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OH MY!? God!?

As soon as Om saw what he got from the [Special] area, his eyes widened to an unprecedented level as his mouth was opened wide. And as he read the description of the reward, Om sucked in coldly as he felt the hair on his back standing erectly. He felt that his eyes were about to pop out of its sockets and his teeth were also clattering unknowingly. He couldn't understand, how could this thing be given as a reward?

Om rubbed his eyes twice and once again looked at the screen and found that he had not mistaken. The reward was the same. Now, you would be wondering, what did Om see that shocked him so much? Then, let me, no, let just Om answer to this question of yours, himself.

When a separate window popped up, on the middle of the window, an image of a hooded figure that was wearing long robes and holding a ….scythe appeared. The appearance of the hooded figure was not visible but, there were two fiery hot flames burning inside the hood where the eyes were supposed to be. Without even looking, one could tell that this image doesn't represent anything positive.

As for the description, it was what made Om's teeth clatter.

Summoning the God of Death: This item helps the host to have a chance to summon the God of Death. But beware, if the God of Death is angered, the System may have to find a new host. So, please be careful while using. The chances for summoning the God of Death are only 10%. (PS- The host has to make sure the God of Death is not angered in any way. Otherwise, this System may also not be able to help the host's soul from being tortured in the sizzling hot oil in the deepest parts of the hell.)

Summoning…the God of Death…This was not something which Om could ever have imagined. First of all, a REAL god of death would step up in this world himself and may come right in front of him. And second of all, if he was to be angered, his soul would not be left in one piece.

Not to mention that people feared the unknown, but now that the system had said that the gods REALLY do exist and one may even come to him and the God of Death at that, this fact scared the sh*t out of Om at a whole new level.

Om took a while to calm down by breathing in deeply a few times and then sighed dejectedly, "One more chance gone. Once again, my precious [200,000] points are gone to trash. *Sigh*…. It's a good thing that I've still got another chance at the [Spin]. Who knows, my luck might get me something better than this. Hahaha…that's right. I would definitely get something else. This time, no one can stop me from resurrecting Saksham." Om tried to think optimistically.

Om once again closed the pop up window and went back to the screen where the spinning wheel was sitting silently. Om's nerves were once again tensed due to the previous reward. He didn't want to get anything anywhere close to what he had got just now. Just a dead reviving pill will also work, you know?

Om looked hard at the wheel for a moment then touched the [Spin] button while gritting his teeth. Apparently, the thought of meeting the actual God of Death really made Om so nervous that even the calming effect of the Lucky Candy couldn't completely calm him down. This time, he definitely had to get something good.

As Om clicked on the [Spin], the spinning wheel once again started spinning. This time, carrying with itself, the power to change many destinies. There were only two results which the wheel might give.

One, It might save everyone and then a happy ending. Or second, it destroys the lives of many and ends everything with a *puff*.

As the wheel started to slow down, Om once again silently calculated in his head about where the wheel might stop. After calculating, Om despaired. Because, the wheel just might stop at…the [One Time Consumable Items].

Om knew that there was definitely nothing in the [One Time Consumable Items] area which could help him revive Saksham from dead. All the things he had got from that area were just small things which may help him here and there. But reviving a dead person? No, it definitely couldn't do anything about it. And Om knew this from his own intuition.

And as calculated, the wheel stopped in the [One Time Consumable Items] area. Once again, Om heard a *ding* sound and then, another window popped up suddenly.

In the middle of the window, Om saw a shiny glass vial which seemed to be made out of pure jade. There was some kind of liquid inside that vial. The liquid looked very pure. So, pure that for once, Om thought that there was a glass mirror inside the vial. After looking carefully, Om realized that it was water and his face heated up due to embarrassment.

Holy Tears of Healing: The water inside the jade vial is the magically healing water. Actually, it is the tears of the heavenly angels which were collected in the span of thousands of years. But don't look down upon this amount. These much tears are enough for a dying mortal to slowly heal and soon get back in their earlier state and there might even be some magical effects after the healing.

Requirement: The person this is going to be used on should be alive. Effects do not take place if the person is dead.

After reading half of the description of the item, Om's eyes shined and a wide grin was pasted on his face. Yes, this was what he had needed all along. This was it. Now, Saksham could be saved. Hahahaah….

But after reading the whole description, Om's face looked so ugly as if he had swallowed a fly. His face turned blue, then purple, then white and then once again went back to normal. Om really wanted to faint right now. His last shot at [Spin] had got him something very useful but it only applies to the living, not the dead. So, this thing could do nothing to Saksham.

All the hard work, [Spins], and anticipation were for nothing. At this moment, Om suddenly remembered a line from a famous song. "In the end, it doesn't even matter."

Om felt dejected. He felt an overwhelming feeling of defeat which almost drove him to give up. But suddenly, Om felt a warm current of comfort rising from his heart and then spreading to every corner of his body. Once again, all the negative feelings disappeared from his mind, just the positive thoughts remained. Obviously, this was the effect of the Lucky Candy.

After closing his eyes for a moment, Om breathed in deeply and once again silently calculated everything in his head. The first reward he had got was the Lucky Candy which was still working now. The second reward was the Summoning the God of Death which doesn't look useful at all. The third one was the most useful for him but that only worked for the living, not the dead.

But the main problem here was that Saksham was dead. His soul was no longer there in his body. It had already been taken by the God of Death. It could not return now. He couldn't just call the God of Death and ask him to return Saksham' sou-

Suddenly, Om stopped. He realized something. Right! How could he forget about that! Yes! The second item he had got was the one which could help him summon the God of Death. If he could successfully summon the God of Death and then somehow manage to convince him to return Saksham's soul back to his body, then he could use the last item to fully revive him.

Yes! This is a totally full proof plan! This time, I can surely revive Saksham!

interesting_guy77 interesting_guy77

As I had promised, this is the third chapter for the last week. The three chapters for this week will be released in the weekends. So, stay tuned. And yeah, that's it for today guys, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Until then,


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