of painting but mine is black, just other 3 persons in the class have a black one too, after check my uniform to see if he fits, and fits, I ask Susan if she can send that for me, she was nice and she says yes, after that I take a bath and make some exercise with my body and use my ki training technique, after that I feel tired and sleep in the bed.

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