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100% The Uniforms / Chapter 16: Flash of Memory

Chapter 16: Flash of Memory

(MC voices that announce something)

"…..And now, the bride and the groom will enter the reception room, please give a warm applause to them…"


"Wow...Hiyori chan looks so beautiful"

"Her wedding gown looks elegant on her"

"Yup, looks good on her"

"Hey Takaya, you will play guitar later for entertainment time, right? What song will you played?"

"Instrumental song 'ladybird samba'"

"Really? Do you play that kind of song on your best friend's wedding? You can make your own song, you should make one as a gift"

Best friend….

When in high school, I, Kido Takaya, really have a close relationship with Machida Hiyori, the bride at this wedding reception. And it seems she still think me as her best friend until now. But she never knows….that for me, she's more than just a friend.

When in high school, I joined the music & gardening club, the caretaker of the club still the same teacher like before. Every day, I play my guitar in there while Hiyori takes care of the plants.

"Takaya…I can't lift that big pot flower over there"

"Let me do it, today we go home together, okay?"

And during our way back to home

"Hey…there were old records sold in the music store near station yesterday"

"Hmm it seems this month is good for eggplant and tomato"

"There also George Harrison's first album in there, so cool"

"Maybe the daisy that grows on our garden will bloom tomorrow"

Our talk will never be connected, frankly speaking, we may be two very different people. But don't know why we cherished every second of our friendship. There no need for a long time for me to realize 'I fall in love with her'.

(MC voices that announce something)

"And now it's time to cut the wedding cake…"

After the loud clapping sounds…

"Hey Takaya, I am not expecting you also invited too" (Friend A)


"That's right, usually the bride never invite her ex to her wedding" (Friend B)

"Who do you mean by her Ex?"

"Of course it's you" (Friend A)

"We never dating"

"Seriously?" (Friend B)

"If that's true I should ask her to be my girlfriend a long time ago" (Friend A)

"That's right, I also have a crush on Hiyori" (Friend B)

"Hey..hey the one you talking about still on her wedding" (Friend C)

"But you two so close at high school, Takaya?" (Friend D)

"Are you really don't have any feeling about her?" (Friend E)

That feeling did ever exist.

I want to express my feeling for her several times, but…. I always hit the friendship wall

I never have the guts to say it to her.

As if…there were a chance….

No, actually there's was a chance before. When I'm playing my guitar in the club, Hiyori ask me…

"The song that you just played is very good. What's the title?"

"There's no title yet. It just made yesterday"

"Who made it?"


"What? You can make your own song Takaya?"

"Eh, sort of.."

"Great! Make one for me please, a song about me, please?"

That's it. That the chance that I've been waiting for.

If I make this song with my heart…in every tone will expressing my sincere feeling.

A few days later, finally, the song that I made for Hiyori is finished. Go to the club first thing I do when I arrive at school. And as I predicted, Hiyori is always the first arrive at the club to take care the plant

"Ah, Takaya…it's rare to see you come early"

"Where's the other member?"

"They are not coming yet"

It's a chance…a good chance

"Mmm…Hiyori…there's something that I want you to listen"

"Takaya, can I tell you something?"


"I already like someone…"


"It feels like magic. I never have any special feeling to him, but since yesterday suddenly I become…."

I can't hear it anymore, so I blurted any words that crossed on my mind

"Wow, it's so coincidental…I also just dating with someone"


"That's right…I also surprise with this coincidence. We really sync to each other, really good friend"

What's bullshit that I just said? But I can't control what I said just now. Hiyori makes a smile and commenting

"Is that so?....then let's do our best together"

"Ah, yes…"

Let's do our best together….that words make my heart break into pieces.

Since then, my times seem to stop moving

"Excuse me, Mr. Kido?"


"The entertainment time will start soon. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I will ready in a moment. Just let me take my guitar first"

"Takaya, do you really bring your guitar?" (Friend A)

"Yup, I put in the locker room"

In the locker room, after I take my guitar, I accidentally heard some girls talk in the other side of the locker room. the locker block my sight but I can hear what they said clearly

"Hiyori chan look so beautiful" (Friend D)

"Yup, I also want to get married soon" (Friend E)

"Hey, did you know? Some said when in the high school, Hiyori actually love Takaya very much" (Friend D)

Ah? Did I'm not misheard that?

"She ever wants to express her feeling, but Takaya already have someone else" (Friend D)

"What a bad timing, right?" (Friend E)

My memory going back to the time when I still in high school….at that time…in the club room…

'I already like someone'

So, that someone that Hiyori mention….is me? It is me that she meant that time?

… … …

(MC voices that announce something)

"And now Mister Kido, a friend of the bride will be presenting the song 'Ladybird Samba'…."

I start picking the string on my guitar, but the song I played is not Ladybird Samba

"Ah, this song…"

"This song is not ladybird samba, right?"

"But this song is good"

"Yes, the melody so beautiful…"

"What is the title?"

"I only hear this now…"

I…I can only be regretting …if that time I'm speaking the truth…the situation will be very different right? It might be me that stand beside Hiyori as the groom.


On the contrary, this day happen because I have no courage.

I played the song that I'd ever made for Hiyori, for the first and the last time…the feeling that I've ever what to tell…I left it here with my song, and take the step forward

"Hiyori….what's up?" (the groom)

"I don't know…I don't understand…these tears…just flows"

For a moment, when I'm playing that song, we feel like return to the time when we still in high school.

And when this song end, we will return as 'best friend'

My time that already long stopped, will start moving again

Make me can smile again and say….

"Let's do our best together"


SweetsTomato SweetsTomato

Guys and Gals, from those titles that I already write, which one that you like most?

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