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10% Journey to the Unknown / Chapter 1: C1 Gods and Goddesses
Journey to the Unknown Journey to the Unknown original

Journey to the Unknown

Author: rey12

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: C1 Gods and Goddesses

In an era where there are only two choices a human can make, one of which is to study hard and work like an ordinary human or risk your life for power, respect and treasures. To risk your life for power, respect and treasures seems dangerous yet alluring, and so a lot of humans take this risk just to be a God who rules any of the 8 continents on Earth.

Legend has it that Earth was seized by Gods and Goddesses but actually they were punished by the Ultimate Creator for causing havoc in the Gods Realm. Each continent has 5 Gods and 5 Goddesses and this Gods and Goddesses can sculpt humans and just in a snap it will have its own soul. To be able to make peace with the Ultimate Creator they must sculpt humans and they must teach them unity and they must prosper, the Ultimate Creator gave them 5 years for one day the Ultimate Creator will come and judge them.

And so the Gods and Goddesses begun creating humans everyday for 3 years and for the next 2 years they taught them what they know and yet a single mistake was made by the 2 Gods. This 2 Gods are called Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are twins which from the very start disobeyed the Ultimate Creator. Yin did not want to sculpt humans for they are weak and a hassle. Yang did not also want to sculpt humans and only want to kill the Gods in the 8 continents.

And so Yin and Yang at first allied with each other for every time they kill a God the power of the killed God will be given to the last God who dealt the deathly blow. They work in a way that when they kill a God they would do it sneakily and in a cowardly way. For the first year they have already killed 8 Gods and 12 Goddesses increasing their strength in multiple folds.

The other Gods and Goddesses noticed it too late that Yin and Yang were killing them for their powers. On the 4th year all Gods and Goddesses were butchered by Yin and Yang. All the riches the previous God and Goddesses were split evenly with the two.

God Yang has a greedy look in his eyes, if he were to kill God Yin then all the strength of the 79 Gods and Goddesses will be his and he will have the strength to challenge the Ultimate Creator to rule the world. God Yin is not dumb. He knew what God Yang is thinking and is always on guard.

On the 8th month of the 4th year God Yang and God Yin fought a hard battle to gain each others strength, yet they were stopped by the angry Ultimate Creator. The Ultimate Creator was so angry that he unleashed his wrath on the earth itself changing its landscapes and because of the great strength of the Ultimate Creator he opened different dimensions in different places that connected to different worlds.

The Ultimate Creator snatched their power to create humans but cant snatch their great strength for it almost rivaled his. And so the Ultimate Creator created a world where Yin and Yang will be imprisoned and forever reconcile in that world. But the Ultimate Creator create a fatal mistake, the world he created opened every millisecond in different random places on Earth.

Stories of what happened in the past which causes Earth to be like a disoriented place where they would be different dimensions every where and going in those dimensions gives riches and strength no man can ever think of was spread through the humans which were created by the Gods and Goddesses.

Humans who were freed of the shackles from the Gods and Goddesses explored these dimensions and at the same time built the foundation of what the humans are today.

Inside those dimensions are beast which cant be found on Earth and every dimension has different levels of beast. White dimensions has weak creatures inside which humans can kill with their bare hands. Bronze dimensions has creatures which are strong and big like tigers. Silver dimensions has creatures which humans cant even lay a finger to. Gold dimensions has creatures which will kill humans with a flick of his fingers. Black dimensions creature can kill humans with a thought and Rainbow dimensions is where if ordinary humans enter, they would turn into dust. And the dimension where Yin and Yang is imprisoned has no color at all and it will appear only in a millisecond randomly around the world.

But humans can gain unparalleled strength every time they would kill a creature in those dimension. One may gain its soul and would transform into a weapon, armor, wings or abilities that the owner can use in order to cross to another dimension. Every creature would also drop crystals which in return can be used to increase ones inner energy or strength. White crystals are for Ordinary humans and only the White Tier Dimension drop these. Bronze crystals are for Transcendent humans. Silver crystals are for Evolver humans. Gold crystals are for Saintly humans. Black crystals are for Divine humans. And Rainbow crystals are for Godly humans.

Humans can only absorb 5 crystals per day or else they would explode because of the abundant energy in the crystal.

Each White crystal can sell for 1 000 credit points. Bronze crystal can sell for 10 000 credit points. Silver crystal can sell for 100 000 credit points. Gold crystal can sell for 1 000 000 credit points. Black crystal can sell for 10 000 000 credit points. And Rainbow crystal can sell for 100 000 000 credit points.

Ordinary humans need 10 000 White crystals in order to be a Transcendent and so that he can enter the Bronze tier dimension. Transcendent humans need 9 000 Bronze crystals. Evolver humans need 8 000 Silver crystals. Saints needs 7 000 Gold crystals. Divine humans need 6 000 Black crystals. And lastly Godly humans needs 5 000 Rainbow crystals to be at the pinnacle of power on Earth.

At present no one has reached the pinnacle of Saint Stage . Each continent has 1 Saint as a protector or the overseer of that continent and they are still halfway through the pinnacle of Saint Stage.

rey12 rey12

This is my first time writing so please support me. And all comments are welcomed.

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