"Hey! Long Zichen!" Shen Tianyu walked into the Manager's Office the next day, pulling Rong Jian by the hand. She had asked him this morning if he had any clothes he could wear to the banquet to which he responded with a no after some thought. So Shen Tianyu dragged him to ask fro some robes to borrow for the banquet since they couldn't just buy a random set off the street nor could they have one made in a day.
"Yes, Miss?" Long Zichen looked up with his usual stern face.
"Do you have any clothes that could fit him?" She pointed at Rong Jian beside her. "He needs clothes for the Welcoming Banquet tomorrow." Rong Jian frowned but didn't say anything. He didn't want to borrow another man's clothes for this but it was true they had not other choice. Long Zichen's brows also furrowed imperceptibly. This Miss of his was really asking for something difficult, though, not that was so poor he couldn't gift they boy some clothes.
I missed a day last week. Sorry!
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