I hate that I'm doing this but I am so we'll get through this together.
I'm not going to update this book after I publish chapter eight. The thing is, I never actually update for you guys and when I do, they don't fill their entire potential. I don't know why this book has gotten so many views but I'm glad that it had some sort of fame in it's short lived life. I want you all to know that I'm not doing this to be mean or anything, I just feel like it would be better for all of us if I stopped this now because it's stressing me out and you guys aren't being fed properly. I'll see how much I can sum up in chapter eight to give everyone at least a little bit of a happy ending. I absolutely hate that I'm just giving up because this book could have been great and we could have done great things with this. The only reason I came up with Bunnies Eat Carrots was so that I would have something to write on at school because my school blocked Wattpad but I wasn't in love with the book and if I'm not in love with a book, then it never gets finished.
I really hate to do this to you but I promise, you'll forget about it before long and everything will be good again.
Happy holidays in case I don't update between now and Christmas.
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review